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55.37% Where I am ? / Chapter 67: Chapter 66: Confession

Chapter 67: Chapter 66: Confession

Quickly, they aimed at everyone present.

Soldier 1: "Don't move!" exclaimed one.

Soldier 2: "Perimeter secured."

Soldier 3: "Target in sight."

I could hear a cluster of voices coming from these uniformed men who looked like soldiers.

After a moment, they formed two lines, and among them appeared a familiar figure who rushed towards me like a rocket.

Even with my endurance of 10, she almost took my breath away with how abrupt the collision was. I had to exert force with my other arm to prevent Komi-San from being pushed to the ground.

Lowering my gaze, a head of greenish-black hair welcomed me.

Kaede: "It's good that you're okay..." the girl said as she clung to me like a koala.

Tadano: "Well... Well. Just one day without seeing you and you're already in this state?" I joked.

Kaede: "Idiot! I was really worried about you, you know!" she snapped.

Seeing her sad expression, I stopped the joke I was about to make.

Shinomiya: "Here we go again."

Tadano: "Shut up!"

Tadano: "Anyway... Kaede, would you mind telling your subordinates to lower their weapons? You're making my mother and Komi-San nervous..."

Kaede: "Oh! Sorry... Wait, Komi-San?" she said softly at first, but then her eyes widened in surprise when she saw who I was holding in my other hand.

Komi became somewhat nervous about the situation and felt a strange feeling seeing how close Otori-San was to Tadano.

Komi: "H-Hi... Otori-San," Komi-San said quietly.

Kaede glanced at Komi for a second, then looked at me, and her cheeks puffed up in a pouty manner.

Kaede: "I can't believe I was worried about you all this time and you were here having fun with Komi-San... You're a bad 'Fiancé,' Tadano-Kun," she said with a cute tone. Although she emphasized the word 'Fiancé' while glancing sideways at Komi-San.


*Komi-San.exe has stopped working*


I sighed seeing Komi-San go blank after hearing those words, then looked at Kaede.

I rolled my eyes at her attitude.

Tadano: "You know, you don't have to be so mean to her. Weren't you the one who told me it would be fine as long as you approved?" I said somewhat annoyed.

Kaede looked at me, and her pout only worsened.

Kaede: "Hmph ∼ just because I gave you permission, you already find yourself a girl shortly afterward... in such a short time, you've become scumbag?" she said while punching my chest with her little fist.

Tadano: "*Sigh* alright, it's my fault, okay? I'm a big scumbag. Now can we talk normally?" I said while pulling her cheek.

She smiled at me and then took my hand and brought it to her mouth.

Kaede: "And what if I don't want to... *Lick*" she said with a flirtatious voice before lasciviously licking my hand.


Tadano: "…!!!"

Shinomiya: "Oh..."

Nagisa: "Huh? I don't see anything?" she said somewhat puzzled.

Tomoya: "It's better this way..." he said behind her.

Seeing my expression, she smiled and stepped back.

Then with an authoritative voice, she said.

Kaede: "Everyone lower your weapons... and you, Hiro, you better not aim at Hitohito-Kun again if you don't want to meet the flame king in hell." She said with a commanding voice, scolding one of the soldiers who still had their rifle aimed at me.

The man trembled and quickly lowered his weapon while apologizing vigorously.

Then, from among the group of soldiers emerged Mr. and Mrs. Otori, followed closely by their faithful butler, Dante.

Claus: "Ararara ∼ what a grand entrance you make, little one," Mr. Otori said as he looked at his daughter.

Kaede quickly averted her gaze.

Yume: "Oh, if it isn't Shinomiya Oji-San... Hello!" Mrs. Otori said cheerfully to Gan'an, who furrowed his brow and rolled his eyes at her attitude.

Claus was also surprised to see Gan'an, then with a quick order, he dismissed the uniformed men.

Claus: "My apologies for the abrupt intrusion, Mr. Gan'an. We thought it was a rat from the branch members of your family who had kidnapped our son-in-law. We didn't think it was the king of these." The man said with a playful tone. But there was a glint of challenge in his eyes.

Gan'an: "Brat! Not only do you dare to intrude on my property, but also to point a gun at me and even insult me to my face! Do you not value your life?! Nao!" 

Nao: "At your command!" said the voice of the maid who had suddenly appeared behind Claus.

She quickly pushed one of her hands towards Claus's back.

But this was quickly stopped by the firm grip of Butler Dante.

