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14.01% The Bootlicking Antagonist Wants to Survive,but Female Lead refuse to / Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Good Guys, Bad Guys, Can't Tell

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Good Guys, Bad Guys, Can't Tell

Lu Chengwen asked Zhao Gang to gather all his subordinates and be ready at all times.

He dialed Leng Qingqiu's number again.

"What are you up to again? Whether you and Chen Mengyun reconcile is your own business, don't bother me!"

"I'm not reconciling. I have urgent matters to discuss with you. Chen Mengyun is in great danger, very dangerous. Only Long Aotian can save her now, so we must find Long Aotian."

"Her situation has nothing to do with me. I'm not familiar with her."

"Then are you familiar with me or not? Even if we're not friends, we... have been in contact for more than three years, right?"

Lu Chengwen was anxious: "Just consider it a favor, can you help me?"

Leng Qingqiu sighed: "The landlord of that address has returned, saying that Long Aotian has already checked out."

Lu Chengwen suddenly felt lost.

Chen Mengyun running away was like cutting off a kite's string, leaving no clue at all.

Leng Qingqiu asked, "What danger is she in exactly?"

Lu Chengwen replied, "Anyway if we don't find her tonight, this book will be completely ruined."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm going to die."

"Long Aotian is just a bodyguard I fired, he shouldn't know Chen Mengyun!"


Lu Chengwen just remembered the plot hadn't reached that point yet, and he triggered this plot himself. Finding Long Aotian, that kid probably doesn't even know Chen Mengyun!

Leng Qingqiu felt that Lu Chengwen was serious and anxious.

Seriously said: "I can help you check Hu Shuhui's schedule."

"Good! Hurry up, I'm waiting for you!"

Leng Qingqiu's efficiency was very fast, and he found out that Hu Shuhui had booked a suite at Tianhai Lan Hotel an hour ago.

Lu Chengwen left a sentence: "I owe you a big favor."

Leng Qingqiu hurriedly asked, "What are you going to do?"

But Lu Chengwen had already hung up the phone.


Lu Chengwen, with more than thirty security guards, went straight to Tianhai Lan Hotel.

Who could stop them there?

Lu Chengwen was like a determined big brother ready to do something big, leading the way with more than thirty people heading straight for the top floor.

The hotel security dared not stop them, and the front desk quickly called the police.

At the door of the suite, the waiter tried to knock, but couldn't. Inside, Hu Shuhui seemed a bit flustered, cursing the waiter and trying to drive them away.

Lu Chengwen forced the waiter to swipe the card to unlock the door, then rushed into the room. Without saying a complete word, he knocked Hu Shuhui down with a punch.

Seeing the remaining feast, candlelight, and red wine in the restaurant...

Lu Chengwen was furious, pointing at Hu Shuhui and giving orders: "Drag him out and beat him up, beat him to death!"

Hu Shuhui lay on the ground shouting, "Lu Chengwen, dare you hit me? I am..."

Zhao Gang ignored all that, his belief was simple and pure.

Lu Chengwen is the sky, Lu Chengwen is a god, and Lu Chengwen is the only person in this world worthy of my pursuit and worship.

Don't talk about Hu Shuhui, even if I went to the underworld, as long as Lu Chengwen gave the order, I would pick up a kitchen knife and chase after the Lord of hell to chop him.

Zhao Gang dragged Hu Shuhui out. With over thirty people, most couldn't get close, and Hu Shuhui's screams were irritating.

A young lad considerately closed the door.

Lu Chengwen walked into the suite, shouting as he went, "Mengyun! Mengyun!"

The suite was somewhat spacious, but finding Chen Mengyun wasn't difficult.

At this moment, Chen Mengyun lay on the large bed, disheveled, writhing like a snake.

Her perfect figure was practically blood-inducing at this moment.

Her two-round thighs were tightly pressed together, wriggling under the covers.

Her whole body was drenched in sweat, making her skin bright, oily, and even more seductive.

Chen Mengyun's face was frighteningly red, and her breathing was heavy. Seeing Lu Chengwen, there seemed to be a hint of clarity in her mind.

"Brother Chengwen... save... save me..."

Lu Chengwen felt both hatred and heartache.

He quickly took off his coat and covered Chen Mengyun with it, then lifted her and walked out.

Chen Mengyun knew she was saved.

Her mind was muddled at this moment, but knowing it was Lu Chengwen, she felt assured.

Yet, her biological instincts kept making her emit sounds like a little cat. To Lu Chengwen, it sounded like a cat gently scratching his heart.

