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8.69% The Reborn Demon:Ascension / Chapter 4: The Legacy Awakens - Bond of the Silver Guide

Chapter 4: The Legacy Awakens - Bond of the Silver Guide

As dawn broke over Mistvale Keep, the air was thick with anticipation. The new Ascendants, their spirits alight with the prospect of choosing their Essence Conduits, gathered at the entrance of the cathedral, the heart of the Keep and the gateway to their futures. Under the guidance of the Archbishop and the attending mentors, they proceeded one by one into the depths of the sacred building, towards the most guarded sanctum of the castle—the Vault of Essence Conduits.

The order of entry was determined by the number of runes each Ascendant bore, a visible testament to their potential and prowess. In a procession marked by a silent reverence, they awaited their turn to step into the vault, each moment stretching into eternity under the weight of expectation.

The first to enter was the Aidan's brother Ewan, his visage a mask of excitement that betrayed none of his choice's specifics. After what seemed like an age but was merely half an hour, he emerged, his expression alight with a thrill that spoke volumes, though his lips remained sealed about his selection.

Following him was Isolde, her steps measured and her demeanor composed, a contrast to the fervent whispers that filled the air as she disappeared into the vault. Tristan came next, his confident stride carrying him into the heart of the cathedral, followed by Emeric, each taking their turn in the sacred ritual of Ascension.

The wait outside was an amalgam of tension and anticipation, with whispers fluttering like leaves in the wind. Speculations were rife, with every emerging Ascendant adding fuel to the fire of curiosity. The time each spent within the vault varied, from half an hour to an hour, a testament to the solemnity and importance of the choice before them.

Outside, the crowd of Ascendants and onlookers alike buzzed with nervous energy, each set of eyes locked on the cathedral's entrance, eager for any hint or clue about the Essence Conduits chosen by their peers. The significance of this moment was not lost on any who stood there; the Essence Conduit an Ascendant chose was not just a weapon or a tool but a companion on the long road of their journey, a bond that would shape their path and define their destiny.

And so, as each Ascendant emerged, the air grew thick with unspoken questions and unvoiced hopes. What Conduit had they chosen? What powers would it grant them? And, above all, who would emerge as the foremost among them, earning the coveted reward of twenty Essence Gems?

As Aidan's turn arrived, a hush fell over the gathering outside the cathedral. With measured steps, he crossed the threshold, leaving behind the murmur of speculation and anticipation. The door closed with a resonant thud, enveloping him in the sanctity of the vault's interior.

The room, though modest in size, was a fortress of ancient knowledge and power. The walls were inscribed with intricate runes, each a testament to the art of sealing, suppression, and protection. These symbols hummed softly, their glow a constant reminder of the sacredness of the space and the potency of the treasures it guarded.

Before him stood rows of cabinets, meticulously organized and divided into numerous compartments. Each compartment cradled a container, within which slumbered an Essence Conduit. The variety was staggering—each Conduit a unique entity, bound by seals that shimmered with a restrained force, hinting at the powers they held within. Here, in these humble vessels, lay the 1st-level Essence Conduits, accessible to the newly ascended, each capable of resonating with the myriad abilities of its potential wielder.

Aidan understood the gravity of his choice. Ascendants were cautioned to bond with Conduits of a level commensurate with or lower than their own, for to reach beyond one's means was to court disaster. The higher the level of the Conduit, the more devastating the toll on the wielder, a price not measured in mere physical strain but in the very essence of their being.

Moreover, the concept of "nourishing" the Essence Conduits was fundamental. Each Conduit required a specific form of sustenance to maintain its strength and efficacy. Neglect in this sacred duty would lead to a gradual waning of the Conduit's powers, eventually resulting in its demise. This nourishment varied widely among Conduits, reflecting the diversity of the universe's laws they embodied. As the level of the Conduit increased, so too did the cost of its upkeep, both a privilege and a burden to the Ascendant bound to it.

Aidan moved slowly along the rows, his gaze lingering on each container. The choice before him was not merely one of power but of compatibility and commitment. The Essence Conduit he would choose needed to resonate not just with his current abilities but also with the potential he sought to unlock within himself. It was a decision that would define his path forward, a companion in his journey towards mastery and understanding.

As he reached out to a container that seemed to call to him, a sense of connection, fleeting yet profound, brushed against his consciousness. Inside, a Conduit awaited its awakening, a bond yearning to be forged. Aidan knew that this moment, this choice, was the first step on a long road—a road fraught with challenges but also ripe with the promise of ascension and the pursuit of a destiny yet unwritten.

