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50.66% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1407: 72

Chapter 1407: 72

Tamaki and Kirishima entered the main street of UA and looked around at the freshly extinguished stalls and the myriad of scorch marks across the grounds. Tamaki looked around before he heard Kirishima's voice next to him. "Hey there's Togata-senpai." Kirishima said as he pointed to a trio of figures one of them with the unmistakable blonde hair of Mirio. The two heroes walked towards Mirio, Ashido, and Tokoyami.

"Tamaki you're alright." Mirio said as he stood up wincing as his movement irritated the burns across his body. "I'm glad; it looks like you had a rough fight as well." Tamaki shuddered before speaking.

"Not as rough as yours, but the fact that you think so makes me feel kind of bad." He said before seeing who Mirio had been fighting and nodded. "I see, no wonder you look so rough. What should we do now?" Tamaki asked as Mirio looked around.

"We should start helping out wherever we can. Nejire is protecting the civilians who can't get out, so we should probably head over to training ground beta." Mirio said before Midnight appeared near them.

"That's a good idea. The teachers will take care of the villains still here. You all did a great job. As a teacher I'm sorry that we weren't here sooner." She said petting all of them on their heads. "Just leave everything to us now." She said before cracking her whip across the face of a villain who fell to the ground wailing in pain. Midnight licked her lips. "That's what mama likes to hear." She said in a husky voice as she approached the villain to finish the job with her quirk.

Momo threw down a stun grenade in the middle of a group of villains as they screamed and covered their faces. Tsuyu swung in to grab the two people that had been cowering from the villains. "It's ok ribbit I'm here to help." She said as the trio landed away from the villains. "The school gate isn't far from here just keep running that way don't look back." Froppy said as the mother grabbed her child in her arm and took off at a sprint towards the school gate.

Momo wiped her forehead she'd been creating things nearly nonstop it was starting to weigh on her, but she couldn't quit now. "Alright Shoji what's happening now?" Momo asked as Shoji responded.

"Mirio and Tamaki-senpai have defeated their respective league members with the help of Kirishima, Ashido, and Tokoyami. Also the teachers are out in force now the barrier around the faculty dorms came down a little while ago." Momo smiled as she heard her classmates rejoice. "Kirishima told me that the teachers want us to head back to either training ground beta where Nejire and others are protecting some civilians, or to the faculty dorms that are being used as a first aid station." Shoji continued to explain.

Momo nodded her head. "Alright everyone you heard Shoji. We're closer to the faculty dorms so we'll go there and help out as much as we can." Momo said as a resounding Yes Ma'am was given.

"What about Bakugou, Todoroki, Aoyama, and Kaminari? How are they holding up over there?" Asked Toru. There was silence on Shoji's end before he spoke.

"It's not going well Aoyama, and Kaminari are both unconscious and Bakugou is heavily injured, but Midoriya just showed up and it looks like he's preparing to fight Shigaraki." Silence rang through the group as this knowledge began to sink in.

"We should head over there then right now. This is bad even with Izuku there he still needs back up right?" Iida said preparing to rush to his friend's side before Momo shook her head.

"No. we can't. we need to stick to the plan. Our priority is the first aid station. We must leave this to the teachers now. I'm sure several of them are heading to Izuku's location already. As much as I'd like to help over there we'd just be in the way. We all need to do what we can when we can, and right now not only can wehelp the injuredit's our duty to do so." Momo said as several among her group clenched their fists, but they knew she was right all they could do was trust their classmates and do what was best at the moment.

"Alright let's go." Momo said as she led her team to the faculty dorms. On the outside she seemed cool and calm, but on the inside she was fighting the urge to turn and run to Izuku's side. This is for the best, this is for the best! She thought to herself as she ran further and further away.

Aizawa used his scarf to propel himself through the air as below him ran Ectoplasm and Cementoss. These three were the best to fight against Shigaraki. Aizawa's Erasure could turn off Shigaraki's decay. Ectoplasm's clones were disposable, and Cementoss could keep this battle from getting out of hand. As the trio of heroes ran towards Izuku's location someone stepped into their path. Aizawa stopped at seeing who it was. "Monoma from class B?" Cementoss asked as the blonde boy nodded.

"I know where you all are headed, and I would like to help. Shigaraki is here so Mr. Aizawa is going to be using his quirk a lot; I can swap out with him by taking on his quirk and giving him a break." The three teachers looked at one another before Aizawa nodded.

"He's got a point. We could use his quirk." Cementoss didn't think bringing a student along was the best choice, but he had to admit that it did raise their chances of success.

