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18.18% DXD: Inconvenient / Chapter 4: A commom monday

Chapter 4: A commom monday

Yo, author here

Four days you know, it passed quickly, in fact I finished this chapter yesterday, but as I said in the first chapter that I intend to create a patreon, I decided to save it and start writing the next chapter, which is almost half done if my precision in terms of number of words is correct, also, small spoiler, in chapter 6, there will be the prota's first fight and I'm strangely excited about it, I hope to write something good, anyway that's it

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See o all on next time 👍



Yawn...finally school is over, I can go home now and continue my routine, it's like the legendary saying goes "the grind never ends"

This routine is based on physical training in this case, since I'm changing what I'm training, and in this case it will be a mixed training of martial arts, mobility and with some weights, you know, explosiveness and things like that

So I alternate like I said, training the mind or the body, and then I spend the night studying something or just relaxing, reading something or playing games

It's repetitive and basically the same routine I had before I died, but well, I like it, so I have nothing to complain about

Although I also had a routine of reading web novels or fanfiction, but the ones in this world haven't reached the same level as those in the old world, so I don't read web novels anymore, just taking a quick look every now and then and seeing if anything good comes up

Okay, let's get my things and get out of here

Arranging my materials, you know, pen, pencil, eraser and other things, I put them in my bag/briefcase, the kind you usually see in anime, and got up to leave the classroom

While my colleagues go out, whether in groups or alone, I myself go out among them

Moving through the hallways full of other students, I make my way to the entrance, which is that place where we keep our shoes

Once there, I go to my locker to get my sneakers, by the way, these slip-on sneakers that the school gives are very comfortable

Really, they are breathable and easy to take off, they have good quality, I think they spent a significant budget on these sneakers, well, after putting on my pair of sneakers and putting away the other pair, I turn around ready to go home, however , when I take a step, I hear Saji calling me

"Micael, wait"

Turning around, I see Saji walking towards me

"Hm, what's up?" — When he gets close enough, I ask him

"I will go with you"

"Hmm, let's go" — After my answer, I turn around and start walking

With Saji by my side, we walked in silence among other students who were also leaving

We left through the entrance gates and walked in silence along the sidewalk toward our homes

One thing to say is that my house is not very far from the school, in fact, we need at most a few minutes' walk to get to the school, at most about fifteen minutes

So, Mari and I don't need to take the bus or subway to get to school

As Saji and I walked, we remained silent, neither of us said anything, we just walked

It's like that moment of silence you have when you and your friend have nothing left to talk about, but it's not an awkward silence, you and your friend just stay... quiet, usually reflecting on life, or is it just me do it ?

Anyway, as we walked in silence, Saji, who had been silent until now, decided to speak up

", how life is going?"

Hearing his strange tone, I look in his direction while raising my eyebrow


Seeing my look, he asks me, raising his own eyebrow

"Nothing, just the strange way you spoke, did something happen?" — I replied, while turning my gaze forward

 "Uh!?-uhhh, oohh...nah, nothing happened" — Saji replied, while shaking his head in denial, while looking strangely suspicious to the side


Giving him a sideways glance, i said nothing more

"So, how life is going?"

"Umm, there's nothing new, it's the same routine as always, you already know"


"Seriously dude, did something happen? - just talk, I promise I won't make jokes"

Saji, hearing my words, remained silent, while making a doubtful face, as if he was unsure whether he should speak or not, and rubbing the back of his head

After a few seconds of silence, he let out a sigh and spoke

"Sigh, man, sometimes it's annoying how you read me"

"It's not my fault, you're too simple, Hah, that secondary character face of yours can't hide anything, lol ~ hahaha..." — I say. letting out a light laugh as I return my sidelong glance to him

Saji, who was running his hand through his hair, stopped, before giving me an expressionless look

I on the other hand kept laughing

"Secondary character is you!"

"Yes, and you too, hahaha..."

