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75% HP: The Big Bad Wolf / Chapter 45: Chapter 27: Fucking Flying Monstrosities!! Part 3

Chapter 45: Chapter 27: Fucking Flying Monstrosities!! Part 3

"Well, I accept the challenge, and I will start by inventing some new spells. I will challenge this guy afterwards, and I will take the heart test last because honestly, that one is scaring me the most," I reply.

"Great! I am looking forward to seeing what you will come up with!" Rowena says with a bright smile, and Helga simply smiles knowingly.

After I was done meeting the founders, I went back to my room and started contemplating what I should be doing about the letters I received. I decided to use the Goblins for something useful instead of holding a grudge for the whole inviting and attacking me bullshit their King came up with. I penned down a letter informing them that I would need some trustworthy Curse Breakers, and that entering an alliance would only be an option if the job I have for them goes through without any troubles.

Seeing how there are three Goblin Kingdoms and how Goblins literally give no fuck about their race as a whole, I decided to use them to destroy the other two Kingdoms and leave only a single one behind, one that works with, or rather for, me. I will not solve the Goblin problem permanently because, why should I?! It has no benefit for me except that I will be rich, but that's it. And the next thing it will lead to is some idiot opening his own bank, and in a few generations, he is the King of the world.

I could open my own bank, but that shit is so damn tedious. I do not want to be stuck behind a desk managing a bank and other people's finances. Sure, I could find some asshole to do that job for me, but again, what would be the point?

Yeah, fuck that!! I will have them fight! Conquer one another, and for the next century or millennia, they'll be busy hating one another, and won't think about fucking Wixen kind over. And by then, some other reincarnator or transmigrator can come along and fuck them over once more!

I sealed the letter with a quick spell and summoned Slavone. "Take this to Gringotts," I commanded, handing over the letter. The elf nodded and disappeared with a pop.

I leaned back in my chair, thinking about the challenges set by the Founders. Inventing new spells for Rowena would be pretty easy and interesting because I have already a few ideas. Besting Godric in a fight—well, he's a ghost! How the fuck is he going to challenge me? And opening my heart to Helga... well, that one would be the most difficult. I wasn't keen on exposing my vulnerabilities to a woman, especially one I don't know shit about.

[Timeskip: Maybe some weeks...]

The winter holidays are finally here, and I find myself sitting on the train, taking the ride back home. I've always had a fondness for trains before I became a wizard—the rhythmic clatter of the tracks, the scenery rushing by—but now I only find it tedious.

As for my life in general, well, it sucks. Regina has gotten way too clingy, and it's driving me up the wall. I'm contemplating faking my own death just to get away from her. I can't deal with her always trying to be by my side, hovering around me like some jealous wife. God, woman, give me some space to breathe, or I shall bring down vengeance upon you.

Aside from my issues with women, my life has been pretty chill, and there are even some good news: the Marauders have finally backed down. It seems like even the densest of idiots learn their lesson after you bitch-slap them enough times. After I gave them their well-deserved lesson during our last encounter, they've gotten the message loud and clear: I am out of their league, and I am not beyond pushing past their perceived limits. These days, the most they do is gossip and bitch behind my back, but that's all they can manage. It's almost amusing how quickly their bravado deflated. I didn't even get to have Sirius get fucked by a group of dogs as I planned. Well, lucky him.

Lily Evans has also received the message, though I can feel her jealousy whenever she sees me laughing or enjoying myself with other girls. Her eyes betray her, even if she tries to mask it with indifference or by dating Potter.

Then there's Malfoy, strutting around as if he owns the world, parading Narcissa like she's some kind of trophy. It's pathetic, really, how he treats her as nothing more than an accessory to his own inflated ego. By now, it is public knowledge that all Black daughters are engaged!

Before the train ride, I was even approached once more by Regulus, who handed me a formal invitation. "I hope you will be attending Lord Black's party," he said, his tone almost urgent.

I considered it for a moment. "We'll see, Regulus. It depends on how things go during the holidays." The truth is, I haven't decided yet. If I do attend, it's just to get my petty revenge. If not, it's because I either didn't have the time or forgot about it.

The train rattles on, and I glance out the window, watching the snowy landscape blur past. Despite the annoyances, there's a sense of anticipation in the air. The holidays are going to be eventful, to say the least, because I have much to prepare and even more to take care of.

As soon as I exited the train, I called for Slavto and had the elf take all my stuff back to Prince Manor. Meanwhile, I apparated back home, even before meeting my grandparents, I left because I had decided to deal with some of the piled up crap, otherwise it would just annoy me for Merlin knows how long. I used several portkeys to check on all of my locations before I went on to meet the idiot who is responsible for overlooking my operations in my absence.

And I was pissed for several reasons, but the first and foremost one is that the idiot wrote directly to my person, making me a target. Aside from that, there is also the problem that he has not secured the locations as I have instructed the man.