Aidan stood contemplatively before the array of 1st-level Essence Conduits, aware of the gravity of his choice. While the allure of Malagor's legendary Conduit whispered temptingly to his ambitions, Aidan was grounded by the reality of his situation. The tale of a drunken reveler stumbling upon Malagor's lost treasure was just that—a tale. Without concrete details or assurance of its truth, Aidan knew better than to base his plans on the uncertain ground of hearsay. The story provided a tantalizing clue, yet the specifics—drinking, the swamp to the southwest, the exact location—remained shrouded in mystery.

Despite his rebirth with knowledge of the future, Aidan understood the folly of relying solely on fortune to guide his path. His adventurous spirit was tempered with caution, a balance that had always defined his approach to life. The selection of a 1st-level Essence Conduit from the vaults of Mistvale Keep was not just a ritual but a strategic decision, one that would ensure he had a solid foundation regardless of what the future held.

His choice was deliberate, a wolf's tooth, a common but profoundly symbolic selection within the context of Mistvale Keep's history. The tooth was not just an Essence Conduit; it was a nod to the region's tumultuous past, to the time when the keep was known as Wolf's Howl Keep, named for the wolf packs that roamed its periphery and the decennial wolf tides that threatened its very existence. Many within the keep had lost loved ones to these creatures, leading to a collective decision to rename their home in an attempt to move beyond the grief and fear associated with those times.

The wolf's tooth was a practical choice, resonating with the local fauna and the cyclic challenges faced by the keep's inhabitants. Its ability to control wolves offered both protection and a means to assert one's will over the surrounding wilderness. For Aidan, it represented a connection to the land and its history, a tool that would serve him well as he navigated the trials of Ascension.

As he picked up the container holding the wolf's tooth, Aidan felt a surge of resolve. This Essence Conduit, while not as grandiose as the treasures of legend, was his link to the present, a tangible asset in his quest for power and understanding. It symbolized his acceptance of the path laid out before him, one that he would walk with eyes open to both the opportunities and the dangers that awaited.

With the wolf's tooth now in his possession, Aidan stepped out of the vault and into the light of day, ready to face the challenges ahead with a newfound sense of purpose. The road to uncovering Malagor's legacy might be fraught with uncertainty, but Aidan was no longer a mere player in the tales of others. He was an Ascendant, armed with knowledge, caution, and the will to carve his own destiny in the annals of Mistvale Keep.

As Aidan left the vault, his determination to break free from the confines of the castle remained unshaken, the wolf's tooth Essence Conduit now a symbol of his resolve. Striding purposefully towards the tavern, he acquired two jugs of wine for his journey into the wilderness. However, his departure was interrupted by Ewan, whose call was not an attempt at reconciliation but rather a command relayed from their uncle and aunt.

"Aidan, you must return," Ewan insisted, his voice lacking genuine concern. "Uncle and aunt demand it. They say you're lost to despair."

The command masked a history of cruelty and neglect that only Aidan fully appreciated. After their parents' demise, the brothers were taken in by their uncle and aunt, who treated them with disdain. Aidan, desperate for escape from their maltreatment, leveraged his knowledge from his previous life to mimic the poetry of Shakespeare, earning him the reputation of a prodigy and the speculative title of a future Radiant-level Ascendant. This facade of talent brought him the attention and acclaim of the entire Keep, altering his guardians' treatment towards him, though Ewan continued to suffer their harshness.

This disparity in their treatment sowed seeds of jealousy and resentment in Ewan, who, despite occasional aid from Aidan, could not see past his brother's success to the kindness behind his actions.

"I have my path to follow, Ewan. The whims of our uncle and aunt hold no sway over me," Aidan replied with a cold, dismissive tone, his eyes fixed on the horizon beyond the castle walls. His response was not just a refusal to return but a rejection of the chains that had once bound him.

Ewan, momentarily taken aback by the sternness in Aidan's voice, masked his hurt with a hollow command. "They insist on your return. Do not defy them," he said, echoing the words of their guardians without understanding the full weight of their past.

As Ewan returned to the castle, the divide between the brothers was palpable. Aidan, once a beacon of hope for escape from their cruel reality, now embraced his path of solitude, seeking freedom not just from the expectations of the Keep but from the shadows of a past filled with hardship and deceit.

Continuing his journey, Aidan stepped into the twilight, the castle and its tangled web of lies receding into the distance. Ahead lay the swamp, shrouded in uncertainty and the faint hope of uncovering Malagor's legacy. Yet, for Aidan, the true quest was a search for autonomy—a journey to forge his destiny on his own terms, far from the reach of those who sought to control him.

