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44.43% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1234: 28

Chapter 1234: 28

I stared Winona down, and she looked back on at me with a glimmer of challenge in her eye. There was not a cloud in the sky, and yet thunder boomed over the land. Primarily due to anime logic, but still; thunder!

It was an exciting time.

Four days had passed since my meeting with Brenton Moore. Drogon was quite proud of himself all things considered, and the egg he produced onto that Ditto had already finished gestating and was now sat in an incubator. Flannery was beside herself with glee at the thought of getting her own Charizard, and I was quite happy with the turn out on my end.

Nagga and Drogon were now being looked over by Brent on a temporary loan for training purposes. Drogon was all for it, gung-ho and ready to go (and was probably willing to go another round with that hooker Ditto; the little shit was acting like a proper teenage boy now in all regards that I didn't want to deal with), but my sea-serpent had not been particularly happy to have been in the hands of the former Elite Four member. However, the thought of growing stronger did indeed appeal to Nagga, as was the nature of basically all Pokémon, and so he begrudgingly went along with things. Gyarados as a species were among the few Water type Pokémon to be able to learn Fire type moves, and under the tutoring of a master?

Yeah, well worth it.

But in the here and now, I was more intrigued by the second thing I'd gotten out of that meeting. I could feel my heartbeat going a mile a minute as I palmed the Key Stone bangle hanging heavily atop my wrist.

Winona had been quite excited the first time she saw Ramsey's Mega Stone, back in the Blackthorn Gym. When I returned from my weekend getaway with a Key Stone, she was beyond ecstatic. Having never actually battled an opponent using Mega Evolution, and being a first-generation Gym Leader, she was awash with interest. She took off some time from her busy work schedule in order to satisfy her curiosity and help me become a better trainer, and I wasn't going to not take advantage of that.

We were stood atop the Foretree Gym arena, high atop a pyramid of stone. Our Pokémon were growling at one another, both beasts in their own right, but one had a grudge against the other.

Her Skarmory versus Ramsey.

Or: the battle of the Bull versus the Cuck, as my head-canon provided. I would, naturally, keep that to myself.

"Are you ready?" Winona asked, wincing as the speaker systems screeched improperly. She shuffled her microphone around in hopes that that issue would soon be fixed.

"As ready as I'll ever be." The speaker screeched again, and I couldn't help but sigh. I'd need to forward a maintenance call to Marty about that.

There were always things going wrong in a Pokémon Gym.

Winona shot me a thumbs up. "Then show me what you've got!"

I nodded and squeezed my wrist, the Key Stone bangle shining a matching shimmer to go along with the leather crown atop Ramsey's large head which held our Aerodactylite. Professor Oak didn't give me much information on how to get the ball rolling on this, only saying that to Mega Evolve a Pokémon a bond was required.

But I was able to infer was what expected of me.

Bonds were difficult to put into words. However, knowing the hard on the Japanese anime producers held for the power of friendship (and boy did I know how much that loved that shit), then that was going to be what I had to focus on.

I closed my eyes and thought hard on Ramsey, on the relation I held with him and what I wanted between us. My first meeting with him was wrought with peril, and most of the times I'd spent with him since were similarly difficult. He was a troll of the highest caliber, a sadistic sort of bastard that took pleasure in the suffering of others. And yet, even though he frustrated me beyond belief, I still enjoyed him.

His actions made me laugh when they weren't directed at me. I was one of those guys that couldn't help but laugh when somebody fell over, and Ramsey loved to trip people and Pokémon with his tail whenever he could. He gave Valyrian joy and felt sorrow for her abandonment of him. He made me laugh, he frustrated me beyond belief, and he came to me for comfort in his time of disappointment. Even though we'd not been together all too long, I enjoyed him.

I liked the guy, I really did, and I couldn't wait to travel and explore the world with him.

As if to echo my thoughts, the Key Ring let out a warm feeling. It was hard to describe, but as the gem grew warm, so too did my body; like they were bouncing and rising off of one another. I opened my eyes and watched, mesmerized, as a trail of multi-colored light formed from my wrist and then beamed its way towards Ramsey. A field of energy domed around the ancient Pokémon, covering him head to tail. Ramsey shuffled around in apparent discomfort, and small rocky growths began to sprout along his wings and spine and head and tail. He grew larger and his skin began to darken. Ramsey roared, and…

And then nothing happened.

