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85.71% Naruto: I did not reincarnate, I Transmigrated / Chapter 6: Graduation

Chapter 6: Graduation

Sakura walked quickly to one of her favorite teachers, "Tanna - Sensei."

Tanna smiled, "Oh? Hello, Sakura - chan, how can I help you?"

Sakura, "Um... I was hoping to talk to you about something."

Tanna motioned her to the empty seat, "Of course, Sakura - chan. What is it?"

Sakura looked at her hands then looked up, "We just had our careers counseling."

Tanna nodded, "Many shinobi and kunoichi came and showed you what they do as adults."

Sakura, "It is just.... I do not know what I want to do."

Tanna blinked, "What do you mean Sakura - chan? I thought you were interested in becoming a medic."

Sakura, "I am but I really like other stuff too, like cooking and teaching."

Tanna, "Ah! I see, I see. You have more than one dream now."

Sakura, "Sensei?"

Tanna, "Can I tell you a secret, Sakura - chan?"

Sakura perked up, "Sensei, you can count on me to not say a word."

Tanna smiled and took out a book, "See this, Sakura - chan?"

Sakura, "That is Ino - Chan's favourite book."

Tanna, "Guess who wrote it."

Sakura frowned, 'What does Sensei mean by who wrote it? It was written by Opal - sensri, but no one really has met Opal - sensei. No, don't tell me.'

Tanna smiled, 'Looks like she figured it out.'

Sakura asked tentatively, "Sensei, was it you?"

Tanna smiled, "Right on the nose, Sakura - chan. Now, you must be wondering why I am sharing this with you."

Sakura nodded, "Yes, I mean, I was not expecting this."

Tanna, "It is to show you that if you want to do something just go for it. If you want to become a cook, as well as a teacher and a nurse just do it. It is not impossible."

Sakura stared, "Really? Can I really do it?"

Tanna, "I will tell you what my late Sensei once told me. You only have one life, so do everything you wish to do regardless of the results, that way you will have no regrets when you die."

Sakura, "Oh! Do not have regrets when I die huh? That sounds like a long term goal."

Tanna, "It is, so here is my advice. Doctors and nurses are needed to be up to date on the best healthy diet. So, focus on being a medic but also study about nutrition. The best way to cook food and as for teaching you need a certificate for that so study and finish the education you have at the moment."

Sakura nodded, "That sounds like a decent plan with a lot of space for adjustment."

Tanna, "You know you are not the only one who wants to do multiple things as they grow up."

Sakura, "Really?"

Tanna, "Chouji for example will become clan leader but he is also aiming to become one of the top chefs of Fire country."

Sakura, "What? Then that means I have a rival."

Tanna chuckled, "Yes, yes you do. Ino is going to become the head of Yamanaka clans but she is also planning on becoming the head of T & I."

Sakura, "I remember she was talking about it before she got distracted by Shikamaru."

Tanna, "Naruto is planning on becoming a Seal Master, a Jounin sensei and finally the Hokage while Sasuke plans on becoming the head of Konoha Police and Head ANBU."

Sakura blinked, "I did not know that detail. That is pretty cool."

Tanna, "Well now you know. And they all felt unsure of themselves just like you. So, do not feel alone Sakura - chan."

Sakura smiled, "Thank you Tanna - Sensei. I will do my best."

Tanna, "Of course Sakura - chan. Do send the next person in."

Sakura, "Okay Sensei."

Sakura called for Ami to go inside and left the teacher's side of the Academy not giving her a glance. Sakura did not like Ami but she did not hate her either, she already forgave her bullying years ago and decided she was not worth her time. Funnily enough, it was Tanna - Sensei who advised her on what to do when her family was pressuring her to forgive and become friends with Ami. She told her to be blunt with her parents and ask them if they actually loved her or their image more and if they did love her they would never force her to forgive someone who hurt her more than once. Sensei had told her forgiveness should only come when the person who was hurt was ready to do so and that is what Sakura did.

It had taken the better part of her Academic session but by the end of it she had forgiven Ami but avoided her and never told her. Ami did not need to know, considering she never apologized anyway it was none of Sakura's problem now, she had her hands full with her studies. The pink haired girl would rather spend her valuable time focusing on her career, future, friends and family over an ex - bully. She saw Ino - chan with Hinata - chan, another sweet girl that Sakura really enjoyed spending time with. Sakura nodded to herself she definitely preferred spending her time on the people she cared about more rather than on cousin who are jealous bullies.