"Alright then." He said as the four of them began to move and came upon the battlefield. Shigaraki and Izuku were standing across from each other and far behind them were four of Aizawa's students.

"What happened?" Aizawa asked after he saw Bakgou's arm. The blonde scoffed.

"It's nothing Sensei." Bakugou said as Aizawa sighed before looking at Izuku.

"Izuku we're here to back you up. Don't worry about his quirks!" Aizawa said as his eyes went red and his hair lifted up out of his face. Izuku gave a single nod as Shigaraki flexed his fingers as he felt the connection to the majority of his stolen quirks is severed.

"You're something else Eraserhead. You're becoming my favorite hero. I can't wait to take your quirk." Shigaraki said with a smile before bursting towards Izuku and slamming his fist into the boy's blocking arm slamming him backwards. The teacher's burst into action at this moment as Ectoplasm created several clones to rush Shigaraki. At the same time Cementoss manipulated the concrete to swirl and lock Shigaraki's legs in place. Shigaraki looked down at his encased legs and pulled one from the concrete shattering the stone, but before he could free himself completely Ectoplasm's clones reached him.

Each clone delivered a savage kick to Shigaraki before surrounding him and pummeling him with kicks. Izuku regained his balance from the punch Shigaraki had thrown. His arm stung from the force of the blow and he could feel a bruise spreading across his arm. Even with his quirks erased he's still this strong! Izuku thought to himself as he watched the clones of Ectoplasm be thrown wide turning into wisps of smoke.

Shigaraki turned towards the trio of interlopers and locked eyes with Eraserhead. "Goodbye Eraserhead." He said before bolting towards him. Cementoss reacted and tried to create a network of concrete webs to stop Shigaraki, but not block Eraserhead's vision of the villain. The barricade he made might as well have been wet cardboard with the ease that Shigaraki tore through them and reached towards Eraserhead. Shigaraki's hand was slammed to the ground by the opaque glowing tail of Izuku who then wrapped the tail around Shigaraki's arm and drug the villain towards him before the tail was tore apart by Shigaraki's immense strength.

Luminous strands of sunlight yellow energy littered the air from the destroyed phantasmal tail."That's not fair you being able to use all your quirks still!" Shigaraki said as he slammed his foot towards Izuku only for the young hero to spin to the side and slam his elbow down on the side of Shigaraki's knee. The sound of breaking bone resounded across the field before Shigaraki screamed and slammed his hand on the ground the immediate area around them erupted in dust.

"NO!" Aizawa shouted knowing his Erasure wouldn't be able to reach Shigaraki now. Shigaraki's once broken leg snapped back into place within the dust as he smiled happily before moving to attack Izuku.

Inside the dust cloud Izuku closed his eyes and listened for Shigaraki's next move before ducking below Shigaraki's hand and kicking towards his leg, but Shigaraki leapt above Izuku's kick before coming down on him with both feet. Izuku created two tails to block Shigaraki's kick before throwing him into the air and unleashed a swath of fire from his mouth straight towards him. Shigaraki frowned as he raised his hand and used his air cannon to counter Izuku's attack. As the fire burst apart Izuku was right in Shigaraki's face and slammed his fist into his gut only for Shigaraki to smile as Izuku felt his arm be slammed backwards and his whole body go spiraling into the ground.

"How do you like that Impact Recoil!" Shigaraki shouted as he flew down towards Izuku with his hand outstretched. Izuku rolled to the side and leapt into the air as the area around them began to decay and turn to dust. Izuku cocked his arm back and punched downward. The air from Izuku's fist slammed to the ground pushing away all the dust and allowing Aizawa to get a clear line of sight on Shigaraki who once again felt his quirks be shut down.

"Damn Eraserhead." Shigaraki said as Izuku flew down towards him and slammed his fists into Shigaraki's open palms. The collision rocked the entire area and could be heard all over the school grounds. Shigaraki smiled before headbutting Izuku and slamming him to the ground before kicking him in the face and sending him careening back. "You're not All Might!" Shigaraki shouted as Izuku stood up with blood streaming down the side of his face.

"You're nothing but a fake!" Shigaraki continued and looked at all the heroes around him. "Do they know that your power isn't yours? Do they know that without the pity of a pathetic old man you'd be nothing more than another worthless civilian on the street? Admit it Izuku Midoriya that power isn't yours!"