Just beyond the formidable walls of Mistvale Keep, a vast expanse of open land unfolds, a strategic clearing designed for the keep's defense. This open space, meticulously maintained and deliberately barren of cover, is punctuated with defensive features: a wide moat encircles the keep, its waters dark and still, reflecting the imposing stone fortifications with an eerie calm. Sharp wooden stakes, known as chevaux-de-frise, and concealed pits dot the landscape, serving as a deterrent to any would-be invaders, ensuring that any assault on the keep would be a perilous endeavor.

The clearing acts as a buffer zone, a no-man's land between the safety of the keep's walls and the wild, untamed wilderness beyond. It is a testament to the keep's strategic design, allowing its defenders to spot and repel attackers long before they reach the gates.

Beyond this carefully curated void, the land abruptly changes character, giving way to vast, unending forests. These woods stretch into the horizon, a thick blanket of green that houses mysteries and dangers in equal measure. The forest, with its dense canopy and shadowed underbrush, seems to swallow the light, creating a world within a world, where time and the elements have free reign.

Deeper still, hidden within the heart of these ancient woods, lie the marshlands. These swamps, with their stagnant waters and treacherous mires, are places of both life and decay. Mist often hangs heavy over the marsh, obscuring vision and muffling sounds, making it a labyrinthine world of its own, where the ground might give way at any step, and unseen creatures move just below the surface.

This is the domain that encircles Mistvale Keep, a stark contrast of open vulnerability and dense, concealing wilderness. For those within the keep, the clearing serves as the first line of defense, a reminder of the constant threat of the outside world. Beyond, the forests and marshlands offer both peril and promise, a call to those brave or foolish enough to venture into their depths.


Aidan, stepping beyond the keep's protective embrace, found himself on the edge of this transition from open land to dense forest. With a determined gaze fixed on the shadowed treeline in the distance, he crossed the clearing, aware of the strategic importance of the land he traversed. Each step took him closer to the wilds that lay beyond, where the true test of his resolve and the quest for Malagor's legacy awaited, hidden within the depths of the forest and the mist-shrouded swamps.

As an Ascender, Aidan's physical capabilities far surpassed those of an ordinary man. His body, transformed through the process of Ascension, bore the hallmarks of a seasoned warrior: agility, strength, and an endurance honed through years of rigorous training. This newfound prowess, combined with the wealth of experience garnered over a lifetime—and indeed, from the insights of a past life—imbued Aidan with a confidence in his ability to navigate the dangers that lay beyond the safety of Mistvale Keep's walls.

Before his rebirth, Aidan's journey was marked by trials and tribulations that few could imagine. Betrayed and ostracized by his brother, he was forced to flee the familiarity of the keep, his only home, joining a caravan of merchants as they traversed the realms. During this time of exile, his Essence Conduit, deprived of the necessary sustenance, perished—a loss that rendered him powerless, a shadow of the Ascender he once was. Stripped of his abilities, Aidan resorted to thievery, robbery, and living off the land. He survived on hunted game and wild fruits, each day a testament to his resilience.

This harrowing period of Aidan's life, though fraught with hardship, was instrumental in forging his character. The skills he acquired in the wild—the ability to track, hunt, and forage—became as much a part of him as his physical enhancements. More importantly, these experiences tempered his resolve, crafting a will of iron and a tolerance for adversity that few could match.

Now, as Aidan ventured into the forests surrounding Mistvale Keep, he did so with a quiet confidence. The dangers that lurked within those ancient woods—predators, treacherous terrain, and the unknown—were challenges he felt equipped to face. He tread carefully, mindful not to venture too deeply or recklessly, his senses attuned to the subtle cues of the wild.

The knowledge that his past life's hardships had prepared him for this moment was a cold comfort. The loss of his Essence Conduit and the subsequent years of powerlessness were scars that ran deep, reminders of the fragility of his achievements and the capriciousness of fate. Yet, they also served as a source of strength, a foundation upon which he built his resolve to never again be so vulnerable.

As Aidan moved through the forest, each step was measured, each breath a testament to his determination. The wilderness before him was both a challenge and a crucible, a place where he could test his limits and forge his path. In the quiet of the woods, with only the sounds of nature as his companion, Aidan embraced the solitude, his spirit undaunted by the journey that lay ahead.

