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54.87% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1524: 23

Chapter 1524: 23

Chapter 23Summary:

Frigga comes bearing gifts. The good sort.

Fury's out of ideas.

Chapter Text

November 3rd 2005


The shimmer the Bifrost left, faded and Frigga and Valkyrie blinked in the bright sunlight.

"I despise the sun." Valkyrie muttered.

"Now, dear…" Frigga gave the other woman a quick look. "You should be used to Midgard's brightness, by now."

"Oh, no. New Asgard was to the far north, we saw little of this glare. Even when the sun never set, we didn't have this… glare…" Valkyrie sneered.

"No. I dare say you didn't." The voice came from behind them and both women spun to face it. "Hello, Valkyrie." Bucky sighed. "Let me guess… Thanos…" It wasn't a question.

"Of course, Thanos." Valkyrie spat the name out before pausing. "Wait. You… you know who I am? You know who Thanos is?"

"Oh, yeah. You'd better come on in, meet the team and see what we've done." He started towards the next building. "Bring your friend, too."

"She's not my friend, she Frigga, Queen of Asgard."



"Thor and Loki's mom?" Bucky blinked at the Queen.


"Right, better warn her, Darcy and Jane are inside." Bucky said.

"I look forward to meeting the Ladies Jane and Darcy." Frigga said. "I might remember them from my visions, but I dare say that meeting them in truth will be quite different." She stepped up to Bucky and walked at his side.

"Probably." Bucky grinned. "Although, I think they'll be pleased to see you, alive."

"Giving my life for the Lady Jane's would have been no hardship, knowing now that it was the start of Loki's true redemption, makes what few regrets I would have, negligible."

"Yeah?" Bucky gave her a quick grin. "Don't think you'll get away that easy, do you?"

"No, I suppose not." Frigga gave a clearly fake sigh only to ruin it by laughing, softly. "Come, introduce me to my daughters."

"Daughters?" Valkyrie asked, following them into a square building.

"Lady Darcy is the claimed sister of my son, Thor, which makes her my daughter." Frigga said.

"The Lady Jane?"

"She will stand at Thor's side and travel the stars with him."

"And what will I be doing?" Brunnhilde asked, not sure whether she really wanted to know.

"You will be training shieldmaidens of Midgard as Valkyries." Frigga replied. "When this war is done and we know that there is a set time for that, you will have earnt your rest and then some. They will guard this world, in your place. What you will do then, will be your decision."

"I can live with that." Brunnhilde nodded.

"Perhaps then, you will have the family that you desire." Frigga smiled secretively.

"What?" Valkyrie stumbled as she followed the pair in through a door.

"What do we have here?" Another man asked. "You bringing home more women, Barnes?"

"Nope. Frigga's Thor and Loki's mom and the other is the Valkyrie. Ladies? This uncouth idiot is Riley."

"And who's Valkyrie when she's at home?" Riley asked.

"Not who, what." Bucky grinned. "Brunnhilde is Asgardian and she's a true Valkyrie. The Valkyrie. Their leader. The greatest of them."

"The last of them." Brunnhilde corrected.

"The first of them." Frigga argued.

"Uh…?" Riley grunted in confusion.

"Brunnhilde's got a short temper and a very strong arm." Bucky warned. "Piss her off and you'll be a smear on the ground. Oh, and she can drink Bruce and I under the table." He tilted his head. "And probably steve, too..."

"Ah. Right…" Riley took a step backwards.

"The Captain is here?" Brunnhilde asked, she'd heard many tales of the Captain's adventures, from Bucky, from Thor, from Sam, from Wanda and even a few from Pepper. But she'd never had the chance to actually meet the man, off the battlefield.

"Not right now, no." Bucky answered. "He's working, but he'll be by later this evening. How long are you staying?"

"Me? Permanently." Brunnhilde shrugged. "Frigga? If she's not headed back inside the hour, Heimdall's going to fret… and possibly send someone to fetch her home safely."

"I only wish to meet my daughters and present gifts to you all." Frigga gave them an innocent look.

