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81.25% Naruto - Light Ninja / Chapter 52: Chapter 52 - Ambush 03.

Chapter 52: Chapter 52 - Ambush 03.

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

The Land of Sound.



Without the world knowing about the explosion that happened in the Land of Hot Water, Naruto continued traveling south with his companions. However, some patrols in the country saw the explosion happening in the guild city. While some went to investigate what exactly happened, others went to inform their superiors in the hidden village of the country.

"What do you mean there was a bijuu dama in the northern region?" The man responsible for the village, elected leader, being only an elite jonin, looked at his middle-aged subordinate who came to inform him of what happened in the northern region.

"We saw it, Lord Izaki. I still remember that ball of power used by the great nations in the war!" The man was old enough to remember the power of the bijuus.

"We are being attacked... Could it be Kiri, but I agreed to the demands of the Third Mizukage...?" He couldn't help but murmur. "Or maybe it was their target... What is happening..." He really didn't know what was going on.

"It's better to wait for the report from those who went to investigate before we do anything." He spoke in the end.

Meanwhile, outside the village, Naruto and the others arrived a little after that ninja while analyzing the village, being the first time, as there was a guild policy that it was extremely prohibited to approach the village if you were a mercenary without a bond with it.

"Shall we attack them directly?" Akame asked.

"It doesn't make much sense, we will already be wanted by the Land of Hot Water due to the death of so many of their jonins, we may not have direct evidence that we invaded the Land of Sound and stole the village, Konoha will keep it a secret and destroy all records of the guild with that explosion, but still many suspicions will come to us in the bingo book. So there's no reason to hide, but let's attack them directly, although we won't destroy the village." Naruto spoke and the two nodded.

A moment later, he kicked the ground, shooting directly towards the village with Akame and Kimimaro right behind.

"Hm? What is this?" The wall had a structure for patrols to keep an eye around, they saw two ninjas advancing towards them, before seeing a light appear beside them as they were quickly knocked out by Naruto.

Some patrollers on the wall, many of them not even being ninjas due to the village being small, quickly saw Naruto there.

"An invader!" They shouted, "Sound the alarm."

"This village is half the size of Konoha... I think I can cover it." Naruto murmured as Akame and Kimimaro approached, when a shock wave greater than any other they had felt before came from Naruto, exploding in all directions.

They landed as their clothes fluttered with their hair while trying to protect themselves from it behind their masks, lucky that the haki wasn't directed at them but at the entire Hot Water village. The shock wave began to invade the village, passing through all the streets, hitting anything behind its walls as yellow electricity shocked everywhere within that wave penetrating the village.

"What is this?" A woman with a basket shouted, making purchases as all the villagers tried to protect themselves from that strange phenomenon with fear in their eyes while seeing the electricity in the air. However, they felt themselves losing consciousness a moment later.

"Hey, what's happening?!" Said a Chuunin protecting himself from the wind on top of a house, while looking for answers beside him, but what he saw was his companion falling unconscious while rolling off the roof. "Hey, hey! What is this!?" There was fear in his voice.

Ninjas all over the village began to fall along with all the citizens who couldn't withstand the pressure of the conqueror's haki.

"What do I want... Hm?!" Lord Izaki felt the explosion while still talking to the ninja from before, feeling the village being affected by that wave coming from the north, as everything flew and ninjas fell. The wave came down the street, entering his building as he felt the wind hitting him with lightning.

"What is this?!" The ninja who came to report the northern events was stunned by it, protecting his face, while several hidden ANBU ninjas on the ceiling jumped down to stand in front of the village leader, with their papers flying with that wave that continued to the south of the village.

"What is happening?" Lord Izaki roared, stunned by it all.

"My knees, they're buckling!"

"I'm losing consciousness!"

"Is this some kind of genjutsu generated by this wind?!" The village leader murmured, seeing some of his men collapsing unconscious while others stood firm.

The wave continued to spread throughout the village until everything was affected by the haki. Naruto finally stopped generating haki, while Akame and Kimimaro, who had long hair, were disheveled after that but were fine.

Naruto looked at the entire village while trying to sense the affected area with his haki. "I'm much stronger than a few years ago, I must admit..." Naruto commented.

"You used that on the entire village..." Kimimaro couldn't believe what he saw Naruto do. 'If he can affect an entire village, imagine what Naruto would be to his enemies in a war...' He thought, swallowing hard, unable to imagine what a man who could simply knock down thousands of people by releasing a strange ability could impact the ninja world.

"You knocked down the entire village?" Even Akame couldn't believe what she was seeing; she never in her wildest dreams thought Naruto could simply knock down an entire village in a few seconds.

"Don't look so scared, I couldn't knock down all the ninjas, but most of them are on the ground." Naruto commented as if it were no big deal, while they, behind their masks, had faces that would say otherwise.

