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13.63% DXD: Inconvenient / Chapter 3: Red Head Rias

Chapter 3: Red Head Rias

Yo, author here

Here is the third chapter, faster than the previous one because it has fewer words, in fact if the previous chapter hadn't exhausted me so much I think I could have released this chapter yesterday, I almost couldn't do this chapter because I was having a kind of creative block , anyway, that's it

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time 👍


Rias Gremory, the infamous main heroine of high school dxd, the girl who was part of many hormonal teenagers' dreams, and anyone who denies it is probably lying

I must say, seeing her in the flesh is something else, her beauty and attractiveness are unquestionable, anyone who doesn't know her would be amazed by such beauty, and would probably wonder how this is possible, but well, for those who know her demonic nature, no It's so unexpected

I don't want to repeat myself, but I don't think I've emphasized enough how big the discrepancy in women's beauty is in this world

Like I said, the closest I could think of were those realistic AI arts, to represent the otherworldly beauty of these women, at least those of the heroines

Anyway, I'm not going to go into details about Rias' appearance now, firstly because she's in front of me, she'll notice my analytical gaze, and secondly, I'm lazy, however, I'm going to highlight a very striking point about her, (no, no, it's not her boobs, although it's striking, especially with this school's uniform, but no, it's not her boobs, I'll talk about that another time *Cough*) it's her hair

Just look at it and you will think: how ?

Or why it's so long, I remember seeing it in the anime and not thinking much about it, (as most of my focus was on something else) but now, seeing it in real life, I'm amazed and thinking about how it would feel to pull it, you know, at the segs time

Hey hey, don't judge me wrong, I know you would think the same thing, and that wasn't the first thought I had, my first thought was how shitty it would be in a one on one fight, like a cape, and the other thought I had was how hard it would be to take care of it, but I know there is magic so it shouldn't be hard

Well, while I had my inner monologue, I continued walking, despite seeing Rias, I didn't show any reaction outwardly, keeping my expression the same and my hands in my pockets as always

We walked towards each other, each with our own thoughts and without reacting to the other's presence

...Umm, I wonder if she's thinking about my lack of reaction to her, she's really famous at school, when she shows up everyone is like: 'Rias-samaaa!' 'Onee-samaaa!' and things like that, like she was a celebrity, if I remember correctly it was like that in the anime too

Leaving that aside, as I walked towards her, I soon approached her as I passed by her side, at that moment I looked directly at her and coincidentally or not, she also looked at me

You know, like that moment when you pass by a person and look into their eyes or face with the intention of getting a better look at what they are like, I imagine this has happened at some point in your life

And how in these cases the person can end up doing the same, and that's what happened now

And what I noticed about her appearance with that brief glance were her pink lips, her milky white skin, her long blood-red eyelashes and eyebrows along with her blue eyes, a striking appearance indeed

But my reaction when I passed her was simple


A simple greeting accompanied by a brief nod of the head

Her reaction was one of slight surprise, as she raised her eyebrows a little, before returning the gesture, with her own greeting and nod, along with a slight friendly-looking smile

Her surprised reaction was probably due to the fact that I greeted her in English instead of Japanese

After this brief exchange, we both continued our own ways, with her, I think, going to her classroom and I to mine

And so, young people, is how you talk to potentially one of the most beautiful women in this world and the main heroine, and who can easily erase you from existence with her cheating power of destruction...

Well, haha, it's just another normal Monday for me, oh, by the way, what is she doing here, on the first year floor...huh, she probably came to see Koneko, since she is known for not appears a lot in public, and this is one of the reasons why students make a lot of noise when they see her

Okay, nevermind, let's continue where I came from, I still have more classes for the rest of the day, sigh, whether in this life or the previous one, school sucks

[Pov: 3rd Person]

As the MC and Rias passed each other, each following their respective paths

With the MC already lost in his own thoughts, he didn't notice that after a few steps, Rias, who already had her back to him, turned around looking in his direction

As she looked at his back, she thought about how this brief encounter was unexpected and somewhat strange, at least according to people's standard reactions

Generally, students tend to be much more expressive when she appears, often shouting, or simply looking surprised and shocked

It wasn't that she was against a more normal reaction, it was just that it was something... new, literally, something she wasn't used to anymore

It turns out that this boy had a very normal reaction, in fact he almost didn't react, keeping his face in the same expression from start to finish, this stands out even more because of the way the other boys at school usually react when they see her

Again, she wasn't against it, she just... wasn't used to normal reactions anymore, that's a bit worrying, in fact, the students at this school definitely need psych, ahem, anyway

