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81.42% Jujutsu Kaisen : Legacy of the Senju / Chapter 56: Death, Legacy, Fate

Chapter 56: Death, Legacy, Fate

Tokyo Colony 1, Ikebukuro

Hiroshi walked through the streets of Ikebukuro. The rumble of thunder and the flash of lightning greeted him as rain began to fall.

Hiroshi looked up at the rain and murmured, "Huh? Why are you sad?"

Pigmentation marks appeared on his face, a sign of Sage Mode. For a long time, Hiroshi had been aware that during his meditations, the world would occasionally whisper words or images to him. Usually, these messages came through the gentle breeze of the wind, but rain and thunder signified a deeper, more intense sorrow.

As Hiroshi entered Sage Mode, images began to fill his mind, causing him to nearly stumble.

"Fuck," Hiroshi cursed under his breath. "Is that why? You're crying because I'm going to die?"

The images that the World showed him were vivid and haunting:

Mahoraga stood before him, preparing to slash.

Megumi Fushiguro, gravely injured, was looking down at him, praising him as an opponent he would never forget.

Hiroshi lay dead on the ground, gazing up at the sky as it rained.

"If I died, you know you could always birth a new Lord of the World," Hiroshi said jokingly, only to be struck by lightning.

"Geez, tough crowd. I was just joking," he said, as another image filled his mind.

The new vision was of a cracked ground beneath storm clouds, signifying that the world might not be able to give birth to another like him.

"Don't worry. I won't die. Even if I did, there's still Suguru and Satoru to shoulder the burden," Hiroshi said nonchalantly. He had died once before and met ROB. If he died again, it would complete the circle of his life. Everyone dies eventually.

Another bolt of lightning struck him. "Man, you gotta cool it. My apologies for taking my death lightly. Relax, I'll do my best to avoid it," Hiroshi said.

The images resumed, showing:

Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto, split in half and dead.

Jujutsu High was in ruins.

The Senju Clan was obliterated.

The Kyoto Students lay dead.

The Tokyo Students were also dead.

Japan was in shambles.

A massive amalgamation of cursed spirits devoured and destroyed everything with cursed energy.

"So, if I die, this is what happens?" Hiroshi thought as the final image drew his attention.

The last vision was of the Tomb of the Star, where Yuji Itadori walked out, wielding Cleave and Dismantle against cursed spirits. It suggested that perhaps Yuji had mastered Ryomen Sukuna's powers or something significant had happened to make him the King of Curses. The Tomb of the Star was the only safe space remaining, where Tengen had once resided, but her current whereabouts were unknown.

Shoko was holding a child. The child had Hiroshi's facial features but Shoko's eyes.

"The world has been overrun by cursed spirits," Hiroshi thought, reflecting on the image. "Hoh, so I did have a child. Can't have him be fatherless, can I?" he joked, as the sun began to shine once more, signaling that the world was somewhat relieved albeit a drizzle of rain continued.

Despite his nonchalant attitude, Hiroshi was deeply contemplative about the reasons for his potential death and why Megumi would be the one to kill him. "I wish the world would actually give me the entire scene," he sighed as he continued walking through the wet pavement.

As he walked past a convenience store, he decided to step inside and grab a few cold drinks and burgers.

As Hiroshi emerged from the store, he noticed a man sitting alone soaked from the rain, deep in thought. Hiroshi glanced at the man's information.

Name: Higuruma Hiromi

Points: 0

Rules: 1

Current Colony: Tokyo 1

Hiroshi Senju approached the man with a friendly smile. "Hey there, what's a man like you doing out in the open? You could get attacked by a curse user or something," Hiroshi said, his tone light-hearted as he extended the drinks and snacks to Higuruma.

Higuruma looked up at Hiroshi. The man's confident stance and the serene, almost regal aura he exuded suggested he was not just another passerby. Higuruma accepted the snacks with a cautious but curious glance.

"Thank you," Higuruma said, taking the items and opening them. Despite his initial suspicion, he decided to check Hiroshi's information.

Name: Senju Hiroshi

Points: 60

Rules: 1

Current Colony: Tokyo 1

"Huh, Senju?" Higuruma thought to himself. The name Senju was famous, not just for being the name of a billion-dollar conglomerate but also because the Prime Minister, part of the Senju family, was known for his benevolent policies aimed at improving the environment and the common good. The name was synonymous with both power and benevolence.

