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9.09% DXD: Inconvenient / Chapter 2: The "Legendary" Protagonist, Issei Hyodou

Chapter 2: The "Legendary" Protagonist, Issei Hyodou

Yo, author here

Sorry for the delay, I said it would be in three or four days and it ended in six, haha, anyway, you know how it is, sometimes things don't go as planned, well, here's the chapter, I literally just finished this , I'm tired and sleepy, leg training today didn't end well for me

Anyway, that's it, enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time👍


What should I say about him?

I mean, there's nothing special about this guy, at least not on the surface, his appearance or his face specifically was ordinary, average if you will, although his brown eyes were a little unusual, standing out a bit, however, there is more impressive colors, after all, have you ever seen an asian with green eyes? Yes, they exist here

Well other than that there isn't much to say about him honestly, when I first saw him he wasn't much different from what I expected, his appearance was normal, his height was normal, he seemed to be just another Japanese teenager common, if I didn't know his personality and nature, I wouldn't have much of an opinion about him, he would just be another stranger to me, however...


Looking at this guy from here, I just realize how much of a mess this world is, I mean, placing the responsibility of practically saving the universe (I think, I just remember seeing that an outer god or something like that was going to invade, I'm not sure ) in the hands of a perverted brat whose thoughts are mainly about breasts doesn't seem like a very wise action to me...

But well, it worked somehow, apparently

That's the logic of this world, isn't it?

The power of boobs will save this world

It makes sense ? — No, but that's how it works

As I look in the direction of Issei who is next to the other two, Matsuda and Motohama, if I'm not mistaken, Saji, who until then was still looking at me with a frown and an expression of indignation, notices that I'm focused in that direction and ends up looking in the same direction

"What are you looking at ?"

Saji says before noticing the trio not far from us


It's the sound he makes when he brings his hand to his chin, stroking it while squinting his eyes

"What it was ?"


He said as he returned to his previous position and began eating again

"If you have something to say just say it"

I want to see what this guy is thinking, usually he tells me directly what he is thinking, without caring if I will be offended or not, after all this guy is a son of a bit...

"I was thinking about something…"

Why all this delay, you want dick and don't know how to ask for it?

Suddenly Saji looks at me, giving me a long look

"You thought something offensive about me, didn't you?"

"Who?, me?, nah, it's just your imagination, after all, what happened?"

 He continues the long stare without saying a word, but I just look at him with a calm expression

"Anyway, what are you feeling ?"

"Huh ?"

"I mean, how do you feel about him, considering what happened?"

"Oh..." — I already know what he's talking about

"I mean, if it were me and this happened to my sister, I know I would be very angry, to say the least"

"No, I don't feel angry, instead I feel like he's just a stupid, miserable guy, someone to be pitied"

After all, at least for now, you could consider his future harem as a suitable reward (in relation to his perverted personality, of course) considering the fate he awaits

"Huh?, I can understand the miserable and stupid part, but do you really feel sorry for him, really?"

Saji pauses for a moment before asking this question, while raising his right eyebrow and making a confused expression, as if he doesn't believe what he just heard

"That's not what you're thinking saji, I'm not a "Mr.CoolGuy", I don't have such high morals nor am I the type to give mercy to someone who hurts my family in any way"

I explained before he got any wrong ideas, this particular incident hadn't escalated to such a bad and irreconcilable point (luckily for Issei and the other two, their luck is very good)

"But weren't you the one who said those three were spying on your sister and the girls at the tennis club?"

"I told you they ALMOST made it, of course, if I hadn't gotten there in time this would have happened"

Saji continued with an unbelievable expression and I can only roll my eyes at this guy, I had explained what had happened but this guy must not have paid attention

"I had already explained to you what happened, you don't remember, do you?"

"You had?"

This time it was me who looked at him with an unbelievable expression, my expressionless face speaks a thousand words

"...Serious ?"

He says looking a little regretful

"*Sigh* Yes, seriously, you probably don't remember because you were too busy looking at a hot girl"

This shameless bastard at least had the decency to look a little embarrassed as he rubbed his hand on the back of his head and gave a shy smile

"I'm sorry, man"

"No, it's okay, I didn't really care what happened and I didn't explain it properly, so it's okay"


"Also, I can't judge you, I was also looking at that hot girl"


Saji looks at me for a moment in silence before shaking his head and letting out a sigh and asking 

"So can you tell me what exactly happened ?" 

