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Chapter 56-60

Chapter 56

"Mr. Clark, will you continue to fight against criminals and protect the peace of this city like you do today?"

A reporter asked loudly.

Clark smiled and nodded.

"Of course, this is my mission!"

"In addition, I will hold a press conference at Kent Films at 1pm tomorrow, and there will be an important announcement at that time."


After speaking, Clark soared into the sky under the gaze of reporters, and disappeared at the end of the sky in the blink of an eye.

Some special department personnel who had just arrived rushed into the air.

But they got the news from reporters. , Kent Films will hold a press conference at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

After getting the news, they immediately reported the information...

S.H.I.E.L.D., Trident Headquarters.

Inside the director's office.

The cold wind blown by the air conditioner made Colson feel a little cold in his suit.

"Coulson, at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, on behalf of SHIELD, you will go meet this superman who protects the country."Nick Fury put down the tablet in his hand and raised his head to look at him,"The other party is extremely dangerous. Pay attention to your safety."

"in addition——"

"Hill, take this video and let the experts analyze it. I want to know some specific information about this superman who protects the country."

Hill and Colson nodded, turned and left the office

"It's time to contact Carol and ask when she will be back."

Fury stood up and walked to a secret room in the office.

The last time he contacted Carol, the other party said that they had almost found all the Skrulls lost in the universe.

Counting the time, now it is It should be almost done...

White Palace, Office of the President.

The blond old president rubbed his cheek with his hand, frowning, looking at the paused picture on the screen in front of him.

After a while——

"Tell us your opinions."The president said.

The people sitting in front of him were silent for a moment, and then someone spoke.

"If the other party is really the Superman who protects the country in the comics, then my advice is not to become an enemy!"

An old man in military uniform spoke.

"My subordinates sent me a piece of information. The speed at which the other party left was as fast as six hundred times the speed of sound. This speed far exceeds the speed of any of our existing weapons. If we start a war, we will The weapon couldn't hit him at all."

The intelligence minister in a suit said.

"According to the information we have now, Clark Chow Kent, the Superman who protects the country, has a strong sense of social responsibility. Except for some misdeeds when he was a child, his growth process can be described as almost perfect. Such a person , unless he has been disguising himself since he was a child, otherwise, I have reason to believe that he will not do anything harmful to society."

Several people present expressed their opinions one after another, and then looked at the president in front of them, waiting for him to conclude.

"Then let's observe for now."Also, contact the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency," the president said....Their names are too difficult to pronounce. Anyway, contact their director and ask them to follow up."

"OK, Mr. President."...

Kent Films, in the office on the 32nd floor.

Clark is on the phone.

The calls were from John and Lisa.

The main purpose was to ask about his situation. In fact, the two of them had noticed the difference in their son a long time ago, but they did not expect that Clark would make such a decision.

However; whether it is John or Lisa.

They all support Clark in doing this

"Our little superman has finally become a real superman! Mr. John said with a smile, his tone full of pride.

"When fighting criminals outside, you should also pay attention to your own safety, you know?"

Lisa was worried about Clark's safety.

Although Clark repeatedly assured that no one in this world could hurt him,

Lisa, as a mother, was still worried.

We chatted on the phone for almost half an hour before hanging up. Break.

John and Lisa are still traveling outside. Clark is not worried about their safety.

He has sent a special operations team to protect them along the way, and his super hearing is also monitoring them anytime and anywhere. If there is any danger in the world, he will be aware of it immediately

"Next, it is time to witness the arrival of a new era."

Clark looked at the city outside the window, his sight penetrated through the layers of space, and saw countless people talking about the Protector Superman. What he heard in his ears were people's praise and praise for the Protector Superman. Support.

Even if there are a few different voices occasionally, it is insignificant.

Chapter 57

Los Angeles, Malibu Port.

Stark Coast Villas

"This Clark Kent really became Superman?!"

Watching the news on the TV, Tony, who had just finished his work and was about to relax, looked a little stunned.

Pepper, who came in with a document, saw him, hurried over and handed him the document in his hand.

"There is a document here that needs your signature. Also, there is an auction tomorrow, and there is a painting that you asked to pay attention to before. Do you want to attend then?"

"ah? What?"