Chen Mengyun clung tightly to Lu Chengwen's neck. But after this big fuss, Lu Chengwen was also sweating profusely, and the smell of his sweat, like some kind of stimulating signal, made Chen Mengyun's mind sway, utterly infatuated.

The powerful male hormone charm stimulated Chen Mengyun's mind to the extreme. Chen Mengyun infatuatedly nuzzled and touched Lu Chengwen's neck, finally embracing and caressing him...

Lu Chengwen walked to the door, and all the security guards made their way. Hu Shuhui quickly begged for mercy, "Chengwen, we have a long-standing friendship, spare me this time, I..."

Lu Chengwen kicked him in the face and headed straight for the elevator.


His private villa.

No matter what, Lu Chengwen couldn't calm Chen Mengyun down.

He gave her three bottles of water, washed her face, and wiped her chest, but it had little effect.

Chen Mengyun was completely confused at this point, continuously seducing Lu Chengwen, seeking affection.

When Xu Xuejiao entered the room, Chen Mengyun was still hanging onto Lu Chengwen, groping him, her mouth close to his ear, "Brother, I'm so sad, come on! Save me, please, you're the best..."

Xu Xuejiao had a stern face. "Lu Chengwen, you have some nerve, huh? Mengyun, sister, you dare to use these means?"

Lu Chengwen sweated on his forehead. "Use your brain a bit. If I had such intentions, why would I call you here?"

Xu Xuejiao frowned, nodding. "What's going on exactly?"

"First, save her. I'll explain later."

Lu Chengwen restrained Chen Mengyun, and Xu Xuejiao injected her with a sedative.

Although it didn't take effect immediately, Chen Mengyun calmed down a lot, though her gaze remained hazy as she clung to Lu Chengwen.

After a whole night of turmoil, Xu Xuejiao turned out to be a skilled doctor. Despite her usual quirky demeanor, when it came to medical treatment and medication, she was extremely serious and focused.

Chen Mengyun finally settled down, and Xu Xuejiao and Lu Chengwen were exhausted.

The police came knocking again.

Zhang Shenger once again took Lu Chengwen away.

In the police station's cell, Lu Chengwen pondered a lot.

This couldn't go on.

Now, he was getting too closely involved with these big female leads.

After spending a day in the isolation room, nothing changed. Instead, he saved Jiang Shihan's mother, recovered over two billion in losses for Leng Qingqiu, drove away Hu Shuhui, saved Chen Mengyun who almost lost her virginity, and spent several times the whole day getting involved with Xu Xuejiao...

By the way, I ended up in the detention cell twice in a single day.

This shouldn't be happening!

The plot shouldn't be like this!

I can't afford to mess with you, can't I even hide?

Tomorrow I'll buy a plane ticket, go directly to the south, to Dongwu, to Xishu, to Xiliang...

If things don't work out, I'll just charge out of Asia and head towards the world!

I'll go to Ukraine, to Donbas, to Kashmir... I should be able to, right?

After three or five years, or even ten or eight years, maybe I just won't come back.

I have money, wherever I go, it's all luxurious and extravagant, with fine clothes and delicacies. Why bother staying in this snow city with you? This will only get me killed by Long Aotian sooner or later.

Yes, that's settled!

You want to integrate the four major families of Snow City, right?

I'll give it to you, all of it! I won't argue with you, from now on it's all yours.


The question of who poisoned it, whether it was Lu Chengwen or Hu Shuhui, became an unsolved case.

Hu Shuhui would never admit it. The crime was too serious, he couldn't admit it, and he didn't dare to. Just the Chen family's retaliation would be unbearable for him.

So he firmly maintained that he was unaware, that Chen Mengyun had actively sought him out, and later Lu Chengwen came to beat him up.

Of course, Lu Chengwen claimed it was Hu Shuhui, but there was no evidence.

Chen Mengyun's testimony also pointed to Hu Shuhui, saying Lu Chengwen warned her not to go.

But instead of becoming evidence, it became proof of Lu Chengwen's significant suspicion.

Exactly, Lu Chengwen, are you so cunning on your own, or did you invite a god into your body?

He hadn't even had dinner yet, how did he know someone would poison it? Are you a fortune teller, Lu Banxian?

But in the later stage, Lu Chengwen indeed didn't do anything wrong, he even found Xu Xuejiao and had her detoxify Chen Mengyun;

Leng Qingqiu also provided testimony, saying Lu Chengwen urgently came to her, found the hotel where they had dinner, and then went to save people.