Higuruma looked at Hiroshi again, this time with a bit more interest. "I didn't expect to run into someone with such a significant name here," Higuruma said, his curiosity piqued.

Hiroshi chuckled softly. "I guess my fame precedes me. But right now, I'm just here for a walk and to share some snacks. What's on your mind? You seem pretty lost in thought."

"Higuruma who was disillusioned with the world's justice then asked Hiroshi a Question, 'You are a Senju, what is Justice to you?' He asked.

Hiroshi considered the question with a slight tilt of his head, his expression thoughtful amidst the rain. "Justice? That's interesting. Justice is an ideology. Justice and Evil are two sides of a coin; we do not judge based on words alone, but on the actions of those who wield such ideologies."

"So, are you good or evil? Or are you just another puppet of those in power?" Higuruma asked, a symbolic gavel materializing in his hand.

"Hoh, good or evil? I am neither," Hiroshi replied with a small smirk. "They are labels that serve the interests of those in power. As for me, you could say I am a balance of both. In the alignment chart, there are nine positions, and I cannot say which I align with. But you can say I am the Overlord—someone who manipulates the world while leaving it to its own devices. If it spirals out of control to the detriment of me and my family, I intervene to restore balance."

Higuruma raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Hiroshi's perspective. He gripped the gavel, a symbol of judgment and authority. "And how do you determine what is 'out of balance'? What gives you the right to decide when things need correction?"

Hiroshi chuckled softly, the sound resonating like distant thunder. "Isn't it obvious? Power itself is the ultimate arbiter. I possess the strength to influence the world and the wisdom to discern when action is necessary. But I do not see myself as a divine judge. I am merely one force among many. It's not about right or wrong; it's about ensuring my family's safety and prosperity."

Higuruma pressed further. "What if your family is the one that becomes corrupt? What then?"

"Then a purge would be necessary," Hiroshi replied calmly. "Power corrupts—that's a fundamental truth. Control is essential to prevent it from spiraling out of hand. I would eliminate any threat that jeopardizes the delicate balance I strive to maintain."

"What about the future? When you are gone, and the Senju family lacks your guidance, what then?" Higuruma challenged.

"Ah, death—a word that seems to haunt us today," Hiroshi mused, his eyes reflecting the weight of his words. "When I die, nature will take its course. The ebb and flow of power will continue. What matters to me is that during my lifetime, I held the reins. For that period, the Senju family experienced its golden age. With my passing, perhaps that era will end. No dynasty lasts forever, but the legacy of such a dynasty can inspire awe and reverence among future historians—The Legacy of the Senju."

"Hiromi Higuruma... I remember your name," Hiroshi said, his eyes narrowing as recognition dawned on him.

Higuruma looked up, a mix of curiosity and wariness in his eyes. "Where?" he asked, intrigued by the sudden shift in the conversation.

"You're the 'Crazy Lawyer,' the one who takes on impossible cases," Hiroshi replied, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I recall one of my clansmen mentioning a lawyer who, despite the odds, fought against a corrupt system. It wasn't that you were a bad lawyer. No, you lost because the system was rigged from the start. But you fought nonetheless, and that in itself is impressive."

Higuruma chuckled softly, a faint smile crossing his face. "'Crazy Lawyer,' huh? I suppose that's how it appears to others. I fought against the injustices of the system, not always winning but never backing down."

"And yet, you never gave up," Hiroshi continued, his tone contemplative. "Even when the scales were tipped against you, you kept on fighting. It's a rare kind of determination."

Higuruma nodded, his gaze distant. "That's one way to see it. But now, I'm out of the courtroom and in a situation where laws and fairness seem almost irrelevant."

Hiroshi studied him with a thoughtful expression. "Why don't you work for me, then? The Senju family could be your backer. Perhaps you could become more than just a lawyer—maybe even a judge."

Higuruma's eyes widened slightly, taken aback by the unexpected offer. "A judge, huh? What makes you think I'd be interested in such a position?"

Hiroshi leaned closer, his voice calm but firm. "Because the justice you seek is still within reach. In the current state of the world, you have the chance to reshape things, to bring about a different kind of justice. With the resources of the Senju behind you, you could fight for a cause greater than any case you've ever taken on. You could be the one to enforce true justice, to be the arbiter of a new era I am trying to create."

Higuruma looked at the gavel in his hand, turning it over thoughtfully. "And what would you gain from this arrangement? Why offer me such a position?"

Hiroshi's eyes glinted with a hint of mischief. "Power and an excellent judge, and an ally. Perhaps you could take on the cases that are shady and corrupt, addressing the darker corners of the world."

