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Chapter 28: Improving Oneself

Thorfinn sometimes wondered why men could possibly choose not to go on a raid when given the opportunity, but believed he now understood as Hild impaled herself on his cock with a moan of pleasure. 'What is glory compared to the touch of a woman that loves you,' he thought to himself. If he didn't have to prove himself then he would've contented himself with living as a farmer with Rebekah as his wife. Hilds hot and wet hole slid around his shaft engulfing him completely; she started to rock herself on him slowly as she placed her hands on his chest. "Gods..." Thorfinn groaned, while her breasts weren't large they still bounced as she moved herself; that combined with the beautiful blush on her face only spurred Thorfinn on and he started meeting her movements with upwards thrusts.

"Mmmmnnnn!" Hild moaned, she had her eyes closed and her mouth opened as Thorfinn spread her open. This was the first time they'd lain together in a while and simply the feeling of having him inside of her was overwhelming "I am yours..." she breathed out as she leaned forward and started moving faster. The sounds of his cock penetrating her could be heard throughout the room, it felt too good for Thorfinn who hadn't had sex in a while either. He grabbed Hild and pulled her down into a scorching kiss that made her moan; he assaulted her mouth with his tongue while he continued to thrust up into her with ever-increasing passion. The inside of her hole only got wetter and the deeper he went the more narrow it was; the feeling of her sex squeezing the end of his cock was too much and his balls started to expand and contract as he shot at least six ropes of his seed inside of her making her stiffen in his grasp as she had her very own orgasm. Her nails clawed at his chest and she buried her head into the crook of his neck as she felt her core burn like the centre of a fire.

Hild wanted to fall asleep on his chest but she could feel that despite filling her hole with his seed he was still hard. She slid off him to his side and took his cock in her hand "It seems you are not satisfied yet my love," she said as she started to stroke the fluid-soaked shaft.

Thorfinn hummed appreciatively as he stroked her hair "It is no issue, we can wait till tonight if it pains you," he replied.

Hild did feel a little stretched out so she appreciated the chance to recover a little. However a devious smile made its way onto her face "Why wait when someone is willing to take care of this serpent right now," she whispered as she looked at Arwyn who watched from a seat by the bed with her hands buried beneath her nightgown.

Thorfinn went to decline as he had made a promise to Eowyn, but he stopped himself before the words left his mouth. 'She poisoned me... all deals we had are void,' he thought to himself. "Arwyn stand up and take your clothing off," he told her.

Her eyes widening she did so immediately, bringing the night dress over her head and letting it fall to the ground. Thorfinn felt his cock throb as he finally looked at her before he had not registered her as someone he could fuck as he have Eowyn his word, but now he finally saw her for real. She was slender, more so than her sister, but her breasts seemed to be bigger —over a handful. 'Did they grow?' Thorfinn thought to himself, he hadn't taken much notice of her body before, but he was sure they weren't as big as that.

Shaking off those thoughts his eyes roamed her body, she was quite muscled. Her stomach had the faded lines of a six-pack, and her thighs were quite defined, between her legs was a patch of honey-blonde pubic hair similar to her sister; the inner region of her pubes were darker as they were soaked by her juices. The smell that emanated from her sex was overwhelming, it only made Thorfinn harder.

Thorfinn got to his feet and approached her. She panted heavily as his hand went up her sides where he then touched her breasts; her nose twitched as she inhaled his scent, it was intoxicating to her and she could barely contain herself from licking the sweat off his body. She spread her legs when Thorfinns hands went between them, she gasped when she felt his fingers pressing against her nub. The sounds of her liquids dripping against the floor were audible and she gripped onto Thorfinns shoulders as she felt herself explode. "You have the chance to say no now," Thorfinn said giving her the chance to back away, she was a free woman despite her obedience to him.

"Please take me... I want to be filled by you, I want you to rut in me until my body breaks," she almost growled as her nails started to break his skin.

