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50.63% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1406: 71

Chapter 1406: 71

Kirishima and the rest of the attack team were taking out villains left and right but with every villain they took down it seemed like three replaced them. Kirishima wiped the sweat from his forehead as he looked back at Sato who threw a villain into the air that was quickly swatted back down into the ground by Tokoyami. Sero moved in after the villains were knocked unconscious and bound them in tape from the feet to their neck like incomplete mummies. Kirishima was walking towards the rest of his team. "It looks like we've taken out all the villains in this area we should move on." Kirishima said before pressing his ear. "Shoji where should we head to next?" Kirishima asked before hearing Shoji's voice in his head.

"There are two battles going on near you. One is Mirio-senpai taking on that blue fire guy from the league to the north of you and Tamaki-senpai is fighting against the lizard guy from the league to the east. Kirishima raised his head at that and turned to the rest of his team who gave him a thumbs up.

"Go ahead Red Riot we know you and Suneater were on the same team. The rest of us will split up with some of us heading to help Mirio-senpai and the others will clear out the villains and Nomu still around." Shinso said as Kirishima nodded.

"Thanks guys I'm off good luck!" He shouted right as Kirishima was parting with his team something soared over their heads it looked like a black and green blur. "Was that Midoriya?" Kirishima asked himself before shaking his head. "No keep your head in the game Suneater needs back up." Kirishima said as he rushed eastward. As he got closer he heard the sounds of battle large thuds and crashes and looking up he could see debris being hurled back and forth. Kirishima burst through a pile of rocks and chunks of wood what he saw was a titanic battle between a chimera looking Suneater and Spinner with seven snake heads coming from his back and shoulders.

Tamaki was covered in a thick shell and his arms split off into tentacles that were choking several snake heads as others were using the crab claws at the end of them to snap at Spinner who was wielding his Odachi with incredible skill and strength able to slice cleanly through Suneater's armored Tentacles. Kirishima was in awe of this battle before punching himself in the forehead. "Come on! GET IN THERE!" He shouted as his entire body hardened taking on the craggy appearance of Red Riot: Unbreakable!

Kirishima dug his foot into the ground before kicking off into a sprint straight at Spinner. The lizard man was focused on avoiding Suneater's attack so he didn't notice Red Riot until he was right on him. "What!?" He shouted in shock as he swung his sword down on him. Kirishima jumped upward slamming his head into the edge of the blade that snapped against his hardened skull. Spinner's blade went spiraling off into the distance as Kirishima grabbed hold of Spinner's shoulders and went to slam his head into Spinner's but before he could one of Spinner's heads wrapped around Kirishima's neck and snatched him off the villain before hurling him towards Suneater.

Tamaki's eyes widened as he saw Kirishima heading towards him. Thinking quickly Tamaki spiraled one of his tentacles like a spring as Kirishima slammed into it compressing the tentacle and absorbing the impact with both being unharmed. Suneater sighed as he looked at his red headed junior. "Red Riot." Tamaki said as Kirishima gave a thumbs up.

"No problem Senpai." He said rubbing his nose with a smile before the two faced towards Spinner who's heads were growing back. "At least they don't multiply like a real hydra. That's a good thing." Kirishima said as Suneater looked at the newly formed serpent heads.

"They're slowing down. Before they regenerated almost immediately, but now it's taking almost a minute for a head to grow back. His regeneration must be overworked." Tamaki said as he withdrew his tentacles changing them back into his regular hands. "Then again I'm not in much better shape." He said before looking at Red Riot. "But I think with you around we can beat him."

Kirishima smiled and nodded. "Don't worry senpai I'll take all the hits." He said slamming his hardened fists together. "Let's go Tamaki-senpai!" Kirishima shouted as Suneater gave a small laugh.

"Alright then." He said as the two attacked. Kirishima rushed forward in front of Suneater charging like an angry redheaded bull. Spinner hissed as his two of his heads shot out towards Kirishima giving off loud and angry hisses.

"You're going to have to do better than that!" Kirishima shouted as he leapt into the air coming down on the snakes right behind their heads and grabbing stabbed his clawed fingers into the back of each snake that hissed in pain writhing around trying to knock Kirishima free, but the sturdy hero lived up to his name taking all manner of punishment until he was able to get his feet on the ground. Once Kirishima was grounded he dug his feet into the ground and began to pull the snakes head along with him stretching them to their full length and keeping them there.