The dome of energy broke, and the growths that were spawning atop his body receded in quick order, as did the change in size and coloration. Ramsey did not go Mega, he just went Ramsey. Which, while always nice to see, was not the expectation of this exercise.

Mirroring my disappointment, Winona's Skarmory took advantage of that moment of confusion to beat him down without mercy.



"What even happened?" I asked Winona, now sat in her office. Ramsey was under the care of the local Nurse Joy, apparently exhausted beyond expectation, and Winona and I were trying to figure out what went wrong with the Mega Evolution. Me, because I wanted to do it, and Winona, because she hoped to do the same soon enough and wanted to be as informed as she could be on any issues that might come up.

Winona typed something into her computer, and the Mega Evolution database I combed over in Professor Oak's lab opened up. "Well. Let's see… uhm…"


"I literally just pulled it up Jon," said Winona with a roll of her eyes. "Don't rush me. Uh- Oh, hey, look at that. Some kid in Unova discovered a Sceptilite. Mega Sceptile apparently has a Dragon typing on top of its Grass typing. Neat!"

Certainly interesting, and I'd probably explore it later, but it was not of any particular importance to me in the here and now.

My silence must have been telling to that thought process, for Winona's neck flushed pink and she clicked away from that news bulletin and began her research properly.

"Ah! Here, this might be good. It was one of the journal documentations that Professor August Sycamore wrote down when he began his research. Okay, so, according to this, when Professor Sycamore first discovered the correlation between Mega Stones and Key Stones and the Pokémon that went hand in hand with them, he experimented with trainers and Pokémon of different affection levels. It… doesn't look like it goes into detail on how he calculated affection, but there were three trials using his Garchomp? One with himself, his lab assistant, and one of his registered trainers that he had minimal contact with outside of the field."


"I'm getting there." Winona chided. "Professor Sycamore was able to make his Garchomp Mega Evolve for twenty minutes and both his assistant and the Gym Leader couldn't do it at all. Uh… Looks like he then did more experiments, and figured out that if a bond wasn't there, then the evolution couldn't take place."

"But we know that." I whined. Man, I was acting like a brat right now come to think of it. Wait, why should I care that I sound like a brat? I am a brat; at least age-wise. "And I got it started at the very least, hell Ramsey was halfway there. There's gotta be something else."

My boss hummed out an acknowledgement and kept scrolling. "Doesn't look like there's anything to- oh, nevermind. There it is; it's written in side notes. Apparently, the lab assistant had the same sort of reaction you did. He was almost able to Mega Evolve the Garchomp during the initial test, only for it to fail. Turns out, while the lab assistant liked the Garchomp enough, Garchomp didn't like the lab assistant enough. The bond only went one way, and that broke the connection."


"So if you want to power up your Aerodactyl, you'll need to spend more time with him." Was her firm statement. "The lab assistant was eventually able to do it after spending another few months with Garchomp as its primary care giver; feeding and basic training and travel. Though it also says that the evolution didn't last very long once the guy was able to do it."

"But Ramsey, he's…" A pain in the ass? Uncooperative at the best of times? A Pokémon that is probably hundreds of years old and doesn't fully understand how to be a friend?

What the hell was I to do?

Well, there's one thing I know not to do; I refused to hang in the towel on this, especially not this early on. If this is a process that needs to be done slowly but surely, then that's what I'll do. Certainly, I'd rather be done with it quick and easy, but for the sake of my flying boulder, I will make this work.

Hopefully soon.

"He's tricky, huh?" Winona said, tapping at her chin with a thoughtful look. Then she snapped her fingers and pulled out her Pokégear with a flourish of her overly long hair. It slapped me along the mouth, and I spent the next few moments trying to get strands out from my tongue. A few buttons clicks passed, and then a ringer on speaker went off.



Rin- "You want some dirty talk early then, huh?"

That was Lance on the other side of the screen, I noted with wide-eyed bewilderment, shooting Winona bedroom eyes by way of his holographic projector. He was sat behind a desk, stacks of papers on either side, and with a quick movement he adjusted his own communicator so that he could stand, and then literally began to strip without a care in the world.

"You know I'm always ready, babe."

Okay. Ew. I did not need to hear about how they like to spend their personal time. You wanna do what you wanna do in private? Go for it.

Not with me here.

Winona coughed, and then adjusted her Pokégear so that it showed me in the frame, trying to get the last of those hairs out of my mouth. "I'm not alone, Lance."

I waved.

