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52.63% That Time I reincarnated as The Overlord / Chapter 38: Chp-37 The World Shocked, Bael Rocked.

Chapter 38: Chp-37 The World Shocked, Bael Rocked.

3rd Pov.

In Volen, a nation known for its tall towers that housed reasearch labs of various dark sorcerers and wizards. In it's history of war, never came a day where the enemys reached its capital and wreaked havoc.

But, as one said, there is always a day for anything, we witness the whole country of Volen burning. Smokes billowing in plumes of dark ash and charcoal remains. Smell of things burning along with a distinct smell of burnt flesh in the air.

The clouds above dark as the night sky covered the whole land, the still burning fire was so large that it touched the clouds, mixing the black with the red giving it a hue that only existed in hell.

The capital, the cities, everything that has human sign was burned. To anyone that saw such a scene, an Apocalypse would be the perfect description he would use.

And all these was caused by dragons, not one or two, not even dozens, but hundreds of them some flying in packs circling the sky, while a few stray relishing the destruction below.

In the Capital, a huge Dragon which had obsidian black scales all over it's body flew above, it seemingly nodded in satisfaction as the Country burned before it.

Just then, it blew a huge mass of smoke that completely covered it, white light flashed for a second and the next moment, the cloud dispersed to show an elegant woman, she had a pair of obsidian horns and armoured dress that complemented her figure.

Opening a Gate, she soon entered it, leaving the burning hell on Earth behind her.


In Deudenia, a phenomenon was occuring that happens rarely in a few hundred years.

On the throne room, the Guardians of each floor, except Adrigal and Darkseid was gathered to witness the miracle before them.

Before them, at the throne sat Bael with his eyes closed as if sleeping. His chin held by his right hand resting on the armrest of his throne.

"Am I late?" Just then a voice was heard as the doors to the throne room opened behind the Guardians.

"No Darkseid, But Adrigal will be now." Grinning, Yama greeted his friend with a wave.

"I see." Darkseid replied while nodding at Yama's wave while aligning himself with the Guardians' line up.

Just as Darkseid stood in his place, the door once more opened to let in Adrigal.

"I heard that." Glancing at Yama and then at Darkseid, Adrigal casually said while walking inside the throne room.

"You Dragons and your bullshit enhanced senses." Yama eyerolled at Adrigal's statement, showing his annoyance obvious.

"I see that everything went as Lord Bael had planned." Medusa's voice was heard as she came down the stairs leading towards the throne.

"Indeed, now we just need to wait for Lord Bael to wake up." Rhombus replied while looking at the Supreme one.

The Supreme One was now seated on the throne motionless, but the Magicules that he absorbed just a few moments before Darkseid arrived was astronomically high.

Then the large amounts of Magicule waves and Aura he was releaseing, Rhombus couldn't help but raise his Worship for his Lord even more, if raising something which was already at the peak was even possible.

As Rhombus was lost in his thoughts an Announcement was heard from the VoTW.

[Report: The Harvest Festival of Individual Bael Draconio Armenon has Concluded. Accession of Individual Bael Draconio Armenon to True Dragon, Successful.]

"True Dragon?", Hearing the familiar term, Rhombus repeated the term silently.

Long back when they had arrived in this land, his Lord had given them basically knowledge of this world.

One of them was that, this world's strongest force was the True Dragons and hearing that his Lord was now also a True Dragon made his heart excited. Glancing at his comrade and friends, he guessed they were excited and happy too.

[Gifts will now be presented to Individual Bael Draconio Armenon's Linked Subordinates.]

Just then another announcement was heard by Rhombus as if it was inside his mind as suddenly a feeling of drowsiness kicked in losing his balance, he limped forward to regain his balance but failed and droped total the ground.

*Thud* *thud*

The same happened to the others as well as he suddenly remembered what The Great One had mentioned.

"Remember, if any voice in your head mentions something that has the term Gift in it and you feel sleepy, don't resist."

Remembering it, he felt like his lord had once again displayed his greatness, predicting what will happen in the future.

So, Praising his lord in his mind Rhombus and the other NPCs of Deudenia slept a peaceful dream. Where they eternally served their Lord.


Meanwhile in Gemmera.

To the moment where Adrigal and her Dragons Disappeared in the horizon. Looking at the scene, George couldn't help but feel a tinge of pity for Volen.

Just imagining what chaos such a large Hord of dragons would cause in Gemmera sent shivers down his body.

"Let's return back to the fort, there is nothing left for us to do here."

George said, as he scanned the now unidentifiable green plains.

The plains was now filled with large and small holes made of explosions for their Catapults and Volen's Magic spells. The remaining intact ground was covered with blood and carcasses of dead soldiers.

The vultures and other scavengers had already started to arrive to have a feast as soon as the Dragons had left.