In short, it was chaotic.

Zhang Shenger would never believe that Lu Chengwen had such a good heart.

Would he save someone? Haha, don't be ridiculous, he must have poisoned it.

Certainly, something must have gone wrong in the middle, so he temporarily switched from doing bad things to saving people.

But Leng Qingqiu, Chen Mengyun, Xu Xuejiao... all three women involved in this case, unanimously said Lu Chengwen saved people.

This made Zhang Shenger want to vomit blood.

What methods did Lu Chengwen use? The girls from the three major families went all out to protect you?

These three women all have extraordinary achievements in their respective fields.

Of course, they come from wealthy families, have received higher education since childhood, and have platforms higher than ordinary people, so it's normal for them to have achievements.

In theory, their vision, outlook, thinking, and intelligence should be much higher than ordinary people.

But why were they all deceived by Lu Chengwen!?

It's infuriating!

Especially Leng Qingqiu, frankly speaking, Leng Qingqiu used to be the idol of all the girls in Snow City.

She was the typical "child from another family".

Wasn't she very incompatible with Lu Chengwen before, almost exploding with hatred towards him? What's going on today? Why did she get involved and even try vigorously to prove that Lu Chengwen was wrongly accused?

In short, the scene had long been destroyed, evidence was missing, and it would probably take a long time to solve this case.

And without evidence of guilt, they couldn't do anything to Lu Chengwen or Hu Shuhui.

Lu Chengwen spent the night in the detention cell, his hair messy, his clothes wrinkled, and his face unwashed as he walked out.

As soon as he came out, he saw Leng Qingqiu, Xu Xuejiao, and Jiang Shihan all retes.

Jiang Shihan quickly walked over, and the assistant team immediately took Lu Chengwen's coat and put on a new one for him.

Jiang Shihan asked with concern, "Mr. Lu, are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine." Lu Chengwen looked at Leng Qingqiu and Xu Xuejiao, "Why are you all here?"

Xu Xuejiao smiled and said, "To testify for you! You don't know how many times I've vouched for your character. It took me half a ton of saliva!"

"Thank you."

Lu Chengwen looked at Leng Qingqiu, "Sorry for bothering you all night."

"It's okay." Leng Qingqiu remained as calm as ever, looking at Zhang Shenger, "Can we go now?"

Zhang Shenger frowned, "Of course. But you, Lu Chengwen."


Zhang Shenger held up a restraining order, "You are not allowed to leave Snow City until this case is solved. If there's something that requires you to leave the country, you need our approval. And during this period, you must ensure your availability at all times."

Lu Chengwen was startled.

[Isn't this just great? I was just planning to escape from this city!]

[Damn, this means I have to stay in Snow City and compete with Long Aotian for women?]

Xu Xuejiao chuckled.

Leng Qingqiu narrowed her eyes: Could this guy also hear Lu Chengwen's thoughts?

Zhang Shenger misunderstood.

Thinking that Lu Chengwen was the mastermind behind this case, and now he wanted to escape, avoiding legal sanctions.

She smiled and said, "Lu Chengwen, are you trying to run away? You can't escape, I will find evidence and officially arrest you and send you to prison."

Lu Chengwen nodded.

[Come on, you silly woman.]

[You don't catch the real bad guys, you just keep picking on me all day long. But that's okay, the more you dislike me, the safer I am.]

Zhang Shenger wondered what was wrong with this person Why am I safer when I dislike him?

And who is this Long Aotian he keeps mentioning?

It seems like he's convinced that I know Long Aotian.

This is a clue, I must remember it!

Xu Xuejiao smiled and said, "Let's go, hero, are you hungry? Let me treat you to a meal!"

Lu Chengwen smiled faintly.

Leng Qingqiu said, "I have something to do, I'll leave first."


Lu Chengwen stopped her.

"What's wrong?"

"Thank you." Lu Chengwen smiled and said, "Thank you for believing in me."

Leng Qingqiu looked at him, "You owe me one."

"Yes, yes, I owe you, I'll treat you to a meal another day. No, I can't treat you to a meal. I... I

I'll. give you a gift, what do you want? A car? A gold watch? A designer coat?"

Leng Qingqiu said, "If you want to repay me, then engage with me."

"Oh, no problem, I just... what did you say!?"

Lu Chengwen exclaimed afterward.

<<<<Titles of the upcoming chapters

*Chapter 23: Long Autian's Day 

* Chapter 24: Encountering Something Completely Different 

*Chapter 25: How Great President Lu Is 

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