"Yeah, I have four kids, lady, that look doesn't work on me." Bucky huffed in amusement.

Frigga laughed gently. "I did not expect that it would, Warrior of Midgard."

It took maybe twenty minutes for Bucky to round up the team and have Steve close his shop for long enough to meet with Frigga.

"Alright, we're all here, Queen of Asgard." Bucky looked from the team to the woman huddled with Jane and his wife.

"Of course, warrior." Frigga stood and crossed to stand in front of the group. "I am Frigga, Queen of Asgard and mother to Thor and Loki. I have Seen and dreamt of a future that will no longer come to be and I am… relieved… I have seen all of you, have seen your actions and I would commend you. I have for you, gifts and information. Destroying an Infinity Stone is nigh to impossible, but there is a possibility. The Norns and their Waters of Sight. Whether they will help or not, I do not know…"

"But it's certainly worth a chance." Steve said. "Only problem is, we don't have a ship capable of travelling that far."

"Not yet, we don't." Tony corrected. "The Bleeding Edge suit had the complete designs for Quill's Benatar and Milano. Give me a year or so and I can build our own Benatar."

"I…" Steve paused, looking at Tony. "Okay. We'll leave that to you, recruit whoever you need." He turned back to Frigga. "Anything else?"

"Thanos is a Titan." Frigga said. "Killing him is almost as difficult as destroying an Infinity Stone, but restraining him? Even the Olympians were able to do that. With the right equipment, you too can restrain him." She opened a tiny pouch hanging at her hip and from it, pulled a small box. The box was placed on the floor and she tapped if in a specific place. Then stepped back as it enlarged. Once it was the size of a small car, she tapped a finger against the point where it would be expected to have a lock and a fine seam appeared, cracking the, until now, solid surface. A glance at Bucky and Steve had them stepping forward and heaving the lid up.

"These chains made are from Uru, the hardest metal ever known, the same metal as Mjolnir." Frigga went on.

"And Stormbreaker…" Steve whispered.

"Yes, the dwarves have Uru for when the Stormbreaker is needed." Frigga nodded. "These chains are enchanted to only lock around a Titan. And as Thanos is the last of his kind…?"

"They'll work on him." Steve gave a grim smile. "Next?"

"I have little more information, that could assist you." Frigga sighed. "But I do have gifts. Weapons, armour and more." She pulled a second box from the pouch and once enlarged, she opened it. "I know not people's names, but I do know descriptives for them. Weapons first. For the Living Legend." She held up an Asgardian sword and laid it on the table near them.

"That'll be you, Cap." Tony nudged him with a shoulder. "J, keep track of who gets what."

"Yes, Sir." JARVIS answered.

"For the Soldier." A pair of knives and an energy gun were laid on the table.

Weapon after weapon was produced and laid on the table, before Frigga pushed the box under that table.

"Next armour." She said. "I know that some of you have mechanical armour and I would not expect you to forsake that, instead I give you ore that may be incorporated into that armour, not as solid sheets but as engravings and designs, these will protect you against malicious magics and some energy weapons."

"Some?" Tony asked.

"It will enable your armours to convert the energy into a form that can power your armour, instead of incapacitating it. However, too many hits by such weapons and the protections will be overpowered and rendered useless." She answered.

"Converter ore, excellent, I can work with that." Tony nodded. "Any particular designs needed?"

"Yes and no. Designs aren't technically necessary but using them will strengthen the ore's capability." Frigga laid a stone tablet on the table. "There are many designs and each should have a connection to the wearer. Simply place a drop of blood on the tablet and it will show the design that will best connect with that person."

"Can the… ore… be used for other things?" Tony asked. "Will it protect people who aren't wearing armour?"