Spinner grit his teeth as he felt Kirishima begin to pull his snakes. "Let go!" He shouted as he sent three more snakes to attack Kirishima which only left two snakes to protect himself. The trio of serpents bolted towards Kirishima before Suneater landed on them and with his hand taking the shape of a swordfish he easily severed the trio of snakes from their body before sprouting wings and flapping towards Spinner.

The lizard villain's eyes opened wide as he saw Suneater rush at him creating a large clam shell from his right hand. Spinner hissed angrily as his last two snake heads coiled in front of him to block the block the blow. Spinner's body jerked as he was hit hard with Tamaki's attack he flew back feeling the snakes that Red Riot had been holding tear from his body. Spinner rolled along the ground before getting to his feet and stared at Suneater who just smiled at him before pointing up.

Spinner looked up and saw a silhouette coming down on him. It was Red Riot falling towards him. Spinner looked at his seven severed snake heads none of them had regrown yet there was nothing he could do to block this attack. Kirishima clasped his hands together as he slammed them into the top of Spinner's head. "Crimson Cannon Fist!" There was an explosion of dust around the hero ad villain and as Suneater approached seeing Spinner slammed into ground unconscious and Red Riot standing over him.

"Mission accomplished Tamaki-senpai." Kirishima said as Suneater sat down and gave a huff.

"Nice work Red Riot." Suneater said.

Lemillion dodged from side to side avoiding the fiery claws that Dabi was attacking him with. He fell into the ground before appearing behind Dabi and going for an axe kick. Dabi pushed himself back to avoid Mirio's blows. He'd long since given up blocking knowing that Mirio could pass through his block and still land a blow. As Dabi moved back he blasted a stream of fire at Mirio that went right through the young hero as he ran towards chasing him down and landing a punch to Dabi's stomach and throwing him back.

Dabi gave a hard cough trying to get air back into his lungs as he glared at Mirio. "I hadn't planned on using this because I thought there weren't any students or heroes here worth going all out on, but you have proven me wrong." Dabi said standing up straight. This fight had moved between trading blows to a game of counters. Dabi had learned that Lemillion's power gave him the ability to move through solid objects and as such throwing his flames without thinking was not going to get him anywhere. As such he'd started looking to counter Mirio's attacks, and he was steadily getting the timing down evidenced by the burns along Mirio's arms, legs, and fists.

Dabi took a deep breath. "I've never been able to fully release my power, my body just can't stand it, but that has changed now." Dabi said as blue flames crackled at his feet before climbing steadily up his legs engulfing his entire body. Lemillion stepped back as waves of heat burst forth from Dabi. Every breath Mirio took seemed to sear his lungs before he covered his mouth hoping to negate that effect. "Here we go." Dabi said from within the flames dispersing them to show himself covered in blue flames like a second skin. The only thing Mirio could make out was Dabi's piercing blue eyes.

Sato, Tokoyami, Ojiro, Ashido, Shinso, and Sero arrived at the battle between Mirio and Dabi just in time to see the flame villain rush forward towards Mirio with a flaming claw. The claw passed harmlessly through Mirio, but the heat from the swipe incinerated the stand behind him. The students covered their faces from the intense heat. "Mirio-senpai! Ojiro shouted before feeling the searing wind enter his lungs making him cough heavily.

Mirio slammed his fist into Dabi's side and hissed as the skin of his knuckles burned against the flaming armor sending both combatants stumbling back. Mirio raised his hand seeing that the skin of his knuckles was nearly gone as blood oozed through the burned flesh like lava from a volcano. Dabi smirked as he looked at Mirio. "I realized that there was no way I could land a blow on you with my power. That ability to slip through solid objects is really annoying and you are incredibly skilled with it. The only way I could harm you was for you to harm yourself." Dabi said straightening back up and looking at Mirio. "So will you burn yourself away to defeat me hero or not?" Dabi asked.