Naruto, "Nee - chan, help me."

Tanna, "What's wrong Naru - tan?"

Naruto was panicking, "I need to learn the clone jutsu to pass the graduation. I cannot create clones."

Tanna, "I see... Let's try some solutions."

Naruto, "Like what?"

Tanna, "Umm... I know. Let's go outside first, I have a few ideas."

Sasuke followed them out of curiosity, "You have a plan Tanna - nee."

Tanna, "A few. Now then, Naru - tan, show me the clones you make."

Naruto nodded and used the bunshin juts which created three very poor looking clones that were disturbing to see. Tanna hummed and shared her idea which was to make multiple clones, not just three clones which had Naruto looking at her skeptically but he created an army. Sasuke was very impressed by the sheer number of clones that Naruto created and gave a whistle despite the fact most looked bad. Tanna was looking around and found at least four clones who were decent looking and called them over.

Tanna, "Try this during your exam. In fact, practice this for the whole week. In the mean time, Sasuke and I will have a look around the library."

Sasuke nodded, "I am sure there will be something in there that will be a more useful solution. While this is enough for the exam it is not practical for missions."

Naruto, "That's true. Thank you nee - chan, Sasuke - kun. I appreciate it."

Tanna, "We will be back soon."

Sasuke, "Will there really be an alternative in the library?"

Tanna, "Well, I have heard about elemental clones before so maybe we can find something like that."

Sasuke frowned, "Those are Wave and Stone jutsus. I don't know if there will be anything like that available."

Tanna, "We won't know till we have a look."

Sasuke, "It would be really cool if there were fire clones. They could combust when the enemy attacks."

Tanna, "Those sound like a pain in the neck for any enemy to deal with. Ah! Here we are."

Shikaku, "Watching the siblings again Hokage - sama?"

Hiruzen coughed, "Well, I worry. I am not as hard hearted as before."

Shikaku snorted, "Understatement! I have lost count of how many times you have forgiven Danzo by now."

Sarutobi sighed, "He is a paranoid old man, who worries about the village."

Shikaku answered bitterly, "Sure Hokage - sama, tell yourself that."

The Hokage sighed at the bitter tone coming from the Nara Head, in a way he understood why his shinobi were not pleased with him the last few years. They were not allowed contact with Naruto the son of their beloved late leader, the Yondaime only for him to fall under the Guardianship of a complete stranger who was a child as well. Even though they were happy Naruto found someone to take care of him, the human heart was a fickle thing and envy brewed among them. It escalated into the subtle fights between the clans when Tanna - san gave them carte blanche to visit her and Naruto - kun whenever they wanted.

The third Hokage rubbed his forehead remembering the petty quarrels over Naruto that he had to deal with after Tanna turned in for the night. He really should have put his foot down when Danzo suggested none of the clans should get involved with Konoha's Jinchuriki. But hindsight as they say, Hiruzen supposed and focused on the paperwork which was from the Academy this time. The shinobi prospects were high compared to previous years and many were hoping for apprentices or a shinobi cell of their own. In Naruto's group it was already decided that Sasuke will be one of the members and the third member would be a toss up between the civilian or orphaned shinobi.

Tanna and Sasuke returned with arms full of basic jutsu theory and formation along with a few E - rank jutsus that seemed very useful in Sasuke's opinion. Naruto was happy with the distraction from repetitively practicing the clone jutsu, sure he could do it because of his high chakra level but it became mind numbing and monotonous. They started with the E - rank jutsus and while Sasuke preferred the fire ones, Naruto was drawn to the wind jutsus. Tanna hummed watching the boys practice and wondered how Tobirama came up with half of the jutsus in the first place. That had the boys looking at each other and thinking while becoming secretive over the next few days.

Kakashi who returned from his mission raised an eyebrow, "What did I miss?"

Tanna, "Naruto cannot perform the normal clone jutsu like the rest of the class. So, I reckon they are brainstorming ideas."

Kakashi, "Ah! Well, I do have a solution for that predicament."

