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89.36% Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey / Chapter 41: Chapter 41) – Let Me Hold You

Chapter 41: Chapter 41) – Let Me Hold You

A/N: Haaah fuck me. So, I had set some auto-publish chapters for when I was away for the week, but I realised yesterday that the dates were set for the end of July and not the end of June. My bad.

As much as I would like to publish all 3 late chapters, I haven't been able to write for over a week due to work, so after them I'd be rushing chapters just for the sake of getting them out - which would affect my writing and the story.

Another piece of unfortunate news is that I got a promotion, and it means that I need to travel internationally. How is that bad news? Well, I thought it would give me more time to write - like while I'm travelling – but turns out it takes up even more of my free time. So, while I adjust to it I'll have to go back to 2 chapters a week, instead of every 3 days, to be somewhat consistent.

I'll also get round to all the comments some point this week, but wanted to get a chapter out so no-one gets worried I dropped this.

Apologies again, hope you enjoy, and feedback is always appreciated ❤


Slowly waking from her slumber, Mara was confused for a brief moment at the weight that was pressing down on her body.

Her confusion was swiftly dispelled, without the need to even open her eyes, as she gently squeezed on the part of the weight that she felt in her hands.

The reaction from the weight was instantaneous, a soft, "Mmmm.", millimetres away from Mara's left ear.

Mara had obviously awoken with Sif still lying on top of her body, just as she had laid her to sleep, and her hands had come to naturally rest on the Asgardian's ass cheeks during their night embrace.

Smiling to herself and opening her eyes, Mara looked down at the sleeping beauty in her arms as she began to gently kneed the buns within her grasp.

She knew that her actions would most likely result in Sif waking up, but they couldn't lie in bed and sleep or have sex all day. There was still another day of revelries that Mara, being the guest of honour, wasn't able to miss without a very good reason.

Unfortunately, sex was not a good enough reason.

Even if both Mara and I wished it was.

Joining my host in her attempt to awaken the koala stuck to her, I extended thin tendrils that massaged the Asgardian's legs.

Nuzzling into Mara's neck, Sif gave another soft moan from our combined ministrations, "Mhmmm~"

Giggling at how stark the contrast was between the sleeping Sif, and the warrior we had come to know during our short time together, Mara gently kissed the goddess's cheek.

When that still wasn't enough to wake her up, my host started to cover Sif's face in tender kisses while not forgetting to continue kneading the dough in her mitts.

Needless to say, the light pestering soon showed results.

With twitching eyelids, Sif started to straighten her arms and legs which had been tucked in so that she could fully fit into my host's embrace.

I say started, because after the initial movement she froze - seemingly having realised that she wasn't in bed alone.

Enjoying Sif's reaction, Mara brought her lips closer to the Asgardians ear, "Good morning sleeping beauty."

Recognising the voice, Sif's tense body immediately relaxed as she practically melted into my host and replied in a sleepy tone, "Good morning, Mara, El."

Since Sif still hadn't opened her eyes, Mara attacked them with her lips next as she commented, "As much as I didn't want to wake you, there's still another day of celebration. I have no idea what time it is, but I feel like we'll have to get up soon."

Evidently not as good as Mara at waking up, Sif softly grunted but continued to keep her eyes closed.

Wanting to let the woman in her arms wake up how she wanted, Mara stopped kissing her face only to notice that the goddess's breathing was slowly becoming rhythmic - betraying the fact that she was slipping back to sleep.

Such blatant disregard of her advice flipped Mara's playful switch and she took Sif's actions as a challenge, "So that's how you want to play then. I see."

Flipping over, Mara swapped their positions so that Sif was the 1 underneath her.

As anyone could expect, being flipped in a half-asleep state was enough to jolt the Asgardian awake at once.

With her unfocused eyes snapping open in surprise, Sif attempted to speak, "What-", but her lips were abruptly sealed by Mara's own.

After the initial surprise had faded, much quicker than it had when Mara first kissed her the day before, Sif reciprocated the intimate act and took the initiative to deepen it with her tongue.

Breaking the passionate tongue action, Mara slowly descended the warrior's body making sure to plant kisses as she went.

Fully anticipating what was to come, Sif opened her legs wide without Mara having to do, or say, anything.

That didn't prevent Mara from saying something however, "Look at you, preparing my breakfast for me without even needing to be asked~"

Blushing like a maiden from the comment, Sif truthfully admitted, "I… enjoyed last night a lot more than I thought I would."

Smiling at the statement, Mara finished her descent such that she was face-to-pussy.

Making the conscious effort to breathe hot air onto Sif's clit as she spoke, Mara replied, "We're glad you liked it, and there's plenty more where that came from if you ever want us to explore… more thoroughly."

