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Chapter 5: The conversation and the encounter at the library

"Without knowing that his best friend was in the purgatory jungle, being beaten by the demon called Yao Fei, Tommy only knew he was having a terrible day.

Malcolm may have been inspired by Thea's advice and wanted to see his son's problem-solving skills, so he continued to send his men to find Tommy with documents.

"Assistant, the president wants you to read this document and make comments."

"Assistant, this is the note for next year. Remember to report to the treasurer after reading it."

"Assistant, one of our employees was detained at the police station, and the Legal Department asked if he needs bail."

Tommy was almost buried under a series of problems. He was completely confused. Why did his group have so many problems? How do you usually deal with this? Shouldn't he be the responsible one?

Accept the bullet and start working and reporting to the president? Isn't that his biological father? Too lazy to see him, I left it for last. Financial endowment? I grabbed it and leafed through. There were fifteen pages in total. Tommy almost fell asleep before finishing the first page.

I washed my face, found the bail document, and prepared to handle it myself. On one hand, let's go out for some fresh air. On the other hand, Detective Lance is Laurel's biological father, and we might be considered sons-in-law. That's the best thing to do!

When we arrived at the police station, the scene of the father-in-law holding arms and crying didn't appear. Detective Lance had no intention of going through the back door. When he saw Tommy, he thought of Oliver, who had seduced his little girl and buried him at the bottom of the sea. (In fact, his little girl was still alive.) Looking at him, this guy dating his older daughter had not a penny to spare. alone being released on bail, he would have almost arrested Tommy if he weren't an honest man.

Overall, Tommy had a very gloomy day.

Even after learning what happened to his son, Malcolm didn't lose heart. He set a small goal for himself. Anyway, he had dirty money and didn't care much about the group. He wasn't afraid of losing money. He would hold out for a month and see what his son could do. At the same time, he got up and prepared to test his daughter's courage." 

"Tommy wasn't having fun, and Thea had been quite tired over the past two days, as the merging of their souls had greatly enhanced her memory and mental strength. Learning things was much faster than in the original plot, but the variety of events happening within the group was also a bit beyond expectations. Even I, version 2.0 of Thea, can hardly handle it. In fact, Moira can be seen here. She has an uncompromising side. Though she loves her daughter, she also wants to see where her abilities stand at the limit, so the assigned work is for three people. Thea, being new to the country, can handle the other tasks. It boosts her confidence in her own abilities. My daughter loves it even more.


I was walking along a small road with my two bodyguards, Thea. I had just returned from a branch in Star City. I thought it was too close to home, so I didn't take the car. As I walked, I was thinking about some things I would have to deal with tomorrow.

Suddenly, she felt like she was being spied on, and the environment was very silent. She immediately sensed something was wrong ahead. She whispered "stop" and instructed the bodyguard that there was something wrong with a tree in front of her and asked him to check it out.

Malcolm, who was hidden in the grass and dressed in black with a bow and arrow, was surprised. His stealth skills were learned from a ninja master. It would be an understatement to say they had been honed over time. You didn't see it? The two special forces bodyguards didn't notice? Being discovered by a girl just shows she was born with a powerful spiritual sense and can outdo special forces without training. I've only heard of one person with such qualities, and that's the world's number one assassin, Lady Shiva, who was trained by a ninja master. (There's no Prometheus in this timeline, so Lady Shiva still holds a complete victory record)

Your daughter is truly amazing. Malcolm threw two darts to knock out the bodyguards, turned on the voice modulator, and emerged from behind the tree. He was ready to test his daughter's courage. You must know it's useless, no matter how good your talent is, but being too kind isn't good.

With two "Puff" sounds, Thea suddenly saw the bodyguards fall to the ground, and she was really surprised when a man dressed in black appeared behind the tree. Someone from the League of Assassins? But upon closer inspection, isn't this her cheap father? I watched the TV series. You wear that vest, and I know you. What's he going to do?

She knew his identity, but she couldn't reveal it, couldn't go up and say hello: "Hi, Dad, have you eaten?" Thea pretended not to know who he was and asked calmly, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, do you know how much your life is worth?" Malcolm's voice came out hoarse through the voice modulator.

This voice modulator is really a treasure. I'll get one in the future. In my impression, except for Superman, no one wears a mask. Almost all the remaining heroes and villains have one. I don't know if it's expensive, but I don't have much money in my pocket.

But seeing Malcolm still waiting for her response, she thought for a moment and said, "I can feel you have no malicious intentions, at least no murderous intent." Yes, most heroes and villains have some impressions about themselves. As long as they find their names, they can identify themselves. Only you have your own shortcomings, and the so-called good and bad intentions are the best for judging.

"A very spiritual girl, you're very good. What is your wish?"