"No, it is specific to armour." Frigga shook her head. "But be not alarmed, for I have protections for them, too." Chains, straps and buckles were dropped onto the table. "And for those that prefer their protections to be permanent…" A gallon jug with black markings was placed on the table. "Simply add one drop of this liquid to whatever inks are used. One drop of this, to one hundred of ink." A second jug, this time with red markings, was placed on the table. "This one is for those treatments that must be internalised." She faced Steve. "Such as that, which altered your body. It will bind to the treatments and provide protections against magic. Combine one drop of this with ten of that which is to be injected into the body and it will fuse with your genetic structure." She sighed. "I know that at least two of you have been adversely affected by Asgardian magic and for that, you have my apologies. Consider this… wergild for that insult."

Clint and Darcy stood, Clint bowed and Darcy curtsied.

"Your apology is not warranted, Allmother." Darcy said. "Tis Loki and Lorelei that owe their apologies and in truth? Neither have taken action, as yet. While we remember and I… benefit from Lorelei's action, with what you have given us, today, those actions may not occur in this timestream."

"Well spoken, daughter." Frigga smiled.

"Darcy speaks for all of us, Allmother." Tony said. "We're trying to avoid Thanos' actions but we know that certain things are going to happen, regardless of what changes we make." The sight of a not-quite four-year-old Peter screaming because he'd been bitten by Oscorp's escaped spider, still made him shudder. "So, while we change things, many things are outside our control."

"You speak of Loki." Frigga sighed.

"Not just Loki." Tony shook his head.

"Thor, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marvel, the Sorcerer Supreme. Loki is only one of many we must deal with, before we deal with Thanos." Steve said.

"Ah." Frigga. "I understand. There is so much in front of you…"

"Maybe, but we don't need to deal with all of it." Tony sighed. "That's where we went wrong last time, we tried to do it all, ourselves. Now, we know that much of it will get done, anyway, we'll still end up at the same point."

"I had thought you were trying to avoid arriving at that point?"

"We would love to avoid it, but we can't really see a way around it."

"Visit the Norns, they may provide additional information." Frigga paused. "Or they may not, they are not answerable to any and demands upon them tend to fare badly for those doing the demanding."

"We'll definitely take that under advisement, Allmother." Tony gave a head bow.

"My time on Midgard draws to a close, with their permission, I would speak with my daughters and the Valkyrie." Frigga stepped back from the heavily laden table.

"Over here, Allmother." Darcy said. "I have tea and treats for us."

"And what about us, doll?" Bucky asked, pressing a gentle kiss to Darcy's brow.

"You vultures have your own stuff in the team common room." She'd barely finished and people were giving Frigga a bow or curtsy and leaving, faster than was probably courteous. Once the room was empty of all but the four women, Darcy lead them to a small seating area. "What's up, Allmother?" She asked.

"Oh, daughter…" Frigga smiled at Darcy and Jane. She drew out a small box. "The Aether." She looked at Darcy. "You must take it to the Norns. It and the Time and Space stones."

"And the… Mind Stone?"

"And the Mind Stone, if you can lay your hands to it." Frigga nodded.

"We'll do our best, Allmother." Darcy replied.

"Oh, daughters, your best is all I ask." Frigga let her head fall forward and a tear fell from her lashes. "You must go to the desert as you did before. Even now, Thor is pushing at the bounds that Odin has placed upon him. He will soon push beyond them and Odin will be forced to act. It must happen, it is the making of Thor."

"And the breaking of Loki." Darcy said.

"I am not certain that it is." Frigga frowned. "I now see a future where Loki stands beside Thor and your team. When and why this shall happen, I do not know."

"We'll be ready when he does." Darcy said, ignoring Jane's moue of displeasure.

"Good." Frigga turned to Brunnhilde. "And you, Valkyrie of Valkyries. You have students here. Darcy and Jane. The Spiderling's guardian. The Scarlet Witch… I find that a displeasing misnomer. She is not a witch, but a sorceress. The Widows, both the Black and the White. The Mothers and the Rescue. And more will come. The Scientist. The Wasp. The Escaped. The Agent. The Kitten. The General. The Daughters. Teach them. Teach them well." She paused. "And the Sons, if they would learn, teach them, too."

Brunnhilde's eyes widened. "The Sons?"

