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3.84% The Fated System / Chapter 2: Who am I?

Chapter 2: Who am I?

Jared, still grappling with the surreal circumstances of his arrival at the Ritual Academy of Tilanaz, found himself pressured by the presence of Vice-Headmaster Jania, a figure of elegance, authority, and hidden power. Clearly there was more here than he understood. His mind, swirling with questions about this strange new world, spurred him to seek answers.

"Vice-Headmaster Jania," he began cautiously, "how is Tilanaz ranked fourth in the nation? And what exactly is this academy all about?" His mind racing to try and fit the pieces together before accidentally accepting an offer that would hurt him.

Jania, looking mildly surprised by his apparent ignorance, responded with a patient, if somewhat perplexed, demeanor. "Tilanaz is renowned for its rigorous training in the ritual arts. Our methods, although occasionally deemed controversial due to their engagement with otherworldly forces, have earned us a prestigious position among the magical academies of our nation," she explained. She then detailed the reason for the academy's secluded location, deep in the foothills, away from civilization to prevent the dire consequences of their potent rituals from affecting nearby settlements​​. "That is probably why you did not recognize where you are, even though your family has ties to this academy we do not allow those who cannot practice the ritual arts themselves to set foot here in case something goes wrong."

"As for our curriculum," Jania continued, unfolding the essence of what Tilanaz offered, "our students begin by learning the basics of ritual combat, ritual theory, sealing rituals, and the rituals for body enhancement to withstand the effects of higher-level rituals. They then progress to intricate Ritual Tattoos, enabling us to quickly summon and harness magical energies. The essential Shadow and Wild Gate rituals are the apex of our magical power and allow us to contact devils and fey for contracts and bindings respectively." Her eyes gleamed with pride as she spoke of the diverse branches of specialization available to advanced students, including Curse, Fey Binding, Devil Contract, Enhancement, and Spell Rituals​​.

Jared listened intently, absorbing every word. The sheer depth of magical knowledge and practice at Tilanaz was overwhelming, yet thrilling. He had only imagined these things before in the worlds he helped create while being a programmer and never imagined he would be able to take part... maybe this was karma at work and he was able to come to this world in return for trying to save that girl's life.

Jania's expression turned more serious as she described the academy's style and orientation. "A Ritualist here is marked not only by their magical prowess but also by the rituals tattooed onto their bodies for swift power access. Depending on their chosen branch, they can be fierce and agressive or utilize a more defensive form of magic to curse and wait out their opponent. Unfortunately, even with our record we face discrimination due to the nature of our magic and the fact that we can deal with devils or otherworldly beings," she shared, hinting at the complex dynamics of their world​​.

The conversation shifted to the second part of Jared's questions, why the academy was able to claim they were fourth in the nation. The Vice-Headmaster explained about the national academy competition, the Royal Rally, held every two years, where students competed for recognition and resources. "In years second, fourth, and sixth, the Rally is a testament to the strength and skill of our students. It's a fierce contest of magical ability and strategic thinking which allows us to compare ourselves to the other academies in our nation. That is how we can know we are ranked fourth," Jania explained.

As Jared digested this information, Jania suddenly scrutinized him. "I've offered you much, Jared. In return, you must place in the top three for your year, upholding my legacy. Do we have an agreement?"

Jared's mind raced. Despite the bizarre and abrupt nature of his arrival, he felt an urge to embrace this opportunity. He nodded firmly, "I accept your offer."

Jania smiled, a mix of satisfaction and cunning. She motioned Jared to follow her to a small table on the side of the room where a white-hot needle lay. With a swift motion, she grasped Jared's hand and pressed the needle into his skin, carving an intricate circle. Jared's scream echoed through the chamber, but Jania held his hand firm with surprising strength. As she finished she waved her hand over the burned marking, and the pain vanished, leaving only the scar.

"That was a binding agreement between us," Jania explained. "I've imparted a unique ritual spell to you, my life's work. In exchange, I'll always know your whereabouts." As she spoke she walked to the wall and pressed a button by the doors, "Now go back to your home, say nothing save for we met in normal circumstances and you passed my test so I gave you advanced entry thanks to your performance and your family name and I will see you in three weeks where I will explain how to use that spell on your hand." 

As Jania concluded her revelation she left the room without a second glance at Jared. A solemn procession of Tilanaz's guards suddenly entered and motioned for him to leave the room with them. Dressed in ceremonial robes that bore the insignia of the academy and covered in magical circle tattoos, their presence added a sense of gravity to the situation. Their faces, stoic and unreadable, suggested they were accustomed to the unusual happenings within these ancient walls. Jared, still in a daze from the whirlwind of events, followed them obediently, his mind a tangle of thoughts and emotions.

As they navigated the labyrinthine corridors of Tilanaz, Jared couldn't help but marvel at the architecture. The academy, nestled deep in the foothills and isolated from civilization, was a blend of mystical charm and daunting power. The central building, grand and imposing, housed what appeared to be the core classes for students of various levels. The air was thick with a sense of ancient magic, and Jared felt as if countless eyes watching him from the shadows of the stone walls​​.

As they moved through the academy, Jared's eyes caught a glimpse of a young girl engrossed in a ritual within a small room filled with professors. Her concentration was palpable, her movements fluid and confident as she traced intricate patterns in the air where blue glowing words and lines appeared. She glanced towards Jared was a mix of curiosity and focus before quickly looking back at her work, leaving him with an impression of someone deeply committed to their craft. Her presence served as a stark reminder of the academy's purpose – a place where the arcane was not just studied but lived and breathed.

Finally, they arrived at the grand gates of Tilanaz. The outside world felt strangely distant, as if he were stepping back into a reality he had momentarily left behind. The carriage awaiting him seemed mundane in contrast to the mystique of the academy. Climbing aboard, Jared's mind raced with the possibilities and challenges that lay ahead.

As the carriage rolled away from Tilanaz, Jared's thoughts were a maelstrom. The information Jania had imparted about the academy's curriculum - the complex rituals, the binding and contracting with devils and fey, and the rigorous training paths - loomed large in his mind. He wondered about the students he had seen, especially the girl drawing the ritual in the air, and what his future interactions with them might hold.

Jared's journey ahead was unclear, but one thing was certain: he had been thrust into a world where magic was real and potent, a world far removed from his past life. He realized that to survive and thrive in Tilanaz, he would have to adapt quickly, embracing the arcane arts that would now shape his destiny.

As the carriage disappeared into the distance, the grand towers of Tilanaz loomed in the background, a silent testament to the ancient knowledge and power that resided within. Jared knew that his return to Tilanaz would mark the beginning of an extraordinary new chapter in his life, one filled with magic, challenges, and the unraveling of mysteries in this enigmatic new world. Not a few seconds later a mysterious-looking panel appeared before his eyes with a small ding.


[Jared Martel, reborn into Kendell Hecrule]

[Rituals: Tatiana's Energy Control | Mastery Level: 1] 

[Forbidden Rituals: Planar Transfer | Attempts: NULL]


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