"Then get on the bed," he instructed and she did so immediately, but she didn't lay on her back as he expected but she got on her hands and knees raising her arse in the air and pressing her head to the blanket while she looked at him. "She seems enthusiastic Thorfinn," Hild said with mild amusement as she began rubbing circles around her nub.

Thorfinn climbed onto the bed from behind and moved behind her on his knees. He placed his cock between her cheeks, he could feel her anus twitch as he rubbed it up and down; he was tempted to use that hole but decided not to as it was her first time. "Lord... please," Arwyn begged as she pressed back against him, her entire body was burning, she couldn't even describe the amount of desire she felt for Thorfinn.

Thorfinn smirked before grabbing his cock and pressing it against the entrance of her sex. It was hard to push inside of her, she was so tight; Thorfinn even struggled to push the tip of his cock inside, but Arwyn was getting impatient and she roughly pushed herself back onto his cock which shoved over three-quarters of it inside her and ripped through her maidenhood. "YESSS-" she growled out as the pain and pleasure lit a fire inside of her that only his seed could put out. Thorfinn had to compose himself for a moment as Arywns insides were scorching, it felt like his cock was engulfed in flames, but inside of hurting it felt good.

Arwyn couldn't handle it anymore and she pushed herself back again bottoming Thorfinns cock inside of her and making her hiss out in pleasure again. "Please! Make me yours! Ruin me! Claim me!" She moaned as she tried thrusting back on him. Stoking a fire inside of Thorfinn he grabbed her hips and pulled out of her before thrusting back inside; her cheeks rippled and she was forced forward under the strength of her thrust but it was enough to make her scream as another orgasm claimed her.

Hild watched in shock as Thorfinn pounded Arywn with a roughness that would leave her bed-bound for a week. He reached forward and pushed her head down onto the bed as he pushed himself deeper inside her, grinding his hips as he did hitting every spot inside of her. "MMMMMMMMMNNNNN!!!" The mattress muffled Arwyns voice but her moans could still no doubt be heard throughout the house. She was in complete ecstasy, never in her wildest thoughts did she imagine having sex with Thorfinn would be so good. Her mind started to go blank as pleasure started to overwhelm her, all she could do was moan as he thrust into her.

Thorfinn took a handful of her hair and yanked her up. "Ugh...Uhh...l-lord!" She moaned incoherently as her sex contracted around him for the fourth time, but she wasn't satisfied yet, she needed his seed inside of her. She wanted him to bathe her womb in it, she wanted to be bred.

Thorfinn grunted as he continued to thrust roughly in her, Arywns back was arched as he pulled her hair. At some point, Hild had come next to him and started to massage his balls through his legs while she sucked on his ear and kissed his neck. "Gods I'm close!" He groaned and he started rutting faster inside her. Despite her mind going numb she could feel Thorfinns cock start to expand and instinctively she grabbed him by the hips and thrust her backside back onto him. Grunting loudly he started pouring his seed inside Arwyn who almost screamed in pleasure, the feeling of his thick seed sliding into her open womb made her explode and her sex did all it could to milk out every last drop. Hild lightly squeezed his balls while she ran her tongue up his neck.

Thorfinn breathed heavily as he withdrew his cock from Arwyn letting her collapse onto her side with a tired smile on her face. Never in her life had she felt more complete than she did now; the fire inside her had been cooled and she only hoped that Thorfinns seed would take root.


(Three Days Later)

Floki and Helga had shown up the day he had laid with Arywn. From then on the next three days were Thorfinn and him scouring the forest and categorising the wood; Floki had told him this was one of the most important aspects of his craft as different wood worked well with different things. He would not use the same wood to build a table as he would to build one of his ships; Thorfinn understood the logic of it, no matter what Floki did, no matter how strange it seemed he listened and he learned.