Shivering from the warm breath on her nether regions, the goddess didn't comment further, and Mara didn't wait around either as she attacked the kitty in front of her face with her tongue.

Not 10 seconds after Mara had begun her assault, and Sif had made it clear how much she was enjoying said assault with her throaty moans, there came a knock on the room's door.

Sif, in a panic, tried to sit up, but Mara grabbed her thighs and kept her in place as she continued to dine on her breakfast.

When no answer was given to the knock, the interrupter knocked on the door again, which made Sif cautiously inquire, "Mmmmara, the dOhrr~"

Creating a head, I spoke in place of my host as to not interfere with her meal, "Mara said that they will get the message if we just keep ignoring them. Just focus on her tongue."

Helping out with Sif's pleasure, I sent tendrils to again massage her breasts and play with her nipples.

Completely trusting Mara and I, Sif closed her eyes and relaxed into the bed to fully enjoy the pleasure that she had already experienced, but made a noticeable effort to ensure that her soft moans didn't leave the confines of her throat.

Unfortunately, the door knocker didn't seem to understand that no answer meant piss off, as the next second said door opened to reveal Frigga, "Mara dear, today's celebration will start-"

Halting like someone had just pressed the pause button on her, Frigga turned on her heels and exited the room.

Just before fully closing the door however, she made sure to finish what she had started to say, "The celebration will start soon, so you need to choose what you are going to wear. You do not have to sing the first song this time, but get the option if you so desire."

Borrowing my host's voice, I answered, "Thank you mother, we'll meet you in your room shortly. We're just having some breakfast."

With a short time limit set, and Frigga shutting the door closed, Mara redoubled her efforts to get Sif off.

If the warrior was off put by the fact that Frigga had walked in on them, she didn't show it.

She was still just as horny after the fact, than she was before it, which meant that Mara's increased efforts brought the goddess to climax pretty quickly.

Moving her arm and placing her hand on Mara's head, Sif stroked her hair while she spoke, "That was just as amazing as it was last night, but you should stop for now. We shouldn't keep the queen waiting."

A little disappointed that their time was interrupted, Mara didn't let it show on her face as she agreed, "Sure thing. You know where to find us if you want to have some more fun while we're still in Asgard."

As I absorbed my tendrils back into my host's body, I transitioned into some basic grey shorts, a matching grey T-shirt, and some black slippers. There was no need for detailed clothing since I would have to change my form to match the new dresswear anyways.

Watching the transition, Sif could help herself as she commented, "If only it were that easy for everyone to change attire."

Winking at the warrior, Mara replied, "What can we say, we're 1 of a kind."

Before heading for the bedroom door, Mara asked something that she had only just realised, "Why don't I feel even a little bit hungover? Sif, has Asgard figured out how to prevent hangovers?"

Tilting her head slightly, the goddess answered, "I am not sure what exactly a hangover is, but using the context I presume you are talking about the headache and lethargy which results from overindulgence of alcohol. Correct?"

Receiving a nod of affirmation, Sif continued, "The dwarves that Asgard trades with are experts when it comes to brewing and distilling alcoholic beverages. Provided you do not drink the specialities that are older than even I, your body will easily be able to break down the alcohol to prevent the negative side effects which typically follows."

A little surprised, but then pleased at the ability to get as drunk as she wanted without any bad head the next day, Mara just bobbed her head while commenting, "Good to know."

Walking backwards towards the door, still facing Sif, Mara repeated what she had told the Asgardian the night before in her drunken state, "I'll head out first, so you can go back to your room or freshen up here. Just remember, you don't seem to realise how desirable you are to others since you've only had eyes for Thor. You don't know your worth, and you deserve a lot more than sparky was willing to give you. Figure out what it is that you want from a partner, but don't feel rushed. Jumping into something you don't want is worse than not doing anything. See you around, beautiful~"

Giving the goddess space to sort herself out, both in the physical and mental sense, Mara exited the room and made the journey to Frigga's bedchambers which were adjacent to Odin's, for obvious reasons.


The second day and night of revelries was similar to the first.

Mara vetoed her right to the first song as she only knew how to play a handful of songs and none of which were really partying anthems. The song my host had played, and we had sung, on the first day was 1 of the least depressing songs that she knew how to play according to her.

She did know a few upbeat instrumentals for songs, but the accompanying lyrics that went with them were a juxtaposition in that they were sombre or disheartening.

What was different about the successive party, was that Thor had brought along Jane and his other Earth scientist friends – Erik and Darcy.

Although Loki had still escaped, part of the movie timeline that Mara knew had changed.

Thor hadn't destroyed the connection between the Himinbjorg and the rainbow bridge, which would have resulted in the Bifrost's origin falling into the abyss below Asgard, so there was still clear access to the nine realms.

