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38.37% French magic


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15 September 1995. France.

 - André told me he took you on as his assistant," Ciaran said melancholically, watching me remove the Chronovort chain from my neck that had just set me back seven hours.

 - And now I was guaranteed some bad attention from the girls who'd seen me in action. - I cringed. - Not that I'm uncomfortable with it, but I have...

 - You have other plans, very beautiful and willful," Ciaran clapped me on the shoulder, "I think Fleur is a smart girl, and realises that you're not drawing attention to yourself on purpose.

 - I hope so..." I shivered, anticipating the first time I'd see my beloved in September.

 - You're facing the only weakness in your and James's legend. You've declared yourself an aristocrat, which means you're bound by a code that says, "If you seduce an innocent girl and are caught by your family doing it, you must either marry or be challenged to a duel by all the men of the family for the honour you have violated". And you don't have a ring on your hands, for obvious reasons, and are not expected to have one in the next year... So expect, sooner or later, a spell potion in your glass... And then - a crowd of relatives of the "insidiously seduced innocent girl" with a marriage contract in their hands. If you were a muggle-born or a half-blood, it's unlikely that many people would be interested in you, but to a representative of a rather old and strong family....

 - Master, you make me laugh more and more each time," I looked at the amused auror grimly. - I'm far from amused by all this.

 - You know, take it as a practice in controlling thoughts and actions, Harold. - Ciaran, laughing, continued the conversation. - If you can learn to control and visualise what your actions in public will lead to, you'll find it very useful when you're Lord Potter.

 - I still can't imagine how it's possible to make your daughters happy with the help of charms. I grew up in the Muggle world, after all, where anything remotely similar disappeared with the end of the Middle Ages.

 - Politics is a dirty business. - Ciaran stretched out. - It's the same in England, with the old families marrying at the birth of a child, with no consideration for the children themselves. And frankly, it has a certain logic to it - the preservation of strong genes, or rather... it would, if all aristocrats paid attention to the wonderful Muggle genetics that speaks of the harm of too close kinship marriages. We in France realised that early enough, but you still have problems. So in France, old families don't bother to renew their blood regularly, introducing strong half-bloods into the clan, and occasionally even Muggle-borns. Naturally, within reasonable limits, otherwise the families that mixed blood too often would gradually lose power over the clan's abilities and clan magic.

 - And how do potions fit into that?

 - There's no judgement on the winners," Ciaran grumbled. - You can relax, though, if you consider that you need an innocent girl for this clause of the Pureblood Code to take effect, then there aren't that many of them - even mages' morals have changed a lot in the last century. And spell potions... Think about it....

 - What do you mean?

 - Imagine a situation where a child is found a mate at birth that he may not see eye to eye until he's 11 years old, until he goes to Hogwarts. - The teacher transfigured his chair with a wave of his wand. - It was far from certain that there would be any warm feeling between the future husband and wife. Even those families in which the spouses treat each other with respect can already be called happy. In many cases, the union of two people is the result of a sense of duty and understanding of the reasons for which the marriage is concluded. And in this case, and in this case, and come to the aid of a spell potion. Often, future newlyweds themselves drink a weak potion of Attachment to smooth out the initial "lapping" in the marriage. It's a common practice.

 - I see.

 - André is very complimentary of your progress, he says you've made the Rock's team for the competition. - Auror, changing the subject, activated the defences of the manor's battle hall with his wand. - We'll have time to learn a few more heavenly things before the first competition. - He smirked.

 - Such as...?

 - Today, I'll tell you about non-verbal magic. And then... Then... Then we'll get into the dark side of the arts. - Ciaran looked at me calmly. - Remember, it is not dark magic that makes a person evil, but only their own thoughts and actions. That's where lessons begin in all aristocratic families, and it's something that many, many Muggleborns and half-bloods, led by the Great Dumbledore in your country, unfortunately can't believe.

 - Non-verbal charms," the auror sat down in his transfigured chair, "are essentially a combination of thought and desire. The verbal formula that facilitates their execution is merely a tool, the only thing that really matters is your will, your thought and your desire to create the spell.

 - So why are non-verbal spells so rarely used?

 - Firstly, not everyone has the will and control of power honed by training. Secondly, like the dark arts, non-verbal magic, especially if performed without a wand, is dangerous. Sometimes one desire of a person in a state of affect is enough to kill those nearby. That's why maximum control is important. Control, will and desire. Otherwise, you see, no one wants magicians who can't handle their own power.

 - And what happens to them?