Dante: "Excuse me, beautiful lady, but I cannot allow you to harm him."

Nao did not stop, and with a twist of her body, she lifted one of her legs aiming at Dante's chin.

He let go to dodge the attack, which Nao took advantage of to create distance.

They both stared at each other.

Claus didn't seem surprised by this exchange and said calmly.

Claus: "If you're here, that means..."

Nao: "I took care of those pesky vermin threatening Gan'an-Sama's security, but don't worry, I didn't kill anyone." She said arrogantly.

Claus sighed and said.

Claus: "Dante, have someone come to take these idiots away..."

Yume: "Shinomiya Oji-San doesn't have to be so angry, my mother said it's not good for you to get angry at your age..."

Gan'an: "..."

Jeanne: "Excuse me, but could you tell me who you are?" My mother said in a calm tone.

Claus: "Apologies for my rudeness. I am Otori Claus, and she is my wife, Otori Yume."

Jeanne: "Nice to meet you, I'm Tadano Jeanne. I see you know my son. But may I ask what you're doing here?"

Claus: "Oh, right. We're here to rescue our son-in-law from the clutches of a group of thugs who kidnapped him... or at least that's what we were told. But from what I see, that's not the case." Said Mr. Otori somewhat embarrassed to see me in perfect condition.

Jeanne: "Oh my... then it's true that my baby has a fiancée," said my mother somewhat excitedly.

Yume: "It's true... nice to meet you, Hitohito's mom. I'm Yume, and I'm Kaede's mommy. Let's be friends from now on, okay?" said Mrs. Otori cheerfully.

My mother couldn't help but be infected by Yume's happiness and nodded as they both happily held hands.

Tadano, Gan'an, Claus, Kaede: "..."

Claus: "Well, seeing as it's all a big misunderstanding, I'll apologize to you..." Mr. Otori reluctantly said.

Gan'an: "It's good that you know your place..." said Gan'an arrogantly.

Yume: "By the way, Jen-Chan, what's your relationship with Shinomiya Oji-San?" the Mrs. Otori innocently asked.

Jeanne: "Uh... hehe He's... he's my husband. And Hitohito's father," my mother said quietly. For some reason, she felt somewhat embarrassed to say it in front of these influential people.

Claus, Kaede, Dante: "!!!"

Yume: "Oh!" 

Mrs. Otori wasn't too surprised, but then she remembered something and pointed accusingly at Gan'an.

Yume: "Bad Oji-San! according to what mama said. Couples with a big age difference are called 'Cradle Robbers,' and that's bad. Shinomiya Oji-Sam is a Cradle Robber!" said Mrs. Otori, with an expression as if scolding a pet.

Gan'an: "..."

Tadano: "Your mother is unique..."

Kaede: "Please don't say anymore..." she said as she covered her face somewhat embarrassed.

Kaede: "I didn't know you were a Shinomiya..." she said as she looked at me somewhat annoyed.

Tadano: "I just woke up a few hours ago, and that's when I was told, so I'm as surprised as you are."

Kaede looked me in the eyes. When she was satisfied, she nodded.

Kaede: "Okay, I believe you... but I want a kiss," she said as she leaned in to kiss me.

When she was close enough, a strong voice resonated in the room.

Komi: "NO!" she shouted as she pulled me away from Kaede.

This caught everyone's attention in the room.

She felt somewhat overwhelmed by all the stares, but gathering all the courage she could, she still clung to me.

Komi: "I-I... um... it's just that..." Komi-San stammered.

Kaede: "Oh? Komi-San, we're friends, right?"

Komi: "Y-Yes."

Kaede: "Then why are you pulling me away from my Fiancé?"

Komi: "I-I..."

Kaede: "Is it because you want to steal him from me?" she said with a dangerous tone, letting her beautiful pair of emeralds show.

Komi trembled at Kaede's comments; they seemed like arrows piercing her heart, especially coming from her friend. Tears threatened to fall from the corners of her eyes.

I wanted to intervene as I saw this was about to escalate too much, but everyone in my mental landscape shouted at me to stop.

Shinomiya: "Just watch..."

Nagisa: "This isn't something you should intervene in..." she said with a strangely serious tone.

Tomoya: "Don't rush it, and watch..."

In that brief moment of hesitation, I could see something incredible.

Komi-San, on the verge of collapse, stopped.

She stopped trembling, took a breath, and let out a turbid breath of air.

With an elegant and firm demeanor, she said.