He yelped like a kicked puppy and quickly put any clothing he'd taken off back on, which included his cape and shoes and his left sock.

"Right, so…" Winona began, seemingly trying to find the right words. I couldn't blame her. "I actually called to ask you to answer a question about your Aerodactyl."

"What about him?" Lance queried; face covered by his hands. He was mortified. And to that I say good.

"I've seen you interact with yours a few times. You treat it like a puppy almost. Was he always like that from the moment he was cloned, or did you have to train up that behavior?"

"Aerodactyl was difficult at first." Admitted the red-faced man. "I couldn't get his attention without having to have one of my Dragonite's fight him first. He only really started liking me after I let him loose on some wild Pokémon. Apparently, according to the Pewter City paleontologists, Aerodactyl's were once considered tyrants in the ancient world and were believed to love it when dominating others."

"And you provided proof of that, I assume?" I asked, holding the last saliva-stained strand of hair out like a particularly nasty bug.

He groaned, as if my adding to the conversation made his previous actions all-the-more worse. "Yeah, I guess I did. I had to adjust my training for him. Dragons like to fight, and actually love it when they lose. It gives them reason to get better. Aerodactyl was different; he hates to lose. Gets all depressed. The trick was to just let him go crazy. Once he had his fill, he was more willing to listen to me. Eventually we got to the point that he didn't need to do that anymore."

"But weren't you worried that he'd go a little too crazy?"

"Not really." Lance said. "Even though he was losing to my dragons, he was still getting stronger. When I let him loose, it was on some of the stronger Pokémon in the region, on Mount Silver and in Victory Road. He understood they were strong, so when he started winning pretty cleanly on them, he started getting calmer."

I nodded and stood. If that's all I needed to do to get into Ramsey's good graces, then that's what would be done.

I wanted a Mega Aerodactyl more than I wanted an easy time of things.

With a word of thanks towards the pair of them, I left the room.

The last thing I heard before the door closed was Lance complaining that Winona could have warned him first, to which Winona quickly responded that it was time they had a serious talk about their relationship.

If I happened to walk a little quicker to get out of that particular mess… well. Nobody could claim that I wasn't doing the smart thing for once.

A good way to handle my problem with Ramsey did not come quickly. In fact, it took me five weeks to come up with something; which wasn't entirely my fault! Busy gym schedules and personalized training from Winona with my other Pokémon helped distract me on that. That, and Nancy, the PHPR of the gym (Personal, Human, Pokémon Relations), the last of Winona's little squad, came back from her maternity leave.

And because of her I was given a new responsibility: babysitting.

I've babysat before. Back in Baychester, it was expected that we help out with the younger orphans, and I was happy to trade that responsibility with my fellows in exchange for them doing my cleanup jobs. It was especially easy because it gave me the chance to read scripts in relative quiet and play my Gameboy. And when they cried, it was a simple matter of calming them down, normally by way of bribery.

Babysitting a newborn is not the same as a toddler or a child though. It's a lot harder, a lot more annoying, and honestly? It's making me think about going childfree in the future. I like kids, don't get me wrong, but… Yeah, babies suck. Cuteness cannot overcome neediness, and newborns are needy.

I don't care how much flack that will give me. I speak the truth.

Luckily, when the season began to peter our in a more reasonable way and Winona was actually able to take a day to herself, I acted, quickly following her lead and requested some time away. Marty, the gym's ever-so-gracious manager, agreed, on the condition that I get him a souvenir.

I was happy to do so.

Nancy was not as happy, but by this point she was looking into a nanny and daycare service anyways, so she'd get over it.

And so, when the weekend came upon us, after looting a smattering of Poké Balls from storage, I left the gym. I did not jump on Winter however, intent on rushing towards my destination of choice as was my standard. Instead, I just hoofed it to the Foretree City trainers plaza for a bit of a supply run with the local Pokémart.

"Welcome!" A bubbly teenage girl said upon my entrance to the shop; a Dunsparce of all things echoing her greeting from the countertop. Baelish, who was sat on my head, fluttered down next to the Pokémon and began to discuss something inane with it. The store was relatively big, and yet it was also empty. It reminded me of the one K-mart back home, that had maybe twenty customers a week, and eventually closed down to expand city parking spaces. Only, y'know, people did actually come here. It was just larger than it needed to be. "Do you need any- oh! Hey Jon, how's it going?"

