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65.8% lonely bear and cub- Russian SI / Chapter 127: Russian revolution (January-March, 1893).

Chapter 127: Russian revolution (January-March, 1893).

The revolution]

"The Russian worker, having risen to the head of all democratic elements, will overthrow absolutism and lead the Russian proletariat (together with the proletariat of the World) on the direct path of open political struggle towards the victorious communist revolution."

-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.

After a series of legal jobs (as an assistant) in Samara, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov had moved to Saint Petersburg, where he would work under Mikhail Filippovich Volkenstein, lawyer, public figure and later in 1895, editor of Novoe Slovo (New Word) .

The young Ulyanov was the younger brother of the terrorist Aleksandr Ulyanov, who made one of the most notable attempts to assassinate Tsar Alexander III. From that date to 1893, Vladimir Ulyanov had become a reader of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov.

During 1893-1894, Vladimir Ulyanov would make in Saint Petersburg what are known as the main creeds of Leninism or Marxism-Leninism, having put aside the doctrines of the Narodnaya Volya preached by his brother (which Vladimir never followed to begin with) and walked he made social democracy-socialism through the theory of Marx, Engels and Plekhanov.

Ulyanov then set out to carry out a socialist revolution in Russia, one of the goals of his life so to speak.

What would cause various events in the future, historically and within the socialist currents of Russia, Europe and the world.

Unfortunately in 1893, while there was some surveillance on Vladimir Ulyanov, it had not found much information about revolutionary writings or activity on the part of the young nobleman, lawyer and defender of workers.

Simply Ulyuanov was very well hidden thanks to his upbringing and ancestry (a young and low nobility, but a noble after all), working under an influential man and with connections in high society, and a decent reputation.


[War prospects]

In Europe, the 1890s would be more important than many would consider in military terms, especially as the situation was changing inadvertently from the Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian wars onwards.

The expenditures of all countries were increasing relentlessly, at a time when nationalism was in the air and an extremely romantic vision of war in a "golden" cultural age, colonies, conquests, prestige, military success, and so on.

In addition to ideologies against the political order (republicanism, socialism, etc.), or nationalist-autocratic regimes. Europe was simply a breeding ground for conflict sooner or later.

* Germany, United Kingdom and France.

The expenses in the navy of Germany and the United Kingdom were increasing, they were two highly industrialized countries with notable economies (especially the United Kingdom), however each of the countries had its growing problems.

First UK, refusing to develop its colonies and only using them as cannon fodder or resource extraction (except for a few), spending more on the navy at the expense of the army (which angered the army), problems with nationalisms and separatisms throughout the empire and even at home (Ireland), a growth of socialism and labor movements, expenditure of resources in France, etc.

Second, Germany, that although it did not cut much in its army, that was a problem, an economy smaller than the United Kingdom spending on many projects at the same time, both civil-economic and military, problems of an ideological nature, and in an increasingly difficult diplomatic situation.

France was "fine" they recovered at a record rate, they had industrialized heavily and wanted another war soon, the problem was that the French were swallowing a lot of their own propaganda and were a more independent player from the British than it appeared.

The problem was that unlike other powers, they did not have a very pronounced population increase, ideological problems with people against the regime, and their empire was in fact hanging by a thread.

None of the countries admitted changes from a Franco-Prussian war to modern warfare.

* Austria-Hungary, Italy and the Ottoman Empire.

Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, and the kingdom of Italy, were powers without fangs. They did not possess adequate development, management, training or capabilities.

The Ottoman Empire was essentially bankrupt after years of mismanagement, its industrialization did not come due to lack of national or foreign capital, separatist movements, lack of reforms and surrounded by enemies who would jump at its neck at any moment.

Austria-Hungary was too much at war with itself, moderate factions were forming that knew or predicted that Austria-Hungary was not ready for a modern war, and there were those who wanted a war because they predicted that Austria-Hungary could not otherwise consolidate. and survival (for example, Franz Xaver Josef Conrad von Hötzendorf), widespread poverty in many areas of the empire, a reluctant and active monarch, internal problems of ethno-cultural origin, and surrounded by enemies.