Tanna, "Tell them if they approach you. Till then, let them figure things out for school by themselves. It is good for future teamwork."

Kakashi nodded, "Very well."

Naruto barged in with leaves clinging to him, "I did it, nee - chan."

Shisui spoke from the couch, "Goodness me! You are a mess."

Sasuke was behind him looking a little burned in the edges, "Hn! It took a lot of experimenting like you had said earlier."

Tanna, "Oh? You figured out a solution?"

Naruto grinned ear to ear, "Nee - chan, watch our fight and jutsu performance tomorrow. We will show you."

Kakashi, "Maa, maa, that's quite the statement Naruto - kun."

Mikoto eyed her son, "You are going to show us something interesting aren't you?"

Sasuke nodded, he had been wanting to create a big splash like his older brother but he was not sure how. Now though, he knew exactly how to leave a mark in the Academy just like his brother did as the youngest genius to graduate. Sasuke would not be the youngest but he would be unforgettable just like Itachi - nii had been. He could not wait for the next day for the practical exams, their theory was decent enough but practicals held more marks. The next day Tanna got back to checking the papers, and just like she had expected Sakura had high marks across the subjects.

There were only eight subjects that Sakura did not get top positions in, but she was not complaining, she was actually proud of her friends. The subjects were Seals and Calligraphy where top student was Naruto, as he was very serious about becoming a Seal Master. Poison where top position was Ino, who wanted to become the new Poison Mistress of Konoha after meeting Anko. Top position for Cooking was taken by Chouji, while the top position for Debate was Shikamaru. The top position for the subject of Law was taken by Sasuke and surprising everyone Hinata got top position in Etiquette and tea ceremony.

Sakura was especially proud of Hinata who was now looking more confident though she was still a very cute shy girl. If she had not been into boys she would date Hinata in a heartbeat, the Hyuuga heiress was just that adorable. She had even joked about it to Ino who had to agree with Sakura, Hinata was definitely the type of girl that you just wanted to protect. Hinata though turned red when she heard and had smoke coming out of her ears while she tried to hide. Tanna watched the three girls become friends over the years and she was very happy Hinata made two very close friends in Ino and Sakura. It would be good if she had more friends in her corner compared to the anime and manga where it felt she was all alone.

Later the teachers were seated in their observation area while the students took part in Shuriken and Kunai throw exams outside. Naruto did a great job hitting a bull's - eye on all the unmoving targets though he just like other students had trouble with the moving ones. Despite that he got a decent score though the Uchiha and Hyuuga students did really well with the moving target's too. Tanna would not expect anything less and soon they moved on to the Taijutsu portion of the exam which was divided into two quick stages. The first was Taijutsu only and if the fight lasted more than one minute they could use a jutsu of their choice to defeat the opponent.

Sasuke was paired up with Uchiha Kaori and Tanna finally saw what Sasuke and Naruto had been working on. After the fight entered the second stage Kaori - chan used the infamous fire jutsu only for Sasuke to use the fire to create clones and attack Kaori taking her out by surprise. Tanna could not help it and laughed while clapping and congratulating him on creating his very own jutsu. That snapped the rest out of their stupor and they praised and congratulated him as well. Next was Naruto who used what Kakashi, Iruka and Tanna had showed him about Taijutsu and wrestling though Tanna did not wrestle just described it.

Naruto and his opponent Hyuuga Tetsu who was pretty impressed by the younger boy despite the irritation he felt. Then they moved to the jutsu part and Naruto took out the leaves that he had been fiddling with earlier and created clones. The Hyuuga raised an eyebrow but did not feel threatened as everyone knew Naruto's clones were weak. He was in for a surprise when the clones did not dissipate like he had expected and Naruto used his confusion to dog pile him and win. Naruto was grinning as Sasuke and Tanna clapped for him and congratulated him on the victory.

Tanna, "The normal clone did not work so you two created your own. Good job."

Sasuke, "Thank you Sensei."

Sarutobi, "Naruto - kun and Sasuke - kun, come here."

Naruto, "Ero Hokage?"

Sasuke, "Hokage - sama?"

Mizuki reprimanded Naruto, "Naruto, you should not call Hokage - sama that."

Sarutobi waved his concern away, "Do not worry about it. Now, congratulations on becoming shinobi, both of you."