As I continued laughing, Saji rolled his eyes

"Okay, okay, I stopped, tell me what happened"

"Haaa, it's not a big deal, it's just... look, I'm going to ask you a question from a hypothetical scenario" — He says, rubbing the back of his neck again

"Hypothetical? - of course, go ahead"

"So... imagine you have something special in you"

"Special?" — I say, raising my eyebrow

"Yes, like a special talent" — He replied, nodding his head

"Hmm" — Honestly, the way he said it sounds like he's referring to someone with Down Syndrome

But I know that's not what he's talking about, I imagine it's about his sacred gear, well, let's see how he tries to explain himself

"Then a group of people, who are also special, find out about you and want you to join them"

"Like a team or something?" — Sona, probably

"Ehh... not exactly, but yes, something similar"


"So, they want you to join them and there are many benefits"

"What benefits?" — Higher power, longer lifespan and all that other stuff

"Uhh... forget it, it's not important, anyway, they offer you benefits, but in return you have to give something too, and that thing is very important to you, but the benefits are very good, but not only that , there are no real disadvantages either"

Turning my face and raising my eyebrow once more, I look at him with a doubtful look

"No disadvantages? - it sounds too good to be true" — Come on, my bro, can you make a better excuse

" actually has disadvantages, but you just don't care about it since it's not a big deal for you, and also, this "disadvantage" involves a pretty girl, hehehe ~" — ...Was his response, as he let out a laugh clearly full of ulterior motives, and looked like a perverted uncle thinking about how he could trick small children with their sweets

Yes, Saji is also a pervert, not like Issei mind you, he is more like a simp who will do anything for the girl he likes instead of going around harassing other girls, I tried to change him but there are certain things that they can't change, but well, as a great friend that I am, I make a point of making fun of him for his simp behavior, but that's a topic for another time

"...Okay, so, a special group, of special people, invites me to join their group offering me several benefits but in return I will have to give something important...yes, it seems very suspicious, how good are these benefits exactly?"

"They are good, very good"


"The kind that will benefit you for the rest of your life, and not only you but your family as well, in addition, it will make your life a lot easier, and you can even do things considered impossible, like having a harem for example hehehe ~" — Did you see?

"...Hmm, if you say that the disadvantage is not that bad and that you can do things considered impossible by society, then yes, I would accept it" — I pretend to think for a moment before nodding, fully aware of what he's saying

"Serious?" — He asks, giving me a dubious look

"Well, yes, first of all you didn't even specify what exactly this disadvantage is, is it acceptable?"

He puts his hand on his chin, making a thoughtful expression — "...Hmm, yes, totally acceptable, in fact you can even revoke it later, of course, it wouldn't be easy, but it is possible"

"So in that case, yes, I would definitely accept it"



"Without hesitation?"


Upon hearing my answer he remains silent, looking into space, not focusing on anything, certainly reflecting on his strange situation

After all, how many people can say they were offered by a literal devil to join them while you become a devil yourself?

Well, not often I imagine

And why am I basically going along with the idea of ​​Saji joining them, despite the risks it poses to my friend?

First of all, Saji clearly doesn't want me involved in this, as he thinks I don't know anything and is therefore better off not getting involved, hence his strange example of a situation, and I doubt if I disagreed it would change anything

Leaving aside the fact that this shouldn't even happen now, since as far as I remember Saji only became a devil after Issei was reincarnated

I don't think my view on this changes anything, not just because I believe some higher force is messing with me (seriously, there's some shit going on behind the scenes), but I can see that Saji clearly wants this

Imagine you, a teenager full of dreams of greatness and with a strong desire to be someone special, to be different from others, you find yourself faced with a chance to be exactly that, to do things that others can only imagine, like using magic and fulfill your fantasies and desires

In a situation like this, of course the vast majority would accept it, even if they had to pay a price for it, so it doesn't surprise me that Saji ends up accepting it

For him this is a rare chance, something that few have the opportunity to receive, even if it has a price and is very risky, he would still accept it, after all he has his dreams and fantasies that he would like to fulfill

With them, of course, being mostly his fantasy of a harem of pretty girls, ultimately Saji, as mature as he is thanks to my influence, is still a hormonal brat, full of delusions and not thinking much about the consequences of his actions

So yes, even if I told him that I know what he's talking about and that he shouldn't accept it, he probably would, simply because he doesn't want to be just another normal Japanese teenager, he wants to be special, different from everyone else, like most human beings want

Why do you think he came up with this weird example of being special and all that?