Whether it was putting his head on the trunk and listening to Floki knock on it or tasting some of the bark. Thorfinn had told Floki he wanted to rebuild the smithy that used to be here, when they visited the old decrepit building Thorfinn felt his heart sink as it was in very bad condition, but Floki just giggled. "What's so funny Floki, from the looks of it we may as well make a new one," he stated with an annoyed expression.

Floki shook his head "The stone foundation is in good condition, and so is the furnace, replacing the wood is a simple task, we are lucky Thorfinn," he said grabbing him by the shoulders.

"Then let's get started, Storri and the others have already started smelting the iron that had been stockpiled," Thorfinn said.

The task of finding the right trees was a simple one for Floki, but since this was supposed to be a learning experience for Thorfinn he had to pick the wood they'd be using. Thorfinn picked a sturdy oak tree as from what he'd learned from Floki it was more resistant to fire than other woods which would be a good attribute considering what the building would become. They spent the next two days turning the woods into planks and breaking the wooden frame of the old smithy.

During their breaks Thorfinn showed Floki the 'Water Screw' and the aqueduct. It interested the man greatly and much to Thorfinns surprise he understood how the water screw worked and even did a good job of explaining it to him. This put a smile on his face as it meant his plans for the farm could be brought up, but his knowledge of carpentry would still need to increase as the shapes needed for the water screw were complicated.

"You have such grand plans Thorfinn, just like Ragnar, but I think there is a small difference between you," Floki said with a giggle as he watched Thorfinn sand down a wooden plank.

"What might that be Floki?" Thorfinn asked with an amused expression.

"Ragnar is a great man and a good friend, but when he sails west he does so not for his friends or family, but for Ragnar. What you plan to do is equally as great-"

"You are wrong Floki, I just want to make my land better, I am just as self-interested as Ragnar," Thorfinn interrupted.

Floki tilted his head "Perhaps that is true, but your interests will keep people's bellies full and their homes warm during the winter."

"I've heard you've been offering women who've lost their husbands sanctuary on your land," Floki said with a devious grin.

Thorfinn shrugged "I have more than enough silver, but not enough manpower, the women will work well on the farms and the children can tend to the livestock, we still have some houses that are empty," he replied.

"If you say so," Floki said as he got back to work making more planks. Floki looked at Thorfinn as he worked, he knew that the boy was chosen by the gods to do great things. This was just the beginning of it, and if he could be a small part of his story by guiding his craft he would do all he could.

"Floki do you believe in magic?" Thorfinn asked.

"Why would I need to believe in something that is true," he replied with a giggle.

Thorfinn snorted "I did not know you practised," he stated.

"I dabble, I carve runes and make charms, but I am no true practitioner," Floki explained.

"What is the difference between what you do and a true practitioner?" Thorfinn asked.

Floki scratched his chin as he sat down on a tree stump "I have no magic in my body, so the charms and runes I make are useless on their own," he explained as he drew his knife and started to carve a protection rune on one of the planks.

"Since I can not put magic into them I can only pray to the gods for them to do so," he continued, before kneeling in front of the rune and whispering several dozen words and kissing it.

"Does it work, do the gods answer?" Thorfinn asked as he looked at the rune.

Floki shrugged as he sheathed his dagger "Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't," he said, but as the words came out of his mouth the rune flashed blue before fading making both men smile.

Floki giggled again "I stand so close to you the gods can't help but notice me."

"Can you teach me the runes Floki?" Thorfinn asked.

"I will teach you everything I know Thorfinn," Floki replied.


Thorfinn had begun to worry as it had been five days since he had returned and Rebekah had still not come to his land. On the fourth day, he planned to make the journey to Kattegat but was only stopped by Floki who told him to be patient. Thorfinn didn't want to wait, but he took the advice of the older man and it was a good thing he did as at noon he saw a small horse and cart coming down the dirt path to his house. Elijah was leading the horse with Rebekah sitting on the cart; his heart soared when he saw her and he stopped his work with Floki and quickly approached.

