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87.5% Odyssey of the King of Heroes: A Lucifer series fanfic / Chapter 7: Path of no return

Chapter 7: Path of no return

The next day.....

Within a small office, two figures sat opposite each other, one on a couch, the other in an office chair with her legs crossed.

"What really happened, Lucifer? There's something you're not telling me. Yesterday you showed up perfectly fine, and today you're bruised and battered.."

A beautiful bespectacled middle aged blonde woman dressed in a black suit with a skirt, spoke, with her legs crossed on her office chair, as she glanced at her patient with concern.

"Don't worry Doctor, I am perfectly fine. At the very least, my injuries are not that severe compared to the punishment I gave that...poor excuse of a brother.

Besides, we have pressing matters to attend to."

Lucifer, seated opposite her in a couch, reached for a glass on the table in between them, poured water from a glass jug into it with a smile.

"If you say so, Lucifer. So tell me, what pressing matters do we have to attend to?

Dr. Linda asked, as Lucifer took a sip of the glass of water and reclined in his seat.

"Did you happen to catch that impressive display in the skies yesterday, Doctor? Quite the spectacle, wasn't it?"

He asked, as she furrowed her brows.

"Yes, we all witnessed that weird beam of energy shooting into the skies, it was beautiful, but why are you asking me that?"

She spoke, as Lucifer sighed with a disturbed expression.

" I have a suspicion that yesterday's phenomenon might have been the work of my dear old Dad. You know how he enjoys making grand gestures, the flood....pillar of fire..."

"The burning bush..?"

"Well, for the record that was me. I was just trying to convince the poor chap to go back to Egypt and continue his fun life, however it backfired in the worst way possible.."

He admitted with a disturbed smile, as Linda asked before she took in a deep breath.

As a therapist, she had to work within her client's metaphors.

While Lucifer's was a bit extreme with the whole devil-celestial shenanigan, she truly wanted to help him out.

"Why do you think it's him, Lucifer and what do you think he's trying to attain by that?"

She asked, and looked him straight in the eye.

"Well, it's obvious isn't it? Clearly, he's not happy about my decision to leave Hell to Earth and wants me back in that damned place. It turns out, my brother was right all along. As if I haven't suffered enough.."

Lucifer spoke, clearly in pain, as Dr. Linda sighed.

"I see. But, have you ever stopped to think, Lucifer, what if the phenomenon wasnt your father's doing? What if there's a deeper reason behind the anger you feel for him."

Her words caused, Lucifer to pause for a bit..

"Hmm. Who else could it be then, Doctor. He's clearly been manipulating me since the beginning of time, even going as far as to send my brother to take me back to Hell."

He raised his voice in fury, before he angrily stormed out of the office, leaving Linda behind with an exhausted expression..

Walking to his car outside of Linda's office, Lucifer rested against the cold hard metal of his vehicle, before he sighed deeply and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

After lighting it up, he he puffed out smoke from his mouth and nose, as his brows furrowed in deep thought, musing on the words of the Doctor.


The next moment, his phone to beep, as he pulled it out of his pocket and answered it.

"Ah Detective, to what do I owe the pleasure of your call? Do you perhaps miss my devilish charm?"

He smiled, as he answered the phone, however the next moment his face turned into an exhausted one as he sighed.

"Bloody Hell. A murder in a warehouse? How utterly mundane. Well, I suppose I'll have to endure the banality of it all once again..

Fine, fine. I'll be right there.."

He ended the call in annoyance, before flinging the cigar away and getting into his car and driving away.


Standing before the dead body of a bruised and battered middle aged man dressed in a security guard's uniform, Chloe couldn't help but sigh as she donned purple forensic gloves.

After clearing her head for a few moments, she walked to Ella who was busily examining the corpse and conducting her forensic tests.

"I know, right. This poor guy died right after finishing his meal..Killer didn't even wait for the food to digest.."

Ella turned around and spoke, while Chloe nodded and sighed.

"Cause of death, Ella."

Chloe asked, while Ella turned her head back to the corpse.

"Well, let's see. Blunt force trauma on the neck, cyanosis, asphyxiation resulting in possible brain death..I'll say our victim was strangled."

Ella assessed for a few moments and then reported, as Chloe solemnly nodded.

"Anything pointing to a possible suspect?"

Chloe asked once more, but the forensic scientist shook her head.

"No fingerprints, no DNA, no footprints, nada."

She replied and then went back to examining the corpse

"Hey Chloe.."

After recieving the information from her, Chloe turned around only to see Dan, as a small smile formed on her face which she quickly hid.

"Erwin Scovell, 65. Worked as a security guard in this warehouse for 30 years. Married."

Beaming out in a small smile he handed her a file before he reported his findings.

"Any evidence Dan, pointing to a possible suspect?"

Chloe asked, and Dan pulled out a piece of paper.

"All CCTV cameras were disabled during that period. This warehouse, Chloe, was used to house illegal contraband. Aside that, we checked, and several containers are missing."

He ended his words and looked towards her, as she thought.

"This takes things to a whole new level. If the warehouse was used to store illegal goods, then this was premeditated. Maybe robbers planned to loot the place, our victim retaliated and was taken out. Once we find the owners of the missing containers we should be able to draw out our suspect."

She analyzed and then spoke, as Dan nodded and patted her shoulder, before he walked away.

"Howdy partner.."

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded out from afar as the figure of a handsome fellow came trotting into the crime scene with his signature smile.