I arrived at the office's location, an old warehouse by the docks in New York City. It was eerily silent, the kind of quiet that makes your skin prickle, but this is just the Wards doing their job. I moved through the shadows, my wand at the ready. But as I searched, my frustration grew. All I found was...nothing. No signs of struggle, no bodies, not even a hint of the chaos that had been reported.


'Well, seems like Conrad is dead! Good for him or I'd have killed him myself!' I thought, annoyed and relieved that at least one of my problem has taken care of itself in a way.

But I did notice that these attackers were professionals. They left no trace, no clue as to who they are or how they operated. The warehouse was spotless, almost too clean. I scanned the area with every detection spell I knew, but there was nothing. It was as if my operations had been erased, like they never existed.


I portkeyed to the next location where I keep my stash of Product, a supposedly secure safehouse in the countryside. The rolling hills and picturesque landscape, and the only downside being that it smells like cow shit, but the scenery did nothing to calm my rising annoyance. Inside, the safehouse was just as empty as the warehouse. There was nothing! My supplies were gone, as well as all documents and money, everything gone without a trace. Whoever was behind this knew exactly how to hurt me, and they were doing it with surgical precision.

'Oh, I will enjoy ripping out your heads and using them as my pissoire while I bind your souls into them!' I thought angrily.

My mind raced. This level of efficiency and discretion meant only one thing: magic. I had assumed that I wasn't the first criminal to use magic, and this proved it. They knew our world, our secrets, and our ways. Normal muggles would never have been able to do such a thing with all the precautions I had in place.

'Seems like this was ordered by the Godfather!' I thought angrily.

I do not think this was done by the Church because they would have burned everything down, neither was it done by the Humans because although they do have a reason to be pissed, seeing how I am flooding their countries with cheap drugs and crime is at an all-time high, but they should simply not be able to come after me unless they've asked for help.

The Volturi are immortal freaks and don't care for muggle problems, and I did take precautions against Vampires, but they would not come after me. In fact, they should be thanking me because they love chaos! The more chaos there is, the better from their perspective because then it is even easier to feast on prey and blame it on crime.

So those motherfucking weak-ass muggles have gone to the only guy I have no information about, and kissed his ass to fuck me over!

'Seems like I need to up my game if I want to stay in the game.' I thought.

I returned home, my thoughts dark, tumultuous, and bloody. The whole house vibrating under the pressure of my magic. I could smell my grandmother's cooking wafting through the air, but I couldn't focus on anything but the feeling of wanting to rip someone to shreds. The beast within me felt challenged.

I finally met with my gramps, who looked at me with a mix of curiosity, concern, and pure Schadenfreude. "Well, you've been busy," he said, a hint of amusement lacing his voice.

"Yeah, and not in a good way, old man!" I replied, sinking into a chair, and summoning the bottle of Firewhiskey to myself. "We've got a problem. Someone's targeting our operations, and they're using magic to do it."

His eyes narrowed. "Magic? That narrows it down, but not by much. Got any leads?"

I nodded. "Yes, it is the Godfather! It can only be him. They're the only ones good enough to pull this off. They cleaned out our bases without leaving a single trace."

He sighed, rubbing his temples. "Well, I am too old for this shit! You need to find out for yourself how you want to deal with this problem. If you want blood, then find and recruit the right people, and if you want peace, then find and contact the man! Either way, you will have access to all the resources of the family to support you in your endeavors, my boy!"

I thought for a moment. "I will need some time to think. I will tell you what my next steps will be once I have decided."

He nodded. "Do that! I'd recommend you start with our contacts in Knockturn Alley if you want any leads on this Godfather guy. See if anyone's heard anything. And be careful. Whoever this person is, they've been playing the game much longer than you have."

I stood up, my burning anger replaced with a different kind of anger, one that burns beneath the surface—a cold anger. "I'll get to the bottom of this, Gramps. And this bastard will not know what hit him."

As I am about to leave the room, I see my Grandma skipping in, throwing herself at me and hugging me.

"Oh, Little Sev, how I missed you!" She says excitedly.


"Hello, Grandma! Gramps, here, this is for you!" I say as I make the invitation float to him, using the lapse in my grandma's attention that is now focused on the Black's invitation to sneakily escape.

This old lady is a hug monster! She just does not know about boundaries and that some people are not so open about showing their affection, or even comfortable with doing so!


Hello everyone, 

Exams are over and I failed them, now I am officially out of university and have wasted five years of my life for absolutely nothing. Enjoy the chapter, and if you feel like supporting me so I don't end up homeless think about becoming my patron! It would surely help with the bills, and my self respect -.-' Current mood: I feel like shite...

Yours truly the BIG BAD WORLD I mean WOLF!

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