"Yes your majesty." Agreeing with George, Gowlard said as he quickly ordered the soldiers to form a lose formation and March back to the fort.

They were exhausted, and it was not a lie. To not have collapsed on the ground already was a huge achievement now.

After 10 minutes the soldiers had reached The Fort that was situated on the border of Gemmera, behind the wall that protected the kingdom.

As George was about to tell everyone that they could rest now, a ethereal voice echoed from the sky.

[Report: Evolution of Individual Bael Draconio Armenon From Dragon Lord To True Dragon  Commences.]


"Bael? The Demon Lord?"

Whisper of such questions passed in the crowd as George as well as Carlos and Gowlard stood still in their place.

'Demon Lord Bael...a True Dragon?'

Although the announcement clearly mentioned Dragon Lord but George thought of the title Bael held.

It was completely Impossible and even absurd for someone to have the Title of Demon Lord as well as being a True Dragon.

But it has happened. It happened.

"Your.. Highness?" Carlos who was clearly more stunned then George spoke up staring at him, trying to ask with his eyes if what Carlos' mind was thinking was what George thought.

"Indeed." George affirmed Carlos' question.

What Carlos wanted to say was that, was it true?, was what he heard a dream? He is awake and living in reality right?

And to have such a reaction was normal if what the rest of the world was going through.

Several Kingdoms were going into panic mode hearing the Announcement. Some who were less knowledgeable just took the face value of things, thinking that Being a True Dragon was nothing but another evolutionary step for someone like Bael who was declared Dragon Lord before.

But for those old monsters who knew things, they knew that a true dragon will only be born naturally, and it was and had always been impossible for any chain of events to lead to an Evolution to True Dragon.

But here it was, Declared by the VoTW itself.

Those Old Monsters started to rethink their game plans. Because the emergence of another True Dragon meant instability in the world.

Currently, the world had Three True Dragons. One on the Eastern Empire and another at the Ice Continent on the north.

It could also be said that the Western Nations also have a True Dragon with them.

But, if it was a boon or curse only they would know.


In the Ice Continent.

"Looks like you will get another younger brother huh?"

Inside a throne room made of ice, a red Haired demon who was seated on the icy throne spoke to his companion.

Said companion was a beautiful young woman who wore ice blue dress and had silvery white hair. She was The Oldest existing True Dragon in the world, only being older than her would be her deceased big brother, The Star Dragon.

"*Sigh* I only hope that this one is not as stupid as the other one." Sighing, Velzard replied.

"Haha, right. Even I would be troubled if even he started doing some unpredictable things...and by his Magicules currently blasting the whole world..." Guy at first chuckled but the next words he said, a serious expression could be seen on his face.

The amount of Magicules he was feeling form even here, was testament of the large density and quantity of Magicules Bael now had, it was second only to his late Best Friend, Veldanava.

But it didn't mean that Bael's reached The Star dragon's. No, even now, Bael's wasn't even close but his was indeed the top in this world now. And that made Guy serious for after a long time.

"Alright, let's visit him." Guy said as he stood up from his throne. Followed by Velzard, he exited the room, leaving the throne room empty.


In Deudenia.

Inside the Throne Room, we could see the guardians lying on the floor near the throne as we see towards Bael sitting on the throne.

In the next moment, the eyes of Bael suddenly opened simultaneously releasing a burst of Magicule waves. As if it was a signal, all the guardians slowly started to wake up.

"Your.. majesty?" Still getting herself together, Medusa asked.

"Yes Medusa, I am here. The evolution went as I had plan. Do you guys feel any changes?"

"...yes My Lord. I feel...stronger, as if the current me can fight thrice the number of past me and easily win." Yama replied to Bael's question as he looked in his palms.

"Good. Did you get any unique skills?"

"Yes My Lord." With a chorus of acknowledgement, the guardians answered.

"Excellent. Now, all of you, return to your floors and prepare a report on the changes of each of your floor's NPCs. Did they get any skills or evolved. Everything."

"Understood my Lord."


Bael Pov.

As I watched the leaving figures of my Guardians. I asked my trusty skill Gabriel a question.

'Hey Gabriel, did it work?'

[Yes Lord Bael. Currently I have evolved into a Manas with your given name Gabriel.]

'Great! Tell me what new things you got'

[Along with the addition to all the new sub skills, my original skills also had a revamp and has been updated.

1. Gabriel: This is a subskill which will allow you to rewrite the perception or mind of individuals to some extent. It works like a domain expansion but much more advanced. It can be resisted if someone has an Ultimate skill that prevents it.

2. Thought Acceleration: This subskill allows for the rapid processing and acceleration of thoughts, enhancing cognitive abilities and decision-making speed.