This meant that unlike the movies, Thor could bring Jane into Asgard, and he could visit Earth, whenever he wished.

Initially Mara wasn't particularly forward in getting to know her fellow Earthlings, but after enough drink to give her a buzz and make her think knowing them would be a benefit to her, she made her way over to their table, "Yo, I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves. I'm Mara Helasdottir, nice to meet ya."

Sitting herself down on an empty chair, the other humans seemed surprised that my host decided to interact with them.

Looking at them all individually, Mara questioned, "Cat got your tongues or somethin'? This is the part where you introduce yourselves, you know."

Snapping out of her daze first, Jane responded, "You're right, that was rude of us. I'm Jane Foster, a human, from Earth."

Jane was a woman that looked to be in her mid-20's and very short at approximately 5'3". She had medium skin, with a golden undertone, which matched perfectly with her brown eyes and the light shade of brown her hair was coloured. Said hair wasn't styled for the festivities and instead cascaded over her shoulders freely. She was wearing an Asgardian styled dress with the colours being reminiscent of silver metals – which all the expensive female party attire on the planet seemed to consist of.

Following his associate's lead, Erik spoke next, "I'm a colleague of Jane's, Erik Selvig. I'm also human and from Earth."

Erik appeared to be in his late-50's, maybe his early-60's. Although he was sat down, it was clear that he was slightly taller than Thor, who sat near him, so was upwards of 6'2" in stature. Due to his advanced age, what remained of his hair had all but lost its brown colour and almost completed the transition to grey. He had fair white skin and blue-ish/hazel eyes. Like all the other men attending the celebration, he also wore a tunic that was made from criss-crossed fabric. Similar to the women's clothing, it seemed that the more metallic and armour-like the tunic, the more expensive. Erik's was made from high-quality fabrics, but was brown in colour so was probably not too expensive when compared to Jane's.

The last 1 to speak was Darcy, and she didn't exactly follow the other's footsteps, "You're really pretty."

Smiling at the complement, Mara was prevented from replying as Jane hissed at her friend, "Darcy! Introduce yourself like a normal person."

Darcy looked to be the youngest of the trio and in her early-20's at the latest. She had pale white skin, but rosy cheeks which only enhanced her appealing complexion. Her black hair sprawled over her shoulders, just like Jane's, and her eyes were a unique shade of grey. She was also wearing an Asgardian styled dress, but was only made from a cream coloured, high-quality, fabric like Erik's attire - rather than Jane's.

The unorthodox woman apologised and did as instructed, "Sorry, I'm Darcy Lewis. I'm the same as those 2 and I work alongside them as an intern. An intern is sort of-"

Mara cut off Darcy with a gentle smile on her face, "I know what an intern is Darcy. I appreciate the thought though. The Asgardian's definitely won't know what it is."

My host took a mouthful of her drink after making her comment, and Erik picked up on the wording she had used as he asked, "Asgardian's? You mean you're not Asgardian?"

With her mouth still full of the beverage from her tankard, Mara could only nod while Thor took it upon himself to verbally answer the question with the predetermined backstory, "Mara is part Asgardian. Her mother is my sister, but since said sister is exiled my mother and father have adopted her. Strangely, she is my niece and sister at the same time. We believe she may be part human as she grew up on Earth, so she is more attuned to your culture and way of life than she is to ours. You have already met in fact, but t'was only in passing."

The most outspoken of the trio, Darcy, tried to counter back, "Are you sure? There's no way I wouldn't remember seeing someone as pretty as her."

Giggling and smiling at the complement, Mara clarified, "Hehe, thank you cutie, but my brother is correct. We have met before."

With confusion on their faces, I began the process of spreading my form over half my host's face before she even needed to send through the request.

As my form took on the suit features, I linked our mouths as we enjoyed the look of shock that graced the human's faces, "Hehe, recognise us now?"

Erik and Jane didn't comment, but Darcy did, "Well that explains why I don't remember you. I wouldn't have guessed you were the scary monster from a few days ago."

Taking another sip of her drink as I absorbed my form back into her body, Mara shrugged her shoulders and replied, "Wouldn't work very well as a secret identity if it gave any clues about who I was. Besides, the scary aspect of it works wonders against piss-babies. Erik and Darcy, if any of the Asgardian's get a bit rowdy and you feel uncomfortable just shout me over. Chances are Thor and Jane are gonna disappear at some point to bone. So, although Asgardian's are physically superior to humans, we can still easily take them down if sparky isn't around."

Darcy giggled at my host's choice of words, while Erik just smiled.

Jane, on the other hand, naturally tried to refute the claim, "Hey! We are not going to disappear to 'bone' thank you very much."

