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42.85% A lord of Mysteries wandering with a Sword / Chapter 30: More God Talk!

Chapter 30: More God Talk!

Cuddling the small black bundle of joy as he purred against me I was quite enjoying this. The only "cat" I had seen was a Khajiit so to finally enjoy the bliss of cuddling a cat was nice. So I fell quiet as I enjoyed this.


But there was an important step that was to come. He needed a name. As I began to think of such a thing my mother still had to have words with me.

"There are still things to discuss now, especially since you are my son. Because of your nature you have a place amongst us Dedra. This is not to be taken lightly as from our natures we collide with each other. We hold enemies and acquaintances as our, how you would say, relations to one another." 

She allowed that to stew before Sheogorath decided to chime in. "Some of us decide to just ignore one another. Like the crazy dragon thing Pyrite, I don't really have any "distastes" for one like him but i do not associate with him as Vaermina finds an ally with him."

Mom, really getting comfortable referring to her that way, openly scoffed at that. "Like you truly have allies Mad God. Most of us are discomforted by your involvement in anything as it would just lead to you disrupting things how you wish."

Sheogorath just laughed and said, "And I'd do it every time! it's always so fun to see you all squirm about trying to face my methods. What is it the Dwemer used to say. If it doesn't Burst, it needs no fixing! hahaha!"

"Nevertheless, My enemies will be your enemies as well. Most of them could care less as to me, but a few will be a thorn if they decide to intervene. Mollag Bal being a contender for the most annoying in his pursuits. Mephala because what I can feel from you now will be in contention with her spheres. Herma Mora can also be in this category, while his greed for your knowledge will also attract him."

Yep I was happy in my little comfort zone on her lap. Was no where near strong enough to deal with any of that kind of attention. Happy thoughts, pet the kitten.

Sheogorath appearing as the Skooma Cat brushed our sides as he walked around us and on the air in front of us. "There's no need to worry too much for now. You came barreling through the Void, That is a feat. Sithis in all it's vastness is very powerful. That from which many are, descended. For now, you are safe, you REPRESENT change... you represent IT. So they have to leave you be." 

"For now the crazy cat is correct" Sheogorath preened at her words ignoring or outright thinking it was a complement, which admittedly probably was. "The coming era will change much with the dragon veil. So Nirn or the Ebonmere will be the best place for you to grow, for now."

"So what are my options... as far as allies go?" finally feeling like I could speak past the existential dread. Not mentioning the possessive feeling my mom was giving me.

"Allies? Well, if Sheogorath's plans come to fruition he could be one. His "help" may be unorthodox, but effective nonetheless." Standing on air he puffed his chest up did a backflip and shifted once more to his human form.

"Of Course it will work, And that other bastard will be free to muck about how he wishes. Just as long as he no longer is destroying my realm! I'll be happy!... As much as I can."

They will do it alright. If before the champion was alone, now he has a party. Just now felt the draw of my Magicka so they were in a fight that actually required some muscle. Probably the fight with some forces of Order in the depths of Xedillian. Sheogorath's twitch of his lips into a frown confirmed as such.

"Of course that bastard decided to put some efforts to thwart my plans. But i have a Champion! I will win this bout. Or so help me I will put some mortals to work making me a new dart board with his face!" The realm's sky was telling of the Mad Gods anger as some clouds were moving about on the side of Dementia.

"But what the lass says is true. If the champion does succeed in our final goal I would be an ally so to speak. Still going to prank you though. I do that with those I like. Nevermind that was a lie, I always prank people!"

Mom picked up where he left off, "Another potential ally would be that of Azura. This is in part because of myself and your own affinity for cats. While she may be what mortals call, "Petty" she is a staunch supporter of mortals compared to the rest. Helping her achieve some tasks on Nirn might bring her favor. She is considered my sister, after all what is the night without the stars?"

Fun... but not a bad deal either. Now some questions were popping up in my head, and since i had two Dedric princes next to me shouldn't hurt to ask a few. 

"Sooooo, random thought questions here, I was curious about Dedric artifacts."

The melodious chuckle of both of them and the amusement through the bond showed their feelings of me changing the subject. 

"What do you wish to know, hmm?" Mother was the one to ask me. 

"like how would I go about creating my own, if you will."

Sheogorath ticked in with, "Oh, I believe you got something wrong, Dedra do not create. What we DO; is Corrupt, Alter, Change the object of and to our desires. Infesting it with our being that brings it to, whatever we wish! Like my Wabbajack for example! It was a Staff that belonged to one of those foolish Psijic mages. Made of ebony it seemed like the perfect little toy. So when a few mortals killed him in battle I took it upon myself to obtain a trinket. Imbuing the staff with a little of ol, Me, it became my Wabbajack."

Well, nice to know a mage's staff become a tool for a god. 

"The Mad God is correct. Our artifacts are obtained by us and then corrupted by our being. In some cases this also means from other princes as well. Take my key for example." 

A flourish of shadows and feathers appeared in front of her hands as she held them out. The key laid in her hands, but i could tell by the feeling it wasn't actually there. Just a projection of it.

"Once some mortals gave Azura a key blessed by Magnus's might. A key to the stars. But never did she use it, as she already held that power herself. So, I took it upon myself to steal from her, this key. In my hands, blessed by the shadows, it flourished. But it did not give me access to the void as I wished. Instead it learned to "Unlock" all. Claiming the concept upon itself. And so I became the patron of Thieves as they say with my act."