Anyway, as his friend I'll offer my help if he needs it, not that I think I'll do much, but meh

Looking at him, seeing that he remained silent all this time as we walked, I decide to speak, because in a few steps our paths separate, and I can't leave this guy thinking about it too much, because he will just be thinking about it without coming to a conclusion and there will only be stress for nothing, I will give the final push

"What's with this silence?" — I tell him

"Hm? - what?" — Was his response, as he reacted a little surprised, being taken out of the focus of his thoughts out of nowhere

"You, you became silent out of nowhere, what happened, are you thinking about your hypothetical situation? - haha​​​​ha" — I respond, chuckling slightly at the irony of knowing exactly what he's talking about

"Oh - haha, yes, I'm just not sure"

"Don't worry bro, you don't need to think about it too much, just accept it" — I say, while giving him a light slap on the shoulder

"...Are you sure?" — He says while looking at me with a doubtful expression

"Yes, didn't you always want to be special? - Can you make your fantasy come true? - so accept it, even if it has its risks, just be careful and try hard and you will do well" — I say, keeping my steps, without looking in his direction

"...Hmm-hmm! - you are sure! - as long as I try hard, dedicate myself and do my best, I can achieve anything! - HaHaHa..." — He said, with a renewed and convinced tone, while laughing a lot at the end

Uhh...that's not quite how it works, but ok, I won't remind you of that, let the kid dream

"Thank you, Micael! - it was a good idea to talk to you!" — He said while giving me several slaps on the back

"Of course, I'm here for it" — I say, as I hit his arm

"So, what is this group that invited you?" — When I asked this question, his smile disappeared as he assumed a neutral expression, not knowing how to answer me

"...Uuhhh..." — That was his answer

"What? - you won't say?" — I said as I looked in his direction

He, on the other hand, just remained silent as he looked away

"Hah - ok, if you don't want to explain, that's fine, you don't have to, but tell me something..." — Upon hearing what I said, he looked in my direction, waiting for what I was going to say

"You didn't join a group like "Perverts Anonymous" or something, right?" — I say, raising my eyebrow, with a sideways smile and a suspicious look

"Huh? - What the hell are you talking about?" — He says, raising his eyebrows exaggeratedly and looking at me with an indignant expression

"What? - just now you made a strange face while letting out an even stranger laugh"

Upon hearing my response, he just rolled his eyes without saying anything while shaking his head

"In fact, you look like a perverted uncle, no, you look like the damn pedobear hahaha..."

As I laughed miserably in his face, he grimaced at my words

"Fuck you! - you are the pedobear, asshole!" He replied, making an irritated face

"...Pfff! HaHaHa..." I, on the other hand, seeing the irritation on his face, laughed even more on purpose, just to make fun of his face

He was silent for a while, before letting out a sigh and laughing lightly

"I may look like a pedobear, but you, even if you were a pedobear, wouldn't attract a girl, not even if she were a child, with that ugly face of yours, not even if she were the last woman in the world would she stay with you, besides, for Unless I've already kissed a girl, what about you?- heh ~" — He said while making a miserable smile and had a really punishable expression

"Ah, my bro Saji, you don't learn, do you? - you always have to appeal in some way" — I say as I shake my head slightly in response to his words and keep a smirk on my face

"What? - does not have an answer? ~" — He said, keeping his smile and punishable expression

"Hah, and what do you want me to say? - for me to admit that I've never kissed a girl? - of course, I admit, by the way, who said that the girl you kissed was a real girl, after all you were only ten years old, it could be a guy in disguise and you wouldn't know, oh, and another thing, that was the first and last time you kissed a girl, you can't brag about it, you damn virgin" — I respond to him while letting out a snort