Higuruma raised an eyebrow, skepticism in his tone. "And what if that involves your family? I know that you are likely the Patriarch of the Senju clan, and one wrong move could see me working for someone I might seek to destroy."

Hiroshi's smile widened, showing a touch of wisdom behind his words. "Well, it doesn't usually involve the Senju as we commonly choose the benevolent path. However, in the rare chance that a Senju member might stray from the righteous path, you would have the freedom to act as you see fit. I know that there is a risk of corruption at any height of power, but even within my own family, there may be those who stray. The Law will handle these outliers, the 'monkeys' of the system, serving as a warning that even a Senju is not above the Law."

Higuruma looked at Hiroshi, assessing the sincerity in his eyes. "And what if you are wrong? What if this new world you envision turns out to be just another form of tyranny?"

Hiroshi's gaze was steady, his voice resolute. "That is a risk I am willing to take. Change is a constant force in the world, and while I strive for balance, there are no guarantees. But I believe in the potential for good, and I offer you a chance to shape that future alongside me."

Higuruma was silent for a moment, weighing Hiroshi's words. The rain continued to fall, mingling with the tears of the world as Hiroshi's proposal hung in the air.

Higuruma finally spoke, his voice steady but reflective. "You offer me a chance to be more than I was. To fight for justice on a grander scale. But with that opportunity comes the weight of responsibility."

Hiroshi nodded. "Indeed. It's a heavy burden, but one that could change the course of history." 

Higuruma took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision before him. "I will consider your offer, Senju Hiroshi. But for now, I am content to reflect on the justice I once sought and the path that lies ahead."

Hiroshi extended a hand, a gesture of agreement. "Very well. Take your time, Hiromi Higuruma. The offer stands as long as you are willing to listen."

Higuruma shook Hiroshi's hand, a sign of mutual respect. "Thank you. I will keep your words in mind."

"Just approach the Senju Clan in Kyoto and look for me, maybe in Jujutsu High once I solve the Culling Games," Hiroshi said, a thoughtful expression on his face as he extended a business card to Higuruma.

Higuruma took the card, its surface gleaming under the sun. The card was simple yet elegant, adorned with the Senju family crest—a stylized flower encircled by a ring of fire.

Senju Hiroshi

Patriarch of the Senju Clan

Kyoto, Jujutsu High

Phone: 080-1234-5678


"Thank you, Hiroshi Senju," Higuruma said, examining the card. "I'll keep this in mind."

Hiroshi gave a slight nod, his eyes reflecting the raindrops that fell around them. "It's up to you now. I've given you the means to change the world. Whether you choose to use them is entirely your decision."

Higuruma looked up at Hiroshi, the rain mingling with his own thoughts. "I appreciate the opportunity. I'll think carefully about what you've said."

Hiroshi turned to leave, his coat flapping slightly in the breeze as he walked away. "Farewell for now, Hiromi Higuruma. Until we meet again."


Meanwhile in Tokyo Colony 2

Nanami, Haibara, Kokichi, and Hakari were walking together as they eliminated both Curse Users and Curses near the port.

"Nanamin, what was our objective again?" Haibara asked.

"Search and destroy Curse Users and Curses, then rendezvous in Tokyo Colony 1," Nanami said as he slashed a Cursed Spirit in half.

As they conversed, Hakari kicked a Cursed Spirit and exorcised it, then walked alongside Nanami and Haibara while Kokichi, clad in a suit of armor, sent numerous puppets out to search for enemies from a distance.

As they walked, Hakari had a sudden urge to walk ahead.

This attracted Nanami's attention, but he let Hakari be. He had seen the third-year's file and knew that Hakari possessed a Domain Expansion and was bordering on Special Grade status. In fact, Nanami knew that once Hakari graduated, he would likely be promoted to the Special Grade category. The only reason Hakari wasn't already given the title of Special Grade was because Hiroshi had changed the mechanics of Special Grade promotion.

Now, students had to graduate before being given the title to avoid a repeat of the Yuta Okkotsu case, where Yuta was sent alone on a mission only to be eliminated by Kenjaku.

Hakari walked forward, and perhaps it was fate that, at the moment Hakari emerged from the corner, he came face to face with Kashimo Hajime.

A fierce brawl erupted as both Sorcerers locked eyes, smirks appearing on their faces as they prepared for combat.

A/N: Chapter 263 is wild. 

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