Tony was just distracted and didn't hear clearly what Pepper said.

Pepper helplessly repeated what he just said.

"Tomorrow? Tony shook his head,"I'm not going, you can go for me.""


Pepper nodded, obviously already used to his boss's style.

"By the way, have you watched the news? Tony asked suddenly after taking the document and signing it.

"A superman who protects the country?"Pepper's face showed excitement,"Of course, I have been following it from the beginning. The Guardian Superman is simply amazing! He saved a plane of people!"

Seeing that Pepper had such high regard for this superman who protects the country, and looked like he admired him so much, Tony felt a little unhappy for some reason.

"Do your job well and don't read gossip like this during working hours. Tony said and handed him the document.

"Feel sorry! In fact, it's my off-duty time now. In theory, I'm working overtime for free."

"Is that so? Then I will pay you overtime wages."

"Okay, if nothing happens, I'll leave first."

Watching Pepper turn around and leave, Tony curled his lips in displeasure.

"Jarvis, bring up all the information on this guy for me, remember! is all!"

"OK, sir."

A virtual screen was projected from the ceiling and appeared in front of Tony.

Such technology, let alone civilian use, is difficult to see even in some national-level cutting-edge technology departments.

But here, it is It seemed ordinary.

Including the smart butler Jarvis he designed, they were all the result of world-leading technology.

On the screen, information about Clark was quickly listed.

Even small things like when he founded Hydra when he was young. , are included in

"Started a business at the age of 16, the youngest billionaire in history? Tony looked strange,"Shouldn't this be me?""

"Sir, theoretically speaking, you are inheriting the family business."

Jarvis's voice sounded.

Tony's face darkened.

"Jarvis, did I ask you? shut up!"

"OK, sir."

Tony continued to look down with a dark face.

"Did you create Hydra when you were a kid? hehe!"

Tony was happy watching it.

"Jarvis, do you think this is black history? Hydra! Protector Superman founded Hydra, so interesting!"

"Sir, according to the information I have here, you also joined a school gang called Black Python when you were in elementary school."


Are you my home's smart butler?

Why do I feel like you always like to tear me down?

Tony is upset

"Okay, okay, please pay attention to this guy's situation, I have to work, don't disturb me if there is nothing important!"

Tony ran to the underground laboratory with a dark face....

In the evening, Clark returned to the beach house.

The three little ones who had returned home from school immediately ran out when they saw him coming back.

"elder brother! elder brother! I saw the news, everyone is talking about you!"Little Daisy jumped into Clark's arms first, her little face full of excitement.

"The students all said that the Guardian Superman is a righteous superhero who will protect the country and save those who are in danger."

"Yeah?"Clark held little Daisy, looked at the three of them with a smile and asked:"Then do you like Superman?"

"Yes, I like it!"Little Daisy nodded heavily

"Regardless of whether Brother Clark is the Superman who protects the country or not, I still like Brother Clark!"

Little Wanda raised her head and looked at Clark with her big eyes.

Clark smiled and picked her up with one hand, one on each side, and kissed the two little girls on their faces.

"Brother, my love for you is not in vain"

"And I! And there I am!"Pietro raised his hands and shouted,"I also like the Superman who protects the country, I like it very much!"

"However, if I really have to compare, I still prefer Tide Queen."

Pietro's little face looked like a nymphomaniac.

"Cut~! Really useless!"Little Wanda rolled her eyes at Pietro with a look of contempt on her face.

"Brother Clark, is there really a Tide Queen in this world?"

Pietro looked at Clark expectantly.

"You'll find out tomorrow. Clark said with a smile.

"I believe there must be!"Pietro clenched his fists with his little hands, then looked at Clark expectantly and asked:"That...Brother Clark, can I not go to school tomorrow? I want to go to the press conference"

"That's not okay. Clark shook his head and did not agree to Pietro's request."Children have to go to school. How can they skip school? They will become idiots in the future.""

"All right."Pietro looked disappointed.

"Brother Clark, I want to go too!"Little Wanda looked at him and said

"Well, brother will take you with him tomorrow."

Clark smiled and agreed.


Chapter 58

So sad!

Is it really okay to treat them differently in front of me?