Mizuki, "But Hokage - sama, they still have the practical jutsu to clear."

Sarutobi shook his head, "One of the rules says, if a student creates their own jutsu they are eligible to become a Shinobi. The creation of any type of jutsu require a very indepth understanding of chakra. These two have shown they understand it really well."

Naruto, "Aww! Thank you. We did it Sasuke, we did it."

Sasuke hugged Naruto who jumped on him happily, "Hn. Like it's hard."

Sarutobi chuckled, "You two will be written down as the youngest jutsu creator of your generation. Now, shall we carry on with the rest of the exam?"

Tanna "Of course Hokage - sama. Next is the practical jutsu exam. This way kids, one at a time and relax okay. No rush!"

"Yes Tanna - Sensei."

"Congratulations Naruto - kun, Sasuke - kun."

"I am so jealous."

"Yeah, they made their own jutsu."

"How cool is that?"

Tanna then called the two after the rest were focused on the exam, "Here, take this and go order food. We are having a big dinner to celebrate the graduation."

Naruto beamed, "You got it nee - chan."

Sasuke, "I have a list of food all of our friends enjoy eating. We will get one of each."

Tanna, "Good, see you at home. We can use one of the empty rooms below as a dining room while the party can be outside."

Tanna returned to the room where the final exam was being held and watched as most of the kids cleared the finals. There were a few who bunked class that struggled and were advised to try one more time in the next semester. The students sighed then nodded as they left while Naruto's friends who passed went to the Uzumaki compound one by one as the got the head band. Ino and Sakura took Hinata with them to the compound as the girl's crush on Naruto made her shy. Tanna was amused by the cute crush but did not interfere she was already very shy enough without the adults breathing down her neck.

When Tanna reached home with other teachers in tow it was to a full on party with music and kids laughing and running around the compound. The compound had been enlarged the past few months to hold a training area for Naruto and his friends whenever they decided to train together. At the moment it served as an empty space for the kids to be kids and run around trying to catch each other. Kakashi waved at Tanna and the teachers offering them sake though Tanna declined, she found the sake shinobi drank to be very strong. But then again that particular brand was created keeping the biology of a full grown shinobi in mind so to a non chakra user even half a cup was enough to knock them out.

The kids had a cup each as a mark to show they were part of the adult world and were running around like hyper pups. Naruto even managed to drag Shikamaru, Shino and Hinata the most reserved ones to fool around one last time in his words. Tanna however had the feeling this will happen more than once and looking at Shikamaru's resigned expression it seems he realized it too. Tanna chuckled as they enjoyed the evening till night fell when everyone started to return home to get ready for the next day which was placement. The kids were very excited and Tanna wondered how long that will last, after all it was the next day when it will be finalized if they are ready to be shinobi.

Tanna looked up hearing the alarm, 'Don't tell me, Mizuki still found another kid to do his dirty work.'

Naruto, "That is the village security alarm."

Kakashi, "Both of you stay inside. That alarm is for Jounin."

Naruto, "We will be fine Kashi - nii. Go do what you need to do."

Kakashi ruffled his hair, "I will be right back."

Tanna watched him go after that shaking her head at how easily some people could betray others. But then again, she always suspected Mizuki's loyalty was to Orochimaru not to Hiruzen Sarutobi. It was a huge topic of discussion back in the old world on whether Mizuki was taking the scroll to Orochimaru or Danzo. Especially after it came out that Danzo had many spies that were planted among the shinobi forces Sarutobi had. Naruto tugged at her sleeve with a questioning look and Tanna shook her head and asked him if he and Sasuke had trademarked their jutsus yet. Naruto then beamed saying they had done that right after figuring out the drawbacks and the advantages of the jutsus.

Tanna ruffled his hair, "That's my baby brother. Well, you are no longer a baby. You are growing up."

Naruto giggled, "I will always be your baby brother nee - chan."

Tanna, "Let's turn in for the night, tomorrow you have a big day."

Naruto, "Tomorrow will be my last day at the Academy as a student."

Tanna, "Yes, yes, it will. After that you will be coming to the Academy as a shinobi. I am very proud of you Naru."

Naruto smiled, "Thank you nee - chan."

Ellora25 Ellora25

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