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24.65% Into the Infinite of animes and fictions!! Starting with the system!! / Chapter 17: Loki. Luna the Dragoon! Haruhime and Miko?

Chapter 17: Loki. Luna the Dragoon! Haruhime and Miko?

---Twilight Manor, Finn's office---

"The War game is tomorrow?" Finn seated in his chair asked Loki who was hugging a jar of wine with a smug face, "And it between the Buddha Familia and the Ishtar Familia? Why would the Buddha familia challange the Ishtar familia?" He asked while filling some forms on his deck. 

"Beats me, all I could get was the Buddha familia is not to be messed with no clue why or for what reason," Loki opened the wine jar and took a sniff, she nodded in satisfaction, "So, ya gonna tell me why the expedition was canceled so early or keep me hanging here?"

She asked nonchalantly but her eyes slightly opened, Loki among the gods has the sharpest intuition so she was a little worried but was still carefree. 

"I will start to tell everything from start to finish, after that let's call the others in, it would be better to get the full story and any new information is welcome," Finn said and his usual trademark smile disappeared and was replaced by a serious one. 

He started with the encounter on the 17th floor, Bete's misfortune till the last things they saw on the 48th floor the massive crater on the 49th, and the burning forest on the 50th. 

" Regal the captain and Scathach the vice-captain of the Buddha familia? where did such people come from?" Loki muttered while delving into deep thoughts, she frowned and looked at Finn who was giving her a helpless smile, "There is more? and it going to be something I wot like..." She guessed it and waited for Finn to spill it out.

"Sigh, Yes there is more and you won't like it," Finn repeated looked at Loki, and spiled it.

"Ais has become the disciples of the vice-captain of the Buddha Familia," He stated and silence fell. 

"What!!!" Loki exclaimed, the people outside of the Twilight Manor could hear it, Finn gave a blank look then smiled bitterly. 

"Let's call the other now..." Finn said and rang the bell on his deck, 

"Explain how!? what!? why!? MY AIS!!!" 

Tione burst out of the door and stopped looking at Loki who was gritting her teeth and smiling menacingly, Tione was about to call to Finn like usual but Finn gestured for her to keep quiet and get the others, Loki's eyes fell on Tione, 

"Tione, tell me my ais is not--" Loki tried to question her but,


Tione shut the door and went to call the other, Loki was left speechless with her hands extended and about to jump. 

"Loki stop being dramatic already," Finn didn't even look at Loki and waited for everyone to gather,

All the executives had gathered and the discussion had started, all told their own versions of what they understood and felt, after all, that a heavy silence descended. Loki being a god could tell Finn wasn't lying but just to be sure she wanted to get more information after all someone that strong can causally flip the balance and two of them that just more trouble but now three what would happen? how much is hidden? 

"You met 3 members of the Buddha familia, a Captain, vice-captain, and an executive. No, we don't know if that black-winged woman is an executive or not..." Loki wasn't playing around anymore and had a serious expression, she wanted to take advantage of the tension and play around with the girl in her familia but now not so much. 

"This is getting more complicated, Ais you aren't saying something here, you have been to their camp so you should know something more, I doubt it would help but information is still information," Loki pointed out to Ais, something that doesn't happen unless the matter is out of hand and there is nothing that can be done. 

Als stayed silent and arranged her words, "I met a little girl in that camp," she stated

"Huh? Little girl?" Bete questioned in an incredulous tone to which Ais nodded and made a gesture of how tall. Bete wanted to voice things out but a chill went down his back remembering Scathach's killing intent and promptly shut his mouth, Everyone also ignored him so no one noticed except Loki who frowned upon seeing this but didn't say anything about it. 

"She felt strong me," Ais continued and a heavy silence fell, "But was more complete and dominant?" Ais tilted her head trying to figure out what it was, she wanted to approach Ophis when she met in the camp but Ophis was on Regal's lap and Scathach had made her practice stances. 

"Sigh, ok this is completely out of hand..." Loki let out a long sigh got up and pointed out the window with a smirk, "Let's go there and see things for ourselves!!!" Loki exclaimed and Finn got u while Riveria let out a long sigh and Gareth just came to his beard with a chuckle, these three saw this coming and the others were looking in confusion at what Loki was talking about.

