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Chapter 84: Chapter 84

"Roger, are you trying to go back on your word?" A CP0 agent flickered next to where Roger sat casually after breaking the restraints. "Don't think of causing any trouble," the agent whispered, his voice low but filled with warning. However, Roger merely chuckled and remained seated, unfazed by the agent's threats, while the Marines hurriedly arranged for new executioners.

As the chaos among the crowd reached a tipping point, a pirate bellowed with all his might, "Hey, King of Pirates!" The shout echoed through the plaza, capturing the attention of everyone, including Roger, who looked in the direction with a wide smile on his face. The CP agent's expression soured, realizing that the situation was spiraling out of their control. It became evident to everyone that it wasn't the World Government or Marines who captured Roger, but that he had surrendered himself.

Another voice rang out from the crowd, eager for answers. "Where did you hide all the treasures that you found?" The allure of immeasurable wealth ignited the flame of greed in most hearts, especially considering the legendary treasure rumored to be in Roger's possession.

"You got it, didn't you? The legendary treasure? The one everyone has been searching for... for centuries." Another voice chimed in, fueling the frenzy of questions and stirring up even more curiosity among the crowd.

"Quickly, shut them up! Find those bastards who are causing dissent!" Zephyr bellowed from the side of the scaffold, emerging from the shadows after my disruptive actions.

Despite the Marines' attempts to quell the situation, more and more questions were thrown out, intensifying the chaos in the plaza. The CP0 agent behind the mask realized that the situation was worsening, knowing that if Roger began to answer these questions, it would unleash chaos across the world.

"Where the hell are the executioners? Bring them up and execute the pirate now!" He roared in anger and frustration, his voice laced with desperation.

"Roger, keep your mouth shut !" He turned to Roger to command him, but the glint in Roger's eyes spoke volumes. He had no intention of heeding the agent's words, especially with his restraints removed. If Roger chose to retaliate, there was nothing the agent could do to stop him.

"The greatest treasure of all, One Piece! Tell us, Roger! Share it with the world now that your era has come to an end!" I thundered, my voice carrying over the noise in the plaza. Thunderclouds gathered overhead as I manipulated the lightning, amplifying the dramatic tension in the air. With each passing moment, Roger's aura soared like a blazing sun, casting a spell of anticipation over the plaza.

Around the plaza, various parties waited with bated breath for Roger's answer, knowing that whatever he revealed would forever alter the course of history.

Among the crowd, notable figures loomed large, their presence adding to the charged atmosphere of the plaza. Even Dragon, deemed one of the most notorious criminals in the world, stood among the throng. Shanks and Buggy, especially the latter, were visibly distressed, their emotions laid bare as they witnessed Roger's final moments.

"Tell us about the One Piece, Gold Roger!!!" voices echoed throughout the plaza, the anticipation reaching its peak as the crowd clamored for answers. The Marines, already using force to subdue the riled-up crowd, struggled to maintain order amidst the chaos.

Amidst it all, Roger's laughter cut through the tension like a knife, reverberating throughout Loguetown. His aura now fully engulfed the island, subjecting everyone to an invisible pressure that spoke of his indomitable spirit. He knew the time was right for the grand reveal, to ignite a spark of revolution for the future.

"My treasure? If you want it, you can have it!!" Roger declared, his words carrying a weight that reverberated in the hearts of all who heard them. "Find it!!!" he bellowed, his command ringing out with authority that left no room for doubt.

Beside him, the CP agent lost all patience, and two new executioners swiftly took their place, their blades raised to end the Pirate King's life. But Roger remained undeterred, his smile unwavering even as death loomed near.

"I left everything this world has to offer there! Including all the wealth accumulated over my lifetime, including the legendary treasures!" Roger's words carried a sense of finality, a testament to the legacy he would leave behind.

"Shut up, Roger! Shut your damn mouth now!!" The CP0 agent screamed, trying to mask Roger's voice. Just then, a stone hurled towards the CP0 agent, who was attempting to interrupt Roger. However, the agent easily dodged the attack, and the crowd became increasingly agitated as they anticipated Roger's final words.

"Find One Piece!, I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you just have to find it." Roger's voice echoed through the plaza, each word carrying the weight of a thousand destinies. His declaration hung in the air, tantalizing and enigmatic, sparking a frenzy of speculation and excitement among the crowd.

The implications of Roger's words reverberated through the hearts and minds of all who heard them. In that single moment, the promise of untold riches and unimaginable power beckoned, tantalizingly close yet shrouded in mystery.

As Roger's final command echoed into the depths of history, the plaza erupted into chaos, with pirates, Marines, and civilians alike scrambling to decipher the cryptic message. For in those few simple words lay the key to unlocking the greatest treasure the world had ever known—the fabled One Piece.

And in that moment, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, the legend of the Pirate King lived on, his legacy destined to shape the course of history for generations to come.

Just as the blades descended, piercing through Roger's chest, a defiant smile remained etched on his face, a testament to the man who had triumphed over fate in his final moments.

No one knew who threw the first attack, but with Roger's words settling in and his death marking the end of an era, the entire plaza erupted into chaos. The revelation that the One Piece was real sent shockwaves through the crowd, igniting a frenzy of speculation and excitement.

"Seal the island! I don't want anyone leaving before I say so," commanded the leader of the CP0 agents, his voice cutting through the clamor. He had received orders from the elders to suppress the news within Loguetown, fearing the chaos that would ensue if the truth spread.

"Hahahaha, you sure are crazy, little brother," Doflamingo chuckled, his eyes scanning the chaotic scene before us. "You never told me Roger's last moments would birth a new era. But it seems the World Government's dogs don't intend to let anyone leave the island."

Doflamingo's gaze shifted to Smoker, who eyed us warily amidst the turmoil. He understood that crying for help in this chaos would be futile.