"Anyway, let's go. We have to see the ninja leader." Naruto said. He couldn't knock down the majority of Jonins or even some Chuunins. 'It seems that people who have seen a lot of blood can withstand my haki and not give in, but I can still improve in the future.' Naruto said while jumping over houses, passing through the crowd of unconscious people on the village streets.

"Who are you?!" A Chuunin saw Naruto approaching with masks and clothes that were not from the village along with his companions and exclaimed, preparing for the fight.

"Sorry, but you are not needed." Naruto appeared beside him before he could react and he fell on the roof after a slap on his head.

He saw the building where there was a ninja who would be the leader here, being the strongest among all. Lord Izaki saw a light explode the window before Naruto appeared in front of him, materializing from the light.

"Who are you?!" He shouted immediately while preparing to fight with his men, but to say that his heart wasn't trembling now would be lying. He could feel his death coming as soon as he clashed with this ninja.

"So you are the leader of this village, the one who sent your ninjas to ally with the guild and the Kiri ninjas?" Naruto asked behind his mask.

"You... You are Light!" He said, surprised, as Akame and Kimimaro entered right behind Naruto.

"Good to know you recognize who you tried to kill." Naruto said calmly.

"Wait, what did you do to the village, how did you do that, no, how can you be so strong?" He demanded with some fear despite trying to control the situation with his ninja training and years of experience.

"I have my own abilities, let's say you became the enemy of the wrong person." Naruto said as the place filled with ninjas preparing to fight.

"You think you can face so many?!" He argued with Naruto as Lord Izaki's allies increased.

"I've faced more powerful ninjas when I massacred all those from the guild, this won't be a problem, and as your ninja must have reported, I can simply erase this village from the map." Naruto said, having sensed the ninja in front of him as they descended from the north to the village.

"You are the Jinchuuriki?!" The man who reported exclaimed in fear.

"I don't have a Bijuu inside me, but I can rival them if I try." Naruto said.

"What do you want?" Lord Izaki didn't have many options now.

"I want all the documents Kiri sent and the money. I also intend to stay in the village for some time until we decide what to do next..." Naruto demanded.

"You want to stay here? You're exaggerating!" Lord Izaki said with frustration.

"That's my price. I was willing to kill you, to be honest, but that could bring internal war to this country. I don't want to see people who have nothing to do with the conflict die." Naruto said, as this would cause too many problems just for revenge.

"..." Lord Izaki looked at Naruto with a serious expression, unsure of how to respond, while his ninjas, both inside and outside the location, awaited their leader's answer, though many were afraid to face a ninja capable of causing the destruction described in the northern region.

"Alright... I will allow you to stay in the village..." he murmured with a tone of wounded pride.

"That's good, but know one thing: I didn't kill anyone in this village, but if you try anything, I will destroy the entire village, do you hear me?" Naruto spoke with a serious tone of threat. His patience could not be stretched beyond its limit.

The man just nodded while opening a drawer in his desk and pulling out a scroll. "Here is everything we received from Kiri with the order..." he said and looked at one of his ANBU. "Take them to the unused mansion in the east." The ninja nodded and jumped out the window.

Naruto saw that and couldn't help but look at the leader of this village one last time. "Remember our agreement, I can be much worse than Kiri, understand?" He spoke one last time before leaving, with no ninja stopping them, while his two companions followed him.

After that, the room fell into silence as everyone kept their own thoughts about what had just happened.

"Lord Izaki... are you sure about this?" One of the ninjas asked, breaking the silence.

"Do we have a choice? Look at our village!" Izaki said, pointing to the streets, all quiet with unconscious bodies everywhere.

"How can he do something like that..." another ninja said.

"I don't know, but we ended up messing with a powerful ninja whose strength we didn't even know... all this time he was operating in the country..." the leader said with a frown.

"You mean we couldn't defeat them?" another questioned with some fear.

"Most likely not... He must be at Kage level... this brings many questions. After all, he's been acting in this country without any prior history, we thought we were dealing with someone unimportant, that's why we quickly sided with Kiri..." he murmured, still pondering the mystery of that Light, especially since all descriptions believe he is a child.

"What are the orders, Lord Izaki?" an ANBU asked.

"Let's not bother them for now... In the meantime, go wake up all the villagers and assess the damages." He spoke, and a group of ninjas left, except for one whom he asked to stay with a hand gesture.

"I'm going to write a report on what happened today and complement it with what the ninjas who are reporting in the north say. I want you to send this information to be added to the bingo book. Light is a monster and cannot be considered an enemy of some businessmen and bandits in his description." He said, after all, whoever is behind that mask can bring a small country's village to its knees quickly.


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