"Mama Riveria led the way, you are the only person that knows where they live!" Loki said and ran, Riveria's lip twitched she had raised her staff to bonk Loki but it was too late for that. Riveria was the only person as Regal had told her, as she was worried about Ais and wanted to see how the training proceeded.


"Is this really the place?" Loki questioned while looking skeptically at the wooden house in front, the Lki familia was looking at a three-story wooden house that looked good but could be found anywhere. 

(Image of the house from outside)

"Yes, this is the location..." Riveria said with a similar expression, "Let's just go in, the people are causing a commotion here," She continued while looking at the noisy people gawking at them, especially the girls. some of them were having ill thoughts and Riveria being an elf and having lived for almost a hundred years could tell with just a glance. 

They proceeded inside, Loki burst in without even knocking, while the executive behind just looked at her with helplessness. Loki went in and was met with a garden of many different kinds of flowers, it was a grand sight. And the mansion was the most eye-catching. Everyone who came with Loki entered and was also stupified by the sight. 

(///Author's note: I dont have the image of the mansion or garden, the AI sucks at making them.\\\)

"What is this..." Loki was the one to break out of her stupor and question what she was looking at, she turned back, and the door they entered with was still there same for the buildings but besides the buildings were empty, looking left and right there were no other buildings just an endless field of grass. 

Walking back out, it was the city again. Loki was shocked but kept a neutral face and went back, following the path she headed to the mansion while others followed behind her. but then, 

"It's not polite to just barge into someone else's place," a gentle and melodic voice came from behind them, all turned around and met eyes with a short blond-haired girl. It was Yue, "Next time, make sure to inform us beforehand, if not none of you will be alive." She stated bluntly but with confidence and a hint of threat. 

Just a moment ago.

Yue had been watching the dragon play around with Miko and Haruhime in the backyard, She was sitting on the roof which became her favorite spot, Regal's realm worked in many different ways, If she wanted she could see the city without obstructions. Yue came to enjoy the liveliness of the city because of the loneliness she felt in the abyss. 

 The dragon stiffened up and extended its wings to fly, Yue who was watching looked at the entrance of the realm where the Loki familia was, 

"Luna," she spoke out and gestured the dragon to leave it be, the dragon was named Luna by Scathach, and after a light beat down.

Yue got down and went towards them, she lowered her presence and waited for them. the Loki familia walked right past her in a stupor. Yue's presence was small but wasn't so much that she would be ignored an amused smile appeared on her face and she spoke out. 

"It's not polite to just barge into someone else's place," All the Loki familia turned to her in shock and stupor, some tried to hide it but it was futile. 

"Now who are you and how did you get behind us?" Loki questioned while pointing at Yue, 

Yue gave her a blank look and walked past them, "For a god you are really more trouble than worth, how did your familia become one of the strongest?" Yue commented and walked to the garden, "It is common courtesy to introduce yourself first, also this is not your ground," Yue stated while gesturing for them to go on. 

A vain appeared on Loki's forehead but Riveria bonked her before Loki could speak out, Bete wanted to speak out as well but no matter how many times he opened his mouth nothing came out, this was mostly due to the fear gained from the encounter with Scathach and Ruphas. 

Finn gestured for them to move along, he didn't want to barge in but Loki wasn't someone who would listen, and to add to that she wasn't happy with Ais becoming anyone's disciple so Loki was acting like a brat while also taking this matter seriously. It was too late for them to leave after getting in like that so he just followed Loki but the stupor of seeing something that didn't make sense also made him follow her. 

Finn walled and gestured everyone there to follow while Riveria walked beside Loki to avoid trouble, they entered the mansion and were greeted by the ballroom on the other side there was a girl with shoulder-lengthened ashen pink hair and piercing amber-red eyes. it was Shinoa Hiragi. 

"Hey there, Loki familia! Ready to cause some mayhem and mischief, or are you taking a break from the chaos today?" Shinoa said with a smirk,

"Now who even is this...?" Loki muttered, 

Shinoa gestured for them to follow her and went into the living room where Regal, Scathach, and Buddha were sitting, they were talking about the war game. Buddha was glaring at Regal and Scathach who ignored him. Their talk had taken a turn into a game which wasn't something Buddha agreed on but was given little choice. 