That's not a problem. Seeing how he was dressed, Thea guessed he was here to teach her skills. She just wanted to maintain the illusion that Malcolm didn't know kung fu, so she wore a vest. She had been eager for this moment for over a month. The immediate response was loud and clear: "I need strength to protect my family and myself! It's very difficult for a woman to live in this world. I need to be strong!"

This response was Thea's targeted response referring to Malcolm's past experience of losing his wife, but it was different when he heard the words in his ears. At that moment, he felt his daughter was very much like him, even thinking almost the same thing. If I had realized this when I was young, I fear my wife wouldn't have died.

He had one last question, wanted to confirm if Thea could do the same when she left her young children and company to pursue power. "Strength needs to be learned. Will you give up your wealth for it? I heard you did well in the company this month and even got praised.

Upon hearing this, Thea inwardly curled her lips. Sooner or later, the company will belong to us. Haven't I been so desperate these days just to attract your attention? Do you really think I'm here to unleash productivity, develop productivity, and build a spiritual civilization for you?

But this question couldn't be decisively answered immediately. It would be a bit fake, so Thea hesitated and said, "Money can also be turned into power, but I need more of my own power. The knife can take power away." To take everything from me, I have to change that."

Malcolm's wife was doing free clinics in the slums and was shot dead for a few hundred dollars. In fact, Batman's parents had the same experience because beating a billionaire to death for a few hundred dollars was the current situation in the slums. Call them short-sighted or ignorant, but they really harmed many wealthy people who wanted to help the poor. All wealthy people with a conscience were killed, and all the remaining wealthy people must be villains.

Upon hearing his daughter's response and comparing it with his late wife's experience, Malcolm's heart raced uncontrollably, and he could barely control his emotions. He said, "Come here tomorrow, and I'll teach you," and fled."

"I don't know what's wrong with my biological father, but Thea feels like his responses are in line with his wishes. After all, these are just a few questions that are organized and combined. She's been thinking about them for a month, and her answers must be perfect. As for why her old man turned and fled, maybe to give himself a sense of mystery? I called my family and asked them to pick me up. I also took away the two bodyguards who were sleeping on the ground. I would have to replace them with two more bodyguards next time. How could I save my life if I didn't make him learn martial arts with such poor qualities?

Thea had no idea that her words had caused at least a thousand wounds in her biological father. She ran away and took off the mask. Malcolm gasped for air, remembering how lively he was when he was young. And the necklace his late wife gave him when she was dying. Tears uncontrollably streamed down his face. At first, he only knew how to make money and believed that money could bring him everything. If he had the same consciousness as Thea back then, his wife wouldn't have left him.

Staggering back to Merlyn's old house, he locked himself in the room and stayed there in silence all night holding his wife's photo album. After dawn, he asked the housekeeper and found out that Tommy hadn't come home yet. Now he was too lazy to pay attention to him, so he let him go for a while.

He took a box from the room safe and kicked it into his arms. He got in the car and told the driver to "go to Queen Group." When he arrived at the group, he didn't even ask for directions... After driving around several times, he found Thea. He watched short videos every day, and they were better than his own group. They were all familiar.

"Hey, Thea." Malcolm approached and said hello softly.

Thea was immersed in writing a document at her desk. When she heard someone coming in, she thought it was an employee and didn't pay attention. But she immediately realized that the voice was wrong, and when she looked up, she noticed that the middle-aged man in front of her was looking at her with fiery eyes.

"You... why are you here?" Although they had just met last night, he thought she didn't know and had to pretend she didn't know. This should be the first meeting since the identity of that day was revealed, at least the first meeting with this vest.

"Can you go out for a coffee with me? I want to have a good chat with you." Malcolm said sincerely.

Thea also wanted to talk to him to see if she could resolve her hatred for the slums. Maybe if she could open up a little more, she wouldn't have to fight with Oliver. Her brother and father were her closest relatives.

Nodding immediately, they left the building, found a café, ordered two cups, and started talking."

"Thea, you're so much like my wife, equally smart, young, and energetic. It's funny, I even doubt you're my wife's biological daughter, and Tommy is Moira's son. You resemble her so much," Malcolm said seriously, looking into Thea's eyes.

Thea pondered over what Malcolm had just said. Perhaps what she said last night had some impact on him, making him feel that his figure and his deceased wife's had merged to some extent. That could be considered a mistake.

"That's not what you said in the original storyline. In the original storyline, you said I was born a warrior. Listen to this. Is that what a father would say to his daughter? This person is so speechless it's no wonder he's been single since his wife's death."

"Can you tell me about her? I've only seen pictures of her with Tommy..." She's definitely right to fall in love with her. Anyway, Thea's too lazy to go back to work today, and Moira also has many eyes and ears. You must know the reason. We all have nothing to do. It's time to work, and there aren't many people in the café, so let's talk!