 - Yeah... - Auror rubbed one of the scars on his face. - There was a case at the Aurorate a few years ago. A young man, the heir of a noble family, decided to put on an ancient family artefact that gave him the ability to use wandless mental magic - a unique thing, by the way, still kept in their family. So... When the manor collapsed into dust because of his wish, we were summoned. And he was standing in a whirlpool of power, laughing, and his laughter made the earth black. As it turned out later, they'd had a good drink with friends the night before, and he had a monstrous headache, to the point where he wanted to destroy the whole world. In the end we managed to stun him, though we thought we would have to kill him - the artefact, I repeat, was very good, and the guy was not a weakling.

 - And in the end?

 - And in the end, that family amulet is also kept on a shelf in the deepest family safe, the boy got off with a fright, a dozen fractures and deprivation of power for a few years, and we - the Aurors - got an order and a bunch of magical injuries for each of us.

 - So on the one hand, I understand all those people who like to ban secret knowledge. It's really safer for the average person. On the other hand, it's an offence to destroy ancient books just because they might be dangerous. Many aurors, especially those of noble birth, are still proficient in dark magic, wandless magic, and mental enchantments, and so far no innocent person has been killed. - Ciaran shook his head and stood up. - Now let's do mental spells.

Same day. Hogwarts.

 - Interesting... How on earth could a blood traitor and... a girl who wasn't known for her blood purity be headmen? - Most of the Slytherins chuckled in response to Malfoy's phrase, looking at the blushing Weasley and Granger with satisfaction.

 Neville wrinkled his nose. Malfoy, who until recently hadn't been very active in inter-faculty skirmishes, had gone on the attack again, picking out two of the most vulnerable targets in fifth year Gryffindor.

 - Malfoy, shut up," Hermione replied nonetheless. - 'If you're incapable of living a day to get attached to someone, that's your problem.

 - Get attached? - The blond laughed. - One gets attached to what is worthy of it, and you two are an insult to the entire wizarding school.

 Ron raised his wand, aiming for the Slytherin's forehead, but Hermione managed to pull it aside in time for the face-sores-inducing spell to pass. Malfoy laughed.

 - That's right, mudblood, keep your mate chained up or he'll bite someone.

 To the cackling of the Slytherins, Ron tried to curse Malfoy once more, but was prevented by Flitwick entering the office.

 - Ten points from Gryffindor for assaulting a fellow student, Mr Weasley.

 Hermione literally jumped in her seat, glaring hatefully at the redhead and the blond man, now grinning rather grimly.

 - And minus ten points from Slytherin for rudeness and provoking an attack, Mr Malfoy," the half-goblin glared mockingly at the suddenly gloomy aristocrat. - Another minus ten points from Slytherin for 'dirtyblood'.

 The grumbling Slytherins glared angrily at the Gryffindor Headmaster, but they didn't dare to argue with the charms teacher who had once been the best duelist in Europe.

 Neville looked around the room, realising that there would be a new round of conflict after the lesson, and prepared himself for trouble.

 The Gryffindors were the first to leave the classroom after the lesson and headed towards the Great Hall for lunch. However, Hermione, who was one of the last to leave, was suddenly hit in the back by a tripping spell. The girl fell, scattering her belongings all over the floor.

 A laughing group of Slytherins came out of the study and watched as Ron, clutching his wand, and Thomas, who had joined him, tried to figure out who had thrown the spell at the head teacher's back.

 - Malfoy, you lousy bastard! - Ron, blushing with anger, stared at the contemptuously smiling blond.

 - 'Is that really what you think, Weasley? Could it be that you're the useless beggar living in the ruins, whatever they're called? Ahhhh... In the Burrow! - Malfoy said the last word through his laughter. - A Burrow is a stinking hole in the ground, isn't it?

 Neville took a seat next to Hermione and helped her gather her textbooks, one hand clutching his wand in his sleeve - there was going to be a massive fight between the Gryffindors and the Slytherins standing behind Malfoy.

 - Stupefy! - Ron was the first to push the spell out of him, swinging his wand.

 Multicoloured beams and clouds of spells flew from both sides, still mostly weak, but some of the attacks were quite dangerous.

 Neville put up a shield, which was immediately hit by several weak curses, and stepped aside, covering the girls with a wide golden Protego cloth. Several students had already fallen to the ground, disfigured in the most bizarre ways by the mingled spells. Several coloured beams flew into the shield and shattered with sparks, forcing Neville to pour energy into the defence.