"If they would learn." Frigga nodded. "Not all will, nor will all the Daughters. But those that do? Teach them." She stood and with a flick of her fingers her clothing changed, from soft silks and lace, to sturdy linen, leather and metal. "As Queen of Asgard, I charge you, Brunnhilde, greatest of the Valkyries with the passing of your knowledge to those of this world. If they would learn, teach them. When you have named and trained your successor, you may retire with honour, Daughter of Asgard." The tendrils of the gold and silver mist of Frigga's magic circled Valkyrie, waiting for her response.

Valkyrie stood. "As I am commanded, so shall be my actions." She raised her DragonsFang to her chest in ritual salute. The silver and gold mist circled her and as she spoke, it settled on her skin, giving her an ethereal glow that shimmered in the air and took nearly a minute to fade.

"Well met, Valkyrie of Midgard." Frigga smiled gently.

"Well met, Allmother of Asgard." Brunnhilde smiled back.

"One last thing, before I leave." Frigga handed Darcy a small vial. "This is aerosolised version of the liquid in the red-marked jug, if one were to crack the vial and allow it to escape, it will simulate the conditions that created the Hulk and allow the Hulk and Doctor to merge if that is their combined will. However, I would suggest that the Doctor talk to the Hulk, the Hulk has seen much and may wish to retire. If this is the case, break the vial under pure distilled water and the result will allow the Hulk to fade, but still allow the Doctor access to the body they would have co-inhabited, had they merged fully."

Darcy blinked. "That would be very helpful, Allmother."

A small mirror was laid upon the table. "So that we may speak anon, daughters." Frigga stepped away from the table. "Would someone escort me to a location where Heimdall may send the Bifrost to retrieve me?"


January 1st 2006 (Approximately-Maybe-Hopefully…)


"Why have you come to my private quarters, daughter?" The male voice rumbled.

"It is time my sister returned to her family." A feminine voice answered.

"And this could not be discussed on the control deck?"

"No, father." She replied. "I have a plan for her retrieval, but for it to work only you and I must know of it."


"She runs, she deserts her place at your side. I would bring her back."


"But do to so is no simple task. The plan I have crafted is not something she would expect from me."

"What is it?"



"Yes." She nodded. "Allow me a few minutes to explain and I give you my word that Gamora will stand at my side, ready and willing to fight for our family."

"Huh." The male grunted and let his head rest against his pillows. "Tell me a story, daughter."

"You will call me before you, in front of the entirety of your children. There you will task me with retrieving the head of Toric of Barellum." She said, causing him to grunt again. "I will, of course, attempt to dissuade you from such a mission but you will ignore my objections. You will order me to take a ship and allocate me a reasonable amount of credits, as would be expected for such a mission, and an hour to prepare. Once I leave, I will head to Sanctuary, where I will set word that you are hunting Toric, I will also attempt to send a message to Gamora, warning her that I believe that you have sent me on this mission as punishment for her actions and so that I am elsewise occupied when you go hunting her."

"Huh… Continue…"

"From Sanctuary, I will go to Nowhere, there I will sell the ship and transfer the credits to another source. I will send another message to Gamora, saying that I am heading for Xandar."


"Yes, the Nova Corps in particular." She replied. "They have little trust for you and those that follow you, if I can convince them that I am genuine in my attempts to 'escape' your control, they will aid me and their aid will convince Gamora of my defection."

"And this is when you will return with her?"

"No, father." She shook her head. "That will take time and the Nova Corps are integral to having this work. I will ask that they will 'hide' me from you. Likely on some backwater planet. My staying there, will be enough for Gamora to begin to trust me."

"Hmm… Continue…"

"She will visit and we will talk via communications sets, something I will insist upon. During those visits and messages, I will be able to subtly point out to her the truth behind your actions and validate your reasoning. To gain her trust, it must have validation. Given time, she will see. She will stand at my side when we see you next."

"Such a plan will take years, daughter."

"I know."

"You will have to convince not only your sister, but the Nova Prime and the residents of whatever planet they place you upon."