"We met on the train. Back then, she..." Malcolm had never said these words since his wife's death. It's rare for someone to be willing to listen and tell everything from the first encounter today. When he got up, he didn't think much about whether there would be any logical confusion in talking about the main wife with his illegitimate daughter.

"Back then, she ran a free clinic in a slum and was mugged by a homeless man on her way home from work. He just wanted a few hundred dollars without any hard feelings! She fell into a pool of blood and called me three times for help. Unfortunately, I was in a bad mood at the time and didn't answer the phone. I was scheduled to pick her up one day! I hate myself so much!" Malcolm said as he pounded the coffee table hard. It was obvious he had been holding onto this issue in his heart for a long time.

Thea felt somewhat the same at this moment. Is Tommy's mother a good person? She must be a good person, but fate played a trick on her: if she had power, this wouldn't have happened. Thea became more and more convinced that she had chosen the right path. It was very difficult for women to live in this chaotic world, and they should have their own strengths to protect themselves.

She gently patted Malcolm's hand: "She's so kind, I believe she'll forgive you, dad..." In the end, her voice was as soft as the chirping of a mosquito. On one hand, she wasn't used to it, but on the other hand, she still wasn't used to it! But seeing him in so much pain, she still wanted to comfort him.

Malcolm was also shocked by this word. The ecstasy on his face lasted for a while and then quickly faded. He stroked Thea's hair: "Child, I know you're sympathizing with me. It doesn't matter. I'll be very happy if you admit it. You don't have to recognize me as your father. You'll always be Thea Queen. There's your family, your friends, and everything that belongs to you. I'll just quietly support you from behind. I'll protect you, I won't let anyone hurt you!

That was exactly what Thea wanted. If she changed her last name to Merlyn, the Queen Group wouldn't give her inheritance rights, and she would have to fight for the property with Tommy. That would be very troublesome. It would be better for both children to live in the same house. She didn't yet know it was a deal made by unscrupulous parents.

Malcolm picked up a box and handed it to Thea. "This is what I originally gave to my wife. I give it to you today. I hope its light continues to guide our way." After finishing, he got up and left the café.

Thea opened the box and found a very delicate necklace. A sky blue gemstone hung on the silver chain. As the gemstone swayed, a gentle lake-like light shone. There were several inscriptions written inside the chain. One word for Thea. I don't know either. Doesn't this seem like a modern thing?

The original plan to persuade Malcolm to leave the slums wasn't even mentioned before his departure. He seemed to have consciously avoided this subject. That was a knot in his mind. How could he untangle it?

Maybe you should ask Batman? His experience is very similar to Malcolm's, except his parents died when he was young, and he finally gave up his hatred through a mental journey. After thinking for a while, I quickly gave up on the idea: Batman was too smart and had a dark psychology. He's a figure who claims to be able to use intelligence and technological weapons to defeat 90% of heroes and villains. Yes, he even distrusts the justice heroes. He has many secrets, so stay away from him.

Can we only slowly use family affection? It's been less than six years. At this moment, Malcolm wasn't a boss in Thea's heart, but just a poor man avenging his dead wife.

My mood was affected without me realizing it, and I was too lazy to go back to work. I picked up the phone and called my mom: "Mom, I'm going for a walk outside and I'm not coming back."

"Thea, did he say anything to you? Are you okay?" Moira asked anxiously over the phone.

"I'm fine, we had a good talk... hehe," Thea said, laughing over the phone. In reality, the conversation was really good, but she was afraid Moira would worry, so she reassured her.

"Sweetheart, no matter what you decide, you know your mother will always support you."

"Thank you, Mom."

After hanging up the phone, Thea sighed. Her parents weren't considered good people in the eyes of the world, but they really had nothing to say to her. In the future, she would keep their lives separate, no matter the cost.

The deal with Malcolm was to learn martial arts at night. It was still early in the morning, so Thea decided to go to the library to read a book and learn more about the world.

As soon as she got up and turned to leave, she saw a pink figure bumping into her.

Ouch, who is this? There was a coffee table behind Thea, so it was no big deal for her to sit back down after the impact.

The other person who bumped into her wasn't as lucky. The girl sitting on the floor in front of her was wearing a pink dress and a beige jacket. She had blond hair and a pair of square-rimmed glasses. She looked confused and didn't know what happened, staring at Thea expressionlessly.

This person looks familiar, with that hair color and expression. The giveaway is that she wears a Queen Group badge with a name on it. That's a character I really liked in her previous life. She looks so cute in glasses, no wonder she's so obsessed with the Green Arrow, Flash, and Atom.

Thea hugged her shoulders and pretended to be cold, saying, "Miss Felicity Smoak, can you tell me why you're here during work hours?" She also gestured around the surroundings.

