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Chapter 61-65

Chapter 61

Hearing the exclamations and screams from the audience, Karl couldn't help but feel a little excited.

He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had enjoyed this feeling of being supported by everyone.

He had been treated like this before when he was a boxer.

Of course, it's far from what it is now.

But since he became a fugitive.

Every day is like a mouse crossing the street.

What flowers, applause, cheers...

That can only exist in memories!

'I must seize this opportunity! '

Karl swore silently in his heart.

It was Clark who gave him a chance to start over.

He swore that he would cherish everything!

"I, Shadowman, will represent justice and protect the peace of this city in the dark night!"

As Karl spoke, there was another cheer below.

Clark smiled and nodded, asking Karl to stand aside.

"Next, I invite my other teammate again, Crimson Storm!"

Crimson Storm, wearing a red uniform and a kind smile on his face, walked out from behind the door.

"It's Crimson Storm. I've read his comics. He can create storms with his hands!"

"Another superhero! Oh my god~! How many superheroes are going to be released today?"

"Great, I suddenly feel that this city has become much safer!"

"With these superheroes around, who would dare to commit a crime?"

"Long live the superheroes! Long live the Superman who protects the country!"...

There was another burst of cheers from the audience.

This is not only because they have seen these superheroes in comics come into reality today, but also because with the existence of these superheroes, their lives will become safer in the future.

Free America, gunfights every day.

This is not just a joke.

It is also a portrayal of real life.

Especially reporters like them often go to some more dangerous places. Many of the reporters present have experienced that kind of thing personally.

The reason why they can survive to this day is partly due to their cleverness and partly due to luck.

If they were not lucky enough, they would have been buried in the cemetery just like their dead colleagues.

So they are excited and cheering, not for others, but because of themselves

"Defend justice! Defend freedom! Defend the people of this country!"

"From today on, I, Red Storm, will protect all of this!"

The tall and handsome Crimson Storm, when he said these words, was more popular than the Shadow Man just now.

Listening to the cheers from the audience, Carl glanced at the approaching Crimson Storm with some displeasure.

'Cut~! Isn't he just a pretty boy? A bunch of superficial guys'

"Next, I invite my third teammate, the Tide Queen!"

After the cheers stopped, Clark once again invited the third superhero.

As a superhero with her own independent comic book work, and with her excellent image, the Queen of Tides attracted even greater cheers as soon as she appeared. Sound.

This made Crimson Storm, who was a little proud just now, feel a little unhappy.

'If ten thousand people ride it, only these idiots will like it. '

The Queen of Tide walked slowly to the stage on catwalk.

She wore a tight-fitting uniform with a large V design on the front and back that highlighted her figure.

This made all the male companions in the audience cheer.

Although they also liked the previous two superheroes, they were both men after all. They liked them purely because of their status as superheroes, but the Tide Queen in front of them was different.

She is not only a superhero, but also a beautiful woman.

What man doesn't like beautiful women?

Unless there is a problem with orientation.

Otherwise, no matter how dedicated a man is, he will subconsciously feel attracted to a beautiful woman when he sees her.

This has nothing to do with morality or anything.

It's just the attraction of opposite sexes between creatures, it's instinctive

"I will use my ability to protect this city! this country! Come and protect you!"

The Tide Queen opened her arms, and the two streams of water were spinning above her palms, making a splashing sound.

People's cheers in the audience became even more enthusiastic.

Seeing this, Karl and Crimson Storm secretly looked away Pork your lips.

They also wanted to add extra drama to themselves when they came on stage, but Karl was a little excited before and forgot about it.

And Crimson Storm simply did not have the ability to perform for himself and could not add extra drama to himself.

"This woman is quite smart."Clark looked at the Tide Queen who was adding drama to him, and he did not feel displeased by it. On the contrary, he admired her approach very much.

Of course, if the drama is done well, Clark will appreciate it.

But if it is self-defeating, that is another problem. A completely different situation.

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Marvel: Starting with the creation of Hydra

Chapter 62

With the appearance of the Tide Queen and others, other members of the Justice League also appeared one after another under Clark's introduction.

