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85.85% Call Me Brook

Chapter 84: Chapter 84: AmbassadorS

Year 231 AMW


As I sat idly in my throne room, shaping a piece of wood into the form of a lion, the wood shavings fell to the ground in a steady rhythm. Lazily perched upon my throne crafted from stark, dark blue, almost black ice—soul ice, to be precise—I found myself lost in the task. Over the years, this soul ice had continued to grow, eventually it became a massive three meters.

"MY KING!" The sudden interruption caused me to look up from my work. Before me stood a young ghoul adorned in heavy black armor with striking light blue highlights. His bright red hair served as a stark contrast to the somber surroundings of the throne room, which was constructed from dark stone that seemed to absorb light. Despite the presence of three pairs of massive windows on either side of the room, the space remained shrouded in shadows.

"What is it, Billy? Didn't we speak just a week ago, also call me uncle? Why are you here so soon?" I inquired, rising from my throne to observe the son of my closet friend and advisor . Billy came to a halt not far away, swiftly saluting with his right arm over his heart before speaking.

"That was a year ago, uncle," Billy replied, his words jolting me with a sense of realization. Time had begun to blur for me, a fact that caught me off guard. However, setting aside my own concerns for the moment, I addressed Billy, inquiring about the reason for his visit.

"What brings you here in such a sprint? Did you piss off your dad again?" I jest with Billy, my tone playful as I accept the scroll from him. As I begin to peruse its contents, Billy explains the reason for his urgent visit.

"Sir, border patrol has reported a caravan of brightly colored men and women heading toward Frostholm. Dad sent a group of knights to intercept them, and we've discovered they're ambassadors from a new nation called the Candy Kingdom. They claim to come in peace, and Dad instructed me to alert you."

As Billy speaks, I feel a pang of realization—I had forgotten about Princess Bonnibel. Hastily unfurling the scroll, I'm greeted by beautiful handwriting that stretches the entire length of the parchment.

The scroll read:

[Dear Lord or Lady of the North,

I, Bonnibel Bubblegum, of the Candy Kingdom, greet you and hope to form a long and fruitful relationship with your nation through our ambassadors. While I don't know much about you personally as a leader, your people have shown great kindness over the course of the hundreds of years your nation has stood. People all over the land of Ooo echo praises for your knights, who eliminate all manner of beasts and monsters, feed the starving, and build homes for those in need. Therefore, I hope to receive a letter back from you.]

As I read Princess Bonnibel's words, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and intrigue. Why would she send ambassadors to our nation? And indeed, wasn't it a bit early in the timeline for such diplomatic interactions? Questions and theories raced through my mind, but I decided to set them aside for now.

"Bring the ambassadors to the nearest city to the border, Frostholm," I instructed Billy. It was time to meet these envoys from the Candy Kingdom and see what they had to offer.

"Alright, uncle. See you in a bit," Billy replied, backing out of the throne room. As he departed, I made my way over to my throne, issuing a simple command. The soul ice comprising the throne began to warp and shift, covering my body in a layer of heavy plate armor. Despite the additional mass, the armor compressed itself to avoid appearing too bulky, fitting snugly beneath my cloak, which expanded to accommodate the change in my form.

"Teleport," I uttered, and in an instant, I vanished into specks of light. As I reappeared at my destination, a quiet chuckle escaped me. The thought of Billy rushing back for something that could have easily been communicated through a mind link amused me. I had no doubt that Duke found it equally humorous, given his familiarity with the connection I had with all my servants of which majority was located on the border.

"Welcome, my king," Duke greeted me warmly as I materialized in his office. He worked tirelessly from this space to manage the city of Frostholm and its surrounding villages. It was a role I had appointed to him after he expressed a desire to pass on his position to his son, who had demonstrated remarkable talent and physical prowess.

Indeed, I had been impressed by the young man's abilities, to the point where I had examined his status through scrutinize. What I discovered was intriguing: his race was not simply "ghoul," but "High Ghoul." It was a single letter difference, but it made all the difference. This distinction meant that he was capable of extraordinary feats without relying on magic.

"Hey Duke still old?" I asked looking at my closest friends graying hair the wrinkles clear as time slowly but surely created on him. He wasn't alone to as alot of my first generation servants were all to old to fight and now just acted as combat instructors or teachers.

"Not getting any younger so are you ready to meet these Candy people?" standing up from his desk Duke immediately led me to down several set of stairs as he led me to set of doors that once he openend to reveal a group of 20 people the first which I noted were the guards of which there were 15, in the hands of these guard were spears that were just as tall as them with a clear blue crystal as the tip, there armor were a mix of metal and cloth colored white and yellow respectively with designs of banna all over. Finally I noted there glossy yellow skin and their brown chocolate hair which was filled with blue icecubes. Overall they all didn't look the exact same and instead looked like close brothers.

'Okay, not real banana, this could be interesting,' I mused silently to myself as I shifted my gaze to the others in the group. Similar to the banana guards, these individuals appeared akin to close brothers, yet they wore robes of varying shades of pink instead of yellow and white armor. The robes covered every part of their bodies except for their heads, revealing a myriad of hair colors and skin tones that matched the food they represented.

"Greeting I am Candy corn and I greet the Lord of the north" The first to speak was young looking many with with orange, white and yellow hair who greeted me with small bow followed by the other candy people after doing so quickly brought out 5 large chest that sat on a table nearby which were filled with many different candies and sweets which I joyfully accepted as over the course of these hundreds of years I didn't have any candy when in my past life I would eat till my teeth rotted.

"Welcome to my kingdom, you are welcome to stay as long as you want just let Duke know before you leave the city" I said getting a nod from the group of ambassadors as I quickly left but before I left I waved over a human guard in full armor as I whisphered one simple order into his ear.

"Have the bloodhounds keep an eye on them," I instructed, receiving a simple nod in acknowledgment. Without delay, I swiftly left and teleported back to my castle, where I began preparations for what lay ahead in the coming centuries.


Soooo let me just say this now I pushed the accelerator for the Candy kingdom and they will be 300 to 200 years ahead also the cant people although stupid wont be to incompetent.


[Name: Brook. D .Newport]

[Race: Undead]

[Species: Withering skeleton warrior]

[Class: Death Knight{Frost}]

[Rank: 2]

[Level: 46](4,404,274/5,000,000)

[Health: 375/375]

[Mana points: 104/104]

[Stat points: 0]

[Strength: 126]

[Endurance: 125]

[Agility: 125]

[Wisdom: 52]

[Intelligence: 52]

[skills: [Scrutinize: Lv Max], [Frost Strike: Lv Max] [Chains of Ice: Lv Max] [Permafrost: Lv Max], [Cold Breath: Lv Max], [Frozen Fortitude: Lv Max],[Chilled Servitude: Lv Max], [Glacial Dread: Lv Max], [Desolate aura: Lv Max], [Vitality steal: Lv Max], [Soul Ice]

[Note: ...]


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