[General POV]
Pulling out the contract, Balin pulled a quill from the backpack he had with him and wrote "Adventurer:" underneath the word "Thief."
The word "Thief" was already established from the beginning, as this would originally be the contract Bilbo would be given.
Due to the addition of Aldril, some changes were made to the commissions. Originally, the commission promised for Bilbo in the contract was one fourteenth of the treasure, but now with Aldril, it was changed to one fifteenth.
As for Aldril's commission, Thorin stated that he would also be given one-fifteenth.
As to why it would only be one-fifteenth and not one-sixteenth, it was because Thorin would not participate in the sharing of the treasure, and it was logical, since in its own right it was Thorin's treasure.
Aldril knew this, so he did not ask any questions when he saw the amount set.
Taking the amended contract, Thorin passed it to Aldril. Quickly reading the contract, Aldril didn't see anything suspicious, perhaps the part where it said that if he died, his share would be divided among all the dwarves. But, shrugging, he simply signed.
"Very well, Mr. Aldril, with this you are now officially part of the expedition. I hope and do not disappoint me," Thorin said as he gave him an expectant look.
"Don't worry, I won't let you down," Aldril replied as he signed his name in cursive.
After signing, he passed the contract to Bilbo, who was still stunned at what was happening. Like Aldril, Bilbo quickly read the contract as he muttered.
"The company is not responsible for injuries sustained, including lacerations and...", being stunned for a moment, Bilbo looked at the dwarves and in disbelief said, "Incineration?"
"Oh yes, they can melt you in the blink of an eye," Bofur said calmly, playing it down.
At that comment, Bilbo began to hyperventilate, he began to feel extremely dizzy, which is why he rested his arms on his knees.
At Bilbo condition, Balin, a little concerned, approached him. "Are you all right, lad?"
Hearing Balin's question, Bilbo straightened up and, despite feeling extremely dizzy, looked at Balin and in a halting voice muttered, "Yes, I'm fine, just a little dizzy."
After seeing Bilbo in that state, Bofur took the opportunity to continue to tease Bilbo so he could be amused at the hobbit's suffering. "It's like a furnace with wings, a glow, a lot of pain and puff, you turn to ashes."
At that moment, Bilbo began to stagger. "Oh, really?" he said and then fainted.
Seeing poor fainting Bilbo, Gandalf shot an annoyed look at the dwarf. "You didn't help at all, Bofur."
Shaking his head in exasperation, Aldril went over to the fainting Bilbo, picked him up and placed him in an armchair that the dwarves kindly brought from Bilbo room.
After a while, Bilbo awoke, taking a few minutes to relax as he drank some tea that Aldril had prepared for him.
As he relaxed, Gandalf came over and tried to convince him to join the expedition. "It's all right, Gandalf, just let me relax a bit."
Smoking a little from his pipe, Gandalf gave him a deep look and said, "You've had plenty of time to relax already. Tell me, since when did your mother's tablecloths and dishes become so important to you?"
"I remember a young hobbit who was always running into the forest, looking for the Elves, the young man who came back in the night full of mud and twigs and flies, a young hobbit who would have died to find out what lay beyond the Shire," Gandalf pointed to the horizon as he gave Bilbo a quiet look.
"The world is not in your books and maps, Bilbo, it lies out there."
At Gandalf's words, Bilbo was silent, searching for words to refute Gandalf, but thinking of none, he came up with the simplest, "I can't just go out like this and disappear, I'm a Baggins and...".
"And you're a Took too," Gandalf interrupted him as he grabbed the portrait of a hobbit from Bilbo's wall.
"Yes, I knew that."
"Very well, then let me tell you that, at the battle of the Green Fields, Your great-great-grandfather fought the goblins, struck so hard with his club that he blew the goblin king's head off, the head shot ninety yards through the air and fell down a rabbit hole."
"Thus he won that battle and also invented golf at the same time."
Listening to Gandalf story, Aldril raised an eyebrow and a question popped into his thoughts, "Does golf exist in Middle Earth?" He shrugged and looked at Bilbo's excited face.
He seemed to be fascinated by Gandalf story, so much so that he puffed out his chest with pride and began to consider whether he should go with the expedition, but it did not last long, for in the next moment he reasoned a little and found what Gandalf told ridiculous. "I think you made up the story."
