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The Champion

Medusa was as terrifying as the rumors claimed. Anyone who looked into her eyes would fall into a coma, their body paralyzed as if turned to stone.

"I get it, this is a mental attack!"

Johnny moved swiftly, almost too fast for the eye to follow. In an instant, he understood. Medusa's power wasn't petrification, but a mental assault!

Initially, Johnny had assumed Medusa's abilities were akin to the legendary snake woman Medusa, whose gaze could turn people to stone. This misconception led him to wrap his body in flames and avoid direct eye contact. 

But this strategy was useless against mental attacks, and he almost succumbed to her influence.

Realizing his mistake, Johnny frowned. He couldn't think of an effective defense against mental attacks right away, but his strong physique and will provided some resistance.

Drawing on his extensive combat experience, Johnny knew that merely defending against an opponent like Medusa was unwise. The best defense is a good offense, he reminded himself.

"Medusa, I've figured out your ability! It's a mental attack!"

Johnny's voice rang out as he moved at high speed. Medusa, searching for him, was momentarily stunned. A seductive smile spread across her face.

"You're impressive. You're the first to catch on so quickly. But now that you know it's a mental attack, do you think you can avoid it?"

Her smile widened as her invisible mental power spread, enveloping the entire arena. This power carried a potent paralyzing effect. Johnny felt his body begin to lose control again.

However, Medusa's mental focus wasn't entirely on him yet, making the effect slightly weaker than before. This gave Johnny a critical opportunity to strike back.

Johnny unleashed his ice control ability to its fullest. A frigid cold surged through the arena, and shards of ice rapidly formed. Under Johnny's mental command, they shot toward Medusa's position.

The air crackled as the ice meteors streaked towards Medusa. She deftly dodged the first few, her movements graceful and fluid. But Johnny's assault was relentless. Ice meteors pelted the ground around her, creating a frozen wasteland.

Medusa's smile faded as she realized the intensity of Johnny's attack. Her mental power surged, trying to overpower Johnny's will, but he fought back fiercely, his determination unwavering.

The arena erupted in chaos, the spectators' cheers blending with the sounds of ice shattering and energy crackling. Johnny knew this was his chance. He had to press his advantage and not give Medusa a moment to regain control.

"I won't let you win, Medusa!" Johnny yelled, his voice a battle cry that echoed through the arena.

The final battle was in full swing, and the outcome hung in the balance as Johnny and Medusa clashed in a fierce contest of power and will.

When the ice storm began, Johnny's high-speed movement released a large amount of invisible toxins into the arena. These toxins, like Medusa's mental power, were colorless, tasteless, and had strong penetrating power. Even Johnny had once been caught off guard by them. Now, he used this silent weapon as he approached Medusa.

As a barrage of ice spikes shot toward Medusa, she deftly twisted her body, evading many and using her daggers to shatter those she couldn't avoid. Her agility and melee skills were impressive, and within moments, all the ice spikes were neutralized.

In the arena, the audience could only see Medusa's lone figure. Her fiery and beautiful form, dancing through the storm of ice, sent the crowd's blood racing and their breaths quickening.

Outwardly, Johnny's figure was hard to see, and it seemed as though Medusa was trapped in his attack. But Johnny wasn't faring well either.

As time passed, a heavy drowsiness weighed on him. The ice spikes he controlled began to lose accuracy and power. Medusa's mental invasion was taking its toll, and Johnny didn't know how much longer he could hold out.

Yet, despite his growing fatigue, Johnny wore a confident smile. He believed he had victory in his grasp.

Suddenly, Johnny's figure paused, appearing directly opposite Medusa. The ice spikes stopped forming and dissipated.

"Medusa, you lost," Johnny declared.

The abrupt shift from extreme motion to stillness made Johnny's body unstable, a sign of Medusa's mental influence.

"Devourer, are you delusional? Your attacks are weakening. You're the one who's lost," Medusa replied, her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath, surrounded by shattered ice.

Johnny's smile didn't falter. "Look around you," he said softly.

Medusa glanced around, her confidence wavering as she noticed a faint mist rising from the shattered ice. Her eyes widened in realization—the invisible toxin Johnny had spread was now being released into the air.

"You underestimated me," Johnny continued. "While you were focused on my ice spikes, the real attack was already underway."

Medusa's eyes narrowed, but she couldn't hide the fear creeping into her expression. She had fallen into Johnny's trap. The mental strain she had placed on Johnny had distracted her from his true strategy.

"You...!" Medusa started, but her voice faltered as the toxin began to take effect.

Johnny steadied himself, the flames around him flickering with renewed intensity. "This is the end, Medusa. Surrender, and I'll consider sparing you."

Medusa's pride wouldn't allow her to submit easily, but she knew the battle had turned against her. She had no choice but to acknowledge Johnny's cunning and strength.

"Very well, Devourer," she said, her voice tinged with reluctance. "You have won this time."

Johnny nodded, the flames around him dissipating as he extended a hand to Medusa. "Together, we can be stronger. Join me."

Medusa hesitated, then took his hand, a new alliance formed in the aftermath of their fierce battle.

As she spoke, Medusa concentrated her spiritual power, aiming to crush Johnny's mind and take control of him directly.

However, just as Medusa was about to end the battle, her charming face suddenly twisted in pain, and her spiritual power instantly collapsed. 

"Ah!" A pained moan escaped Medusa's lips as her body fell to the ground, writhing in agony. "What did you... do to me?" she gasped, her voice filled with panic and pain as she twisted like a water snake.

With Medusa's strange spiritual attack no longer affecting him, Johnny quickly regained his clarity. Seeing Medusa on the ground, a smile appeared on his face. 

"Medusa, this is a highly toxic ability. The toxin has invaded your body. If it isn't removed in time, you already know the consequences," Johnny said, his words causing Medusa to tremble violently with fear.

The pain in her body grew more intense, making Medusa moan pitifully. 

"You lose," Johnny reminded her calmly.

"I..." Medusa twisted in agony, a look of struggle in her eyes. She understood Johnny's ultimatum, but the thought of submitting to him was hard to accept. 

As the pain intensified, it reminded Medusa that her life was slipping away with each passing moment. 

"I give up," she finally cried out, "I am willing to submit to you and be your servant!"

Johnny watched her with a faint smile. As Medusa's consciousness began to blur from the toxins, she felt a warm palm placed on her forehead. A strange power entered her, instantly relieving her pain. 

The toxins in Medusa's body dissipated rapidly, completely clearing in just a few breaths. Johnny had controlled the toxin that entered her, and now he was removing it just as easily. 

When the pain was entirely gone, Medusa, exhausted from the ordeal, fell into a deep coma. 

As Medusa lost consciousness, the championship battle reached its conclusion.


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