Italy on the other hand, although it had fewer problems of cultural origin (although it had and still does), if it was surrounded by enemies (in the Mediterranean Sea the Royal Navy, France and Austria-Hungary on the sides), they depended on Germany for training. military (with mixed successes) and its industrialization lagged far behind other major powers.

Better than the Ottoman Empire and in some ways better than Austria-Hungary, but still very disadvantaged compared to other great powers.

Between 1893 to 1896-1897, these situations would not particularly change. The problem was that few powers heeded some of the most notable warnings of a future war.



Russia had accepted and attacked various points in question for a future war in Europe, but it also had its own problems on various points: Who was the enemy, who was the ally?

At the moment they were the Balkans, but Tsar Alexander III and his diplomatic service understood that they were a powder keg, sooner or later. They were also targeting the Ottoman Empire, outside of the alliance system, but they had to wait for a suitable moment.

There were also economic and political issues, Russia could benefit from a European war as long as it was not a big player (selling products to both sides), but the defeat or victory of one side would also affect Russian finances in some way.

Politically speaking the situation was difficult. Problematic ideas kept coming from abroad like the Parisian Poles and their ideas, socialism, separatism, etc.

In addition to the fact that although measures were taken in case it was necessary to evacuate and feed the population, there would still be no obvious and effective solution against socio-political problems in an immediate war, opposition to the government and the tsar, etc.

Partly because as mentioned, it was not known who the enemy would be.


[Cinema (motion pictures)]

Between January 31 and February 1, independently, the SEiPK under Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison completed the first recording studios for motion pictures (films) in their respective countries.

Tesla in Russia and Edison in the United States, another competition between both men who distributed their products in the market (nationally or pseudo-global).

Tesla's motion picture studio partnered with Kodak for camera study and development, while Edison did so almost unilaterally, out of personal capitalist desires and business interests of his own companies.

SEiPK's studio was in Vladivostok, the Russian Far East, while Edison's studio was in West Orange, New Jersey.

Edison despite his complaints about Tesla, would only obtain certain economic privileges only in the United States (charge anyone who wanted to make a film ...). This was part of the supposed defense of American companies, patents and laws (that were put behind Edison at the national level, within the USA) but the truth is that it was more like capitalism unleashing, commercial interests and Edison's influence, etc. .

Tesla for his part couldn't have a monopoly on this industry under Russian law, so while he could make money from his partnerships and SEiPK sales. He just couldn't charge everyone who tried to make a film in Russia (although this was not Tesla's goal to begin with).


* Perspective of Alexander III and Nikola Tesla.

"This is one of the men I wanted to tell you about for the project, Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky. A student of Mendeleev, director of the board of the Lavrov metallurgical association, and interested in our project." Tsar Alexander III introduced the Serbian-Russian to Prokudin-Gorsky, chemist and public figure.

"A pleasure." Tesla and Prokudin-Gorsky greet each other.

"You see, in 1855, James Clerk Maxwell invented color separation technology and it was first implemented in 1861 by Thomas Sutton. In 1873 some progress was made but the camera system still has some problems. Let's build around this to produce color photographs" Tsar Alexander III explains to his associates.

SEiPK's new studio aimed not only at film production, but also at the technological development of cameras and photography, something in which Prokudin-Gorsky was a rising star (with a reputation fully established in 1897-1898).

Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorsky was a student of Mendeleev, a student of military medicine, an arts student, and a philanthropist dedicated to helping girls with low-income families (under Russian philanthropic institutions, some under Tsarina Maria Feodorovna).

He was married to Anna Alexandrovna Lavrova, daughter of Alexander Stepanovich Lavrov, a wealthy businessman in the Russian metallurgy industry, and will become because of this in director at the company of his father-in-law.

This marked important advances within Russia, not only later developments in photographic technology, but Kodak was also beginning to shoot and the use of photographic tape.