"Well, Bilbo, good stories deserve a good ending. You'll have a story or two when you get back," Aldril said as he put one of his hands on his shoulder.
At Aldril's words, Bilbo was a little moved and in a trembling voice said, "Can you promise me that I will come back?"
At their silence Bilbo rose to his feet. "What I thought. I am sorry, Gandalf, but I will not sign the contract, I am not the hobbit you are looking for." With hurried steps he made his way to his room to sleep.
It takes a lot of courage to rush headlong into a dangerous adventure, and Bilbo was not counting on that courage just yet.
[Late at night]
The dwarves who had been noisy all day began to yawn; tomorrow they had to get up early and set out on a very long journey.
Seeing that Bag End was very small and there were no extra beds, they had no choice but to make makeshift beds and sleep on the floor.
Fortunately, it was still summer and hot, so it didn't matter if they slept on the floor, as it provided coolness and allowed them to sleep comfortably.
Noticing that there was no more room, Aldril took a blanket from Bilbo, sat down on a bench in the dining room and leaned against the small table. After a few minutes, he fell asleep.
[Early in the morning]
When Aldril awoke, he saw some dwarves just waking up and others beginning to pack their things to leave Bilbo's house.
Getting up and stretching, Aldril went through his morning routine of washing his face and part of his body in Bilbo's bath.
After a few minutes, Aldril emerged from Bag End and saw the group of dwarves loading their things onto their ponies.
Aldril had a sight that caused him to chuckle a little, as all the ponies were around Shadow Star, as if they were praising him.
The funniest thing was that he saw his pony looking up proudly, as if demonstrating his social status.
"All right, big guy, stop behaving like a young Chinese master, it's time to have our first adventure," Aldril said as he spanked Shadow Star, who whinnied in disgust at the spanking, but still bent down for Aldril to climb on him.
The behavior between horse and man caught the attention of one of the dwarves standing nearby as he loaded things onto his pony.
"Your horse is very curious, he won't let anyone near him, even when we spoke to the ponies, they gave him a look as if asking permission to leave his side," said Balin, as he gave Shadow Star a contemplative look.
At Balin's comment, Aldril looked at him and smiled, "He is very special, this big fellow; according to Gandalf, he is a descendant of Felaróf, so he is one of the best horses in Middle-earth."
Aldril boasted with pride in his voice. He was rarely boastful, but seeing how several dwarves looked at his horse with admiration, he could not resist the temptation to brag.
Hearing what Aldril said, Balin raised one of his eyebrows. "Felaróf? So what's he doing around these parts, shouldn't he be in Rohan?".
"I have no idea how he ended up in these parts, but what I can tell you is that apparently this big guy and I were meant to be together," Aldril said.
At Aldril's words, Shadow Star whinnied and raised his head, looking at Balin as if he were a simple peasant talking to royalty.
Looking at his horse's attitude, Aldril muttered under his breath. "Seriously, big guy, you're so arrogant sometimes."
Whinnying, Shadow Star looked at Aldril like he was an idiot. Of course he had to be arrogant; he's one of the best horses in Middle Earth. Not just anyone they accept as mates.
"Don't look at me like I'm an idiot!"
Balin, who was lost in thought, chuckled a little at the relationship this young adventurer had with his horse.
After a few minutes, Gandalf came out of Bag End and approached his horse, who had his head down as he fell in behind Aldril's horse.
Raising an eyebrow at how meek his horse was behaving, Gandalf figured his behavior was due to Aldril's horse being nearby.
Shrugging his shoulders, Gandalf began to pack his things and place them on his horse's sides.
Seeing that Gandalf went out alone and was in a gloomy mood, Aldril could understand why he was like this.
"Why do you think Bilbo doesn't want to come with us?" said Aldril as he approached Gandalf.
Gandalf continued to put his things away without turning to look at Aldril. "I think it takes a lot of courage for an ordinary person to leave everything behind and go on an adventure with us."
Nodding, Aldril said something that made Gandalf's mood improve. "I trust Bilbo will come - who knows? Maybe he'll get up and pluck up the courage to go with us."
Seeing Gandalf nod with a smile, Aldril said no more and looked expectantly at the horizon. "So begins my journey," he said to himself.
Seeing that Bilbo did not leave his house, Thorin did not wait for him any longer and ordered everyone to start moving forward. The contract had been left on the dining table, as if to imply that as long as Bilbo did not take too long, he could accompany them on this adventure.