Izuku looked around at his classmates and teachers and bit his lip before opening his mouth to speak. "You're right this power isn-."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Bakugou shouted cutting Izuku off as he stood up. "That shit doesn't matter. Who fucking cares where you got that power you've made it your own. All Might couldn't do anything like you can now. You are your own hero. I refuse to accept that I was beaten by someone who couldn't make that power their own!" Shouted Bakugou. Shigaraki frowned and glared at the blonde.

"No one asked for commentary from the peanut gallery." Shigaraki said before turning and punching into the clone of Ectoplasm that had been sneaking up on him only for several more clones to jump up from beneath the ground.

"Good work with those tunnels Cementoss." Aizawa said not taking his eyes from Shigaraki for a moment. Cementoss nodded.

"It's the least I can do. How are you holding up Eraserhead?" Cementoss asked as Aizawa hissed.

"My eyes are burning, but it's nothing I can't handle." Aizawa said breathing heavily as a crimson tear leaked from his left eye.

"Mr. Aizawa please allow me to take over!" Shouted Monoma, but Aizawa shook his head.

"No I will keep this up until I can't anymore; you'll be needed to take over after that and not a second sooner." Aizawa said and Monoma fell silent in the face of Shota Aizawa's resolve.

Izuku looked back at Katsuki before standing up straight. "So in the end it still comes back to you right Katsuki. I guess you wouldn't be you otherwise." Izuku said before clenching his fist as he looked at Shigaraki. "It's exactly as he said Shigaraki. It doesn't matter where this power came from or who gave it to me. All that matters is that I use it to stop you!" Izuku said as red steam like energy wafted from him.

Shigaraki punched a hole in each of the clones surrounding him turning them to dust in an instant before he glowered at Izuku. "Just try it!" He hissed as he slammed his hand into the ground and tore up a large chunk of rock to block Aizawa's vision once more and immediately his wounds healed. Shigaraki then threw the chunk of stone towards the teachers. The teacher's moved immediately getting clear of the large boulder coming towards them.

Izuku burst forth with insane speed and coiled his arms back before slamming them into Shigaraki's stomach. The villain coughed as the breath was knocked from him before reaching for Izuku's arms only for them to be snatched away from him as Izuku leapt into the air and shot both his legs down towards Shigaraki who used impact recoil to reflect the blow back at Izuku.

Shigaraki then shot several air cannon shots off at Aizawa and the teachers forcing Cementoss to create a wall of stone to block the shots and keep Aizawa's eyes off him. Cementoss was confident in his barriers before his concrete walls exploded with spikes piercing himself and Ectoplasm who had leapt in front of Monoma to keep the boy safe. Aizawa had jumped back enough to avoid any damage from the unexpected attack "Wh-how did this…happen?!" Cementoss asked as he coughed up some blood.

"Did I forget to say that those shots were a combination of air cannon, Springlike Limbs, and of course a bit of Overhaul as well. Those shots will transfigure anything they touch in ways even I don't know how." Shigaraki said as Cementoss looked to the multiple punctures in his abdomen and leg.

Izuku corrected himself in midair and looked down to see that Shigaraki had targeted Aizawa once again before narrowly avoiding a spear of stone aimed at his head that was quickly followed by others. Shigaraki was now using Overhaul's quirk to keep him at bay as he used his other arm to launch more attack at Cementoss who even with grievous injuries was protecting the teachers. Ectoplasm was lying on the ground with several injuries in his back as Monoma did his best to draw Ectoplasm out of the way. Aizawa wouldn't be able to get a look at Shigaraki under this assault..

Izuku created a large Rasengan in his hand that Shigaraki's spears of stone obliterated themselves against as Izuku flew down toward Shigaraki who at the last moment disappeared in a puff of black smoke. Izuku looked towards Aizawa and Cementoss seeing Shigaraki appearing behind them and as they turned to face this threat Shigaraki reached forward gripping Aizawa's face. "Good bye Eraserhead." Shigaraki said.

The world seemed to slow down for Izuku as Shigaraki's hand reached for Aizawa. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do!? He shouted mentally as he started to move red lightning arcing around him pushing his body to the limit to reach Aizawa. That won't work! A voice shouted in his head as he felt something take hold of his hand and make it point his index finger towards Shigaraki like a gun and something began to gather at the tip before shooting towards Shigaraki.

Shigaraki smiled as he gripped Aizawa's head. He couldn't use his quirks to kill Aizawa, but with his immense strength it would be nothing for him to crush Aizawa's skull, but right before he could something slammed into his arm snatching it away from Aizawa's face his fingers clawed over Aizawa's eyes drenching them in blood and forcing him to close his eyes. As Shigaraki felt his quirks come back to him something akin to an electrical shock ran through his body and he howled in pain as he stumbled back.

