"What are you doing in Jiangjing?" Dean Jian asked her.
Bai Lian sipped her tea, "Advanced studies, for the college entrance exam next year."
Dean Jian gave her another look, "You're planning to take the entrance exam for Jiangjing University, and your teacher isn't saying anything about it?"
Dean Jian knew she must have a highly skilled teacher, which is why he never considered taking her as a student. He only hoped she would take over the position of the Guzheng Sect Leader.
And with it, the title of chief.
"Him?" Bai Lian thought for a moment, knowing he must be referring to Mr. Qin Jiu, "He doesn't have the time."
Because he had to perform at the imperial palace every day, cursing and swearing.
Sometimes the consorts of Emperor Jiang Wen would insist that he compose a special piece just for them.
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