So, seeing his lack of external reaction, she became a little curious, but what ended up surprising her was that the boy greeted her, in English, to boot

She has been in Japan so long that she has forgotten that the most spoken language in the underworld is English

That was what surprised her, besides the fact that he greeted her so casually

But that was it, a little unusual, but welcome

She greeted him back in the same way, with a simple nod, a "Hello" and a slight smile, to give the impression of being friendly

And so, passing him and continuing on her way, she thought of that brief encounter, wondering if she had ever seen him before

Being a clearly non-Japanese student, she wondered if he was popular in some way, just like her and Sona

...Or maybe not, there was no way for her to know, honestly, since she had a habit of staying in the occult club room, without going out often

And he probably wasn't popular or something, she guessed, since a lot of her popularity came from her beauty, in fact, all of her popularity came from her beauty, people here were very..."excited" about her

And the boy, despite not being ugly, wasn't very handsome either, at least he wasn't like Yuuto, he had a more ordinary face

She noticed, however, that he had a muscular physique, which only stood out in his school uniform, so perhaps he was little known, being a foreigner and all

You know, just like an Asian student in a school full of Westerners or a Westerner in a school full of Asians, is going to stand out in some way

These were her thoughts as she returned from visiting Koneko

This was just a brief meeting between her and the MC, other than the initial impression, there wasn't much they could do

But well, things were going to change very soon, but none of them knew... so we just have to wait and see what happens, right ?

So, Rias, after her brief reflection on the MC and that brief encounter, changed the focus of her thoughts as she continued on her way, yes, she had all those thoughts while walking

And the mc ? - he was about to enter the classroom

[Pov: Micael]


...Huh, that sneeze came out of nowhere, is anyone talking about me ?

Okay, whatever, I better refocus my thoughts, I have class for the rest of the morning

*Sigh*, I already said this, but I'll say it again, school sucks

Reflecting to myself as I slide the classroom door open and enter

My thoughts focus on how school is unchanging, even in an anime world

I mean, i'm referring to the fact that literally nothing changes, it's that same environment full of weird, awkward, hormonal teenagers

There are groups, whether popular, which are usually pretty boys and girls or good at sports, and there are groups of weirdos, who are the otakus

In fact, sometimes I forget that it's still 2012, and that back then being an anime fan wasn't fashionable, and in Japan it wasn't so well regarded in general, with people with those tastes being considered socially inept and all that

...I mean, a lot of otakus are really weird, as well as actually being socially inept, so this prejudice isn't wrong

Another thing to highlight about this school that I sometimes end up forgetting is the fact that it was a purely female school until last year

What exactly does this change ? - not much, honestly, for me, since I'm not a skirt chaser or anything like that

However, it still stands out, imagine you are walking down a hallway at school, but there are only girls around you, with just a random guy appearing here and there

Ah, and it's important to note that some of these girls looked at you like you were a piece of meat

One of the reasons why I think the behavior of Issei and his pair of friends is stupid, there is no shortage of girls in this school, if they really tried they would get the girlfriend they want so much, but now it's too late, these guys reputations have already gone to waste

Some of the girls here are really thirsty

Oh, and another point that draws attention, I believe that thanks to the logic of this world, which is "Ecchi", the "thirst" of the girls stands out even more, and how they manage to be very, and I mean, very, very straight forward, trust me, some guys believe that Asian women tend to be shyer - hahaha, but I totally disagree with that, especially in a world like this

Anyway, leaving all that aside, things here at school are simple, regarding studies, after all, I literally had years to prepare and acquire knowledge in advance

So, if you know study methods such as the loci method, the pao system or other techniques, it will be easier to study

BUT, that doesn't change the fact that school still sucks, I would rather be at home right now, I don't know, studying on my own like I used to do or even training, school takes up a lot of my time that I could spend on something more useful to me

But it is what it is, I can't just drop out of school without a good reason, and even then, I doubt my stepmother would let me, since it's a Japanese custom that regardless of circumstances, you must finish school and college to be a competent citizen for society... although the high level of stress among students and workers is worrying and is too high a price to pay

So yes, I'm going to continue at school, although it's boring, it's not difficult for me, and I sincerely hope that things stay like this, without me ever encountering any problems, especially if it's of a supernatural nature...*haaa...*, who do I want to fool, that probably won't happen

But it's like the saying goes: "Where there's smoke, there's fire" - that is, problems surround me and sooner or later something will happen, I know that, that's what my inner Batman says

Well, that's it, let's continue the routine as normal

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