"Well, long story short, I was walking around the school, with no specific direction in mind, until I came across the girls from the tennis club practicing, I saw that my sister was there so I decided to stay for a while until the end, but shortly after the end of training..."

"Wait a moment, weren't you in class ?"

Saji asks in doubt

"Yes" — I answer him with a simple expression

"So you were skipping class ?"

He asks, still in doubt

"Yes" — I respond keeping the same expression

"...The girls too ?"

"Yes, apparently"

"Anyway, it's not important"

Interrupting him before he questions further, I decide to continue

"As I was saying, training ended and the girls left towards the changing rooms and I was about to leave too, until I saw the three goofs not far away and realized that they were looking in their direction, remembering the fame of these guys, I decided stay and see what they would do..."


"Then, as you can imagine, the three spotted the girls from afar and seemed to have decided to follow them as they began to sneak up not far behind them"

"And then ?"

"And so I followed them closely to make sure what they were going to do, which was obviously spying on the girls through a hole in the wall, just like the kendo girls"

"The moment I realized what those three were going to do, I approached them, asked them what they were doing, they started talking shit, the girls realized, and then at the end I warned them saying that I would leave them in the ICU to the next few months if they did it again"

"Wow, that's a really subtle way of saying you're going to kill someone, hahaha"

Saji said while letting out a light laugh

"I wouldn't kill them, I would just give them a vacation in the hospital, that's completely different, my bro"

"Of course, definitely...Hahaha..."

Saji continued laughing for a while, while I simply went back to eating

"...Hahaha...*Haaaa*...Okay, okay, that still doesn't explain why you feel sorry for him"

"Hmm, ok, maybe I expressed myself wrong, saying I feel sorry for him was a bit exaggerated"

"Yes, I think the same, can you explain yourself better ?"

"Issei is stupid, Saji, and I think you, like me, have already realized the miserable fate that awaits him"

"Are you referring to him saying breasts this, harem that, every opportunity he has? — Then yes, I can understand what you mean"

"It's practically guaranteed that this guy will end up in prison at some point"

At least that's what I would believe if I didn't know better

Saji nods in agreement

"In fact, not only him, the other two as well"

I nod my head in agreement with Saji

However, I was thinking that he would go through worse things than being arrested

As I was saying, he will be in a miserable situation for the foreseeable future, and I don't just mean being killed by Raynere right at the beginning, I mean the whole complex situation that will involve his life, all the conflicts and fights, he almost he died more than once, anyway, it's a miserable situation like I said, after all he is the protagonist

So, like I said, his future harem can count as adequate compensation for him

I'm sure if someone asked him something like; "Hello, how about if in exchange for you living a life full of difficulties, being beaten, humiliated and almost killed several times, you get a harem, would you accept it?"

His answer would be obvious, well, he is very lucky, this is a harem world and not a seinen

It's high school dxd, not berserker, so this guy is still very lucky

"Yes, now I understand what you mean, a miserable fate indeed, this poor bastard will never feel a woman's touch tsk tsk"


Well, saji, the irony of the situation is that the opposite will happen, but I will spare you that questionable reality

"Anyway, my bro Saji, this has nothing to do with us, leave this topic aside and let's talk about something else"

"Ok, so, have you ever heard of a game called Dark Souls ?"

"...Yes, I've heard of that"

While talking to Saji about the game that would give many players an aneurysm, I started to remember the accident that happened between me and the future "Oppai Dragon"

I didn't have much of an opinion on him, despite all the infamy he already had, but it's kind of meh, even though I didn't think this would be our first personal interaction, but it doesn't make much of a difference, honestly...


"So what excuse do you three have for me ?"

At that moment we were outside the women's locker room at the tennis court

The three of them were trying to sneak into the back of the locker room until I stopped them

You don't have to be a genius to know what these three had in mind


As Issei rubbed the back of his neck, his eyes wandered around, as if he would rather look anywhere but into my eyes, looking distressed as he tried to think of a valid excuse

I can literally see the bead of sweat running down his forehead

"...Huh, we weren't doing anything...Right, Motohama, what were we doing again ?"