Venturing into the forest, Aidan's steps were measured and silent, a testament to the survival skills honed over a lifetime of hardship and resilience. The dense canopy above filtered the sunlight into a mosaic of shadows and light, casting the forest floor into a tapestry of concealment and revelation. Aware of the inherent dangers that lurked within these woods, Aidan initiated a series of intricate maneuvers designed to ensure he wasn't followed. He doubled back on his path, carefully obscured his tracks with branches, and even utilized streams to mask his scent, all the while keeping his senses attuned to any signs of pursuit. After a meticulous hour of counter-tracking, he was satisfied that his trail was as elusive as the morning mist.

With the confidence that he was alone, Aidan took the more drastic step in his unconventional plan. He stopped in a small clearing, where the light seemed to dance through the leaves, and with a deliberate motion, uncorked one of the wine jugs. He drenched himself in the contents, letting the strong aroma of alcohol permeate his clothing and skin, transforming himself into a walking beacon of intoxication. The other jug, he decided, would be his companion, a symbol of his commitment to the ruse he was about to enact.

In the lore of the Ascended, it was said that many Essence Conduits, especially those with affinities to life and nature, possessed their own predilections. Birds, insects, and other more whimsical conduits were drawn to specific scents, sounds, or even emotions. If the tale of the drunken reveler stumbling upon Malagor's treasure held any truth, then perhaps alcohol—the very substance that led to the fortuitous discovery—played a pivotal role in attracting the conduit or revealing its hiding place.

With this theory in mind, Aidan, now reeking of wine, moved with deliberate care through the forest, allowing the scent to trail behind him like an invisible thread. His plan was as much a gamble as it was a strategy, predicated on the slim hope that the unique characteristics of his chosen Essence Conduit might resonate with the alcohol that now marked him as distinct from any other being in these woods.

As evening approached, and the shadows grew longer, Aidan's journey took on a surreal quality. The alcohol in his system, combined with the solitude and the sheer audacity of his plan, lent a sense of unreality to his quest. Yet, he pressed on, driven by a mix of desperation and determination, his eyes scanning the forest for any sign of the treasure that had eluded so many before him.

In this moment, Aidan was not just an Ascendant searching for power; he was a man challenging fate, willing to embrace the whims of chance in pursuit of a legend. The forest around him seemed to watch in silent anticipation, its myriad inhabitants witness to this singular display of human will and ingenuity.

As the night deepened, casting its velvety shroud over the forest, Aidan found himself traversing familiar paths within the story-laden woods. This was not his first venture into these mystical bounds in search of Malagor's Essence Conduit. For the past five days, he had embarked on the same ritual: purchasing two of the most expensive bottles of wine available and dousing himself with their contents amidst the ancient trees, all in hopes of attracting the elusive Conduit. Yet, day after day, his efforts had borne no fruit.


This night marked his final attempt. Aidan was well aware of the risks of prolonging his quest. Prolonged absence could spark suspicion and speculation among his peers, and the exorbitant cost of the wine, payable only in the precious Essence Gems so vital to an Ascendant, was beginning to strain his resources. Such expenditure could jeopardize his other plans. Although Aidan was a man who thrived on adventure, he was no gambler blinded by the desire to recoup his losses at any cost. He had his plan, his own sense of prudence honed over five centuries of life.

Now, as he wandered through the forest, that vast reservoir of experience whispered to him that it was time to withdraw. Life, he mused, was replete with such endeavors—goals that shimmered with promise, tantalizing yet perpetually out of reach despite one's best efforts. They were the dreams that kept one tossing and turning at night, consumed with longing and frustration.

"This is the bittersweet essence of life, its relentless allure," Aidan reflected with a rueful smile, his voice a mere whisper in the nocturnal stillness. With that, he turned his back on the forest, the embodiment of his unattained aspirations, and made his way back to the realm of stone and civilization.

Just as Aidan was about to surrender to the fickle whims of fate and retreat, a subtle, silver glow caught his attention from the corner of his eye. It emanated from a dense thicket at his feet, an unmistakable sign of a Level 2 Essence Conduit lurking nearby. Aidan froze, his heart skipping a beat, as a small mouse, bathed in a soft, silver luminescence, darted out from the underbrush and approached him.

The mouse, drawn irresistibly by the scent of alcohol that clung to Aidan, sniffed eagerly at his feet before scaling his body with surprising agility. Its tiny claws found little resistance as it climbed towards the jug of wine Aidan held in his grasp. Without hesitation, the silver-glow mouse burrowed into the jug, immersing itself in the liquid that had failed to yield results for days on end.