Blonde Felicity was speechless and said, "Coffee? No, uh... I'm here to write a report, yes, write a report!"

It's interesting to hear this girl talk. She seems boring, but she's actually very powerful. She'll be part of the future Green Arrow team's iron triangle and the world's greatest hacker. But now she's changed her attitude and is working for the Queen Group.

"Who are you writing the report for, let me ask?" Thea picked up the phone and continued teasing.

Felicity was also confused by her sudden questioning. Her beautiful eyes started moving, thinking about how to invent a personal name and then use hacking methods to create a command.

Suddenly, he realized why he was responding. Who is this person? He immediately asked, "Who are you? Why should I explain to you?"

Huh? Doesn't this guy recognize her? It seems there are still corners in the group that I haven't seen yet, she must be hiding somewhere and sleeping while I was patrolling.

He took his ID out of his bag and handed it to her, "Thea Queen? Who is she? Hey!" He shouted, causing the café waiters to look over.

Thea almost fainted, this girl was so scared that someone with a heart problem really couldn't work with her.

"I yelled? Okay, I yelled. You're the Queen family lady?" Felicity covered her mouth and said incredulously.

Thea nodded and said it was her. Felicity still didn't believe it. She grabbed her personal computer, turned the interface with a few clicks, pointed to the image, and said, "Is it you? I always thought this photo was very well taken. You're very beautiful!"

Thea looked at the image, which was a photo. The environment looked familiar. It seemed like a photo of her acting in a bar and getting drunk a few days ago, right? Who took this photo? The chosen angle is very good, blending perfectly the natural beauty and the melancholic temperament of this girl! Very good! But in front of me, you hacked into a certain server so openly, isn't that appropriate?

"Miss Smoak, where did you get this photo of yours?"

"Ah... I found it in the newspaper..." Felicity, the blonde, realized she was about to get in trouble. She tried her best to explain, while pointing her finger in all directions, as if Thea's photos were pasted everywhere. Walking down the street.

"Miss Felicity Smoak, you won second place in the National Information Technology Competition at nineteen. You earned a master's degree in network security and computer science from MIT. I think you're really good." I understand, so... " As the only highly educated person among the illiterate members of the Green Arrow team, Thea still remembers her curriculum very well.

Felicity was speechless. The little girl in front of her told her origin in just a few words, and she recited it directly, without using a computer to research. Does this mean that Queen Group is paying attention to her, like a top hacker? She was really scared.

Seeing that she was a little scared of her, Thea secretly felt happy. That was the advantage of knowing the plot. She knew countless plots, but she didn't dare to get rid of them in front of Malcolm. It was a rare display today. It was so cool!

"Would you like to have a drink together, on me?" Thea still hoped to be friends with her.

Felicity pointed to the Queen Building in the distance, does that mean you shouldn't go back right away?

Thea laughed: "Haha, I came to play too."

"You're here to play, I... I'm here to work," Felicity explained rigidly.

"Yes, we're all here to work. Whatever you drink will be charged to my account." Actually, this is Thea's false generosity. Looking at all the bills here, they were originally covered by Malcolm. it's just that she never left.

Although Felicity didn't fully believe her, she felt like she could live anywhere and the work ahead of her was unnecessary, so she started talking to her without any concern.

Then Thea told some jokes about the group executives and Felicity also talked about her college life. The two chatted well, talked about the photos, and decided to visit the site.

When I arrived at the bar, I saw the mistress or lover of the bar owner who had served Thea last time. I ordered her to serve drinks for the two of them, and they continued to communicate their feelings in a portfolio formation. Felicity looks very honest now with her blonde hair in a suit. Actually, she was also good-looking at the beginning. She wore smudged makeup and a punk look. She only changed her look after her boyfriend got arrested. She's not opposed to places like bars, on the contrary, she has an inexplicable feeling of familiarity.

As Felicity continued to talk about her own experience, of course, the part she could tell, Thea realized she graduated high school at 16, college at 18, and started her master's at 20. She was also an academically talented person.

"Thea, you're very smart. You can finish high school in two out of the four years. College is exciting. High school... is so boring." Felicity hadn't been exposed to alcohol for a few days, and now she was drinking a bit too much. She's not as cautious as she was at first.

These words left Thea a little tempted. Before, she had to participate in business management and learn martial arts. Once, she thought high school was a waste of time and dropped out. But after listening to Felicity today, it seemed like she could speed up the process. The American process is four years from ninth to twelfth grade in high school. The content is very simple. Compared to other countries across the Pacific, it can only be considered as a second year high school level. I can definitely pass the exam. If it doesn't work out, we can still save money, right? Queen Enterprises sponsors many university labs.

The_MandalorianoGF The_MandalorianoGF

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