Whenever a well-known superhero appears, the following people can't help but exclaim.

However, the more you see this kind of thing, the more psychologically you will gain a layer of immunity.

So when the last two superheroes appeared on the scene, people's enthusiasm was far less than before.

This made the two superheroes who were placed at the end a little unhappy.

However, they were unhappy, but they did not dare to show it in the slightest.

After all, they don't want to leave this beautiful world forever from now on.

They have all seen Clark's cruel methods.

I still remember that time two years ago, there was a reserve member who didn't want to stay in the base for training, so he thought of using his own ability to sneak out.

As a result, Clark caught him before he could run very far.

That time, Clark tore the guy in half in front of all of them.

They still have nightmares about that scene in the middle of the night.

What's more, there's a reason why they were placed at the back.

The entire Justice League team, excluding Clark as Speaker, has a total of eight members.

The abilities of the two of them are ranked at the bottom.

Ability determines treatment.

This is something Clark has been emphasizing.

If you are not capable enough, you will not receive preferential treatment. vice versa.

Just like Karl, he is strong and has a very correct attitude during training. He never causes any trouble to Clark, so he will naturally get more preferential treatment.

Or maybe like the Queen of Tides.

Although he is not very strong.

But she looks beautiful!

This is also an intangible asset.

You know, among the many superheroes in comics, the Queen of Tides has always been among the top three in popularity.

Popularity is people's confidence.

After all, the greatest significance of their existence is to make money for Clark.

At the same time, it also makes money for themselves.

And to a certain extent, popularity means money.

If you are not popular, who will go to see your movie? Who will buy your merchandise?

This is a very real problem.

They are not fools, how could they not understand.

However, I understand, but I am still a little bit unconvinced in my heart.

"Everyone! I am here to officially announce that from today on, the Justice League is established!"Clark walked to the front, and behind him were the eight original members of the Justice League.

Everyone held their heads high and their faces glowed with confidence.

"These eight superheroes behind me will do their best to protect this city and this country in the future!"

"Please also trust us! Support us!"

"Everything, for justice!"

"For justice!"The eight superheroes shouted.

Countless flashlights flashed, recording this memorable moment.

"Okay, now is the question and answer session. If you want to ask a question, you can raise your hand."

As soon as Clark finished speaking, all the people below raised their hands.

"Madam, what's your problem?"

Clark chose one at random.

"Hello, Guardian Superman, why did you form the Justice League? Do you want to gain official recognition and become a special department?"

The other party asked a very pointed question as soon as he came up.

However, Clark was already prepared.

"Like I said before, it's all about justice"

"I was born in this country and grew up in this country. I have experienced many difficulties that ordinary people will encounter in life. I want to help those people, not for the limelight or fame, just because I have With such an ability, I want to help them!"

"As for, as this lady said, does it need to be officially recognized?"

"Of course, it would be best to be recognized"

"But I never thought about becoming an official institution"

"We people gather together not to make profits for ourselves, but just to bring some changes to this society and make it better, that's all."

After Clark finished speaking, he won applause from everyone below.

Then he asked a male reporter to ask questions.

"I want to ask this question to Queen Tide. Do you have a boyfriend?"

The surrounding reporters all cast disdainful glances at this person, but this person didn't care at all. He just looked at the Tide Queen with excitement, waiting for a reply.

"No."The Tide Queen smiled and shook her head and said.

Her smile made the male reporter below almost confess her love on the spot.

Fortunately, he still had a trace of reason left and did not do such a stupid thing.

Chapter 63

"Okay, next one."

Clark also felt dumbfounded by the male reporter's question.

He thought that the other party might ask some very pointed questions, but he just didn't expect it to be such a bloody question.

He even thought that this guy would go back later. After that, you may be fired directly.

"Hello, Protector of the Country, I would like to ask, these superheroes behind you, including yourself, where did your abilities come from?"

The reporter who was called by Clark asked another question that everyone wanted to know. Clark was already prepared for this kind of question.