Russia would also begin to receive some foreigners interested in the production of motion pictures (films).

Why? Very simple, it was cheaper (at least for Americans, they did not have Edison charging them), Russian studios were generally more illuminated (more presence of electrification in those studios) and also Russia had such many ecosystems and cultures, that almost any type of film could be filmed (in a time where special effects weren't a big deal so having a great variety was important)

And I plan to found a film academy as soon as the industry is a little more developed. It is not a priority but it is something I want to do." Tsar Alexander III mentions his son, whom he is visiting in Inner Manchuria.

"Sounds good." The Tsesarevich Nicholas exclaims. "Tell me, how is Alexander doing? ... My brother I say, not my cousin."

"Oh he's fine, there are still a few weeks left to go to Bessarabia to visit him before the event."



January 2, Webster "Webb" Clay Ball introduces railroad chronometers, which will become an important part of the safety and operation of railroads in the United States, Canada, and other countries at these historic times.

In the United Kingdom, on January 13, the Independent Labor Party, held its first meeting, Keir Hardie was elected as president, attended by notable Socialists and Laborists such as Councilor Ben Tillett, author George Bernard Shaw and Edward Aveling, Karl's son-in-law. Marx, eleven delegates from Fabian societies, etc.

The German Edward Bernstein attended only to observe, a short speech, and receive the English wishes of victories for the German socialists.

Scottish delegate George Carson proposed the name Socialist Labor Party, but narrowly lost to the Independent Labor Party due to the belief that English workers would not be in favor of such a name ... despite everything, in this first meeting with notable support, the ILP's goals were proclaimed.

* Secure the collective and communal ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange.

* A range of progressive social reforms like:

1-Free "unsectarian" education for any level of education (school to university).

2- The provision of medical treatment and school feeding programs for children.

3-Housing reform.

4-Public measures to reduce unemployment and provide aid to the unemployed.

5-Minimum-wage law.

6-Welfare programs for orphans, widows, the elderly, the disabled and the sick.

7-Abolition of child labor.

8-Abolition of overtime and piecework.

9-Eight-hour workday.

January 17, in the kingdom of Hawai'i Queen Liliuokalani tries to support the idea of a federation or empire of the Pacific (Polynesian) nations, led by Hawai'i.

Yet obviously no one outside of Hawai'i listens to the queen.

In the midst of this Lorrin Andrews Thurston also tries to promote the idea of the annexation of Hawai'i to the United States but obviously by the powers of the Hawaiian constitution, the unpopularity of the idea among the Hawaiian population, and the neutrality of the nation (respected by the United States, Russia, Germany and the United Kingdom among the great powers, and by other minor countries such as Italy, Mexico and Spain) it is not very fruitful for him and associates.

January 21, the English annexed the land of Botswana through treaties with the natives.

January 31 and February 1, the motion picture studios of Tesla in Russia and Edison in the United States are founded. Ediston Studios were founded in 1894.

Between February 11 and 19, the White Star Line, SS Naronic, disappears into the Atlantic without a trace.

February 23, the success of the Rudolf Diesel company in Russia increases with some minor improvements to the Blinov-Kibalchich engine.

March 4, Grover Cleveland is sworn in as the 24th President of the United States. Cleveland is the first president with a second non-consecutive term.

March 6, Liverpool Overhead Railway opens, it is scary but understandable how quickly railway workers in the city are organizing after the Great Liverpool Strike.

March 10, the French turn a West African territory into a new colony, the Ivory Coast. It is one of the first great avertures of French brutality to the world, in the colony French capitalism runs rampant in the exploitation of the ivory, coffee, cocoa and palm oil trade.

Maintaining a more human appearance regarding the treatment of blacks, only at first glance and on the coasts (when one more gets into the interiors of the most brutal colonial empire is this), destroying and damaging important parts of the local ecosystems (like the elephant population)...

Of course no one cares at that time, and in the future it does not matter so much to people.

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