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83.33% 14 Reasons Why : I Hate This System! / Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

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Disclaimer, i own nothing but my own idea and MC, and i will update on monday, Wednesday & friday.


*3rd POV - Present

Clay pedaled his bike towards his beloved school, with his helmet on his head. He stared at the students there, taking in his surroundings and looking for something he could find.

{See, I can guarantee that one of the reasons you're still listening.... Is that you really wanna know}

Clay remembered Hannah's words, her words on the tape. {Who are the others?.... Who are responsible for my death?}

"Or comatose..." clay said quietly. He was mocking Hannah or... he was mocking himself.

Clay parked his bike and walked with his head bowed towards the school building. Headset still hanging around his neck, {Well... you're going to learn soon enough.. and ofcourse they're going to learn about you, too}

The sentence stuck in clay's head, she sensed Hannah's meaning. This is what she said about karma. Clay's head spun, or he felt dizzy, his steps stopped and his mind seemed to say that they were all watching him.

Clay lifted his head with a sharp intake of breath, he looked at the students who surrounded him. Staring at him with a judgment look. Without a smile, a face that said that this was all his fault. They had faces that blamed clay, this made clay panic and his breathing got heavier.

{.... if they haven't already... What? Feeling paranoid? On edge?} Hannah's voice came back in clay's head or you could say in his memory and woke clay up from whatever he was right now. As if mocking clay with his same condition as Hannah said.

{...He told me... highschool is amazing moment... but it still sucks... you need ally in this moment of life}.

Clay walked quickly to his locker, he opened his locker in a hurry with heavy breathing and paranoia in his head. "Hah...Hah...Hah..."

{But.... You never really know... who you can trust... and who you can't…}

Hannah's words swirling in his head, he looked to his left and saw tony looking at him like he was worried about him. But that only made clay upset, Tony kept a secret, and right now he couldn't trust him.

After listening to the first tape, clay's mind became very chaotic. He needed to talk to Justin, was what Hannah said true or was Hannah just lying?

He walked into the gym and saw the workout being done there. Some students were looking at him but he ignored them and walked towards the coach.

{So keep your wits about's all part of the game...but it's not a game}

{not at all!}


*Seth POV - PAST Before Tyler takes her photo

"You don't have many friends do you?" I said and looked at Hannah who was eating ice cream with a stupid look.

"What the f are you talking about?! I have many friends!" Hannah said and looked at me with annoyance.

"Really?" I said with a sigh. "Because you've been going back and forth to my house for a week! You eat my food, my drink, and my ice cream! Give me that!" I tried to take the ice cream she was eating but she moved too fast to avoid my hand.

"WHAT?! This is MY ice cream! Wlee" she glared at me with smug on her face and put her pink tongue out to me.


"YES IT IS!" Hannah yelled back and pointed her spoon at my face with a threatening look. I grumbled at that and want to grabbed my beer.

"Where are you going?"

"I am gonna smoke!" After saying that, I took the beer and walked out of the house to smoke. Hannah followed me with the ice cream still in her hand, "Why do you always smoke?"

I looked at her with a confused look, "Why can't I?" yes, why can't I smoke?.

"'s bad for your health?" Hannah said with a look that looked at me stupidly.

"No it's not..." I said and made Hannah even more confused by my words. "Well, if you smoke like I do without exercising and beer is always your friend... it will make you die faster"

"So... exercise is the answer?" She picked up the ice cream with her spoon and pushed it into my mouth.

I ate the ice cream she gave me and replied "Yes it is... of course I will forbid you to smoke, and get away from me or you will be passive smoker!" I pushed her gently away from me.

"Shut up! I can be wherever I want to be!" Hannah said and fought me. I snorted at her and saw that Hannah was being stubborn at the moment.

"...Besides, it's calm my mind" I said. And of course I didn't tell her that my body was different from other people's, I had known from childhood that there was something different about my body compared to others.

"Calm your mind? Can I try?" Hannah said and wanted to try it.

".... If you smoking, you can't enter my house again" I said seriously and made Hannah flinch.

"...You're really not fair!"