Komi: "I understand that he's your fiancé. I also understand that what I'm doing is irrational. I even understand that you're in a higher position than me; I know I'm being very irrational with this and that I could break our friendship with what I'm doing. But I really can't. I can't let Tadano go... No! I won't let him go! I love Hitohito, and I won't give up on him! I don't care if it's you or anyone else; if he doesn't push me away, I don't care if the whole world is against me, I'll stand by his side. BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!" she said in a firm tone filled with unwavering determination.

Everyone in the room, including myself, was stunned by her bold declaration.

Komi trembled a bit, waiting for Kaede's reprimand, but it never came.

As if she hadn't been there, Kaede's previous angry and cold expression disappeared, replaced by her usual gentle and kind expression.

She took Komi-San's hands in hers and said cheerfully.

Kaede: "Great! That's the attitude I'm looking for in one of my sisters! I approve of you! Let's love Hitohito together from now on, okay?" she said with a big smile on her face.

Komi was somewhat stunned by the turn of events, but quickly nodded.

Although she then remembered something and quickly turned her gaze to me.

I didn't understand at first, but then I remembered.

Scratching my head somewhat embarrassedly, I said.

Tadano: "It's true that I haven't given you an answer yet, hehe."

Kaede made a silly expression upon hearing me and then quickly rushed me to give her my answer. Although this was obvious.

Komi looked at me anxiously, awaiting my response.

Tadano: "Komi Shouko, would you like to be my girlfriend?" I said as I extended one of my hands to her.

Upon hearing my words, tears began to flow from her eyes, and she quickly took my hand while shouting.

Komi: "Yes! Yes! I accept! I accept being your girlfriend!" she exclaimed excitedly.

There was no trace of her shyness.

*Third-person POV*

Kaede looked on happily from the side for her friend.

Though unknown to Tadano, she already had many plans involving Komi and Nene, along with other friends of Komi. She might be permissive, but she wasn't stupid. She knew of her growing interest in that Agari girl; she had no doubt he would go after her at some point. She would always have him tied to her.

She loved him madly and wouldn't allow anyone else to get close to him.

He could only see her as the best!

As his first wife and number one in his heart.

And she would firmly bind him to her, so he would never escape her grasp.

Kaede: "Fufufu... Tadano Hitohito... or well, should I say Shinomiya Hitohito now? You will always be mine ∼♥"

These were Kaede's thoughts.

92 -> 94 -> 97%

*Tadano's POV*


I could hear an uncomfortable cough coming from Gan'an.

When I looked at him, he put on a displeased expression and said.

Gan'an: "If you're done flirting, why don't we sort things out here? God, these young people and their raging hormones, a pair of..." he tried to continue ranting until he was stopped by a strong blow from Jeanne that made him fall to the ground.

With a somewhat embarrassed face, she said.

Jeanne: "Since you're here, why don't we all have dinner together..."

Yume: "I like that idea... let's do it!" she said as she raised her hand high like a child saying present in school.

*Some time later*

The Otoris were in their car.

Mrs. Otori was asleep as she hugged her husband's arm; on a side note, she was also lightly biting it while murmuring something about eating the big chocolate bear.

Mr. Otori just sighed as he watched his wife, then took his coat and wrapped it around her to keep her warm. When he was satisfied, he looked at his daughter.

Claus: "You know what you did is basically a declaration of war, right?" he said with a somber tone.

Kaede trembled for a moment but then stood firm.

Kaede: "I don't care if they're Shinomiyas; if anything happens to Hitohito-Kun because of them, I won't stop until I see every single one of them burn!" she said with a slightly psychotic tone.

Claus couldn't help but let out a helpless smile at his daughter's behavior.

Claus: "Do you really love him, huh?" he asked.

Kaede: "Madly!" she replied.

Claus: "So be it. I'll do my best to cover for you, but try not to overdo it again, okay?" the man said with a smile.

Kaede was surprised to hear that her father, who had always been strict with her, would help cover for her. She couldn't help but jump on him and hug him.

The man smiled as he ruffled his daughter's hair affectionately.

Dante, who had seen all this through the rearview mirror, also smiled at the sight of the lovely father-daughter scene.

Author's Note: "And here is your chapter, sorry for the delay of this author, he feels alone lately so he has started playing to distract himself, this author confides that he now has a large cult of faithful in Clut of The Lamb, leaving that aside, remember to drink plenty of water and I love you very much, your favorite depressive author.

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