"If you ask me personally, then I can only say that even I don't know where my abilities come from, because I have discovered from a very young age that I am different from the people around me."

"Everything is just like what I drew in the comics. I can only say that this is probably the ability I was born with."

"As for my teammates, some of their abilities came from accidents. They have been exposed to certain chemical products, which caused strange changes in their bodies."

"And some have come into contact with certain substances in nature that cannot be explained by current science, and thus have their current abilities."

"What I want to say here is that there are not only a few people like them in the world. Some may have discovered their differences, but they do not want to be exposed and choose to hide their differences."

"And some of them may not even be discovered by themselves."

"Here, I would like to appeal to all friends with special abilities, if you are willing, the door of the Justice League will always be open to you!"

"As long as you have justice in your heart!"

"As long as you want to help others!"

"Justice League, you are always welcome to join!"

There was another burst of thunderous applause from the audience.

When the applause ended, Clark clicked on another reporter

"Hello Protector Superman, since you said that your abilities are innate, is it possible that like in the comics, you are not actually from Earth, but from an alien planet?"

The reporter's question aroused a lot of discussion.

"I can't agree with this. Clark shook his head and said:"I have my own biological parents. Although they have passed away, I always firmly believe that I am a pure-blooded Earthling.""

"As for the Krypton mentioned in the comics, that is just a fiction in the comics"

"Even with regard to my own abilities, I believe everyone who has read the"Superman of the Nation" comic knows that there is a certain difference between the Superman in DC's comics."

"Therefore, I believe that I am an earthling"

"Not from Krypton."

The question-and-answer session lasted for an hour.

Clark answered a lot of questions, and even Carl and the others were asked by some reporters.

Fortunately, they all memorized the script Clark prepared for them. Otherwise, they would have been left to their own devices. Answer, I don't know how much trouble will be caused.

By the end of the question and answer session, today's press conference has almost come to a successful conclusion.

When they left, the faces of these reporters were filled with excitement.

Some even ran away directly. I was anxious to leave, anxious to go back and catch up on the manuscript....

On the third floor of Kent Film Studio, after the press conference, there was a sizable banquet.

Although the reporters had left, many people from other industries stayed to attend the banquet.

Karl and the others, who had been warned by Clark a long time ago, also behaved generously during the banquet and did not show their private bad habits.

In the middle of the show, Pietro also ran to the Tide Queen to get an autograph and took some photos together.

The little guy was so excited.

He even boldly kissed the Tide Queen secretly.

The Tide Queen was stunned for a moment.

After a moment of daze, she secretly glanced at Clark not far away, and found that he didn't look dissatisfied at all, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really afraid, afraid that Clark would misunderstand what she said to this child.

Fortunately, things didn't go in a bad direction.

Clark certainly saw Pietro's bold move.

He also didn't expect Pietro to be so bold today.

Fortunately he is a child.

So even if many people saw it, they just thought it was a child's mischief and did not cause any trouble.

"Pietro, I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

Wanda and Daisy, who had been following Clark not far away, saw Pietro coming back with a smile on his face. Both of them had looks of disdain on their faces.

"What do you know! Pietro blushed and argued.

"slightly slightly slightly~!"

Wanda made a face at him, snorted and turned away, as if she was too lazy to pay attention.

"Little pervert!"

Daisy giggled and gave Pietro a nickname.

This made Pietro extremely embarrassed.

But he couldn't beat Daisy, so he could only puff his cheeks angrily.

Wuxia & Light Novels Online






Marvel: Starting with the creation of Hydra

Chapter 64

"Hello, Mr. Kent, my name is Coulson from the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency."

"oh! Hello, Mr. Coulson."

Clark looked at the other person.

Coulson is worthy of the setting of Marvel's good old man.

As soon as you see his face, you give people a kind feeling.

It seems that there is a voice in your heart telling you that this person in front of you is trustworthy. Same.

But Clark won't be deceived by his appearance. He is an agent after all.

Moreover, it is wrong to judge a book by its appearance!