"That's for your health, I don't want you to become addicted to smoking" This time I said worriedly to her and looked at her worriedly.

"....Fine" Hannah said with a pouted look on her face.

"....So what happened in school?" I said and changed the subject to her.

Hearing me ask that made her smile again. "... Everything is normal, I guess... Clay is being clay, and my other friends too like usual so..."

I listened well as she told me about what happened today, well if I didn't know what happened to Hannah, maybe I would have believed her. But I didn't.

"... this Clay... do you like him?" I said because he talked about clay several times.

"What? What are you talking about? Me? With clay?" Hannah pointed at herself and laugh at herself. "There is no way I am with him..."

"What? From your description and your.... Story. I guess you like him" I smirk and take a deep drag on my cigarette and I throw the rest of my cigarette away.

" are unbelievable, you didn't listen to my story!" Hannah said angrily.

"What? I listen to you, and all I hear is, clay this and clay that..." I said, "It's not this friend that you're telling me about without telling me their names, right?"

"Be..Because I don't want them to be charmed by devils like you!" she pointed at my face. I tried to bite her finger but she retracted it, "WHAT ARE YOU A DOG?!"

"Don't point your tiny little finger at my HANDSOME face!" I said and returned to the topic "...So you don't have any friend beside this… clay right?" I seriously asked that.

"...." Hannah just stayed silent and didn't look at my face which made me sigh seeing her. "Hannah... Highschool is a... well some people say this moment is the best for their lives because they made it that way. some people say that is the worst moment in their life, because they never tried to change that." I said seriously to her, my words made her look at me deeply and listen to me seriously.

"...Highschool is a time for new experiences, friendship and love or hate. That is why highschool is important for someone, for their life... when you get older, you will remember what you were doing back in highschool, and you look fondly of that." I took my eyes off Hannah and looked ahead.

"But I am not you! I don't have any friends at school, everybody looks at me like I am kinda slut! Like I am cheap whore! have you ever been looking that way?! Hm?!" Hannah said angrily to me.

"No, I haven't..." I said seriously.

"Then stop Bullshitt-" Hannah smirked but I cut her off. "But you are stronger than that right? Fuck what other people say, fuck what other people see in you! You are you, I am your friend too! Stop looking down on yourself hannah!"

Hannah shut herself up, seeing her not talking, I asked her "..What about clay? he is your friend right?"

"....No." Hannah was silent for a while and said seriously this time. "...he believes those rumors... or that what I see from his face..."

"What about your parents? Or teachers?" I asked, because Hannah also needed someone outside of my control. I can't keep her safe all the time, I can't be by her side 24/7.

"...Are you crazy? I don't want to talk about it with them!" Hannah said and refused which made me sigh again. I wrapped my arms around Hannah and brought her body into my arms to encourage her.

"Well you are my friend right? You can always talk to me again and again... I have a lot of tissues in my house so you can clean your ugly face after you cry" I said to calm her down.

"...Why do you have so many tissues?" Hannah said after hitting my stomach for saying her face was ugly.

"You know, sometimes girl sq.. OUCH" I wanted to explain to Hannah, but Hannah immediately understood what I meant and she pushed me away from her.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME, YOU PERV!" and kept hitting my hand.


 Hannah pouted and she looked at my face "you said that you get new experience in highschool right? What is your new experience in highschool that you remember?"

"Hmmm.... I had my first time in highschool..." I said holding my chin. Hannah looked at me with a deadpanned gaze. "....."

"With teacher...."


"Married teacher...."


"In her room...."


"in gymnasium…"

"STOP IT!!!!" Hannah yelled and hit me again. I just laughed at her behavior. "Oh yeah I have something for you."

I went back into the house and Hannah followed curiously. I walked to the music room and got something for her. "Here..."

Hannah looked at the item she was holding and looked at me "Why are you giving me this? I already have one at home...". She looked at the headphones in her hand.

"I don't know, use this to atone your sins for not knowing the song 'have you ever seen the rain' that we sang before!" I said firmly to her.

Hannah deadpanned at me, "alright your majesty..."

"that's good my subject..."

"Pfftt ahahaha"

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