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72. Double Egg Yolk New Crew Summoning Completed!

I'm sorry to announce that this fanfiction will be discontinued at chapter 125. While there are many more chapters available on the Chinese website, they are behind a paywall, and unfortunately, I'm unable to make payments in that currency. I've uploaded everything up to chapter 125 on my Patreon. Moving forward, I will be focusing on my new fanfiction. Updates for this story will continue, but they will not be as frequent as before. Thank you for your understanding and support.


"Buster Call?"

When Kaku heard those two words, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Are you seriously considering initiating a Buster Call on the Water 7? You're aware there are innocent civilians there..."

Before he could finish, a furious voice erupted from the other end of the Den Den Mushi.

"What do civilians matter?! If Al and his crew get their hands on the blueprints of Pluton, imagine the catastrophe it would bring upon the World Government!"

"Go ahead and carry out your orders. I don't want to have to repeat myself!"

"Yes, sir!"

At Marine Headquarters, Sengoku couldn't believe the orders coming from the World Government. His eyes filled with disbelief, yet he was even more enraged by their absurd actions!

Launching a Buster Call on an innocent city just because of a band of pirates?!

Clearly, the World Government hadn't disclosed anything about Pluton. After all, it's a legendary Ancient Weapon capable of obliterating entire islands with a single blast! 

Such a devastating weapon, yet the World Government seems intent on keeping its existence under wraps, not even divulging the information to the Marines!

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, did you give the order to initiate the Buster Call on the city of Water 7?"

The marines on the sidelines spoke with concern, their voices laced with confusion.

Sengoku clenched his teeth, tearing up the wanted notice for Al and his crew on his desk. Through gritted teeth, he commanded, "Inform Kuzan to halt all prior combat preparations, and instruct all Marines on the island to evacuate!"

"One hour later, will be Buster Call was unleashed on the Water 7, with Kuzan taking command of the operation."

"During this time, it's imperative that no information regarding the Buster Call gets out, because..."

As Sengoku uttered the last sentence, a deep sense of reluctance filled his heart.

Clearly, they had made extensive preparations in the Water 7, all in hopes of capturing Al and his crew alive!

Yet, the World Government's decree came down: "Initiate a Buster Call on the Water 7."

Not only would all their efforts during this period be rendered futile!

But also it will obliterate the entire Water 7 and hundreds of thousands of civilians on the island!

"Damn it, what's going on?!" Sengoku exclaimed, his fists clenched as he slammed the table in frustration, roaring with anger.

Meanwhile, on a Marine warship not far from the water capital, Aokiji, who had been sleeping peacefully, was abruptly awakened by a sudden commotion.

"What's happening? Can't a guy get a decent night's sleep around here?"

Before Aokiji could even stand up, a Marine soldier rushed to him, clutching a Den Den Mushi in his hand, his tone tinged with fear.

"Admiral Kuzan, report! According to orders from Marine Headquarters, we're set to commence the Buster Call on the Water 7 in ten minutes! The ship has already left Marine Headquarters, and Marshal Sengoku has instructed us to maintain Marine presence on the island for emergency evacuation."

Upon hearing Hai Bing's report, Aokiji shed his usual laziness, his tone turning grave.

"What in the world is going on? Why such a nonsensical order?"

"You must understand, this isn't some joke. There are hundreds of thousands of civilians residing in the water capital!" The soldier trembled, beads of cold sweat forming on his brow. He passed the golden Den Den Mushi to Aokiji and continued, "Report to Admiral Kuzan, the primary reason behind the Buster Call order this time may be linked to the Al gang! Our operatives just confirmed their entry into the Water 7 and received orders to initiate the Buster Call!"

Upon hearing the soldier's words, Kuzan's confusion only deepened.

Their Marine has deployed an ambush, with a Marine Admiral overseeing it!

Why initiate a Buster Call?

Is there a lack of trust within the Marines?

Regardless of the reason, it's evident that Kuzan is not in control of this situation!

Cursing silently, Aokiji vanished from the ship and raced towards the water capital!

"Admiral Aokiji, what's the plan? Buster Call is imminent, and time is running out!"

"You fool, didn't you just report to Admiral Aokiji that he's leading this Buster Call!"

As the Den Den Mushi rang in his hand, Kuzan realized he couldn't afford to delay any longer. The primary reason for his journey to the water capital this time was to locate the girl he had spared. He truly wanted to know if his initial decision was the right one!