[In the forest]
Riding quietly, the group of dwarves began to talk about Bilbo, Bofur, the dwarf who loves to wear a fur hat, was the first to speak
"I bet Mr. Baggins won't come because he's afraid, which of you dares to bet with me?"
"Hey, we all know Mr. Baggins isn't coming, it's unfair of you to gamble!" said Fili.
At Fili's comment, some of the dwarves nodded. "That's right, that's right."
At that point, Aldril smiled and said, "I bet Baggins will catch up, which of you want to bet with me?"
If you didn't know the plot, judging by Bilbo's performance yesterday and not having gotten up early this morning, Aldril wouldn't have broached this subject because the chance of Bilbo following them was almost nil.
But now, he can earn some extra silver coins that would do his economy some good.
At Aldril proposed wager, the dwarves were silent for a few seconds, only to be broken by Gandalf. "I'm in favor of Bilbo coming, so I'm betting in his favor."
After hearing Gandalf join in the wager, several dwarves began to speak.
"I'll take Aldril's bet, I bet the hobbit won't come."
"Well, this time I'll be against Aldril and bet that Bilbo won't come."
Kili and Bofur spoke quickly, which caused several other dwarves who were interested in betting to start entering the wager.
"Count me in, I suppose Mr. Baggins could catch up with us, so I'll bet on him too," Balin said.
Glóin, seeing Balin bet in favor, also joined in. "Same thing Balin said!"
Kili also followed him, "This time I agree with Aldril, I bet Bilbo will come."
"Don't be an idiot, Kili, the hobbit won't come."
"The idiot is you, Dwalin."
"What did you say!"
While the group of dwarves were gambling and having fun, at Bag End little Bilbo had just woken up.
When he woke up, he saw that the house was empty and everything was tidy and clean, as if the group of dwarves from last night did not exist.
If the food in the food store had not run out, Bilbo would have thought that everything that happened last night was a dream.
Looking around the empty room and remembering yesterday's bustle, Bilbo suddenly felt a pang of regret.
As he approached the dining room, he saw on his table the contract he refused to sign.
At that moment, Bilbo could hear Gandalf's voice in his head. "Bilbo, your mother, your grandfather, your great-grandfather, your great-great-grandfather, they were all extraordinary, don't break that tradition."
"You are also a member of the Took family, do you plan to stay in this little house for the rest of your life?"
Suddenly, an indescribable impulse grew in Bilbo's heart, "Yes, I don't want to, I don't want to live like this all my life, I don't want to be normal, I want an adventure that I can tell about!"
Bilbo immediately found a pen and signed his name on the contract. Then he packed some clothes and ran out of Bag End, running off into the distance.
[Half an hour later]
Carrying a rucksack that he did not even have time to fasten at the top, Bilbo finally spotted the expedition team from a distance in the forest about to leave Hobbiton.
Bilbo waved the contract in his hand and ran forward happily. "I've signed it!"
Hearing Bilbo's voice, Aldril turned around and smiled, "And this is how the story of the Hobbit begins, what a thrill!".
Hey!! Your favorite author here! I hope you are enjoying the fic.
According to the voting, Tauriel will be the romantic interest and she will also have a special origin.
Remember that I have 5 chapters ahead on patreon " patreon.com/Mrnevercry".
Give me your power stones ugly orcs!
We need to have a little exercise to conquer middle earth! So put those power stones to work!
[Minutes before Bilbo's arrival]
"You were right, coming here was a waste of time," Dwalin was annoyed, he didn't understand why Gandalf had recommended a cowardly Hobbit who only wasted their time.
"Actually, it wasn't a waste of time; at least one adventurer joined the team," Kili said as he gave Aldril a thumbs up.
"Not only that, I was also able to win two bets haha," Bofur replied cheerfully as he raised his head in mockery.
"Hey, Bofur, you only won for last night's competition; the bet on whether the Hobbit will come isn't over yet," replied Glóin, annoyed, but the reality was that he was a bit nervous as there was no sign of the Hobbit catching up with them.
He trusted Aldril because he had made him win a bet last night, but as the minutes passed he began to doubt if it was right to bet in favor of the Hobbit.
"Haha, you were foolish to bet in his favor, Glóin, though I admit that Mr. Baggins prepared a sumptuous dinner for us last night. But that doesn't mean I have the guts to take risks on our adventure!"