I eyed her up and down with appreciation. She was the quintessential athletic archetype girl, with a pixie cut of brown hair, glittering black eyes, a tall, runners' physique and swimmers' tan. A nice enough girl named Tami that I'd become acquainted with over the course of my time with Winona. Partly due to my having been tasked with gathering supplies for the gym from her.

The other part being that she was attractive and I'm allowed to look. "It's going good, Tam."

"Gym business? We haven't had an order yet. Or did we? Might have been off my shift. Hold up a sec, let me check the system-"

"No, no gym business," I said, cutting her off. She pouted. Her Dunsparce rolled over for a belly rub. I complied with the tyrant-like demand put upon my shoulders and gave him the good scritches. Baelish was given a similar treatment by Tami. "I'm here for me this time. I need to buy some camping supplies."

To bring Ramsey up to speed, I made the decision of going somewhere that was not known for being hospitable. It was a rough land, with no nearby civilization to be found; I actually checked the map, the closest residence was fifty miles away. And since I would no longer be able to rely on just roughing it on the grass and finding berries for food, I needed to prepare. Honestly, I should have been prepared for this months ago, as most trainers were. Alas, I was spoiled. To show further proof that I'd been spoiled, the gym didn't even have camping supplies. Which brings me here, my wallet ready to lose some green.

"Sweetness!" Tami cheered, hopping over the checkout counter, startling both of the Pokémon atop its surface. She then led me over towards a back corner of the store, where camping items of all sorts were on display.

"So what type of camping are you looking to do? Forest, mountain, beach, desert? Long term, short term? By yourself? With a group? Give me the deets!"

When was the last time I heard somebody actually call details deets? I can't remember. "Badlands. Long term. Solo."

She looked at me in confusion for a moment, and then it dawned on her. "Wait, really? You're going there? Alone? Well… alright; more power to you, I guess. But in that case, you'll need the good stuff! Check this out!"

She pointed to the techiest camp stuff I'd ever seen, labeled under the Silph Company. Their brand was all over, on sleeping bags and hiking backpacks, and garish purple neon lights surrounded a set up tent.

Curious, and willing to try anything at least once, I dug my hand through one of the backpacks. It was physically a little smaller than my own bag, but my arm went all the way through, and I felt no bottom.

It was bigger on the inside.

This backpack was a TARDIS.

"Silph's been advertising this stuff lately, they figured out how to turn their miniaturizing tech that's partially used in Poké Balls on storage devices."

"They've always done that though." I knew these types of bags existed; Brock wasn't able to just pull a fucking dining room out of his backpack due to anime logic, though I would have believed it without issue had that been the case. These bags were real. Though I'd never actually seen one before, they're pretty high-end products and hard to come by. I just assumed you needed some serious connections to get your hands on one. Plus, it wasn't like I had a lot of stuff to worry about.

I had more stuff to worry about now, however. And I was, admittedly, tempted.

"True, but they've improved it a lot. Their backpacks can hold tons, but it's the tents that are the really cool part! The big news is that Silph figured out how to make it work on normal buildings and spaces, since the League is trying to limit city expansions."

Wait, what? "Why're they doing that?"

Tami rubbed her nose with her thumb, grinning a little. Looks like somebody likes being the smartest person in the room. "I learned about it in my Environmental Studies class." There's a college here? Weird. Hopefully they don't offer Liberal Arts degrees. "Human populations are growing faster and faster and the League doesn't want us to mess with Pokémon habitats with expansion anymore. So they partnered with Silph like fifteen years ago to perfect their space-saving tech, and it's finally out! Of course, since the League was the one that they contracted with, the simple trainer stuff is the first market they're selling to, but give it a few more years? Silph's gonna take over the construction and real estate industries. My professor can't stand it, she hate's that Silph's monopoly is gonna grow again."

That was, admittedly, pretty damn cool. "How much bigger on the inside even is the tent?"

"They've only got the one size right now, but it's still plenty. Here, take a look!" Tami said, opening the display tents flap. Inside was just a dark void, with nothing really discernable to be seen. It looked like what I imagined that pins-and-needle feeling that sitting on your foot would look like.

It looked just… wrong, I guess. The proper words escape me. But I knew Tami wasn't gonna screw me over, primarily because there're video cameras in this store and I'm a regular from the gym. So, head held high, I walked inside.

And was met with a stream of soft gold light.

You know those tents from the Harry Potter movies? The ones from the world cup scenes in the fourth book, or the one that Harry and Hermione used in the seventh book? Yeah, this was basically an exact copy of that sort of thing. The interior was decorated with shag carpets, antique dressers, a king-sized bed; hell, there was even a fully stocked kitchen space.