He fervently hoped that this accursed order could somehow be rescinded!

Just then...

"Report to Fleet Admiral Sengoku: all the warships we dispatched for investigation have been sunk. What should we do next?"

"Send a few more warships to continue the investigation. We're determined to find out why those two individuals met in the first place!"

"Also, contact Kuzan and instruct him to return to Marine HQ immediately after the completion of the Buster Call!"

"Yes, sir!"

One order after another came through the Den Den Mushi, although Aokiji's expression remained impassive.

But inside, his heart felt like an overturned bottle of mixed flavors, deeply unpleasant.

Aokiji clenched several wanted posters tightly in his hand, his expression growing increasingly grim.

The entire world seemed to spiral into chaos, all because of an order from the World Government!

Meanwhile, in the first half of the Grand Line, on a winter island known as Drum Island, a Sakura tree spanning the entire island was quietly blooming.

"Chopper, let's embark on a sea adventure together!"


As Sakura petals drifted down onto the deck of the Merry, a reindeer named Chopper tumbled onto the wooden planks.

Just as everyone was celebrating the addition of a new crewmate, Usopp casually picked up a newspaper left by the Seagull delivery service.

Reading the headline news that shook the world, Usopp couldn't help but let out a scream!

"This... this... can't be true!"

Zoro took the newspaper from Usopp, his expression puzzled as he glanced at the familiar figure in the photo. He casually tossed the newspaper into Luffy's hand.

Leaving only the words "I'm going to train," Zoro retreated into the training room and began lifting weights.

"What's gotten into Zoro? Why such a strong reaction?" Luffy tilted his head, his eyes reflecting confusion.

However, when he saw what was reported in the news...

"One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile, has been defeated!"

"The Devil Child Joins the Cowboy Pirates!"

Following the incredibly shocking news headline, Luffy's eyes widened, and he exclaimed, "That's incredible!"

"Hey, Luffy, are we really going to fight this guy in the future?" Usopp asked nervously.

"Or maybe we should just avoid them altogether if we ever cross paths again. You know, I have this illness that prevents duels."

Just as Usopp was about to speak further,Chopper, the newest member of the Straw Hat Pirates, approached him with a grave expression.

"This is the first time I've heard of this strange illness, Usopp. You're in serious danger," Chopper said earnestly.

Upon hearing Chopper's words, Usopp couldn't help but tremble uncontrollably, declining Chopper's offer to treat him.

Then, Usopp retrieved the bounties for all members of the Al Pirates and, with a frightened expression, said:

"Hey, Luffy, could you take a look at the bounties on these guys first?" Usopp handed over the bounties with a trembling hand.

[WANTED Evil Cat Tom, 150,000,000 Berries!]

[WANTED Vicious Dog Spike, 120,000,000 Berries]

[WANTED Nico Robin, 79,000,000 Berries]

[WANTED Nami, 31,000,000 Berries]

[WANTED Carina, 32,000,000 Berries]

[WANTED Vivi, 15,000,000 Berries]

"And their captain..."


When Usopp mentioned Al, he couldn't help but pause. After examining it several times with a perplexed expression, he said in horror, "Why did their captain's bounty only increase by 50 Berries? Are those Marines making another mistake?"

[WANTED Al, 100 Berries]

After hearing Al's bounty offer, Chopper couldn't help but burst into laughter.

The previous bounties were nothing short of monstrous, so why did the style suddenly change when it came to Al?

However, aside from Chopper's laughter, the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates remained silent.

Observing their serious expressions, Chopper pondered why Al's bounty was so low. After all, everyone except Chopper had witnessed Al's formidable strength.

"Luffy, do you truly wish to meet them?"

Usopp's legs trembled uncontrollably with fear, dreading that Luffy, the single-minded captain, might do something reckless.

Just when Usopp thought the bounties on these adversaries would dissuade Luffy...

Luffy appeared at the entrance of the training room without a word, determination etched on his face. "Of course!" he declared. "This is a pact between him and me!"

With those words, Luffy dashed into the training room. However, after a short while, he emerged, clutching his hands, and went off to find Sanji for a meal.

Usopp was left dumbfounded, his mind swirling with Luffy's words.

Chopper, sensing he might have overstepped, quickly covered his mouth and retreated to a corner, hiding his embarrassment.