"Thorfinn!" Rebekah said as she jumped out of the cart. She ran into his arms and he lifted her up and spun her around just like he wanted to when he first came off the ship. "These few days have seemed like an eternity," she whispered to him as she held him tightly.

"Not even the gods could keep me from you," Thorfinn said as he pressed his lips against hers. He could tell she'd been eating her favourite honeyed treat as he tasted the sweetness on her tongue. She hummed in contentment and closed her eyes as Thorfinn deepened the kiss, though they both separated when Elijah cleared his throat.

"Don't look at us like that Elijah, we haven't seen each other in weeks," Rebekah said with a glare that made him sigh.

"And now you have seven months together to make up for it," Elijah replied.

Thorfinn chuckled before walking over to Elijah and clasping hands with him "I'm glad to see you as well, but I don't think I'll be kissing you," he said.

Elijah just shook his head as he rolled his eyes. Thorfinn then helped him unpack their belongings and lead the horse over to the stables. Rebekah linked arms with him as they walked into the main house, Hild had already been preparing lunch for everyone so it was no issue for her to make extra.

"Floki.... Helga? Is that right?" Elijah said as he greeted the shipbuilder and his woman.

"Yes, it is good to meet you, Elijah," Helga said with a smile as she helped Hild at the stove.

"Rebekah I am glad to see you're finally home," Hild said with a smile as she walked over and grasped her hands.

Rebekah smiled at the other girl, while she still felt a bit bitter about Hild being with Thorfinn she was coming to accept that this was the reality. 'But that doesn't mean I won't make some rules,' she thought to herself.

"Hello... Lady Rebekah, it is good to meet you," Blaeja said in their language though the pronunciation was off and she paused between words.

Rebekah raised her eyebrows at the Saxon princess but smiled nonetheless "Thank you, I hope I'll get to know you better during my stay," she said.

They all sat down and enjoyed their meal together, Rebekah sat next to Thorfinn the entire time pressing her shoulder into his and brushing her hand against his thighs. She craved his touch and wanted night to come sooner so she could be with him, and also speak about the situation they found themselves in. Though her stupid brother had to ruin it all when he opened his mouth "I hope you're ready Thorfinn, I won't let you rest during these seven months, by the end of it I expect you to be better than I am or at least on my level," he said as he ate the warm soup he'd been given by Hild.

Thorfinn nodded "I do wish to get better, as long as it doesn't interfere with my other projects," he said.

"Good, now that we have the time we will build up your body," he explained.

"That can wait until tomorrow," Rebekah said as she looped her arm inside Thorfinns.


"It can wait until tomorrow," Rebekah said more sternly to her brother, she would have her love for the rest of the day and no one would tell her otherwise.


Rebekah shut the door behind them looking at Thorfinn with a predatory gaze. "Get on the bed..." she almost commanded as she licked her lips. Thorfinn removed his clothes and let them pool on the floor, his already aching cock flopped out and hit his stomach; he climbed on the bed like she request and watched as she walked to the foot of it. She removed her gown in front of him throwing it to the ground and showing her naked body. He felt his cock throb as he saw her perfect form for the first time in what seemed like months.

He could also see the beginnings of what looked like a baby bump which only inflamed his desires. She climbed on the bed before standing up and lifting her foot on his thighs "I think it's time we have a little talk Thorfinn," she said as she brushed her small dainty foot along his inner thigh until it was barely within reach of his cock.

"Can this not wait," Thorfinn asked a little desperately as his cock continued to pulse with desire.

Rebekah shook her head "I was upset when I learned of Hild and your other women," she said as she traced circles in his skin with her toes.

Thorfinn hissed and she moved her foot to the shaft of his cock and began stroking it up and down.

"But I realised that this was inevitable, you are special and lots of women will flock to you," she said as she continued to stroke his shaft, even brushing against his balls. It felt good, but Thorfinn needed more, he wanted to bury himself inside of Rebekah and rut inside her until the sun came up.