"Can we have a chat?"Colson asked

"certainly. Clark nodded,"However, can I ask what the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau where Mr. Colson is working is in charge of?""

Colson glanced at him in surprise.

This was the first time he met someone who remembered the name of their department after he only said it once.

"To be precise, we mainly deal with supernatural events and terrorist organizations that endanger the international community."

"It seems that I belong to the former. Clark said with a smile.

"I would like to believe that Mr. Kent you are on the same side as us."Colson said,"However, I still have some things here that I need to consult with you, Mr. Kent."

"No problem, just ask."Clark behaved gracefully.

"Mr. Kent, does the Justice League you founded only plan to operate in New York?"

"Of course, I will send my teammates to other cities and work in pairs to protect several nearby cities. Clark replied.

Coulson nodded and wrote down the information.

"So, I mean if - if one day, we need to use the power of Mr. Kent, your Justice League, will you be willing to help?"

"This depends on the specific situation. Clark replied,"If it is a just matter, we are bound to do it." But if it is just to satisfy some personal desires, then we will not give any help."

Colson nodded again, and then continued to ask

"Last question, if we wanted to allow Mr. Kent and your teammates to register their superpowers, would you be willing?"

"How to register specifically? Clark asked.

Colson said:"Just fill out a form and record blood samples, fingerprints and other things.""

"If that's the case, the form can be filled out, but I don't think my teammates will agree to the blood fingerprints. This involves their privacy, and this kind of behavior seems to be done when dealing with prisoners."

Clark shook his head and rejected Coulson's proposal righteously.

"Well, I'm done with my questions."Colson didn't seem to be much surprised by this answer,"In fact, I personally support what you are doing, Mr. Kent. The world does need a team of superheroes, and I also hope that Mr. Kent can help more people. people"

"This is our responsibility. Clark said.

The two chatted for a few more words, and then Coulson took the people away.

"Super power registration, ha!"

Clark is not surprised at all that SHIELD would come up with such a plan.

In fact, SHIELD has always done this.

In the TV series Agents of SHIELD, those Inhumans and other superpowers but People who pose no harm to society are registered with SHIELD.

Like criminals released on parole, they are monitored by SHIELD.

Once they violate the rules set by SHIELD, they will be severely punished. Punishment.

The main purpose of Coulson coming here today is to confirm Clark's attitude, and to tell them that there is an organization in this world that governs people with super powers.

This is a warning, but it is not a warning..

The main reason is that Clark's side is too strong, and SHIELD doesn't dare to be too strong. It can't even be a little stronger. It can only express its intentions in a tactful way.

This is different from what they have done in the past. The styles of doing things are obviously very different.

Clark doesn't care about SHIELD's warning.

He knows exactly what kind of organization SHIELD is.

An organization that has been infiltrated by Hydra has nothing to be proud of.

In Before Captain Marvel came back, before the Avengers were formed, SHIELD was nothing in Clark's eyes

"Maybe next time we can find a chance to cause some trouble for SHIELD."

Clark thought.

By destroying several SHIELD bases, he should be able to get a lot of destruction points.

Over the years, although Clark has earned a lot of destruction points, he also discovered a problem.

That is, ordinary As the incidents of vandalism progressed, the vandalism points that could be obtained became less and less.

It was like when he was a child, he could get it by letting any of his men graffiti, vandalize small public facilities, etc. Two or three points.

But now, this kind of behavior will not get even half a point.

Chapter 65

However, if it involves SHIELD, Hydra, Avengers, etc., organizations that have far-reaching influence in this world, even if it is just killing a random agent and breaking down a door of SHIELD headquarters.

You will be rewarded with certain points.

This is why.

Clark now rarely orders the Hydra under his name to do seemingly boring acts of destruction.

However, the existence of Hydra still brings him a large amount of destruction points every day.

Hydra members all over the country, plus several branches abroad.

Under Clark's remote control and under the supervision of Skynet.

From time to time there will be some big noises.

For example, new weapons are tested in such-and-such a place, or an organization is supported in such-and-such a place, and so on.

Actions with a large impact like this can still get a certain amount of destruction points.