But Chopper wasn't the only one who burst into laughter upon seeing the bounty listings. Tom and Spike laughed even harder than Chopper at the reward orders!

Tom paid no heed to Al's bewildered expression.

Placing the bounty poster right in front of him, he mockingly patted Al on the shoulder, emitting a condescending "tsk tsk tsk."

However, his bravado quickly evaporated when Al retaliated by stuffing him with eight secret chili burgers. Tom ended up holding two oversized sausages in front of his mouth, rendered speechless for a full two days!

Spike, who had also chuckled at Al, only managed to eat four small burgers, showing more restraint than Tom.

After enduring the humiliation of holding the sausage for an extended period, he refrained from mocking Al further and redirected his taunts towards Tom.

"Captain Al, the Marines must have made another mistake!"

"It's only fair to assume that your latest exploit should have warranted at least..."

As Nami twiddled her fingers, she calculated how much it would cost to meet Al's psychological expectations.

Carina and Vivi stood by on the sidelines, attempting to persuade Al not to dwell on his depression, reminding him that at least his bounty had increased.

Initially, Al felt somewhat uplifted by their words of comfort. However, as the conversation progressed, the weight on his heart only seemed to grow.

That night, Al summoned Karoo and proceeded to make "harassing calls" to Marine Headquarters throughout the entire night.

The sailor tasked with connecting the calls that night was left utterly flabbergasted, driven nearly to the brink of madness.

With each connection, the unfortunate recipient was met with the unmistakable sound of ducks sawing wood. It was enough to drive anyone insane!

Back in the present, there were only 20 minutes left before the Buster Call would commence.

In the office of Iceburg, the mayor of the Water 7, Al engaged in a discussion with him regarding the time required for procuring the treasure tree Adam.

The treasure tree Adam was exceptionally rare, and according to Iceburg, it took up to five years from cutting to transportation.

Clearly dissatisfied with this lengthy timeline, Al engaged in a verbal confrontation with Iceburg.

He then gleaned the location of the island where the treasure tree Adam was found from information provided by the Iceburg, and even purchased a ship from them.

Since transporting the treasure tree Adam would take such a long time, it would be more efficient to go directly to retrieve it, rather than wasting precious time.

With Tom and Spike by his side, they could fashion one anywhere they pleased.

Furthermore, the potential ambush awaiting him in the Water 7 remained unknown.

Waiting for the construction of a ship before departing would only add unnecessary hassle, and Al detested such inconveniences.

As Al solidified his plan, he exited Iceburg's office.

In a dimly lit alley somewhere within the Water 7, Marine Admiral Aokiji confronted a dark-haired woman with an inscrutable expression.

"It's been a while, Nico Robin," he greeted her.

"I've reviewed your options, but..." he trailed off, his tone hinting at disapproval.

"Your decision doesn't seem particularly wise."

The moment Robin laid eyes on Aokiji, memories she had desperately tried to forget came flooding back.

Robin desperately wanted to escape, but she found herself unable to move in the presence of this man.

"What do you want from me?" 

Witnessing Robin's distress, Aokiji hesitated for a moment before quickly clarifying, "I know, it's quite troublesome. But don't worry, I'm not here to apprehend you this time. I'm here to issue a warning."

Robin desperately wanted to escape, but she felt paralyzed in the presence of this man.

"Buster Call is imminent for this city, with you and your pirate crew as the primary targets!" Aokiji's words rang out, sending a shiver down Robin's spine.

"Now, you have 10 minutes to flee before the Buster Call is initiated. If you manage to escape in time, I will attempt to halt this command."

Upon hearing Aokiji's words, especially the mention of Buster Call, Robin's pupils contracted.

A deep sense of fear and urgency gripped her heart.

Without a moment's hesitation, Robin sprinted frantically through the alley, determined to reach Al and warn him immediately.

Once the Buster Call was initiated, there would be no escaping its devastation. The entire island could be wiped off the map.

"I can't... I can't lose them again!" she muttered to herself, her resolve firm.

Just as Robin surged towards the direction of the ship...

Al, who had been standing in front of Iceburg's office, suddenly halted in his tracks.

Suddenly, the long-awaited voice echoed in his mind!

[The crew has been successfully assembled and is being summoned!]

As a white light flashed before his eyes, Al's breath quickened, and he even uttered a curse:

"Damn it, how could it be them?!" (T/N: Cliffhanger-kun says his greetings)


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