"However I refuse to be another conquest to be forgotten and replaced by someone prettier, so we will have rules, agreed?" She said as she pushed her soft foot down on his shaft.

Thorfinn nodded "What rules?" He asked.

Rebekah stopped stroking his cock with her foot and knelt down on the bed. She straddled him placing his hard dock between her lower lips; she moaned slightly as she began to grind on him. She was already soaked so the moisture only transferred to Thorfinn shaft making it wet as well. "I am your one and only, I will be your first and last wife," she said which was followed by a moan as Thorfinn's hands grasped her breasts.

"Always and forever," Thorfinn said as his hands moved from her breasts to her arse and he squeezed it roughly.

"I run the household... Aaaaahh... I-I choose which woman joins us in bed," she moaned out as she began grinding on him faster.

Thorfinn nodded once more as he began thrusting upwards in a vain attempt at penetrating her. "All the women you make mothers must raise all the children as if they are their own, any who do not will leave," she said as she stopped grinding and looked down at Thorfinn emphasising the importance of this rule.

"I agree," Thorfinn said in a serious tone.

"Good, follow these rules and you shall have me forever," She replied before leaning down and kissing him deeply. Unable to take it any longer Thorfinn flipped them and put Rebekah on her back; she immediately spread her legs wide for him putting her hands under her knees.

Thorfinn didn't want another second and he pushed the head of  his cock into Rebekah "Yes!" "AAAAAHH!" They both moaned out, Rebekah felt a little bit of pain as it had been so long since she'd been with Thorfinn but that soon turned into pleasure when he sunk himself deeper inside her.

"Seven months... we will do this every day," Rebekah said as she bit his lower lip.

"Try and stop me," Thorfinn replied before thrusting forward slapping his balls against her arse cheeks and groaning at the feel of her tight hole convulsing around him. "Ooooohhhh! Mmmmmmmnnnnn!!!" Rebekah moaned as she wrapped her arms around Thorfinns shoulders; he began to move with increasing speed and soon Rebekah needed to wrap her legs around him as he was fucking her so fast.

His cock slammed into her so hard that she'd be worried if she was at a later stage of pregnancy, but now she chose to enjoy it as all of her sensitive spots were ravaged by the hard cock that scraped her insides causing her to have an orgasm. Thorfinn grabbed Rebekah's legs and pushed them into his shoulders before he began thrusting again "AAAAAAAAHHH!" The new angle made Rebekah scream in pleasure as she had another toe-curling orgasm just a few seconds after the first one.

Thorfinn kissed and sucked on her soft legs and even moved up to her foot. He was completely enamoured with Rebekah and he worshipped every single part of his body; she was very much the same as she ran her tongue up his sweaty form gulping down the fluids of her beloved, the only thing that could taste better to her was his seed; she longed to have it in her mouth but her sex aches for it more.

Her hands grabbed onto his backside and she spurred him to thrust faster since he had inexplicably slowed down "Rebekah... I'm about to-"

"Do it! Inside! YESSS-" she moaned as his rapidly expanding cock triggered another orgasm that was made even better when his seed started rushing through her like a river. She could feel his cock twitching inside of her as it shot load after a load of his seed until it became too much for her sex to handle and it started pouring out of her. Thorfinn collapsed onto Rebekah as she had managed to drain most of his seed out in just one session.

While he was heavy Rebekah liked the weight of him on her, she liked inhaling his masculine scent and feeling the sweat pour onto her. She kept her arms wrapped around him; she was slightly disappointed when his softened cock fell out of her sex but was fine with their current position.

Thorfinn quickly fell asleep after he spilt his seed as he'd never done it quite so hard before.

(AN: A bit of a smut chapter, but still moving stuff along. Floki seems like the type to dabble in magical things like talismans and runes so I thought it would be fun realistic to have Thorfinn learn from him. Anyway now that the gangs all here it's time for some Home Improvement (That was a joke hahahaha...) anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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