"We were going to spy on the girls, that is of course, until you stopped us, *Sigh*, now it's too late, they already heard us"

Upon hearing this honest answer, I can only raise my right eyebrow in reaction

"Aren't you even going to try to lie ?"

I can only ask when in doubt, keeping my eyebrow raised, this guy's lack of shame is admirable

"I have no reason to lie, besides, a riajuu like you would never understand!" — It was motohama's response, giving particularly more strength to the last sentence


This guy is serious, isn't he?

Issei, who until then had been standing motionless, with a shocked expression as he looked at Motohama, as if he couldn't believe the fact that his friend had openly admitted his intentions, decided to say something

"Oh! N-It's not at all what you're thinking, we-"


Matsuda, who until then had just nodded silently with a serious face in accordance with Motohama's words, decided to speak

"You're just a riajuu, you'd never understand!"


"N-no, it's nothing like that!" — That's what Issei says, looking even more nervous — "Just ignore what they're saying, aha-ahahaha..." — He continues, letting out a nervous laugh — "Damn, what's wrong with you two!?" — He speaks to the other two, in a not very low whisper — "Can't you two see that the situation is already bad!?"

"There's no need to be afraid, Issei"

"Yes, Issei! - Motohama is right!"

"S-scared?, I'm not scared!"

Issei responds, despite not looking very confident

"Remember the promise we made, Issei - Even if we are caught and beaten, we should be grateful, for a glimpse of paradise has been shown to us!"


Despite having said something so embarrassing, Motohama said these words with great conviction, as if he was proclaiming sacred words

He even looked up at the sky, with a serious expression, his glasses even glowed, as if he had achieved enlightenment

"Yes it's right! - Tell him, Motohama"

Matsuda accompanied him with a strange crying face as he clapped his hands


Issei's reaction was to be embarrassed, with a blush covering his face under his hands, it seemed that even he found it shameful, although, I'm sure he agrees with that sentence

"There's no need to be afraid, Issei - At the very least we're going to get a beating, but what's the problem ? - There's nothing new about"

"No, idiot! - It's you who doesn't understand, he-"

At that moment, Issei seemed to have lost his patience and was about to say something, however, he stopped and looked at me, as if he was waiting for a reaction from me, but I remained motionless, in the same initial position with my hands in my pants pockets and my face showing a calm expression, my eyebrow having already returned to its original position

From the beginning my reaction was calm (apart from internal disbelief) to the trio's actions and words, I would even find it funny if it weren't for the context of the situation

"*Haaa* You know what ? - Nevermind, let's get out of here-"

"What the hell is all the noise, Hahn!?"

At that moment, after all these minutes, the girls finally appear, and guess what, the one who was leading them and the one who had just spoken was my sister

Besides her, there were other girls who were from first to third year

A third year girl, whose name I don't know, took the lead at that moment after my sister

"What's going on here ?"

She spoke as she looked between the trio and me with a frown

"Aren't these three the perverted trio ?/I don't know, I guess?..."

"Yes, I think it's them/Yes, it's them..."

"Who is the foreign boy?/Is he Mari's brother..."

While the girls whispered among themselves in a not-so-silent way, the eldest seemed to have heard and understood the situation

"Are you three the perverted trio ? - You're not here to spy on the girls, are you ?"

She asks with a raised eyebrow expressing her doubt

This doesn't surprise me, despite the trio's infamy spreading throughout the school, their main victims are the girls from the kendo club, with the other clubs being less "visited"

This being his first time at the tennis club, his doubt was understandable

"Micael, what's going on ?"

Mari, who had been silent with a frown, finally decided to ask me what was going on

"Well, I think you already know"

Hearing me, my sister, who was already frowning, frowned even more

"What do you mean ?" — Asked the older girl

"Well, senior, you were about to become the trio's new victims, that is of course, if I didn't show up"

"That is true ?" — She asked, this time frowning, her previous calm face no longer visible

The trio, under the intense gaze of a group of clearly displeased girls, could only remain in nervous silence, without apology and probably already expecting to be beaten by them

"Did you do anything with them ?" — Mari asked, shifting her scowl from the trio to me

"No, not yet, at least"

"What do you intend to do ?"