Dwalin's comment caused several dwarves to nod in agreement. Although the Hobbit was likable, the cowardice he displayed made them not entirely like him.
What dwarves hate most is cowardice, for to them it is a clear sign of weakness. They prefer to die fighting than to save themselves by fleeing, this was demonstrated in the battle of Azanulbizar and in the battle of the five armies, in which despite being outnumbered, it only took Thorin to stand up and lead them to fight to the end.
"It's been several minutes and the Hobbit hasn't shown up, so go get those coins out at once."
"Just wait a few more minutes."
"You want to wait just because you bet in his favor."
"Haha, maybe you won last night's bet, but this time you'll lose it because you're an idiot."
"Who are you calling an idiot?"
It was almost noon, the sunlight gave a calm atmosphere to the forest, the expedition team was talking about the bet.
Those who had bet in Bilbo's favor began to pull out their coins, for they had given up hope that he would appear. The only exceptions were Gandalf, Aldril and Balin, who were more patient and waited for Bilbo's arrival.
And it didn't take long, for just as the dwarves were getting ready to split the bet, a familiar voice came from the back, which made everyone stop.
"I signed it!"
A short figure wearing a burgundy coat, a backpack that wasn't buckled, was running barefoot and waving something in his hand.
"Haha, look, Mr. Baggins did come." A cheerful Kili turned to look at the other dwarves, who had a sour face, as they had lost the bet.
"Damn, I lost again."
"What you won last night you lost now, Bofur, hahahaha."
"It was just bad luck."
As the dwarves chatted, Bilbo arrived waving the contract. As he stood near the dwarves, he propped himself up on his knees from exhaustion and handed the contract to Balin.
Who, upon receiving it, took out a pair of reading glasses and looked for Bilbo's signature. When he saw the signature, he looked at Bilbo and with a smile said, "Welcome to Thorin Oakenshield's expedition, Mr. Baggins."
After Balin's words, the whole expedition party laughed politely. A hobbit who has never traveled very far can give up his quiet, comfortable and relaxing life, and that deserves admiration.
At least the courage he showed made the dwarves respect him a little.
"Give him a pony."
Thorin looked at Bilbo and there was a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. Though still against his coming with them, he recognized the courage he showed in agreeing to come with them.
[Bilbo POV]
I had never participated in battles or adventures before, let alone riding a pony. I know the pony is safer than a horse, but still I couldn't help but get nervous.
I wanted to decline and tell them that it wasn't necessary, that I was a good walker and there was no need to give me a pony, but they wouldn't let me speak as the white-bearded dwarf I gave the contract to quickly passed me a pony.
Fortunately the pony was my size, so it wasn't hard to ride. As I was arranging my things to be more comfortable, I heard the voice of the white-bearded dwarf, who I learned was named Balin.
"Hey, Dwalin, it's time for you to pay."
At his words, a bag of coins brushed past the side of my face and so they continued to toss bags of money back and forth.
"What's going on?" With a confused face, I turned to look at Gandalf, who didn't know at what point he had stepped up beside me.
"They made a bet, they bet that you wouldn't come; most of them bet against it."
Gandalf's words left me speechless. Of course, why didn't I figure it out? Last night they did the same thing, betting on Aldril and Kili's competence.
But I was curious, would Gandalf have been for me or against me? To satisfy my curiosity, I asked, "And you, Gandalf, were you for or against?"
As soon as I finished speaking, a bag of money was tossed towards Gandalf, who looked at me with a smile.
"Of course it was for, I never doubted you," he told me as he tucked the bag into his tunic.
As I was flattered at Gandalf's confidence, the scary-eyed but kindly man stepped to my other side. His words surprised me in a gratifying way.
"Bofur, only you are missing," he said to then catch a bag that was thrown by the dwarf who told me about Smaug and made me faint from fear.
Noticing my look, the man gave me a smile as he shook the bag of coins.
"I bet on you too, Bilbo."
It was nice that not only Gandalf trusted me. He certainly has his scary eyes, but he is a kind person.
"Thank you for your trust," I said as I gave them both a smile.
[Aldril POV]
"You're welcome, we'll be adventuring companions from now on," I said casually, but the truth is, if I didn't know the plot, I would have bet against Bilbo as well, as his behavior last night gave the impression that he wouldn't risk leaving the comfort of his home for a very dangerous adventure.