 With a heavy sigh, the young man stepped forward, keeping the defence around him and the huddled classmates behind him by sheer force of will. The flashes of spells between the clashing Gryffindors and Slytherins were becoming rarer - most of them had already been laid out on the stone slabs in a state of utter disrepair. Those remaining, the luckiest or most experienced, continued to pelt their opponents with increasingly nasty jinxes.

 - Insendio! - his head buzzed with a spell too powerful for Neville's liking, but a stream of fire as thick as a man's body passed over the heads of the clashing students. - Stop fighting, you fools!

 - Longbottom, aren't you taking on too much? - The Slytherins, who were also hiding behind the boys' backs, shouted at him.

 - Miss," Neville held up the flaming torch despite the sweat beading on his temples. - I don't think the people fighting in the corridor are worthy of the title of aristocrats.

 - What's going on here?! - Flitwick came out of the study with wand in hand. - Fifty points each from Gryffindor and Slytherin, young men. All those in the centre of the battle will be in Filch's office tonight: Malfoy, Thomas, Finnigan, Krebb, Goyle, Weasley, Granger, Nott, I'm telling you all.

 - Mr Longbottom," the half-goblin turned to the young man who had put the fire away and was slumped against the wall. - Fifty points from Gryffindor for a dangerous spell used at school... And forty-five points to your faculty for performing it correctly at the right moment.

 - LeviosaCircle - unconscious bodies, obeying the stroke of Flitwick's wand, rose into the air. Waving his wand carelessly, Professor Char headed towards the infirmary, signalling for all those who had received their detentions to follow him.

 - Neville, how do you know so many spells? - Lavender Brown looked at the boy with admiration.

 - Lavender, you'd better help me away from the wall," the young man took a step with difficulty. - Those damn flames have sapped most of my strength.

 The blonde, grateful that Longbottom had fended off several spells flying at her, carefully helped him to the door of the Great Hall, where Neville, making a visible effort, went on his own.

17 September 1995. France.

 The first day off in a fortnight, coinciding with Fleur and I opted to spend it just the two of us - Fleur, exhausted by the adjustment period at work, and I, equally tired from the combination of study and training, compressed by the Flywheel of time into one ball. Even the countless potions poured into me couldn't relieve my mental fatigue, though they did relieve the fatigue of body and mind. We chose a small, secluded clearing in the forest near the lake as our resting place, because autumn was warm this year.

 The clearing, protected by our combined spells from casual glances, was quite tiny, a stream of crystal-clear water gurgled just beyond the trees, and the autumn grass rustled faintly in the breeze.

 My slashing spell cut a rectangular slit in the ground, and Fleur levitated a piece of turf to open a fire pit. With a flick of her wands, the resinous logs from the bag dived into the hole, making a cheerfully crackling fire. It smelled of fresh tar.

 - Freedom at last. - I smiled cheerfully at the satisfied girl. - Studying at Beauxbaton is much better than at Hogwarts, but I miss you.

 - Do you? - Fleur stretched out with a sly look in her eyes, coming a little closer. - And I've been told that you've already been taken an interest in by some of the cocky upperclassmen. - The girl's smile turned predatory.

 - Well..." I stretched out, deciding to make a joke, "there are some very pretty ones out there...." I said.

 Getting a fist in my chest, I quickly continued: - Cute to my former friend Weasley, and I have my heart set on one lovely girl.

 Fists of inertia slapped my shoulders and chest once more, and then I received the lightest of kisses on my cheek.

 - And I'm going to ask for this beautiful girl's hand in marriage the same day I turn sixteen," I whispered into her soft ear.

 Soft warm lips brushed against my cheek, the light scent from the hair and skin of the girl pressed against me fuelling a real fire inside. Fleur, remaining in the ring of my arms, stretched, and her breasts showed through the thin fabric, causing me to lose my mind. With a triumphant look at me, the girl walked off towards the stream, swaying her hips gently. I sighed as I looked at her and began to unfold the tent, which had been enlarged by spells but still required physical strength to set up. The silver dome of the tent finally gave in to my efforts and swayed gently in the forest wind.

 - I can hear you," I said without turning round, hearing the light footsteps of the girl creeping up behind me in the rustle of the grass.

 My favourite's snort indicated that she had hoped to approach unnoticed.

 - You'll be like Ciaran soon enough. - She gave me a friendly tease.

 - Just as long as it's not Alastor. - We both chuckled, remembering the old paranoid auror. - Then I'd throw Avada at every suspicious sound.

 - I can't imagine a family life for someone like that," Fleur smiled.

 We sat on the blanket near the fire, watching the magical flames lick the resinous logs, and the small cauldron above the fire gradually warming up, letting off steam.