There were even several times when the Hydra under Clark's name ran into other Hydras, and there were several fierce conflicts between the two sides.

During that time, Clark also got a lot of destruction points.

After destroying several old Hydra bases.

The other party also realized the strength of this Hydra organization that appeared out of nowhere.

There was no such conflict between the two parties later, but there were several good cooperations afterwards.

It can be regarded as recognition of the orthodox status of Clark's Hydra.

Currently, there are six Hydra forces with branches around the world.

The Hydra under Clark's name counts as one of them.

The other is Hydra lurking within S.H.I.E.L.D., headed by Pierce.

There are also the overseas Viper Lady and the Hydra under the name of Baron Strucker, which are two more groups.

Then there are the two Hydras headed by Whitehall and Gideon Malik, who are also operating in the United States.

In addition to these six main Hydra forces, there are other Hydra forces around the world, but these Hydra forces are basically insignificant and are not of concern.

And among these six Hydra forces.

The most powerful one at the moment is Gideon's side.

Gideon is the patriarch of Hydra and has a high status within Hydra.

His lifelong goal is to bring back Hive, the first leader of Hydra.

The history of Hydra can be traced back to ancient times. Hive was their first leader, but because of his powerful abilities, he was exiled to a distant planet and never returned to Earth.

After that, Hydra went through several generations of changes.

It wasn't until World War II that it evolved into today's Hydra.

The reason why Gideon wanted to welcome back the first leader of Hydra was certainly not because of how much he admired that first leader.

In fact, he was always only doing it for himself.

He learned about the existence of the first-generation leader from some documents, and during subsequent investigations, he confirmed the location of the planet where the first-generation leader was exiled.

He has always wanted to welcome the return of the hive, but in fact it was just to gain eternal life.

The older a person gets, the more afraid he is of death.

Gideon is the epitome of this statement.

He is already old, and half of his old foot has already stepped into the coffin.

He doesn't want to lose everything he has in front of him, just like all people in power, he wants to have control of this power.

Therefore, he wants eternal life!

Only eternal life can enjoy eternal power.

Gideon paid a lot of price to achieve immortality. In the original plot, he even sacrificed his own daughter.

Similar to Gideon, there is Walter Hall.

This Hydra veteran also seeks powerful power.

In fact, the goals of his research are similar to Gideon's.

Hive is one of the early Inhumans.

The object of Whitehall's research is the obelisk that can awaken the abilities of the Inhumans.

These two are considered to be relatively unusual among Hydra.

They concentrate on their own research and pay little attention to other things.

If developing forces didn't make it easier for them to conduct research, they might not even bother to develop the Hydra force under their own name. compare to.

Baron Strucker, who also likes to do research, is more like a typical Hydra member.

Baron Strucker and Lady Viper overseas, similar to the Red Skull from World War II.

While destabilizing the local country and gaining a lot of benefits for himself, he also researched all kinds of weird things.

Instead, it was Pierce at the end.

This guy looks a little out of place compared to the other four.

Pierce is committed to letting Hydra rule the world, and his methods are also those of spies and agents.

It's nothing more than putting one's own people in high positions, or winning over those in high positions.

Once upon a time, Gideon was also his collaborator.

But as Gideon's health became worse and worse, he was too lazy to participate in these things, and concentrated on welcoming the hive back.

If he didn't welcome him back, he might not be able to hold on anymore.

And compare these five Hydra forces.

The Hydra under Clark's name is diversified.

To be honest, let's talk about core technology.

No other Hydra can compare to Clark.

After all, he is a cheater.

How can mortals compare with gods?

But in terms of background, Clark's side is indeed a little worse.

Even though the Hydra under his name has developed rapidly in recent years, after all, time is limited and cannot compare with those guys who have developed for decades or hundreds of years.

Thangam_Robert Thangam_Robert

As per my dicipline for reaching 117 collection on the fourth day.

my draft are out of stock, but well after today I will be on hiatus for 2-6 days, so collect like crazy today.

same old rule 20 collection= 1 bonus chapter.

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