A small chuckle left her as she ended off saying, "She was mad for a few millennia for that but when her little cats began to worship her more she left it be."

"So theoretically, if I wanted a specific artifact created could that happen?"

Sheogorath to the rescue on that note, "Quite so, but a base would be needed. Not just any vessel is worth it though. What might you have in mind?" A grin was back on his face thinking of better things. Distracting him from his predicament was probably for the best. 

A thought of weapon came to mind. A truly fun idea that just fit the Mad God's brand of entertainment. 

"Hmm, depends if you know what a firearm is?" 

The Mad God in all his wisdom had to think for a second only to snap and light his arm on fire, "Like this?" the bewildered tone was questioning my sanity.

Still I laughed though. But corrected his thinking. "hehe, Not quite. Um? Think of it like a cannon only smaller that could be held in one hand. A trigger makes a small explosion happen and fires the projectile towards the target." 

A simple swipe of his hands and a Dwemer construct of what looks to literally be a "hand cannon" is in his arms. "Like this?" 

"Damn, they really did make those huh." Taking aim towards the horizon he chuckled and said, "Quite so, They were fun while they lasted. Sadly I don't have anymore of the cannon balls that explode anymore. (Sigh) They were quite the sight when I played with Hircine."

"Yeah, the version I'm thinking about is an even smaller barrel. It has a revolving cylinder that holds the ammunition. But the fun happens when we put you in the picture."

A playful eyebrow raise at my claim graced his face with a smile to accompany it.

"You have my attention?" 

A mad smile of my own with a bit of pride at my idea, "So, What if instead of bullets it was magic? And what if the magic that came from such a thing was absolutely and utterly random?" 

The wind blew from Mania as he began to chuckle. Then cackle at the fun such an idea possesses. "Oh, Mystery, You really, do belong here." he said between laughs.

In response I just said, "A little madness here and there doesn't hurt." "Ha, couldn't have said it better myself. Though I don't need to fight so I'll back off." 

That brought my attention to the shadows flickering menacingly around us. A huff from mom was what he got for his words.

"If you make the base of this "firearm" I'll make it my artifact. Oh, such Fun! It will be my Masterpiece. But "I" want to be the one to make it. So that will be your little task before the other one takes over. I want it to be my last little bit of THIS me."

"Sounds good to me, and I would be honored for it to be YOUR last artifact." I was happy he would go along with it.

"Honor's for fools and bastards. Just make sure you get a lot of fun out of it." waving me off with a smile of unbridled joy which brought a bit more light from Mania and made Dementia slightly less gloomy. 

"Do realms really reflect as much as this?" Mom answered my question this time.

"Yes and no. Sheogorath is very, Expressive, so his realm reflects this. Dedric Princes are our realms and our realms are us. Think back to how our artifacts come to be, we do the same to our realms only much more, in depth. Most princes keep a hold of our emotions so they do not change our realm as much as the Mad God's."

"Makes sense, was curious for my own, thing."

That got a curious feeling from the bond prompting me to continue to explain.

"Part of my thing with being a Lord of Mysteries is having my own little divine kingdom, so to say. My own little plane of Oblivion self contained inside me. This is a result of my Body's magic and the powers I became a successor too. So some idea of how to build it is helpful."

"hmmm. So instead of the floating planes surrounding Nirn you can keep it with you? Fascinating idea. Why, I would get to carry ma realm with me wherever I went? Sounds novel, YET, exhausting."

I chuckled at Sheogorath's words. "My brother can also do this magic whenever he has enough magical energy, It overlays it upon reality. While it is contained to a certain radius he can pull enemies into it where he could be considered a plane lord temporarily during a fight. My own would be the same when it is built, just need to figure out how to build it."

Mother hummed at my words, "So it needs to be built? Materials would probably need to align with your nature will be necessary. And with your new title you have gained access to part of my sphere as well. Mayhap a shard of Oblivion could help?"

A what now? she felt my confusion and said, "A shard of Oblivion. From which all planes start from they grow into the myriad planes scattered around Mundus. But for this one, a shard tainted by my shadows could be in order."

hmm, interesting... and enticing. Though I would need to consult Arrodes for if such a thing might help. If it has a will it might not be that great. Or it would have to be further down the line when the fragment assimilates it. I also wonder if shadows could be used for Marauder pathway. Probably not though because I can sense its more like a different form of Magicka. Oh wait, I can sense Shadows... neat!

"To find my shadows, Neat, is amusing. But i believe its now time to name the little one so it may open it's eyes and be bound to you."

Looking down I found the cat still purring but he had his head and ears tilted towards me. I thought of numerous names to give the little guy. The name of the cat from Konosuba was a frontrunner. But then I thought of how he came to be. A shadow that was taken from it's master and grew on its own. A rebel in his own right from two Gods no less. And the amusing thought if I ever met the real him. 

"Azazel. You are named Azazel. Named from the fallen angel who fell for his curiosity."

The kitten opened his deep purple eyes to the world. 


AN:// Name was picked by my coworkers after discussing a lot of back and forth. Someone suggested using fallen angel names and it stuck. Chomusuke was also thrown out there (Megumi's cat from Konosuba).

But, Meme-ability won out as the scene of DxD Azazel getting confused by using his name but not referring to him but a cat just makes me laugh.


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