Pietro almost cried

"Brother, I want to go too!"When Little Daisy saw that Wanda was going, she quickly said

"Okay, everyone goes."

Clark nodded, then looked at Pietro

"Pietro, let's go too."


Pietro, who looked hurt just now, quickly raised his head with joy.

"If you don't want to go, forget it."Clark said deliberately

"don't want! don't want! I want to go, I really want to go!"

Seeing the anxious look on the little guy's face, Clark laughed.

It's also fun to tease this guy Pietro once in a while....

Not surprisingly, no official came to the door that day.

In fact, Clark had already known the official handling method before. They planned to wait and see first, and then decide whether to win over or suppress Clark after they found out what was true on Clark's side.

It all depends on how strong Clark can be.

However, Clark knew it.

As long as they wait until tomorrow, the officials will definitely understand that the so-called co-optation and suppression are actually not up to them at all.

The next day, morning.

Clark woke up from bed, faced the rising sun of the new day, and stretched out

"I wonder how many people had insomnia last night?"

He suddenly thought of something and couldn't help laughing. He went out and asked the three little guys to get up.

Then he went downstairs to have breakfast.

By the time breakfast was finished, it was already eight o'clock.

Usually at this time, Clark would send the three little guys to School.

But today is an exception. He has already called the school and asked for leave.

"Go meet the Queen of Tides!"

Pietro jumped ahead and walked in front, carrying a small schoolbag. The schoolbag contained a comic book of Queen of Tides. The little guy seemed sure that he would be able to see his idol Queen of Tides today, and Clark didn't know where he was. He was so confident, but he really guessed it right. I just don't know, when Pietro knows what kind of woman the Queen of Tides is in the future, will he still admire her as much as he does now?

This is not Clark's intention to embarrass Peter. Luo.

He really didn't expect that the little guy would be a fan of the Queen of Tides.

It can only be said that Pietro is too precocious.

"Well, it's better not to tell Pietro in advance, lest his dream be shattered too early."

Clark thought...

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Clark came to Kent Film Studio with his three little ones.

After asking his assistant to take them to play first, Clark arrived at the fourth underground floor of the Kent Film Building.

There are three floors of Kent Films' basement that are open to the public, all of which are parking lots.

Only the fourth underground floor is not open to the public.

Not many people even knew that Kent Films had a fourth underground floor, and only a few of Clark's assistants had been to the fourth underground floor.

These assistants are all Clark's cronies and people who can be completely trusted.

Or rather...Cyborg!

The artificial human technology was developed by Clark in an annual gift package a few years ago.

However, what is released is only technical information.

If you don't have enough ability, you can't monetize it.

Fortunately, Clark had provided a scientific research team in an annual gift package earlier.

This scientific research team includes a total of 26 members, 23 of whom are ordinary scientific researchers, and the remaining 3 are cutting-edge scientific researchers, belonging to the top level in the world.

Clark handed over the artificial human technology to this team.

It only took them three months to turn this information into reality and create the first intelligent artificial human.

The so-called artificial humans are not clones.

There is an essential difference between artificial beings and humans.

They look just like humans on the outside, but in fact they are mechanical structures on the inside.

And through special technology, their outer layer has extremely high-tech camouflage capabilities. Even under the scanning of scientific instruments, it is completely impossible to tell the difference between them and humans.

It can be said that he is extremely capable of camouflage.

Clark's men made more than a thousand artificial humans like this.

Part of it permeates all sectors of society.

Some were forged into combatants and became Hydra's cutting-edge special operations team.

The power of artificial humans is much stronger than that of humans. This mainly depends on the materials used in the manufacturing process and the main program.

Ordinary artificial humans can reach about five times the strength of ordinary humans.

As for the artificial humans who exist as combatants, they have the ability to reach ten times that of ordinary people.

And he is also proficient in various combat methods.

What's even more frightening is their execution.

All artificial humans are controlled by the deepest mastermind of Hydra Base 1 [Skynet].

Skynet was an artificial intelligence program that Clark released in that year's annual gift package nine years ago, that is, in 1996.

Because it was given in an annual gift pack, Clark didn't need to worry about its loyalty.

You can trust it to manage everything.

Including androids, including a large number of Hydra bases.