I really did not dislike him, nor did I intend to belittle Bilbo as the dwarves did, as I knew he was the main character in The Hobbit. Besides, Bilbo was showing that small people can accomplish great things.
Plus he will be the supreme One Ring wielder and the only one at the moment who is able to ward off the evil influence it provokes.
I watched as the little Hobbit was silent for a few seconds as he ducked his head and muttered, "Fellow adventurers."
It caused me to chuckle as he began to nod quickly and then raise his head and decisively say, "Yes! I am now a member of the team and my own adventure has begun! Perhaps I can achieve the same accomplishments as my great-great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather in the future."
I certainly didn't know what was going through Bilbo's mind, but I was a bit lost in my thoughts as I thought that, if the plot remains unchanged, the One Ring is still in the hands of Gollum, who is deep in the Goblin Realm.
If we really get to the Goblin Realm, should I snatch the One Ring from Gollum before Bilbo does?
Middle-earth is a world with gods, and I don't know if my decision will cause them to change the destiny they have possibly imposed and, consequently, get annoyed and end up killing me.
As I was thinking about this question, a beautiful white bird settled on my shoulder and I could hear a soft and beautiful voice saying to me, "~That is not the bright fate that awaits you~"
At the voice, I looked all around, only to see the white bird fly off, as one of its beautiful feathers landed on my shoulder. As I picked it up, I could feel so much calm and a touch of love as if it was the embrace of a grandmother or mother.
"What the fuck was that?" I said to myself as I watched the bird fly off into the horizon. As I watched the bird fly away, a memory of the old Aldril popped into my mind.
[flashback scene]
In a small village surrounded by lush forests, an Aldril was seen as a child in a clearing accompanied by a white bird. Not long ago, Aldril had witnessed several children being escorted by their parents, as they flashed smiles and affectionate gestures.
Aldril had grown up in an orphanage, where he had never received affection; the caregivers were indifferent towards the children, so it was not a good environment to grow up in. So, before such a joyful scene, Aldril felt an emptiness in his heart that made him run to the forest to vent his sadness.
It was a sunny afternoon; as he ran through the forest, overwhelmed by sadness and tears he could not hold back, Aldril sat in a clearing and let his tears flow freely.
The leaves of the trees seemed to whisper words of comfort as a gentle breeze caressed his anguished face. In the midst of his grief, a beautiful white bird descended from the sky and landed gently in front of him.
With a gentle flutter, the bird wiped away his tears with its soft feathers, as if it understood Aldril's suffering and wanted to offer him comfort.
Surprised by the bird's presence, Aldril felt a strange warmth and comfort he had never experienced before. Without saying a word, Aldril and the bird looked deeply into each other's eyes, and in that moment, he felt an inexplicable connection, as if the bird was someone close to him.
After wiping away his tears, Aldril watched as the bird flew off into the horizon. Now calmer, he got up and returned to the orphanage, where they didn't even care how ragged he looked.
It was during the morning of the other day that a kindly old lady appeared in town; the old lady went to the orphanage where she adopted Aldril.
Certainly, Aldril was a little scared at first, but he calmed down when he felt that affection he had felt with the bird the day before.
From that day on, the old woman raised him like a son, until he grew up. When he turned 16, the old woman mysteriously disappeared.
That day, Aldril was quite depressed, as he felt abandoned, but in his moment of sadness the bird of his childhood appeared again.
It landed on his shoulder and rubbed its head on Aldril's face, as if to comfort him. After his mood improved, the bird left again and he had not seen it again until today.
"So, since my childhood you've been there," I muttered as I watched the bird walk away.
"Who was the original Aldril? Or rather, what am I doing in this world? Transmigrated or reincarnated and only two months ago regained the memories? Endless questions arose
"I hope to find answers."
I've seen that many people are upset that the MC doesn't drink or smoke, are they really upset about that?
I personally have never smoked, the only time I drank I was disgusted and from that moment on I never drank again.
Anyway, this chapter leaves a huge clue about the origin of the MC.
Remember to support me on patreon where there are 5 chapters ahead and where they will be uploaded more frequently than on web novels "patreon.com/Mrnevercry"
Let's go orcs! I need you to put those power stones to work!!!!
p@treon: Mrnevercry
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