"It's time we leave, little brother. So, what are we going to do with this brat?" Doflamingo gestured towards Smoker, his question punctuated by the intensifying fight around us. Mihawk had already unsheathed Yoru, cutting down Marines attempting to subdue us.

"Say, kid, would you like to join us?" I asked Smoker with a smile as I pulled him along towards the exit of Loguetown.

"Who are you, people?" Smoker's voice trembled with uncertainty as I guided him through the chaos.

"Where the hell are you taking me? Let me go!" Smoker struggled in my grasp, attempting to slip away, but he underestimated my abilities. Even if he managed to break free momentarily, I could easily catch him within mere moments. To my surprise, Smoker had already consumed a Logia fruit, attempting to elementalize and slip past me. However, I firmly held onto him by coating my arm with armament haki, rendering his powers ineffective.

"Kid, tell me, what are your plans for the future? And forget about using your powers against me, they won't work," I chuckled, dragging Smoker through the crowd.

"You... You aren't much older than me. Why are you calling me a kid? And how are you able to catch me despite my powers?" Smoker questioned in panic and confusion. He had eaten the strange fruit out of hunger and had gained peculiar abilities, using them to survive on the streets. However, the teen who grabbed him seemed unfazed by his powers, firmly holding onto him despite his attempts to turn into smoke. No matter how he struggled, Smoker received no answers.

"Kid, why don't you just tell me what your dream is?" I asked Smoker again, as his thoughts drifted.

"I... I want to become a Marine and help change this world for the better," Smoker said with determination in his eyes.

Myself, Doffy, and Mihawk paused in our tracks as we heard Smoker's words. Doffy, upon hearing Smoker's aspiration to become a Marine and change the world for the better, felt like he had heard the biggest joke of his life and burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, become a Marine and change the world for the better, kid? Do you even see what's going on around us?" Doffy gestured around Loguetown, his laughter echoing through the chaos. He found the child's naivety amusing given the grim reality unfolding before them.

"Kid, do you see exactly what the Marines are doing here? Is this the kind of people you want to represent in the future?" Doffy's tone was mocking, yet there was an undercurrent of curiosity. Despite his initial amusement, Doffy recognized the potential value of recruiting a Logia user like Smoker, especially with the child's allegiance still uncertain.

Smoker hesitated to speak as he observed the Marines hunting down civilians without remorse, their actions contradicting the ideals of justice he once believed in. Roger's last moments had left a deep impact on Smoker, forcing him to confront the harsh realities of the world he aspired to join.

But then, Smoker realized he had no idea who these people were who had abducted him. He insisted on knowing their identity before anything else.

"We? We are pirates!!!" I declared with a laugh, unable to suppress the amusement in my voice as I struggled to define our motley group.

Smoker's face darkened upon hearing my words, and he struggled more fiercely, determined to break free upon realizing the true nature of his captors.

"It's useless, kid. I've decided that you'll join our family. You can try your best to run, but I promise you, I will always find you." I chuckled, my words laced with a sense of inevitability, as we began running toward the area where our small ship was anchored. We had to leave Loguetown, and the sooner, the better.

"No, no, let me go! I am not going to join the pirates!" Smoker cried out desperately, but his protests fell on deaf ears as I simply laughed off his denial. In my mind, the kid would soon warm up to us, whether he liked it or not. Morality wasn't my concern at that moment.

"Elder-Sama, the entire island has descended into chaos. There is no way we can restrict the news using normal means," the CP0 leader spoke into the transponder snail, his expression twisted with frustration and concern.

"Aren't you ashamed to admit that you can't keep a little town under control? It seems like you guys have grown too complacent. I don't want to hear any excuses. Make sure that whatever Roger said stays buried in Loguetown forever. Bury the entire island if you have to. I need the information suppressed at any cost. Bombard the island and sink it if you must. We can later blame the pirates for the destruction of Loguetown," growled the elder's voice from the other end.

"Understood, Elder-sama. I will carry out your orders," the CP leader responded before the transmission disconnected.

Immediately, the CP0 leader began passing down the elder's orders. "Siege the island! Have the ships form a tight perimeter around it. No one must escape. Start a bombardment. Sink the island if you have to," he commanded, issuing instructions not only to World Government agents but also to the Marines.

Zephyr, who had been trying to subdue the situation, heard the CP0 leader's command, and his face immediately turned ugly. "We have our own men on the island. We will take too many casualties if we start a bombardment indiscriminately. And what about the civilians?" He roared, attempting to reason with the man. But the CP0 agent disregarded him and pressed on with the orders.

As the CP0 leader's orders reverberated through the ranks, tension crackled in the air. Zephyr's objections fell on deaf ears as the relentless march toward destruction continued. Marines exchanged uneasy glances, torn between their duty and the moral implications of the Elder's commands.

Meanwhile, chaos engulfed Loguetown as civilians scrambled for safety amidst the looming threat of bombardment. Fear and panic gripped the streets, with cries of desperation blending with the roar of gunfire.

Amidst the turmoil, I tightened my grip on Smoker, who struggled against my hold with renewed vigor. His eyes widened in horror as he witnessed the unfolding chaos, realizing the gravity of his predicament.

"Doffy, we need to get out of here now," I urged, my voice tense with urgency. Despite the uproar surrounding us, our escape plan remained paramount.

Doffy nodded grimly, his laughter silenced by the looming threat of destruction. With Mihawk at our side, we maneuvered through the chaos, navigating the maze of streets toward the safety of our ship.

But as we neared the harbor, the sound of approaching warships filled the air, signaling the encroaching siege. Our window of escape was closing rapidly, and with each passing moment, the Elder's ruthless decree threatened to consume us all.

Silent_stiele Silent_stiele

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