"It will depend on their response"

At this moment, in the place that was in a tense silence, my voice was very audible, so the trio and the girls heard me

"What are you planning to do? - Hitting them won't make any difference, we should just report it to the student council" — That was the senior

"Neither does reporting them to the student council" — Was my response, as I looked at the senior

She didn't seem very happy with the situation, maybe she was the pacifist type ? - Don't like violence ? - Meh, maybe

"Don't exaggerate, micael, you could be suspended" — Mari said, this time with a more relaxed posture, without frowning and with her arms crossed

"I doubt it, moreover-" — When I was about to speak, I was interrupted by Motohama

"D-don't impose what you do, we will never give in to your oppression!" — He said with great conviction, even raising his arm and pointing in my direction as if to emphasize his point

...Huh, what the hell is this guy talking about again ?

With a calm expression, without showing any reaction, and keeping my hands in my pockets, without letting the stupidity of this situation affect me, I was about to open my mouth to say something, but Motohama decided to continue

"So beat us all you want, but it won't change who we are!"

"Yes! - I'm with you, motohama! - And you, Isse!?" — Matsuda spoke in the same tone of conviction as Motohama and asked Issei, but received no answer

"Issei!? - Why aren't you saying anything!?"

"Yes Issei, what's wrong with you? - Why are you so quiet? - you're not normally like that!"

Matsuda and Motohama spoke, but Issei didn't respond, he was standing still, with his arms at his sides and his fists clenched, his expression was that of his lips sucked into his mouth and looking tense

Outwardly, he seemed too nervous to say anything, but in his head he replied - 'Damn!?, you think I don't know!? - You don't understand, damn it!'

His inner voice seemed quite expressive, different from his outer appearance, Haha - 'Normally, of course I would agree with you! - I would be declaring to the world how unfair life is and supporting our cause, I have a dream, damn it! - And I will comply at any cost!'

'But!...I can't do this, not here, not in front of this guy!'

'You don't know what this guy is capable of!...'

Even though it had been a year, Issei remembered this specific incident for a good reason...

He had seen this guy, shorter than he was now, less muscular and much less intimidating... beating up eight older delinquents on a street!

Those delinquents were older, at least seventeen years old, taller and certainly had a lot of fighting experience, but even though they had a numerical advantage, it didn't make a difference in the end...

They were completely beaten!

He clearly remembers the beginning, the whole scene looked like a martial arts movie

The delinquent who seemed to be the leader was in front of him, being almost a head taller than him, with blonde hair and everything, he acted in an authoritarian way, talking loudly and making faces as if he was trying to intimidate him

But, it had no effect, he was a little far away but he could still hear a little...

"Huh!? - What did you say, bastard! - Don't you know who I am!?"

"No, I don't know who you are, are you someone important or something? - Also, back off a little, your mouth stinks and I'm not gay, so don't get too close"

That's what he heard, just before the delinquent attacked...

"Hah!? - You foreing trash!"

He punched him in the face while saying a racist insult...

...but it had no effect

The delinquent hit him in the face, but the punch only made him turn his head to the side

"Just that ?"

That's what he said, seeming unfazed by the punch

"You're weaker than I thought, well, my turn"

And that's what he said next, before punching the delinquent in the face

...And honestly, it was fast, fast to the point where he only saw the blur of his arm, and strong enough to knock the delinquent out and at the same time knock him to the ground

And after that began what he could call a complete beating

He moved very easily, as if he were really in one of those martial arts movies, and despite taking hits at times, he still seemed unperturbed, but what became clear to him later was that he was prolonging the fight on purpose...

All with the aim of causing maximum damage to the group, without knocking them out even if he could, the fight reached such a point that the leader woke up and returned to the fight, but was beaten like the others

In the end, after a few minutes of intense collective beating, at a level that caught the attention of everyone on the street, he stopped, more because of the police who had been called than because of the fact that his targets had fallen and had no strength to resist

Then, leaving his targets lying, beaten, bruised, bleeding and groaning in pain on the ground, he walked away as he said his last words...

"This is what you get for harassing a fourteen year old girl, if any of you ever go near my sister's friend again, i will make sure you stay in the hospital permanently"

And with those words he left, leaving a group of beaten teenagers and an impressed and, above all, scared Issei

And that's why Issei is so defensive, why he's not acting like his usual self, and why he's so scared, because he knows - if this guy hits them, it'll be a lot worse than it would be if it were the girls, this guy wouldn't show mercy

'Damn! - What do I do now...?'