It was essentially a portable studio apartment, and it was the most excessive thing I'd seen in a long time.

Damn did I want it.

Exiting the tent, I looked at its price tag, and promptly winced. It was neat, but expensive too. Horribly expensive. I could feel my wallet cry at that number. Metaphorically, of course. But still, 650,000 for a tent? That's fucking crazy. I could buy a nice townhouse in the middle of Saffron with that kind of money.

I checked my Pokédex real quick, just to see what kind of money I even had. Hell, I might even start a separate savings account for this purpose. I was sitting at- oh. Look at that. I had 82,740 in my bank account, which was 70,000 more than I'd had previously! Hot damn! Excited, I looked through my transaction history, and saw that Professor Oak deposited that money eight days ago. Is this what having passive income feels like? Because I like it. I like it a lot.

I then looked through any emails he might have sent me. I barely read them in the first place, preferring to communicate by way of texts and calls, but business was apparently booming.

Yup, there it is. According to this, Oak sold an Omanyte egg to…

Wait. What?

The Church of Lord Helix is a thing? It's not just a meme!?

Huh. Guess I know who my main customer will be.

They paid an exuberant 100,000 flat for that egg, and they won't even get it until it hatches, allowing Oak enough time to sterilize the Omanyte that comes out. That was another part of our agreement; any eggs they produce will not be able to breed. Oak and I both wanted to be the sole profiteers from the Fossil Pokémon, both because of profit reasons and so that he'll remain the sole expert on the breeds.

But with more money to spare than I thought I'd have, I naturally went into a bit of a splurge.

No, I didn't grab the tent. That was over-the-top, even for me. And I didn't have that kind of money anyways. But that backpack was something I wanted, and though it too was expensive sitting at a harsh 55,000, I was willing to bite the bullet and snag it. Then came the other camping supplies, including cooking wares and a normal tent and a food stasis unit and even a Pokéblock maker. At the end of the day, the total I spent was 64,375.

My bank… it hurts…

Tami was thrilled, of course. She got a percentage cut as the saleswoman that sold me the product, which would suit her well. I don't know what number she got, but it was definitely in the triple digits, maybe even the four-digit range. The dream of a broke college student; the ability to pay bills!

So happy was she to have received such a cut, she even offered me a freebie. With a conniving sort of wink, she ducked into the back of the shop, only to come out a few minutes later with a white colored TM, signifying a Normal type move.

"It's Secret Power." Tami lowly said. "It's a melee attack that can cause a random status effect depending on the location it's used. In badlands and deserts for example, it can lower accuracy, but in a forest or grassland, it might cause a Pokémon to fall asleep. More importantly, you can use it to make hidden bases in large trees or rock formations. Dunsparce made one for me in the Petalburg Forest back in the day, and I'm pretty sure it's still there even though it's been four years."

Holy moly, that's a nice one. "Why give me this?" If she wanted to give me a freebie, normally it wouldn't be such a versatile move.

And damnit me, why did I ask that question? Shoulda just taken the TM and kept my mouth shut.

She smiled. "Most trainers don't like Secret Power, so the mart doesn't actually keep it stocked with the other TM's. Most people only think about the battles when buying TM's, and since the attack itself doesn't do a ton and the status effects barely ever work, it was taken off shelf. But if you're going camping where I think you are, then a safe space to set up your campsite will be huge."

Most trainers were stupid then. So many Pokémon attacks have useful secondary abilities, but the one that literally makes it so you can make a house out of a random location is ignored?

People, why?


I left the Pokémart after that to stop at a grocery store. I grabbed some basic non-perishables and a good helping of general Pokémon feed, and left after spending exactly 125 so that my total spenditure was a nice even 65,000 for the day.

From there, Winter and I rode off. It was still bright out, though it was past noon, so when we arrived in Mauville City some four hours later, it was easier to just stop for the day in the local Pokémon Center than it was to continue trekking into the dark.

The center was pretty packed, trainers from all over enjoying the city, and while I was lucky enough to get my hands on a room, I was not lucky enough to be able to avoid roommates for the night. It was a little awkward having to interact with legitimate ten-year-old brats for any extended period of time, but I got over it after a while. Three rando's had joined my room, a pair of twin girls each with a Plusle and Minun and another boy who proudly had a surprisingly quiet Loudred following along.