"I know. They must truly believe that I am genuine in my hatred and fear of you. As must your Army. Once I have Gamora, if you wish, then they may know."

"How many years do you expect this to take?"

"Nothing less than ten, but more likely, closer to twenty."

"And she will fight willingly?"

"Willingly and eagerly."

"Tell me more, daughter."



April 10th 2006 (Approximately-Maybe-Hopefully…)


The whitehaired woman stared at the com-screen. "Who wants what?" She asked Garthan Saal, the Denarian in charge of the Nova Corps' interplanetary forces.

"She calls herself Nebula, she's a Luphomoid and according to our data, she is also the adopted… or stolen, if you prefer… daughter of Thanos, the Titan." Denarian Saal replied.

"And she wishes to speak with me? Privately?" Irani Rael asked, more as a statement than as a question.

"She does, Prime." Saal nodded. "And she's offering assurances."

Knowing how dangerous the female was, Rael hesitated. "What type of assurances?"

"She will submit to whatever restraints we require, her only request is that no-one but you hears what she has to say. She does not expect you to be unattended, but requests that those that attend you not be able to hear her. See? Yes, but not hear."

"Where is she wanting this… meeting to happen?"

"Wherever we want, Prime. She's prepared to enter the Corps' Holding facility."

"She's really going to let us control everything but who hears her?" Rael blinked in surprise.

"Yes, Prime."

"Your opinion?"

"Professional or personal?"


"We've been hunting this female for nearly a decade and this is the closest we've ever been to catching her. My professional opinion, is to blast her ship out of the sky." Saal said calmly.

"And your personal opinion?"

"She knows that we've been hunting her, knows it and yet she still approaches us." He sighed. "Personally, I say we listen, if you don't like what she says, we can catch her before she leaves Xandar, but in truth? I think she's genuine. Hear her out, any decision we make now, is without whatever information she wants us to have."

"Set it up."



"Such a tale…" Rael whispered. "Wait here, please." She left the holding cell and approached Saal.


"I most definitely don't like what she has to say, but…"


"Bad news is rarely liked by those who receive it." Rael sighed. "Free her, bring her to my office."


"She is genuine, she is fleeing Thanos, I understand and support her reasoning, no matter how much I dislike it." Rael said. "My office, Denarian."

It took only a few minutes for Rael to reach her office and settle at the desk she infrequently used. Seconds ticked into minutes before Saal and Nebula joined her.

"Nebula, I request your permission to inform Denarian Saal of your plan." Rael said bluntly.


"I would have his opinion and his thoughts on the matter. Lying to Thanos is a bold move, but what you're requesting us to do to you is… irreversible…"

"I am aware." Nebula said blankly.

"Denarian Saal is the one that can make this happen, his wife is the senior healer at our primary healing facility, only they have the ability to do what you want."

"Agreed, tell him." Nebula nodded.



"Irreversible is right." Saal sighed. "But why this particular man? Why use him as your basis?"

"He… he is… important… to me…" Nebula forced the words out.

"Enough to use him as the basis of a complete cellular rewrite?" Saal asked.

"Yes." Nebula nodded. "Finding a female Terran suitable, is going to be considerably more difficult, however."

"No, it isn't." Saal sighed. "My wife is Terran and I think that she'd be prepared to assist us. How you plan to have Terra ready to face Thanos, I don't know."


"The man you plan to use for cellular data?" Rael asked.

"Yes. What you state Earth's technological levels to be and what I… remember them to be, at this point in time…? They are different. Further analysis of the data indicates that Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, is predominantly responsible."

"Is it possible that he remembers what you remember?" Rael asked.

"I do not know." Nebula let her eyes close. "But I hope so."

"Then we will help you." Saal said. "For the record? Officially, I think this is a bad idea. Unofficially, I have to agree, Thanos with access to Infinity Stones is worse. Come, I'll take you to my wife."



June 2nd 2006


"I think we're out of options, Coulson." Fury sighed.

"You ready to try Tony Stark, now?" Coulson asked.

"Yeah, call him. Set up a meeting."

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