 - It's much calmer in nature... It's like we're taking off a lot of masks... - I kept looking at the fire.

 - Well... In society we have to look and behave accordingly, but here we are alone. - With a mysterious smile in her voice literally sang Fleur.

 - Yes, even in quiet Beauxbaton or at your home is not so good. Beauxbaton has been squinting at me too, especially since I became a permanent assistant to the martial magic teacher.

 - Papa said the teachers praise you. And Madame Maxime, with whom Maman sometimes has tea, claimed that you're one of the strongest wizards she's seen during her time at the school.

 - Frankly, it's quite annoying. After living in the Muggle world, it's hard for me to get used to attention... especially attention from girls. - I sighed. - Ron would be jumping for joy if he were in my shoes, but I'm just a little stunned by it.

 - Attention, you say? - Fleur growled with feigned severity. - What's the attention consist of?

 - So far, a couple of invitations to the ladies' lounges; luckily I've hit it off with the Ragnarrson brothers in my group, and they don't leave me there alone. They laugh, true, but they help me not to compromise myself.

 - Compromise?

 - Your father and Ciaran told me about some of the ways of getting a prospective groom in France... They said that since it was difficult for my godfather to appear here, it would be better for me to be enlightened by them. To be honest, I was horrified by what I heard, I'd rather face Death Eaters again.

 Fleur laughed, but it was obvious that what she had heard worried her.

 - If some girl tries to get her paws on you...

 I interrupted her.

 - "I'm not interested in 'some girl', love. I have you by my side and I don't need anyone else.

 A long kiss was the reward for my words, and then Fleur was on my lap in some unfathomable way, literally driving me crazy with the closeness of a woman's warm body. The thought floated along the edge of my hazy mind that it would be a good idea to remember the control exercises Ciaran had shown me.

 Our increasingly greedy kiss was broken by the hissing of the fire - the water had boiled and was now spilling out of the pot. I pulled my wand from my sleeve and pointed it at the cauldron, raising it above the fire. Herbs plucked from the bag fell into the cauldron, and the waning flames began to lick the smouldering walls again, keeping the water from getting cold.

 - When I think of the year of waiting ahead of us, it seems unbearably long. - I stroked the soft hair, digging my fingers into the silky strands.

 The girl who rested her head on my shoulder snuggled even tighter, closing her eyes instead of answering.

 - And right after the engagement, I'll have to go back to England. Everything will be decided only there. It was only when I was in the safe harbour of your home that I began to understand what responsibility for the people who trusted me meant. Sirius, Remus, those aristocrats who have joined us are now buying time with their efforts so that I can better prepare for war.

 - Yes, father also said that sooner or later England would erupt into another war. - Fleur gloomed. - 'How I wish he were wrong...'

 - I just want to live in peace, with my wife," I looked at the girl. - But as long as the Dark Lord is willing to take my life and the lives of everyone dear to me... That's not going to happen. And Dumbledore won't stay away... Sometimes I wonder which of the two of them is worse: Voldemort just trying to kill me, or the Headmaster trying to potion me for the greater good.

 - Yeah... When you told me about the conversation you overheard in the restaurant, I didn't know what to say. The greatest light wizard of all, the defeater of Grindewald, who brought much misfortune to my country... And what he did to you.

 - He'll answer, too. - I gritted my teeth and stared into the fire. - He could have explained everything to me, but instead he was just plotting my death and wanting to take away my parents' inheritance.

 We sat in silence for a while, staring at the flickering fire. Fleur's hair tickled my neck, but it was unbearably pleasant to sit like that. Finally, feeling hungry, I started pulling bags of food out of our bags. After laying out and unpacking the food the elves had prepared, we began our meal.

 At times, I glanced at the girl eating carefully, and a wave of warmth rose up inside me that I hadn't felt in all my time at Hogwarts. No girl who caught my eye in England could see Harry Potter through the blowsy image of a national hero. Fleur was absolutely inimitable: tender and passionate at the same time, capable of being calm and even sad, and in the next moment to turn into a frenzied whirlwind of activity. Mine. My favourite.

 - Why are you looking at me like that? - Fleur's eyes glittered, as if she were up to some mischief.

 - Admiring," I answered frankly, earning a smile.

 - I think we might as well-" The chuckles in her eyes got bigger, "-we can go for a swim while the sun is high. - The girl stood up and began rummaging through her bag.