"Alright, alright, that's enough, let's resolve this simply and quickly"

At that moment, after seeing a tense Issei standing in the same place while he seemed to be having some kind of flashback, I decided to speak

With my words, the trio became more nervous, and strangely, the girls seemed tense too, *sigh* I don't even know what to say...

"This is simple, just don't ever try to harass my sister again, and we can let this go without involving the student council or the principal"


Upon hearing my words, both the trio and the girls were surprised, with the girls also looking somewhat indignant

"What do you mean by that ?"

"Aren't you going to hit them ?"

These were some of the girls

"Just your sister?"

That was the senior

Shifting my gaze to the senior, I gave my answer


At my answer, she frowned a little, but it didn't matter

My focus has always been on my sister and not the other girls, after all, I don't know any of them and I have no obligation to help all the girls who are victims of these guys, if the school itself doesn't do anything, I won't do it

It may seem a little miserable on my part, but like I said it's not my job, it's the school's, and these girls aren't completely defenseless, these guys always get beaten up by the girls at the kendo club after they get caught

"A-Ah... really? - in that case, we promise that we will never spy on the girls at the tennis club again, right guys ?"

As I looked at the senior who was frowning, at the girls, some of whom didn't seem very pleased upon hearing my answer, and at my sister, whose reaction was just to raise an eyebrow without saying anything, motohama spoke

Upon hearing his words, I looked at the trio and they responded to motohama

"Yes! - we will definitely never do that again!" —That was Matsuda

"O-Oh! - Yes, of course, yes..." — That was Issei

My only reaction to their words was to have no reaction, I kept my face calm as I looked at them, even a deaf person could tell that those words sound like a lie

As I looked at them without saying a word, with the trio looking tense and with clearly forced smiles on their faces, I let the silence drag on, without giving any response

Seconds passed, feeling like an eternity, as I remained silent, the time that continued to pass made the situation even more tense

Until finally, I did something...

I was standing still, so I started walking calmly towards the trio

The trio, watching my approach, stopped completely in place, looking like deer in headlights

With each step I took the tension seemed to increase, with the girls also tense, as well as the trio, waiting for what I was going to do

I calmly walked towards Motohama, while he remained frozen in place

After a few steps, I calmly stopped in front of him, an arm's length away

Then, I slowly lifted my left arm from my pocket and calmly moved it towards his shoulder, the movement ending with a light slapping sound

The sound of the slap, although quiet, was enough for the trio to briefly tremble in place, as if they had been startled

Then, with me looking at Motohama, my expression still calm, I spoke, my voice coming out as calm and neutral as my face

"You seem to have got it wrong" — I replied to him, with the latter looking pale

"I don't want empty promises, you WILL DO what I said, understand ?" — I continued, emphasizing my words with a stronger tone mid-sentence and a firm grip on his shoulder

The boy didn't react to my words, looking truly miserable, not knowing how to respond to my clear tone of command

Shifting my face towards the other two, I said

"The same goes for you two"

"You better do what I said, if not, I'll make you all take a long vacation in the ICU"

The two's pale faces became even paler, so Issei, who until then was standing there with a miserable face like Motohama, decided to speak

"N-No, it's okay, we'll never do that again, don't worry!" — Those were Issei's words, while Matsuda quickly nods his head

I, on the other hand, remained looking at the three of them while keeping my face neutral, not saying any words.

"Well, if you all understood what I said, then everything is fine, as long as the three of you do what I said, you all have nothing to worry about, simple right?" —Those were my words, and although I said them in the same calm tone, it didn't have a calming effect, and I think the fact that I said those words with a friendly smile, it seems anything but friendly, what can I do, right? - then, finishing my sentence, I lightly patted Motohama on the shoulder

"Good, that's it, you three can go now"

Upon hearing my words, the three of them nodded before hurriedly leaving, they ran away, as if they were afraid that I would change my mind, anyway, problem solved, if these guys are smart they didn't try to do it again

Turning to the girls and my sister, with a neutral face, I raised my right arm giving a thumbs up along with a simple nod, before saying

"Problem solved"

My sister and the girls had no reaction, as if they didn't know how to react to the current situation that just happened, their faces were mixed between surprise and... well, the specific lack of reaction.

Mari, who was standing there looking at where the three of them had fled, looked at me with her eyebrow raised and said

"Just that ?"