Ignoring Thor's eyes heading towards the floor, Mara waved the scientist off, "Yeah, yeah, and water's wet. It's nothing to be ashamed of around here, Asgardian's aren't as uptight as humans, so feel free to let go a little. Plus, the alcohol around here doesn't give you hangovers. Some special Dwarven recipe or something, go ham. Now if you'll excuse us, we've got some mingling to do. Have a good night folks, and remember not to use protection Thor. Mother wants grandkids after all~"

Standing up from the table and slipping away into the various Asgardian groups, Mara didn't wait for Jane's telegraphed rebuttal or for Thor to state something along the lines of how there was no need to rush for grandchildren.

Unexpectedly, however, only a few hours later Mara was pulled from her mingling as Sif hooked her arm around my host's and pulled her away from the group she was talking to.

Turning to face the goddess, Mara was taken aback with how drunk the warrior was.

Her face was flushed completely red, and she was barely standing even while leaning on my host with all her weight.

Her speech was also heavily slurred as it came out, "Maaha. Hath shum av dish."

Barely understanding the intoxicated Sif, Mara only realised what she said when the Asgardian lifted her mug in front of my host's face.

Without even tasting the drink Mara could tell it was stronger than anything she had ever drank before - just smelling the thing resulted in her seeing double for a second.

So, for seemingly the first time since I had bonded with her, Mara made the sensible decision, "I can't drink that, or I think I'll instantly blackout. You should stop drinking it as well since it's the stuff that'll make you feel terrible in the morning."

Not listening to my host's advice, Sif took a big mouthful of the liquid and ended up spilling more around her mouth than she did actually drink any.

Shaking her head, Mara stated, "Come on, let's sit down before you fall over. No more of the super strong stuff misses, you'll only regret it in the morning."

Walking over to the nearest empty table, Mara set Sif down before also sitting down next to her.

Requesting a drink for herself, and some water for Sif, from a nearby servant, Mara asked the goddess, "So, what's up? There's no way you'd get this drunk for no reason. Let me guess, it was Jane, right?"

Watching the Asgardian the entire time she was speaking to her, Mara didn't miss the obvious flinch at the human's name.

Understanding the situation from the action alone, Mara put an arm around Sif's shoulders and pulled her close, "I'm not going to judge you, don't worry. Everyone gets sad sometimes and that's completely fine. Everyone experiences heartbreak at least once in their life, and 99% of them experience it more than once. I can understand you drinking your sorrows away tonight, but don't go making a habit of it. The last thing Asgard needs is its best warrior to become a drunkard, okay?"

In response, Sif shook her head - that was resting on Mara's shoulder - and slurred out, "Am nawt vhe besht woyyer."

Giggling at what Sif said, Mara replied, "Hehe, silly goose, of course you are. You think because Thor is stronger than you that he's the best warrior? He's all hammer. Without Molly he'd be rolling around in the mud struggling against a human, believe me, I've seen it. The warrior's 3? It takes 3 of them to match you, so they're only a third as good as you are individually. Who else is there other than them?"

Still not accepting Mara's reasoning, Sif murmured back more coherently than before, "I am weak."

Squeezing Sif's face between her hands, Mara forced the fragile woman to look into her eyes, "Listen to me Sif. Just because you show emotion or had your heart broken does not make you weak. Back on Earth we have a saying, 'I'm only human'. It means that no-one can be perfect at everything. Human's inherently have flaws and any sentient species, including Asgardian's, are the same."

Pausing for a second to make sure her words were getting through to the intoxicated Asgardian, Mara continued, "You've had your heart broken by someone that couldn't see your true value and, as much as you won't want to hear this, nothing you do will change that. If you need to completely focus on training or even travel the 9 realms to keep it off your mind then do it. Another saying we have is, 'time heals all wounds'. It may feel like your world is crashing down now, but eventually you'll wonder why you ever felt this way in the first place for someone that doesn't deserve you."

Tears began to build in the Asgardian's eyes as she responded with the most clarity yet, "But it hurts so much. Every time I see them it feels like my heart is being ripped from my chest."

Pulling the woman in her hands into a hug, Mara rubbed her back just like Frigga had done for her when she had broken down into tears upon hearing that she would be adopted, "It's going to get better. It'll take time, but it will get better. That, I promise you. If you ever need to vent or you just need a shoulder to cry on we will always be available for you. Don't hesitate to come to Earth if we're not in Asgard, or summon us back to Asgard... somehow."

Letting Sif enjoy the embrace until she was satisfied, the 2 women separated with the goddess requesting, "I think I am done drinking for the night. Would you be able to walk me back to my room please? I'm not sure how stable I will be."

Gently smiling, Mara responded, "It would be my genuine pleasure, my lady."

Standing up from the table, Mara wrapped her arm around Sif's waist and set-off towards her room.

BananaPancke BananaPancke

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