Within moments, the wine was gone, consumed by the creature whose silver light now seemed to pulse with a contented rhythm. The mouse emitted a series of satisfied squeaks, a stark contrast to the silence of the surrounding forest. Aidan watched, a mix of disbelief and wonder etching his features. The days of fruitless effort, the mounting frustrations, and the looming doubts—all dissolved in the face of this serendipitous encounter.

This was no ordinary mouse, but an Essence Conduit of Level 2, its affinity for alcohol the key that had unlocked the door Aidan had been knocking on for so long. The realization that his strategy, driven by both desperation and insight, had finally borne fruit filled him with a renewed sense of purpose. The Essence Conduit, now revealed in such an unassuming form, was proof that his instincts, honed over centuries of trials and tribulations, had not led him astray.

The Essence Conduit, now in the guise of a drunken mouse, meandered into the deeper enclaves of the forest, its silver glow intermittently visible through the dense undergrowth. Aidan, sensing the significance of this moment, followed closely, his movements cautious yet swift, mindful of the delicate balance between maintaining proximity and not startling his newfound guide.

The chase was a silent ballet, a dance of shadows under the moonlit canopy. Aidan navigated through the forest with an agility borne of necessity, his eyes never straying from the faint silver light that flickered ahead. The terrain grew increasingly treacherous, with roots snaking across the forest floor and branches that seemed to grasp at him from the darkness. Yet, Aidan pressed on, driven by a compulsion to uncover the secrets that lay just beyond his reach.

Eventually, the mouse, still under the intoxicating influence of the wine, squeezed through a narrow crevice formed by two massive boulders. The gap appeared barely wide enough for a youth of Aidan's size, presenting an unspoken challenge to his resolve. With a deep breath, Aidan approached the crevice, the mouse's silver glow disappearing into the darkness beyond.

Squeezing through the gap, Aidan felt the oppressive weight of the stone against his body, the cool, damp air of the hidden passage enveloping him. The darkness was complete, a void that seemed to swallow every hint of light, amplifying the sounds of his own movement and the distant, satisfied squeaks of the mouse.

The fear of the unknown, the claustrophobia of the narrow passage, and the absolute absence of light coalesced into a palpable terror that gripped at Aidan's heart. Yet, his determination pushed him forward, his hands feeling along the damp walls, his senses heightened to every subtle shift in the air, every minute sound that pierced the silence.

The passage twisted and turned, a labyrinthine route that tested Aidan's resolve and his physical limits. Time seemed to stretch and warp, the outside world a distant memory as he delved deeper into the earth's embrace. The fear of being trapped, of losing his way in this suffocating darkness, clawed at him, but Aidan's mind remained focused, his goal clear.

After what felt like an eternity, the passage began to widen, and the oppressive darkness gradually gave way to a faint, silvery light ahead. The mouse, it seemed, had led him to a place forgotten by time, a sanctuary hidden from the eyes of the world. 

Emerging from the confines of the narrow passage, Aidan found himself in a small cavern illuminated by the soft, silver light emanating from the mouse that had guided him here. This mouse, now sleeping soundly atop a leg bone of a skeleton, was not merely his guide but the very Essence Conduit he had been seeking. Lying there, in the quiet of the cavern, it was the living legacy of Malagor, an embodiment of the legendary Ascendant's power.

As Aidan's gaze settled on the skeleton sprawled across the cavern floor, a surge of realization washed over him. "Found you, Malagor," he whispered, a mix of awe and exhilaration in his voice. The skeleton, with its timeless repose, bore testament to the end that awaits all, yet it was the small, slumbering creature that captured Aidan's full attention.

The realization that this unassuming mouse was the sought-after Essence Conduit—a conduit of such significance and rarity—brought a profound sense of destiny to Aidan. This was not just any artifact; it was a living conduit, one that had chosen to reveal itself to him in the most unanticipated manner.

Approaching with a mix of reverence and curiosity, Aidan knelt beside the skeleton. The mouse, its fur aglow with a silver luminescence, seemed to pulse with an energy that beckoned him closer. It was a moment of connection, of recognition between Ascendant and Conduit, that transcended the ordinary.

With a gentle hand, Aidan reached out to the mouse, his movements deliberate, mindful of the significance of this act. To touch the Essence Conduit was to accept its legacy, to forge a bond that would alter the course of his destiny. The cavern, with its silent witness in the form of Malagor's remains, seemed to hold its breath as Aidan's fingers brushed against the mouse, the conduit of legend.

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