They are all controlled by Skynet.

And Clark controls Skynet!

Chapter 59

It is also because of Skynet as Clark's best assistant, coupled with the cutting-edge scientific research team and these artificial humans, that Clark was able to spread Hydra under his name all over the country in just ten years, and even extended his claws to other countries. nation.

Actually, to put it bluntly.

Clark, who has mastered Skynet, can be said to have completely dominated the Internet.

Even Tony Stark, Jarvis, the smart butler of Iron Man in the future, is now far less powerful than Skynet.

Skynet is like the Ultron of the future.

As long as there is a network, it is invincible.

If Clark wanted to, he could paralyze the global network in an instant and directly set the world's technology back decades, returning to an era when there was no network and could only rely on radio.

But Clark didn't do that.

He is indeed a bad person.

But that doesn't mean he's a lunatic.

What's the benefit to him?

On the contrary, it will only make him a global enemy.

Therefore, he asked Skynet to assist him in developing Hydra's power.

He wants to slowly grow the Hydra and turn it into a behemoth.

Originally, Clark planned to do it himself to strengthen Hydra, but after possessing Skynet, he found that he seemed to have nothing to do, because Skynet had already done everything that could be done for him, and he only needed to wait for it to be harvested. Just the goods.

This made Clark feel a little bored.

So the idea of ​​creating a superhero team came up.

He wanted to give himself a more glamorous identity on the bright side.

If he becomes a world-famous superhero, will people think that he, a righteous superhero in the eyes of countless people, is actually the leader of a heinous evil organization?

Initially, Clark wanted to create a true superhero team.

But later he felt that this was too tiring.

After all, to be with a group of real heroes of justice, he would definitely have to disguise himself.

Clark didn't want to spend most of the day pretending.

So, later he thought about finding a group of selfish villains and packaging them into superheroes.

This way, at least when he's off camera, he doesn't have to continue pretending.

And such a group of superheroes played by villains, do you expect them to do any good?

Under the guise of justice, he acts like a villain.

By the way, it can also help Clark collect some more destruction points.

It's literally killing two birds with one stone!

Clark spent five years doing this.

In the past two years, he only ordered Skynet to search for such talents around the world.

In the next three years, he officially began to implement this plan.

The first step is to package yourself as a successful person, a talented boy!

Then let people become familiar with the existence of these superheroes and become fans of these superheroes.

Only in this way, they will better accept the existence of these superheroes and not regard them as a threat.

Otherwise, it will evolve into a mutant situation.

However, this is not enough.

Clark had to flex his muscles, otherwise, it would be impossible for the government to allow a group of aliens like them to exist openly.

He only showed the power that made the officials fearful.

Clark can really build this team up.

Instead of turning them into official thugs.

Similar to the Avengers in the future, they have to be controlled by a group of officials above, which doesn't fit in with Clark's ideas.

In five years, Clark has done a lot.

He searched all over the world (Skynet helped), he drew dozens of comics (professional OEM), he invested to make money (still Skynet), made friends with celebrities (socialites?), and only rested in the middle of the night when he was busy every day (how many people? ).

In this way, he finally waited for this day.

Finally the day has come for the flowers to bloom and bear fruit! hereby...

Along with that a metal door opened.

Clark met his team

"Hello Speaker!"

The people who were chatting just now stopped and said hello loudly.

Facing Clark, they did not dare to be disrespectful at all.

Even a villain like Carl, who has extremely powerful special abilities, was well-behaved when facing Clark. like a pug

"Arrange your clothes and see what you look like now! Clark frowned and scolded.

Some of the uniforms were a little skewed, so he quickly sorted them out and restored them to neat appearance.

"There are still a few hours until the press conference. Even if you review your lines, if anyone dares to make a mistake, he will no longer need to stay in this team. Do you understand?"

"Got it, Speaker!"

Everyone responded loudly, and some had sweat on their foreheads.

Clark nodded slightly and looked at one of them.

"Tide Queen, come here with me."

He turned and walked to a room inside.


The Tide Queen came in and closed the door.

"Speaker, what do you want from me?"

Chapter 60

"Don't be nervous, sit down and talk."

After Clark sat down, he pointed to the seat in front and asked her to sit down.