"Ha!? - Of course it was a girl...I think, besides, fuck you, you're a virgin too" — He replied, making a doubtful expression for a moment and then pointing at me

"Serious? - Don't tell me Sherlock, how did you find out? - anyway, I don't need girls, I already have that..." — I respond wryly, now being my turn to roll my eyes, before finishing my sentence with a double biceps pose

 He, on the other hand, didn't say anything, just looked at me with a grimace on his face, as if he was wondering what was wrong with me

I, on the other hand, ignored him and continued doing my poses


"And this, and this, annnddd...this! - Look at him! - this chest will enchant anyone - Hahaha...No! Doubt!"

As I flexed my pectoral muscles, Saji, whose expression was a grimace, changed to an expression of disgust, as if he was looking at something disgusting

"Bro, stop it, you're going to make me throw up" — He said as he made a fake disgusted expression and gave me a slight push

I, who barely moved from the push, stopped flexing my muscles but still responded to him

"Okay, okay, but you should take this opportunity to feel my chest, since you'll probably never feel a girl's boobs"

"Ah! - what!? - I would rather touch a girl's breast than yours! - also, stop, you're getting really weird now!" — He said, as he glanced at me sideways with a suspicious expression and took two steps to the side

"I'm just kidding man, it's just a joke, did you really think I was serious, that I would let you touch my chest? - no shit" — I said while shaking my head slightly and slapping him on the back

He, on the other hand, didn't say anything, instead taking two more steps to the side as he continued to look at me suspiciously

"hmph - fuck you, Saji" — I told him as I huffed and returned my hands to my pants pockets

"Hey, it's not my fault, you were acting strange ~" — He said as he retraced his steps and while smiling in an annoying way

"Okay, okay, that's enough"


After this strange interaction that was already standard between us, we continued walking in silence, without discussing further topics, before arriving where our paths separated

"I'll go, see you later"

"Okay bro, see you"

Raising his arm and clenching his fist, we bumped fists before saying goodbye and going our separate ways

Walking for a few more minutes, I finally arrive at my house

My house was an ordinary house, very similar to those anime houses with two floors, a facade that extended to the mini walls and a small iron grille gate... in reality, it was literally the same

After looking at my house for a few seconds and thinking that it is literally an anime house, I open the gate that was unlocked and close it, of course, before walking to the door of the house

As I open the door, I say the iconic word...

"I arrived"("Tadaima")

Well, who would have thought that one day I would seriously say that word? - at most I thought i would say something like that as a joke

Who knew, right? - anyway, going in and taking off my sneakers, exactly like in an anime, however, I didn't leave them at the entrance, instead I picked them up and intended to take them to my room which is where I usually leave them

Walking in just my socks, I head towards the stairs that lead to my room, but when I pass the living room my father calls me


I hear him talking, while I see that he is sitting on the couch with his back to me, in front of the TV and probably with a cup of coffee in his hand


As he responds, I see him turn a little, showing the side of his face before returning to the starting position, and yes, he had a cup of coffee in his hand

"Just arrived? - Oh, how was school?" — He asks while looking at the TV

"Meh, as always" — I respond while shrugging

"Hmm, and your sister?"

"She stayed at the club as usual"

I respond, then he turns to the side again before asking

"Seriously, nothing interesting happened?" — He asks with a raised eyebrow before taking a sip of the chicara

Upon hearing his question, I think for a moment as I look up in contemplation...thinking about the conversation I had with Saji, and before that the brief encounter with the trio and the other brief encounter with Rias, before answering...


"Okay, lunch is ready if you want lunch" — He said before returning to his starting position and going back to watching TV

"Good, I'll take a shower and then have lunch" — I respond before walking back to the stairs

Climbing the stairs and walking to my room, I open the door and enter

Placing my sneakers under the study table and tossing my bag on the bed, I go to the closet to grab a towel while I take off my uniform top

So, throwing my uniform shirt on the bed and with the towel over my shoulder I go to the bathroom in my room

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