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Chapter 12: the train

Ciaran gently and deftly lifted the cage of the owl Edsna, carrying the suitcase with his other hand. He had already cast an expansion charm and weight-loss spell on the suitcase. Though the suitcase appeared huge, it was actually no larger than a typical book.

As students on the train gave way to him, one after another, he didn't have to squeeze through the crowd. Instead, he walked briskly, nodding and smiling at the students to express his gratitude.

The students speculated on which professor he might be. Defence Against the Dark Arts? Or perhaps the new combat instructor? Many eyed him with keen interest, though he felt a tad uncomfortable.

Ciaran simply walked to the end of the train. Here, there were fewer people compared to other carriages. He entered an unmanned compartment and settled in. Finally, he felt at ease and the atmosphere now quieter.

He stowed away the owl cage and suitcase, then took out a magazine to pass the time.

After a while, two red-haired twin brothers entered the last carriage, placing their belongings in the adjacent compartment. They were the Weasley brothers, Fred and George.

"Professor Frémont," the twins greeted.

"Where are Harry and Ron? Also, where's Ginny?" Ciaran inquired with a smile, though he already had an inkling of Harry and Ron's predicament. They were likely facing the same obstacle as in the original timeline, blocked by Dobby's spell at platform nine and three-quarters.

"Who knows? Those two didn't make it in. Maybe they found the express train too dull and decided on a bit of adventure. Ginny stayed back with some younger girls," George explained, shrugging.

"Hey, George, that sounds like a splendid idea. I'm game. How about we try it next year?" Fred suggested, grinning.

"Let's wait and see how Harry and Ron fare first," George responded. "Though we enjoy a good risk, we prefer to act when adequately prepared."

"Fred, George, there you are." At that moment, a dark-skinned boy approached.

"Lee, this is our combat professor, Professor Frémont," George introduced. "Professor Frémont, Lee Jordan, our good friend and fellow Gryffindor."

"Professor Frémont," greeted Lee Jordan.

"Lee, what brings you here?" Fred, George, and Lee Jordan exited the compartment.


After a while, the train whistled, and with a rumble, it began its journey.

"It seems, much like in the original timeline, Harry and Ron were indeed blocked from the platform by Dobby. They probably still don't know what's happened," Ciaran mused to himself, glancing around. Outside the window, platform nine and three-quarters quickly vanished from view, along with the parents seeing their children off.

"Excuse me, may we come in?" A female voice interrupted Ciaran's thoughts. He turned to see two young wizards, a boy and a girl, standing outside his compartment. The boy had a round face, while the girl had brown hair and an air of confidence.

Ciaran sensed he recognized these two.

Upon meeting Ciaran's gaze, the brown-haired girl appeared a bit nervous, while the round-faced boy seemed unable to speak. He tugged at the girl's sleeve and muttered, "Hermione, let's try another compartment. What if there's still a free one?"

By now, the last compartment was nearly full.

"Sir, you're a teacher, correct? I'm Hermione Granger, and this is Neville Longbottom. We're both Gryffindor students. Professor, may we join you?" Hermione spoke rapidly, sounding like a whirlwind.

"Of course," Ciaran waved his wand, and Hermione and Neville's luggage floated to the shelves.

These two were significant figures in the original timeline, particularly Hermione, one of the three protagonists. Neville, too, harboured great courage beneath his nervous exterior. Ciaran welcomed the opportunity to acquaint himself with them.

Given his current identity as Hogwarts' combat professor, Hermione and Neville appeared more nervous in his presence.

"I believe you must be Professor Frémont. Harry and Ron mentioned you in their letters," Hermione said, somewhat embarrassed.

"Hermione Granger, you're an exceptional young witch. Harry and Ron speak highly of you," Ciaran smiled. Indeed, Hermione proved herself to be an outstanding witch, eventually becoming Minister of Magic more than a decade after the Second Wizarding War.

Grateful for the praise, Hermione beamed with joy.

Ciaran turned his attention to Neville, who still seemed quite nervous. "Neville Longbottom."

"Yes, Professor, here I am," Neville replied, visibly startled and at a loss, seeking reassurance from Hermione.

With a reassuring glance from Hermione, Neville appeared slightly more at ease.

"Don't be nervous," Ciaran smiled. "Neville, I know your grandmother. She even wrote to me, asking to help strengthen your courage upon entering Hogwarts."

"My grandmother knows you, Professor?" Neville exclaimed, surprised. He had no idea of his grandmother's acquaintance with Professor Frémont.

"Indeed!" Ciaran raised an eyebrow, smiling. "Didn't she mention it to you?"

Neville shook his head.

It wasn't surprising that Ciaran had crossed paths with Neville's grandmother. Neville's parents were once members of the Order of the Phoenix, and Ciaran's father was also a member. During his early years at Hogwarts, Ciaran had encountered the Longbottoms. Tragically, they perished after surviving the war, tortured into madness by Death Eaters. Neville's parents were still receiving treatment at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, with little hope for recovery.

Knowing Neville's grandmother seemed to ease his nerves slightly. During the journey, he and Hermione ventured out of the compartment in search of Harry and Ron, but to no avail.

Ciaran purchased some snacks, placing them on the table. He glanced at the chocolate frog card featuring Dumbledore, who winked before walking out of the picture, disappearing into the unknown world within the portrait.

At that moment, the owl postman delivered the latest issue of the Daily Prophet. Hermione's incredulous gasp drew Ciaran's attention.

"What's the matter, Hermione?" Neville inquired.

Ciaran couldn't help but chuckle inwardly. What else could it be? The news of Harry and Ron's escapade in the flying car had likely made the headlines once more.


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