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16.66% MHA: Reality Of Those With Nothing / Chapter 7: Chapter 8: A Non-Hero Job.

Chapter 7: Chapter 8: A Non-Hero Job.

" A hide and seek, huh? How childish. " Said Ricolo, talking to himself, as he kept staring at the gravestone, Mina was long gone, and night had taken over the sky. Even in the pitch dark, Ricolo could still see his sister's gravestone. The gravestone, he carved himself, out of a pile of rocks, using a dull knife. 

It was Ricolo's masterpiece, his prize, in his miserable life. The single thing, he was proud of. The twisted reality, that his sister's death, led to the thing, he loved most. A strong breeze blew Ricolo's blue hair, making it flow wildly in the wind. As his mind raced...

It must be around 10 PM, right? Meaning, its time for me to start my job, what a shame, this graveyard was quite peaceful for once, I quickly slid my hands into my pockets, before I began to walk, walking past my sister's grave and several others. I walked for minutes, until those minutes turned into hours, and finally, I stopped and stared at a creaky wooden shed, hidden in dense brush. 

I'm surprised this hut is still standing, the wooden walls are rotten to its core, I quickly head towards the hut in pitch black, stopping next to the door leading into the hut before gently knocking on the door. Until a ruff voice yelled out. 

" Come in, Ricolo! " 

Ah, what a shame. Her voice hasn't recovered in the slightest. I cautiously opened the door, revealing an elderly woman with wispy white hair and wrinkled skin, dressed in a black kimono.

Lori, an elderly woman, that took me in, when my parents were killed. She practically became my mother. I politely grin at her before she slams her fist on the wood table in front of her, moving the oil lantern illuminating the room, slightly. 

" You know, you can come visit me sometime, Ricolo. " Lori says, in a rough voice. She isn't wrong, I haven't visited her in several months, truthfully, I didn't know she was alive. But, she is here. I walked towards the table, she was behind before I spoke to her. 

" I'm sorry, I should visit you more, but it is time, isn't it mother? " I see a grin creep on her face before she starts to cough rapidly. Every time I call her mother, she becomes giddy, like a child. So, if she is mad at me, I call her mother and usually, she lets me off the hook. I listen to her cough until she clears her throat and speaks. 

" Indeed, your job is kill to a man in a skyscraper in Tokyo. "

Tokyo, that's quite far away, while I ponder about, how I'm going to reach Tokyo, Lori abruptly leans on the wooden table separating us and speaks. 

" I heard that you joined U.A. I'm quite proud of you son, but I wonder, how the president of that school would react, if he learned that you are a trained assassin, for hire. " Yeah, Nezu, or whatever his name, would probably get me jailed if he found out my true profession. I just shrug my shoulder at Lori, before she scoffs and leans back. 

" You need to think things out son, what if he checked your background- " 

" I thought about that, and I almost didn't accept the offer, but one of the teachers named Eraser Head said that he was looking for me and couldn't find me. And I figured that the school didn't have any information about me. If they couldn't find me. " 

I usually spend all my time at that bar, and people notice that. They started to report a homeless child near the bar, but it looked like the heroes didn't care about it. If they didn't put it in their system. Lori stared, taken aback before she spoke tapping the wooden table.

" Well done, Looks like you matured nicely. So. as a reward take this gift, after all, it's your birthday today. "

It's my birthday? Since when? I watched as Lori reached down under the table pulling out two boxes, one was a lot larger, and the other was quite smaller both in white containers. One of the boxes, I recognized instantly.

It's the box Lori puts my cloak and knives in. She stores them away until the next job I do. But the other box, I don't know anything about. I reach out to the box, which I'm familiar with grabbing onto it, I open the box, seeing several knives on top of a nicely folded black cloak, I stare at the shiny blades before Lori speaks while grabbing the other box, opening it 

" So, here is your new gift. "...

Whisp Whisp Whisp 

At night, powerful gusts of wind, roared through Tokyo, as powerful hail fell from the sky, indenting nearby car hoods and shattering windows. The rain was so powerful, that it made seeing anything other than your hands near impossible, anyone would hate this type of weather except someone who would benefit from it extremely. 

A cloaked figure hidden by the intense weather, stood motionlessly as his cloak flapped wildly in the gusts, the figure's face was hidden by a small black cloth. He stared at a nearby skyscraper a road across him. This figure was, of course, Ricolo. 

He kept staring at the building until something vibrated in his pocket, making him look down to his waist before he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. The gift Lori, had given Ricolo was this very phone. Ricolo read a text message, before he slid the phone in his pocket, and focused back on the skyscraper in front of him. 