Baelish and I were the least conspicuous people in the room. And that was a strange feeling, I have to admit.

I didn't particularly like it.

As luck would have it, after dinner had passed and our excitement for the day went with it, we all naturally followed the nut-up or shut-up mentality, and since we were all a bunch of pre-teens not having gone through puberty yet, there was no nut-upping to be done. The room was of blessed silence, only interrupted when the twins were taking too long in the bathroom. Loudred took care of that quite well, as did Baelish, who decided to play a prank by using Psychic to levitate their toiletries.

But I digress. The morning came, the sky was clear, I had some cereal and yogurt and berries, Winter was blessed with a helping of Sitrus berries, and we were off to the west. It took about two hours to arrive, and I gotta admit, I was excited.

It was a canyon of epic proportions, with little vegetation and natural food sources to be found. Mountainous ridges looked to have been cut flat along their tops all around, giving the humid landscape a dry sort of feeling. Two pairs of Skarmory and Magnemite were touring the skies, and angrily shot towards us with the intent to harm.

Winter fired off a Twister at them, scattering his foes all around. The Magnemite were handled with relative ease, running away after the first sign of contention, but the Skarmory were made of sterner stuff and flew at us once more.

I released Ramsey, and delighted in the way he zeroed in on the species that had caused him so much grief as of late.

There was no real contest. Ramsey annihilated them, and probably would have done worse had they not simultaneously used Agility too run away, battered and bruised and all the rest of the b-words there were.

Winter and Ramsey landed, and I released my team. Thoros and Rayder chittered away with happy abandon, while Viserion circled the pair of them from the air, cooing his own inputs. Baelish was still in his customary position atop my head, having discovered how to hold on to the straps of my goggles by way of flight.

Drogon and Nagga were still being looked over by Brent Moore, and Valyrian remained back at the Foretree Gym to continue her rendezvous with Winona's own Skarmory. With three additional slots available now, I took advantage and brought back some teammates that hadn't been brought around in a good bit. Umber was amongst us once more, cheerily chattering towards Rhaegal, who had officially healed up from her adventure against Lance's Tyrantrum, though there was now a great toothy lining against her shell.

I cleared my throat, and after a little bit, held their attention.

"Welcome to hardcore training." I told them, reminiscent in tone towards the great quote Welcome to hell!

Welcome, to the Valley of Steel.

Winter/Pidgeot – Male

Moves: Tackle, Gust, Sand Attack, Agility, Double Team, Whirlwind, Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Twister, Hyper Beam, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Attract, Rest, Sky Attack, Aerial Ace

Ability: Keen Eye

Thoros/Gliscor – Male

Moves: Sludge Bomb, Slash, Poison Sting, Metal Claw, Dark Pulse, Dig, Guano, Attract, Steel Wing, Iron Tail, Sandstorm, Ice Fang, Crunch

Ability: Sand Veil

Viserion/Dragonair – Male

Moves: Leer, Wrap, Thunder Wave, Water Pulse, Attract, Water Gun

Ability: Shed Skin

Baelish/Natu – Male

Moves: Peck, Leer, Night Shade, Calm Mind, Protect, Teleport, Flash, Confuse Ray, Psychic

Ability: Synchronize

Aerodactly/Ramsey – Male

Moves: Iron Head, Hyper Beam, Wing Attack, Bite, Roar, Crunch, Take Down, Supersonic, Headbutt, Rest, Stealth Rock, Earthquake

Ability: Rock Head

Rayder/Honchkow – Male

Moves: Astonish, Pursuit, Peck, Wing Attack, Taunt, Haze, Perish Song, Dark Pulse

Ability: Super Luck

Umber/Delibird – Female

Moves: Present, Icy Wing, Peck, Rest, Attract, Ice Beam, Hail, Blizzard, Sky Attack, Double Team, Aerial Ace

Ability: Hustle

Rhaegal/Shelgon – Female

Moves: Rage, Headbutt, Ember, Dragon Rush, Attract, Skull Bash, Protect

Ability: Rock Head

Jon Snow – Male

Date: May 2

Orange League: Complete

Held Pokémon: Pidgeot, Gliscor, Dragonair, Natu, Aerodactyl, Honchcrow, Shelgon, Delibird

Stored Pokémon: Onix, Kabuto(x2), Kabutops(x2), Omanyte(x2), Omastar(x2), Charmeleon, Gyarados, Skarmory

Currency: 17,740

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