 As I circled the clearing with my wand and whispered a masking spell, I tried to control the feelings that were coming out - Fleur's sister wasn't with us today, and it was even harder to keep my desires in check. The requirement among aristocrats that the bride and groom be pure before the engagement... I had to fulfil it, lest I lose the respect of Fleur's family and my own.

 By the time Fleur came out of the tent, already changed into a not too modest swimming costume, and gave me a sly glance, I had calmed down a little, though it had cost a monstrous effort. And the girl, as if understanding my condition, went to the edge of the clearing, fixing my eyes on the smooth movements of the buttocks, covered only by small strips of fabric. I sensed that I would soon need to repeat the control exercises.

 Ciaran's lessons hadn't gone to waste - left in just my swimming trunks, I hadn't even thought about removing the wand case from my hand, thankfully impervious to water thanks to the enchantments. Paranoia, or rather prudent caution as the Aurors called it, was slowly creeping into my mind, though I hoped I wouldn't reach Alastor's level.

 Diving into the cool water that cooled my heated body, I swam to the girl splashing in the middle of the lake. When I got close to her, Fleur twisted and swam to the shore, so that for some time we were silently, saving our breath, splashing across the water surface. The girl was breathing hard, flushed from exertion, even more charming than usual. But even her intermittent breathing didn't stop her from deftly tripping me when I tried to grab Fleur. Making a heap of splash, I flew into the water to the accompaniment of the girl's ringing laughter. When I wiped my eyes, Fleur was already standing by my sandals, wand in hand. The stream of water she had created passed next to my shoulder, showering me with coolness. With a shriek I threw a water balloon raised by levitation from the lake in her direction, which the girl had no time to dodge, and a new explosion of Fleur's laughter rang out over the lake. For a while we threw water jets without using other spells, but then I decided to avenge the tripping I had received, and in the pauses between attacks I made a branch of a tree behind Fleur's back catch the strap of her swimming costume. The thin fabric was torn by the sudden jerk, and the swimming costume slid down slightly, revealing the upper part of the frozen girl's breasts to my gaze. 

 In the next second the girl squealed and sent another jet of water at me, which I safely dodged, rushing forward. Catching the girl, I picked her up in my arms and spun her around in the air. At last Fleur staggered to the ground, clinging with her hands to my shoulders.

 - Madman! Monsieur Potter, you're attacking the honour of a defenceless girl! - Her smile, however, said otherwise.

 Instead of answering, I pulled her closer, kissing her lips as my hand travelled along her spine, causing Fleur to purr contentedly. The slender body beneath my hand flexed in a perfectly feline way. As I continued to caress her back, still damp from the bath, I stared into her wide-open eyes, which now reflected so much that I was lost. The slender arms around my neck were as hot as fire, and the girl's whole body was melting under her touch. With an effort of will, I pulled my palm away from the tender breast, eliciting a disappointed sigh from Fleur.

 I don't know how long we stood like that, completely oblivious to the passage of time, until Fleur took a step back.

 - I was hungry again. - Soft lips, slightly swollen from kissing, curved in a grin. - I could probably eat a whole elephant!

 - Then I'd better hurry up so the hungry tigress doesn't eat me. - I dodged the girl who tried to slap me and walked towards the camp.

 I looked back at Fleur, who looked out of the tent: she still looked breathtaking when she was dressed. Hanging a pot of water over the fire, I watched as the girl deftly set the table, arranging the cutlery on the tablecloth.

 - Dinner is served, my lord," Fleur bowed jokingly, smiling charmingly.

 Gradually it grew darker, and the autumn forest, not too noisy by day, gradually quieted down, except for the occasional cry of a solitary bird among the trees. A cool breeze blew in from the lake, and I embraced the girl, who was beginning to freeze, sharing my warmth. Fleur pressed against my chest, her silky hair tickling my face.

 - I love you. - A quiet whisper, barely audible through the crackle of the fire and the rustle of leaves.

 - And I you. - My ear flushed slightly under my breath. On a hunch, I gently captured the earlobe with my lips and traced the skin behind the ear, eliciting a convulsive sigh from Fleur. 

 The fog was gradually creeping in from the lake, long dense streaks of fog among the trees, and it was getting colder, so that, having put out the fire with a spell, we quickly moved to the tent, where in the only small room Fleur wrapped herself in a blanket, snuggling against me with her whole body, and quickly fell asleep. And I lay for some time listening to the girl's sleepy breathing, and my thoughts this time were surprisingly far from quite natural for a bloke in such a situation. Sleeping Fleur looked childishly defenceless and so beautiful that it caused a wave of all-consuming tenderness inside.

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