Mirio smiled brightly and clenched his fist as blood squirted from his knuckles. "Of course I will! A hero protects people no matter the cost! No matter what happens to me I won't allow you to hurt or destroy anything else!" Shouted Mirio as he was about to rush forward a hand came down on his shoulder. Mirio looked back to see Class A behind him.

"That's a nice speech Mirio-senpai, but we're not going to let that happen. Heroes also help each other out and make up for the other's weaknesses. Let us help!" Ashido said as she stood next to him.

"I will also lend you my power, but I'm afraid I won't be able to help much with as much light as there is." Tokoyami said.

"The rest of you should continue on your way. Tokoyami and I will help out Mirio-senpai." Ashido said with a thumbs up and smile. The remaining four nodded.

"Alright then you two make sure you win." Sato said as he, Shinso, Sero, and Ojiro continued on. Mirio looked at his two kohai and smiled.

"I appreciate the help guys!" He said as he took a fighting stance alongside the two. Ashido created handfuls of acid in her hand as Tokoyami shrouded himself in Dark Shadow. "Let's go!" Mirio shouted falling into the ground as Tokoyami and Ashido rushed towards Dabi all three unaware of the black object bulleting through the sky.

Dabi launched two streams of fire at Tokoyami, and Ashido. Ashido sprayed her acid as a counter to Dabi's fire while Tokoyami dodged around using Dark Shadow's elongated limbs while steadily closing in. Dabi frowned before leaping to the side avoiding an uppercut only for Dark Shadow's claw to pass through Mirio and slam into Dabi's torso sliding the villain across the ground before slamming him against the wall of the school. Dabi gasped as the air was knocked from him once again. His blue eyes glared at the trio as he stepped forward and took a deep breath before unleashing a wave of flame towards them.

"I got this!" Shouted Ashido as she laid down her acid veil to block the fire that parted around them like a sea of flame. Under all this light Dark Shadow began to shrink along Tokoyami's body. "Dark Shadow his losing strength!" Tokoyami shouted.

"I don't know how long I can hold this!" Shouted Ashido as Mirio's mind worked at light speed to come up with a plan. Mirio gave an explanation of the plan he had and Tokoyami and Ashido both nodded.

"Just hold on a little longer Ashido." Mirio said as he disappeared as Mina nodded.

Dabi looked around knowing that soon Mirio would appear from either the ground or from the sides. Dabi looked forward catching sight of someone leaping into the air. It was the bird headed boy. Dabi growled. "You damn pests!" He shouted as he pulled one hand away lessening the flame on Ashido and began firing fire balls at Tokoyami who did his best to dodge while gliding down towards Dabi.

Mirio appeared from the wall behind Dabi and caught the villain in the back as punched him in the base of his spine and the tackled him forward running as fast as he could. Dabi gasped as he felt his legs go numb. He tried to turn back to attack Mirio but the young hero would have nothing of it as he bolted the two of them forward. Where is he taking me?" Dabi wondered as he looked forward and saw Ashido with her hands out jettisoning acid toward him.

"Are you trying to kill me hero?!" Dabi shouted as he was shoved into the blast of acid. Dabi expected to be melted in seconds, but really it was only a light burning sensation as he fell to the ground. "What is this?!" He shouted.

"That acid is highly flammable." Ashido explained. "You're probably resistant to fire, but chemical burns might be something else entirely. Do you really want to put that to the test?" Ashido asked. Dabi glared at her but before he could answer Mirio slammed his fist into the back of his head knocking him unconscious.

"I'd rather not have him answer that if it's alright with you two." Mirio said with an anxious laugh.

Endeavor huffed heavily as he slammed his boot on the charred corpse of the Nomu he'd been fighting. Blood ran down the side of Endeavor's face covering his left eye as he looked down at the Nomu under his boot. "Wow that was really something Endeavor." Hawks said walking towards Endeavor. Hawks' once proud wings were reduced to nothing but pin feathers all of his feathers had been used during the fight.

Endeavor stepped off the Nomu and stumbled forward as he pressed the communicator in his ear. "Miruko, Crust, Ryukyu respond." Endeavor said and waited a moment.

"We're here Endeavor all three of us, though Miruko is looking pretty bad. I think she'll be out of the fight." Crust said before another voice shouted over him.

