Wenzi thought about all the news spreading on the StarNet and her smile became gentle.
"You must be the famous Dorion Vitakis, hmm?"
Ren put on his professional smile as he greeted the lady. "Good day, Miss. I am Dorion, but... I'm not sure about the famous part."
I think I am more of an infamous person.
"Oh, child. You are all over the place. They say you are a genius and a very good person. There are even clubs in your support. However, that's for later. We should start treating you now."
Wenzi smiled at the confused Ren, her eyes almost closed and pinched together by the supportive wrinkles.
'Little god?' Ren mentally reached out to his system for clarification.
The last time he checked, there was a flood of curses directed at him.
Once in a while, a supportive comment would appear, but how long could that 'good' rock float in such harsh waters?
This chapter is dedicated to Ioana_Maria_0667, a very sweet angel who sent another golden ticket! Thank you so much!!!!
A Special thanks to UsagiUnko, Ioana_Maria_0667, Abc_2515, Guchinni, Introvert_Ghost, KiRa666, Astella_4 for sending me the power stones.
Thanks a lot angels!
You guys are soooo good!
This chapter was so long and it took even longer to write it down. I couldn't even split it in two part!
Oh, well. We will soon be leaving hospital.... finally!
Keep supporting this silly author and my first book.