"Yes, that's it, it's simple, isn't it?"

She probably thought I would hit them right away, but I don't think that's necessary, she might believe that a simple threat isn't enough, but I know very well that these guys got the message, especially considering how scared Issei looked, so that he was like that? - I don't know, but it works for me

"You don't need to worry about these guys, they didn't show up here again, you can be sure of that, well, that's it girls, see you later"

Before I could take a few steps and leave, the senior spoke

"Wait, I wanted to thank you for helping us, things were resolved very easily thanks to you, so thank you very much"

"No need to thank me, I just did what was right, besides, I helped mainly because of my sister, oh and I don't want to be rude or anything, but I think you should have a little self-awareness too, don't you think?" "

"What?, what do you mean?"

"If you guys walk around in that short skirt, almost showing your ass, of course you're going to attract attention, yes, yes, I know that's no excuse for all of you to be harassed, but I doubt you don't realize how much attention it attracts , right?"

The senior, whose reaction was to turn red in the face, didn't know how to react to my words

"W-what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean? - I think it's pretty obvious, if you wear short skirts like these, which barely cover your thighs properly, along with those excuses for school shorts, while doing a lot of movement, like jumping, for example, of course that you will attract attention, or you will pretend that you didn't notice something like that"

The senior, along with the other girls, heard my words and blushed and looked a little embarrassed, well, this reaction tells me that at least they are conscious of the clothes they wear, so they know that yes, if you wear a micro skirt together with tiny shorts that barely cover your butt when playing a high-motion sport like tennis, it will honestly turn heads

"Look, again, this is no excuse to be harassed, but you all should at least dress more appropriately, I mean, look at Mari, she is fully aware that this skirt is too short and instead of wearing this ridiculous shorts that the school gives her, she wears longer shorts, you could do it like her, it would be easier that way, right?"

Upon hearing my words the girls turned their attention to Mari who was still standing in the same place, with her arms crossed and her face calm, her lack of reaction says that she has no opinion on the matter, not supporting the girls, but the silence It served as confirmation of my words

They also paid attention to her clothes, since in fact, instead of the white shorts that the school provided, she wore black shorts that reached mid-thigh, being in fact longer than the skirt, in the end the girls could only remain in an embarrassed silence, shy and not knowing what answer to give

On the other hand, I, who had already solved the problem, decided to continue my path from where I came

"Well, that's it girls, if you don't have anything else to tell me, I'll go, see you later"

[...Flashback End's]

Ending my flashback and turning my attention to Saji in front of me, I continued where we left off.

"This particular incident could have been problematic, but like I said, it wasn't a big deal, things didn't escalate into an irreconcilable scenario."

"So they got your message and really listened to you."

"Yes, they are smart, even though they don't look like it"

Saji nodded at my words and I did the same.

Anyway, everything is already resolved and nothing happened, they didn't try to do it again with the girls, although they still do it with the others, they always get beaten up in the end, as always

Finally finishing my pizza and finishing eating, I get up to leave

"That's it saji, I'm going, I'll see you later" I say, raising my hand to do our usual punch

"Yeah, see you later" — Was his response, while punching my fist

I said goodbye to Saji and turned around, walking towards the corridor I had come from, however, before I could enter the corridor, I ended up coming across three "special" individuals

Well, it was those three again, how they stopped right in front of me, I don't know, other than the initial look I gave them, I didn't pay any more attention to them, maybe they hadn't eaten yet, now, they were standing in front of me, motionless and silent, clearly with the tennis club incident fresh in mind

Did I traumatize them? - meh, it doesn't matter, besides a fleeting glance at each one, I started walking again, but my movements seemed to have awakened the instincts of the three and they immediately moved away, going to the side, as I passed them I gave them a look side, they were tense, with a bead of sweat on Motohama's forehead as he pushed up his glasses, Issei with an awkward smile and Matsuda standing at attention, like a soldier waiting for orders

Yep, I definitely traumatized them

Well, it's not my problem - passing by the three without doing anything else, I continued on my way down the hall

Walking a little, I started to enter another corridor that led to my classroom. Soon after turning around, however, I ended up coming across someone unexpected

Could you count on that? - Hah, I just met in person for the first time, the main female protagonist of this world - Rias "Red Head" Gremory

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