The Tide Queen sat down a little uneasily.

The Tide Queen in front of her has beautiful long sea-blue hair, three-dimensional facial features on her face, and a figure that can be called She is a standard Western beauty.

However, Clark is not interested in her. On the one hand, he knows that the private life of the Tide Queen is quite chaotic. She has several unclear relationships just with the guys outside. On the other hand

, he knows that the Tide Queen's private life is quite chaotic.

, Clark does not like to have any emotional entanglements with his tool men, which will affect his judgment.

Of course, the most important thing is the first point.

The second point is only secondary.

"I have no other reason to call you in alone. I just want to tell you that a little boy will ask you for your autograph later. That is my brother. Remember to act like a little boy and don't reveal your true nature."

Clark warned.

After hearing that she had not made any mistakes and wanted to punish herself, the Tide Queen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, Speaker. I'm the best at acting, and I won't let your brother see anything wrong."

The Tide Queen said confidently.

In terms of fighting, she may be a little weaker, but in terms of acting, she is confident that she will never lose to other women.

"Well, you know, just get out."

The Tide Queen nodded, got up and went out...

At 1 p.m., Kent Films press conference was held.

A large number of reporters have arrived here early and set up their respective stations. Some female reporters are still arranging their appearance in the mirror, looking at the door of the venue from time to time.

At 1 o'clock sharp; the venue door opens.

Clark led people into the venue.

Hundreds of eyes fell on him, following his steps.

Clark still has a friendly smile on his face, giving people a feeling of spring breeze, and people can't help but feel good about him subconsciously.

Walk to the front of the venue.

Clark waved for everyone to sit down

"Everyone, I am sure you are all curious about what kind of big news I will announce today."

Dozens of cameras were focused on him, and the footage was broadcast live to thousands of households.

Clark glanced over and saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

He smiled and nodded at the other person, said hello, and continued talking.

Coulson stood on one side of the venue with several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

He looked at the man in front of him wearing a Protector Superman uniform with a confident smile on his face, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

He himself was a Protector. A fan of Superman.

He is naturally happy when a superhero like Superman appears in reality.

But at the same time, as a level 8 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., his duty tells him that he must calmly analyze the opponent's situation. , you cannot conclude that the other party will not cause harm to this society just because of your own personal feelings.

Behind him, there are several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents with meticulous expressions on their faces. Wearing sunglasses, you can't see the change in their eyes.

These people They are all elites selected by Coulson.

He doesn't want his men to show any embarrassing behavior when facing the Guardian Superman.

That will not only damage the reputation of their SHIELD, but also damage his future. down work, impact

"However, what big news will the Protector Superman announce?"Colson thought.

Although Clark on the stage had already talked a lot, he did not get to the point.

What he talked about were also some security issues in today's society.

However, Clark's story was vivid and interesting. It's about proportions, and there are some little jokes interspersed, but it doesn't make people feel boring.

Finally, more than ten minutes later,

Clark came to the point of today.

"There are so many security risks in the society we live in now, and people are facing threats from the dark side of the world every moment. Although we have police officers guarding every city, we must admit that for certain things, their abilities are limited"

"So, I came up with an idea"

"Why not form a team of superheroes like in the comics and use the magical powers of superheroes to protect the safety of these cities?"

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I have always believed this sentence deeply."

"To this end, I also found some like-minded people who had the same ideals as me. I gathered them together and formed a new team in the name of justice!"

"Dear reporters! Audience friends! Please allow me to introduce my teammate, Shadow Man!"

The music sounded.

The door behind Clark opened, and Carl, wearing the Shadowman uniform, walked out from behind the door with a serious face.

"Oh my god~! It's Shadowman!"

"It turns out that there is more than one superhero in this world: the Protector of the Country!"

"Shadowman! I am your fan! I love you!!!"

"Shadowman, look here!"...

The reporters at the scene, including those from all walks of life who were invited, kept exclaiming.

Did they ever think about the ten major events that the Protector of the Country would announce.

But they didn't expect that the Guardian Superman would bring them more superheroes!

This is so surprising!

What a surprise!

Thangam_Robert Thangam_Robert

As per my dicipline a bonus chapter for surpassing 80 collection.

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