"Lucifer, where have you been?"

Chloe asked, but he smiled and took in a deep breath.

"Well, I was-.."

"You know what, I don't wanna hear it. You're just going to tell me how, you were going to have a threesome and blah, blah, blah.."

She rolled her eyes and turned her head back to the victim.

"Well, I wasn't going to, but if you must know, Maze called and I had to turn down a threesome with two Britney's so, this case better be worth my time."

He spoke, and walked to the dead body, ignoring Chloe's annoyed expression.

"What in the Hell happened to this poor old chap? Did he die from hanging himself to escape the confines of a worthless mortal life?"

Lucifer asked with a laugh, however Chloe glared at him in fury.

"His name is Erwin Scovell, and he was just murdered. Are you going to help me find out who did this, or just continue joking around aimlessly?"

Chloe angrily spoke, as she took off her forensic gloves.

"Aimless? A very strong word when dealing with someone of my devilish caliber, but I deserve it, and fishing out murderers and punishing them is my job, so where to, Detective?"

He asked with a small smile, and she rolled her eyes.

"For now, we'll need to question the victim's family, and then go through the names of corporations, businesses, people, who might've stored their stuff in this warehouse."

"Oh, sounds like a hefty investigation for a life well wasted, but lead the way then, Detective."

Lucifer smiled and walked beside Chloe, ignoring her annoyed expression.



Outside the massive skyscraper, the HQ of the worlds largest company, a figure dressed in all black leather suit walked out of the shadows with a smile on her face.

(Mazikeen POV)

"This is gonna be fun."

I whispered, as I walked out of the shadows with slow footsteps, planning every single outcome of my mission, and the evil things I was going to do to that poor chap wannabe God, called Gilgamesh.

Lucifer did not send me after him, however I needed to go after him. It was my job as his right hand, and his partner, to always look out and protect his rear. From the looks of it, even he, the king of Hell seemed bothered by this person.

After my research, I realized he was a simple normal human and was nothing special, hence I planned to bring him to his knees before Lucifer and show him that I am better than that human girl Chloe could ever be, afterall, I am his partner.

Glaring at the massive structure before me, I smiled, before waving her hand, summoning tendrils and shadows and darkness which swallowed my entire figure, as I vanished from plain sight.

The moment I reappeared, I was in an elevator reaching forward the highest floor. Knowing how well this place was guarded, I had to make an entrance like I always do.

Preparing myself, I took in a deep breath, closed my eyes, clenched my fists and bid my time.


The moment the elevator bell dinged, I opened my eyes and walked out only to come face to face with two burly men dressed in black suits.

"Hey you! What are you doing here?!"

One of the big burly men reached out to me, with one of his hands ready reaching out for his gun at his waist.


Without even wasting time, I moved, like a phantom. Grabbing his outstretched arm, I yanked it out of its socket, before I smashed him onto the ground hard, amidst his cries and wails.


Seeing how I manhandled his colleague, the other security guard pressed a button on his chest before he removed his gun and began firing towards me.

Calmly walking towards him without an ounce of fear, I sidestepped, to the left and right, dodging most of the bullets and the others that hit me, merely stung on my skin, as if someone was pinching me.

With a smile on my face, I quickly spun myself and kicked out hard, tearing the head of the poor chap off his neck and flying into the distance, as his lifeless and headless corpse dropped to tbe ground, amidst his own pool of blood.

The next moment however, multiple guards suddenly rushed towarde and surrounded me, aiming their weapons at me, as if smiled and cracked my fists eagerly.


Several minutes after killing or incapacitating nearly every single guard, I finally got to my destination, a massive bunker guarded by a rather ancient looking gate designed with marbles.

"At least he's got a sense of fashion."

I walked in, only to see, a golden haired figure seated majestically in a beautiful golden couch with a wine glass in hand, staring at me in ridicule and contempt.

(3rd Person POV)

The golden haired majestic figure was dressed in a simple loose white shirt that left his chest bare, revising the tattoos on his body, and the intricately carved necklace he wore.

"It amuses me how a foul creature like you, dares to harm this King's people and break into my abode, without any sense of fear.."

He spoke, and directed his gaze towards Mazikeen, his ruby red eyes glaring into her dark black ones.

"His name is Gilgamesh. Just the few minutes I spent with him was like viewing into a celestial kaleidoscope.."

In that moment, Mazikeen finally realized what Lucifer meant.

The sheer pressure he emanated coupled with the near Infinite divine energy that rolled off his body, caused even a demon of the highest order like herself to be wary.

"You must be Gilgamesh? You don't seem to be human, so what are you? An old God, a new God?"

Mazikeen laughed, placing her hands on her waist, her poise denoting one of arrogance.

"But, who cares, I've killed God's before, but I've never fought one so beautiful. I think I'm gonna enjoy this."

Mazikeen laughed, as she waved her hand, summoning a pair of twin curved blades, as she licked them with her eyes gleaming with masochism.

"Choose your next actions very carefully, demon. You do not to tread a path of no return.."

Gilgamesh spoke, as he gently placed his wine glass on a small glass table before him.

"Oh, give me your best shot!"

Mazikeen roared out and blasted towards Gilgamesh, accelerating into Mach speed in but a moment.

Smiling, Gilgamesh remained unaffected, as dozens of golden portals materialized behind him.

A/N: Sorry for the late update. Been trying to write as many chapters as possible. Anyway, don't forget to review, comment and donate. Peace.

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