"The hell I am I can still keep going!" she shouted as Ryukyu placed a hand on her shoulder forcing her to sit down.

"You need medical attention, you're arm needs to be reattached as soon as possible otherwise you might lose it." Ryukyu said sternly as Miruko fell silent. Before Endeavor could respond another voice cut in.

"The league wasn't in either building because they are attacking UA!" Nighteye shouted from the passenger seat as Centipeder drove him and Bubble Girl towards the school "If any of you are still capable hurry to UA immediately!" Endeavor turned on his heel to begin heading towards the school. Hawks stood in front of Endeavor.

"Sorry Endeavor, but you're in no condition to go to UA and neither am I. We should just rest up and leave it to the heroes who aren't nearly dead on their feet." Hawks said before being pushed aside.

"No I won't sit on the sidelines in this battle. All Might wouldn't and neither will I. I'm the number one hero and I refuse to fall behind him now." He said calling his sidekicks in to get him to UA. Hawks sighed.

"Well I guess that's that." He said as he began following after Endeavor. Ryukyu and Crust were able to get Miruko into an ambulance before they too headed towards UA.

"I can't believe this. They invaded UA this was not within my predictions." Nighteye said as Bubble girl looked at him.

"Do you think they did it because UA is a cornerstone of hero society?" She asked as Nighteye adjusted his glasses.

"That may be the case Bubble Girl." Nighteye said even though he doubted that was the only reason. Could it be that Shigaraki is after One for All? Nighteye asked himself as he urged Centipeder to go faster.

Izuku flew through the air at incredible speeds the air whipped across his face and tousled his hair. As he flew he took notice of two battles going on, but didn't stop to see who was fighting. He would have to trust the staff and the other heroes who were there to protect the visitors and subdue the other villains. His only mission was to find and defeat Shigaraki. Izuku felt Shigaraki's presence growing stronger in his mind as he neared the gym that class A was using as an auditorium for their concert.

Izuku felt a cold chill stab into his heart as the worst thoughts ran through his mind. All his friends dead, reduced to dust on the ground and Shigaraki standing in the center of an area of decay having claimed their lives. Izuku got closer to the gym just in time to see Katsuki rush forward. "KATSUKI NO!" Izuku shouted giving himself an extra burst of speed praying and begging to make it in time as an explosion went off rocketing thick black smoke into the air.

Izuku reared back and punched the air in front of him dispersing the smoke so he could see what happened. His eyes widened as he saw Katsuki clutching his arm or what was left of it. Izuku looked at the bleeding stump and then at Shigaraki who's hand was covered in blood. "You really are something kid. I was going to disintegrate you, but before my quirk could travel up your arm you blew your own arm off. That's amazing." Shigaraki said with a smile as Izuku stood next to Katsuki.

Todoroki appeared next to Bakugou with a handful of fire. "I'm going to cauterize it Bakugou. It will hurt." Todoroki said as Bakugou scoffed.

"I'm already in pain dumbass!" He growled as he and Izuku locked eyes. "Don't look at me like that you bastard. I'm not some victim this just evened the playing field between us, because you know even without both hands I'm still better than you." Katsuki said before growling as Todoroki began to burn Katsuki's stump. "Ah sonofabitch a warning would have been nice dammit!" Shouted Bakugou before a burst of wind swept over Todoroki and Bakugou. From where the two sat they could see the imprint of the soles of Izuku's shoes in the ground. They both looked up to hear a clash, but unable to see Izuku's fist slam into Shigaraki's face sending the villain sprawling backwards.

Black energy swirled around Izuku his green eyes a pure black as he glared at Shigaraki. "You know I was having trouble trying to figure out if I would be able to beat you without killing you. I didn't want to have to do that. That's not the kind of hero I wanted to be, but now I know. No matter what I do you won't stop. Evil like you can't be allowed to live in this world." Izuku said stepping forward as the rubble Shigaraki had landed in turned to dust. Shigarki stood up his jaw hanging slack before cracking and reattaching itself. Shigaraki laughed as he looked Izuku.

"So you really are a goody two shoes. You're just now realizing that the only way to beat me is to kill me? That's so sad. I was never confused about killing you. You have something that belonged to my master and therefore belongs to me! Give me One for All!" Shigaraki shouted.

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