He took a few steps, before stepping on the slippery edge of the roof. Ricolo took a final deep breath, before he leaned foward, jumping off the roof. His body fell alongside the hail, while he stared at a glass window, the skyscraper was hundreds of stories tall, and the person Ricolo had to kill was on floor 53. 

Ricolo fell towards this window until he crossed his arms and slammed through the window, rolling on the floor while glass flew out wildly, Ricolo instantly snapped his head foward, glancing around the room, but... it was empty, being filled with spare desks. Ricolo let out a loud scoff before he murmured to himself annoyed.

" I fell one short, didn't I? " Ricolo quickly stood up and walked on the fragments of shattered glass, making a cracking noise ripple through the barren room. Ricolo looked up at the ceiling before he headed towards a door, that led into a stairwell. Just like Ricolo thought, he had accidentally fallen to the 52 floor.

He quickly sprinted up the stairwell, skipping several stairs, before he reached a door with 53 written on the wall, with bright yellow numbers. Ricolo slowly pushed on the door, quietly creaking it open, Ricolo peaked through the crack in the door and saw a room covered in papers with a single large desk, in front of a window. 

A woman wearing a black suit could be seen sitting on a cushioned black chair with sweat pouring down her face, she had ginger hair with freckles covering her nose. She was the only one in the room, seeing this, Ricolo entered the room, to the woman's freight, slowly closing the door behind him. 

The woman glared at Ricolo before she stood up and yelled out in a panic. " I knew it, when I heard that loud bang on the lower floor, I knew someone had sent an assassin to kill me. S-So who ordered you to do this?!-" 

" I don't know, I'm just here to get paid. Don't think too much about, it. But if you want your death to be painless, you can do me a favor. " Said Ricolo in a muffled voice, as soon as the woman heard this, she shot her palm foward at Ricolo, but to her surprise, when she looked through the gaps in her fingers, Ricolo was gone. 

Before the woman could react, sharp pain rippled through her body, and her right wrist twisted nearly instantly, breaking. The woman stumbled back crying in agony before she felt something on her right shoulder, she slowly glanced to her right, seeing Ricolo leaning on her shoulder with his elbow.

" Can you write a suicide letter for me? I don't want to spend time, looking through the papers on the floor to be able to copy your handwriting. " The woman quickly gritted her teeth and threw a backhand at Ricolo who easily leaned back dodging the attack, her missed attack slammed into the window causing it, to crack.

Ricolo glanced at the window slightly impressed by the woman's power, before he smirked under his mask, and the woman's wrist twisted again, causing a cruel crunching noise, to ripple out. The woman dropped to one knee, staring at her mangled wrist in shock, before a powerful kick slammed into the back of her head, making her jaw slam into the floor. 

The woman lay there in agony, the force of her jaw hitting the floor caused the majority of her teeth to crack. Blood leaked out the woman's mouth, before she looked up at Ricolo with a look of defeat covering her face. Ricolo stared at her face before he spoke. 

" Don't look too sad, at least you put up a fight, most politicians I kill, give up without trying. If I let you use your quirk maybe you would have had a chance, but this is goodbye "...

Eight hours later. 

The shocking news of a famous politician committing suicide by jumping out a destroyed window on the 52 floor, shocked all of Tokyo. Like most suicides, an investigation was launched to determine the true cause of death. But with no evidence, of a struggle and the suicide note written, the heroes fully believed that the woman's death was a suicide. 

But still, the majority of the public didn't believe that the woman's death was a suicide, especially since the woman had a loving family and was winning in a political race. This topic was furiously talked about throughout all of Japan, including the U.A. 

Inside classroom 1-A chatter of the suicide rippled through the class, as Ricolo slept in the back of the class until the door leading into the classroom opened and Eraser Head walked into the room ready to call the roll. Eraser Head looked at the students before he shook his head looking at Ricolo. 

Eraser Head stood in front of the podium, before he grabbed onto the sides of it, and spoke in a tired voice. " Welcome to the second day of U.A. Congratulations, I figured most of you would give up by now. "

The class glanced around at each other confused, did Eraser Head really expect some of them to quit on the second day of school, or was he just joking, as the class continued to look at each other confused, Eraser Head spoke. 

" I'm sure that All Might briefed you all on the upcoming battle trail, even if you weren't listening. Like Ricolo who is sleeping, you would know the test starts tomorrow, so please get ready to design your hero costumes. "...

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