3. Parallel Thoughts: With this subskill, you can effectively multitask and process multiple thoughts or tasks simultaneously, enabling greater efficiency and productivity.

4. Scan and Analysis: This subskill enables you to scan and analyze objects, environments, or information with heightened precision and detail, along with the addition of Ultimate series.

Warning: Scan and Analysis cannot scan a Unique or Ultimate skill that has an anti analysing element in it without alerting the user.

5. Copy paste: This subskill allows you to duplicate objects. It also works as a creation skill which will require equivalent value of resources.

6. Administrator:The Administrator subskill grants you the ability to oversee Deudenia's functions and control it. After evolution, this effect has been expanded to the whole of this continent as VoTW has recognised it as your domain.

7. Food Chain: It works in the same principles as with Rimuru's. You can grant or take away the skills of your NPCs or any being you have named.

8. Reality Manipulation: This subskill grants you the power to manipulate or alter reality itself, potentially bending the laws of physics or reshaping the fabric of existence. It works in the same principle as a Domain Expansion. It can be strengthened in the future.

9. Space Time Control: With this you can create small pocket dimensions or teleport to any place instantly.

10. Elemental Control: This subskill grants mastery over the elements, such as fire, water, earth, and air, enabling you to command and manipulate these elemental forces at will.

11. NULL Magic: NULL Magic might involve negating or nullifying other forms of magic, countering spells or magical effects, or even creating zones where magic ceases to function.

13. Gravity And Antimatter: This subskill allows you to manipulate gravitational forces and antimatter, potentially controlling gravity fields or generating destructive antimatter reactions.

Here's a context for each of the Ultimate skill Asgorath's subskills:

1. Immunity: Asgorath's Immunity subskill grants you complete immunity to various forms of harm, including physical, magical, and environmental threats. This ensures invulnerability and resilience to any attacks below Unique Skills. But Ultimate skills will be able to hurt you to some extent .

2. Spiritual Manipulation: You can manipulate spiritual energy and forces with Spiritual Manipulation subskill, enabling you to channel spiritual energies for offensive or defensive.

3. Infinite Magicules Reactor: It works on the same Principle as Milim's skill.

4. Soul Manipulation: The power of Soul Manipulation allows you to interact with and manipulate souls. This enables you to extract, manipulate, or even restore souls, exerting control over life and death.

Therefore you can resurrect any being as long as even a nano particles of their soul fragments is left.

7. Parallel Soul Link: Through this Parallel Soul Link subskill, you can establish connections between souls, linking you with them across vast distances or dimensions. This allows for communication, sharing of experiences, or even the transfer of abilities between linked souls.

8. Divinity: After evolution, Via the Unique skill Divine Dragon which was integrated to Ultimate skill Asgorath, you have Divinity now. And can use Divinity based attacks.

Divinity works on the principle of how many beings worship you and are loyal to you.

9. Universal-layer Barrier: You can erect a Universal-layer Barrier, a subskill that creates an impenetrable barrier capable of shielding against potentially any attacks.

This was the main sub skills of Me and Ultimate skill Asgorath. ]

' I too Op now?'

[Not really. In the grand scheme of things, you are not even close to the Dragon God Veldanava. But with your potential and the newly acquired Divinity skill, you have started your journey.]

'That's... mildly unsettling...that even with all these I am still insignificant in the Omniverse. Who knows how many Veldanavas are like cannon fodder to the really powerful beings. Like those Lovecraftian Beings.'

'Enough of that. Gabriel, I remember I had a skill Bahamuth something. It had a function similar to horcruxes?'

[Yes, it was integrated to Asgorath. After evolution, to whichever celestial object you bind your soul to, it will boost you passively.

You can also "cultivate" the celestial object so that it grows with you.]

'I don't like where this cultivation thing is going but I understand. Can I bind to a universe or Galaxy?'

[Yes. You could, if that VoTW wasn't present.]

'A Bummer. Welp the next best thing after a universe or galaxy would be a black hole.'

[Do you want me to search for the largest Black hole in this multiverse?]

'Please do.'

[Confirmed. Beginning searching process..time required until result is found..2 days..]

'That' s....shorter than I thought..well that's Gabriel for ya.'

As I was praising Gabriel's computing powers, A message came from Aria informing me of the two high density Magicule presence which was approaching Deudenia.

[My Lord?]

"Yes Aria?"

[You have a guest. It's DemonLord Guy and his... companion]

"Hn. Send them in."


"Medusa, we have guests visiting. Prepare to welcome them."


A/n The creation of this chapter was a bit rushed so It might be a bit janky in some places.

Comment more guys, I wanna know if you are liking where this story is going.

Also, rest assured, no cultivation, xianxia nonsense will be added here.

I just had no idea what to substitute for the Cultivate part.

Alright then. See ya in the next chapter!

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