"Loki familia, your visit was much earlier than expected," Regal got up and left for the backyard and gestured them to follow, Scathach gave a look at Shinoa who was about to crack a dark joke instantly shutting her up. 

Shinoa was in a very good mood today all thanks to the Loki familia, she doesn't have to train but the look Scathach gave was enough to tell she could only enjoy her holiday this one which dampened her mood a bit. 

Scathach headed to the backyard after that and met with an annoying sight, Ais had her sword drawn and was charging toward Luna with her Ariel which was red in full blast. Luna and Regal just watched. 

Ais's sword made contact with Luna's body. 


and a metal hitting metal sound came and Ais was flung back, Luna raised her tail and wrapped it around Ais immobilizing her. 

Others in the Loki familia were ready for battle but Regal was giving them a warning look which stopped them in their path. 

"Let her down," Scathach ordered, and Luna gently placed Ais down in front of Scathach, Ais tried to swing her sword at Luna's tail but was pressed to the ground having to use her sword as support. Ais panted heavily but her eyes never left the dragon, Scathach raised an eyebrow and loosened a bit of her pressure, Ais got up and tried to move towards Luna who watched with amusement. 

Miko and Haruhime who were playing with Luna were watching what was going on from the back of Luna, Miko had an amused expression while Haruhime was terrified. Huruhime knew the Loki familia but had no idea how strong the Buddha familia was or anything except their names.

"It looks like she will be training with Luna from now on," Scathach said and looked at Regal who was watching with amusement, "I will be busy for a bit, we will talk about the game later," Scathach said while dissipating her presser and grabbing Ais's shoulder and yoinking her back. 

"No need we will go with that you mentioned and it will be right after the war game ends," Regal replied, 

Scathach caught Ais's wrist and forced her to turn around and meet Scathach eyes, the moment they made eye contact Ais felt death. An image formed in her mind of an endless battlefield covered in corpses, the ground was covered in blood while the clouds were raining blood and the sky formed into a pair of bloody eyes that stared right at her. 

Ais snapped out and fell limp on Scathach's arms with her face full of horror, the figure of Luna had completely disappeared from her mind, replaced with the unforgettable image she saw. 

"That was a little harsh," Regal commented while looking at Ais, 

a kick came right at Scathach face but was caught, and thrown back it was Tione who attacked, Tiona threw a punch but met Scathach eyes in the process. Tiona felt like she was being suffocation and missed her mark.

Others were also going to move but three heavy pressers fell on them instantly making them stop, Bete being a werewolf and being more sensitive to presence was slammed to the ground while the level 5 were on their knees. Finn, Riveria, and Gareth were barely standing while Loki who didn't feel the pressure was cluelessly looking around.

(///Author's note: a bit of a teaser from this point one!\\\)


Miko had expected this result as she had seen Regal and Scathach spar ones while Harhime on the side was dumbfounded and just looked in shock, She had no idea about the strength of the Buddha familia.

Miko smiled mischievously and got behind Haruhime and hugged her waist, placing her head next to Haruhimes fluffy fox ears, and whispering in a teasing tone with a hint of sultriness.

"Didn't I say that there was nothing to worry about, you are under the roof of the strongest familia." Miko slowly moved her hands up, and Haruhime's face turned from dumbfoundedness to red, why her eyes swirling almost losing consciousness. 

Miko's hand pushed up Haruhimes breast, and just like it was expected Haruhime blacked out from embarrassment, while Miko gave a dry smile. 

How things led up to here:

Miko had told Haruhime she was still a virgin, which Haruhime didn't believe even a bit, and her mental health was deteriorating, so Miko gave a flat lie saying the sacrifice needed to be a virgin and so on. 

Haruhime was doubtful which made Miko a little annoyed so she pushed her down to the bed, Miko was just going to tease Haruhime for a bit and let it be but Haruhime lost consciousness from embarrassment. 

Miko got even more annoyed and basically played the master and maid relationship thing to get Haruhime used to things, although nothing happened between them just Moki getting a little too attached to Haruhime and teasing her at every turn.


Plz, comment! I like reading them. 

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