"W-what was that?!" He shouted as memories flowed through his mind. Once more he was in his master's body looking through his eyes at a young man with black hair and a green uniform. This man's fists were glowing with the power of One for All and something else whatever that power was it could damage him heavily. "Get off the ground you've still got a few ribs for me to break." The man said clenching his fist as silvery white energy wafted from his fists.

In Izuku's mind a voice gave a sigh of relief. "Damn that was close." Izuku turned to see a young man in a sleeveless yellow shirt, baggy pants, and green wrist bands. "Who are you?" Izuku asked as the man next to him crossed his arms. "You're looking at the fifth user Yusuke Urameshi." The man said as he clenched his fist silver energy flared off him like white fire. "You've made it this far kid congratulation. We don't have time for a full length tutorial, but my quirk was called the Spirit Wave and lucky for you no amount of regeneration will be able to undo the damage that my quirk does." He said with a grin.

Izuku wasn't sure what this man's power was exactly, but if he could get past Shigaraki's regeneration then he'd take it. "My quirk is a bit of cheat really it can't be negated no matter how hard their skin or how much they heal the damage these fists cause can't be stopped. It can even be shot out like bullets, but its better at close range. My quirk along with the others all put together are the only way to defeat All for One. You are the only person who can do this Izuku Midoriya." Yusuke said as seven other ghostly images appeared beside Yusuke.

Izuku looked into the faces of the creator of One for All Masao, Meliodas, Natsu, Naruto, Yusuke, Luffy, Noelle, and even All Might stood there. "You are the one who will rid the world of All for One." They all said in unison as the image faded from Izuku's mind as six different colored energies exploded from Izuku like a rainbow of power.

Shigaraki looked at Izuku wrapped in the energies of the past users of One for All and he felt a pulse throughout his body as his body began to warp and twist. In the face of his goal his quirks began to run wild in his body twisting and warping it to resemble a monstrous Nomu. Shigaraki's hair grew draping down his body as his pale skin turned a muddy black splitting apart as his muscles expanded. Shigaraki grew several feet towering over Izuku as he stepped forward. To Izuku Shigaraki looked like an even fiercer and more powerful version of Gigantomachia.

"You've done it. You've brought out the full power of One for All Izuku Midoriya. You are the truest successor to my master's brother, but that doesn't matter because I am my master's disciple and I will reclaim what was stolen from him. I will have One for All!" Shigaraki roared as he leapt into the air the shockwave of his jump blasted away Cementoss, Aizawa, Ectoplasm, and Monoma sending them careening away. Todoroki erected a wall of ice to keep himself, Bakugou, Aoyama, and Kaminari safe from the explosive wind that Shigaraki had kicked up.

"There's no way we can intervene now. Izuku is the only one who can do this." Todoroki said as Bakugou clenched his teeth together.

"Shut up, you don't have to say it!" He growled looking around the wall of ice to see Izuku standing there with energy exploding from him. "I refuse to believe that even Izuku can't be overcome." Bakugou said before sighing. "But he is the only one who can do this and I will watch to make sure he doesn't fuck it up. He's the chosen one after all." Todoroki looked at Bakugou before nodding.

"Then I'll stay as well. Izuku helped me come to terms with several things in my life, and I owe it to him to watch this." Todoroki said as Bakugou growled.

"Don't try to use my reason for staying find your own damn reason!" He shouted.

Izuku looked up at Shigaraki who was starting to fall towards him. "I'll finish what all of you started. I couldn't have come this far without you. Thank you." Izuku said as he held his hand out forming a Rasengan and then used All for One forcing green lightning to expand the sphere then used Natsu's fire making it a spinning fire sphere before activating Meliodas' darkness that darkened Natsu's flames making it black fire. Finally he used his new ability Yusuke's Spirit Wave that shone even in the dark depths of this black flame Rasengan.

Izuku looked up as red steam flowed from him and jumped into the air from his compressed legs as he met Shigaraki in the air and the two attacks collided. The entirety of UA was drenched in blinding light as a thunderous boom cascaded over the area.

In the abyss between One for All and All for One two figures appeared staring at one another. The two looked at one another before stepping from their respective darkness. "Hello Masao said All for One and across from this great villain stood a frail young man who with a cough stared into All for One's eyes.

"Hello big brother Sosuke." Masao said staring into his older brother's face.

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