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17.56% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 491: 47

Chapter 491: 47


"It has been almost six months now since the incident at Beacon Academy where now known White Fang operative, Blake Belladonna, made an attempt on the life of The Headmistress Glynda Goodwitch, severely wounding the veteran Huntress in a surprise attack that is reported as having occurred in her office late at night. The attack was completely unexpected of her, and as a result, Headmistress Goodwitch was only able to just fight her off." Lisa Lavender read off, smiling pleasantly on the great screen in Beacon's grand hall, playing in the background while students and staff milled about, preparing for Initiation. "Further reports shared by informants with the Atlas military, and part of a punitive force sent after the White Fang after the incident, reported that not only had a large detachment of special forces, mechanized units, and a flagship general, one James Ironwood, were dispatched against White Fang forces in a region near Vale, which can't be named for reason of Valean and Atlesian security, but Headmaster Ozpin himself joined them on the venture."

"However, his reported death has resulted in a rapid militarization of Vale." She continued, bringing up a map of the city with points tagged all along the walls around the massive Kingdom. "With Atlesian support, manpower and mechanized units, the Council of Vale has begun reinforcing the great wall around Vale. This includes minor repairs and entrenchments along the wall. Details are pending on the rest, and reports will follow."

"Now back to Beacon, in preparation for their own Initiation coming soon. With no Headmaster in office any longer, Headmistress Goodwitch had taken over the leadership of Beacon Academy, with Bartholomew Oobleck serving as Headmaster-Under-Office beneath her, serving auxiliary functions in the Academy as a Headmaster without actually holding the office itself."

"Almost as controversial as this decision, reports indicate that the team which formerly contained the aforementioned Blake Belladonna, who for viewers just joining us perpetrated the assassination attempt against the Headmistress, was not only allowed to remain in Beacon without investigation or a replacement team member," Lisa paused to let the audience stew, to let their imaginations race as she prepared another long diatribe, "But they were even allowed to accompany them to the punitive operation against the White Fang, where it has been confirmed the Faunus woman was involved with a plot to stage a terrorist attack on Vale's inner city."

"Finally, the odd silence of the White Fang. Operations have seemed to vanish almost overnight, ever since the punitive expedition." Lisa shrugged, smiling more pleasantly. "I suppose the loss of Blake Belladonna was more than they could handle?"

"This is Lisa Lavender, and thanks for watching."


"We understand, ma'am. We'll make sure that the Grimm in the forest are thinned out well enough and plant the relic items." Weiss said politely, standing with her hands folded in front of her. She shifted her hip, her white skirt shifting with Myrtenaster, "Um, have you… Heard anything from my father?"

"Bastard keeps sending people to deliver messages to her." Yang grunted, her hands folded under her bust. A long brown overcoat covered most of her up, a thick sweater under that over her chest. Her left arm whirred silently under it, pale silver with a yellow outline and her emblem carved onto the back roughly and spray painted yellow and black. "We're kinda worried he might try and go through you, yeah?"

"Rest assured that, while he has reached out to me, I told him as politely as I could that I would sooner graduate you three and staff you than let him get a hand on any of you." Glynda answered, sitting behind the massive desk at the top of Beacon Tower and smiling pleasantly, "Regardless of his knowledge of events, you three have been… Quite pivotal in our operations against the Grimm and the White Fang."

"Hey, there's an offer to look at." Yang said with a dry chuckle, hand twitching towards a small lump on her hip before. "I mean, what even would you make us?"

"Honestly, no idea." She chuckled dryly, lips pursed as she turned to Ruby, her quiet form hovering just behind the other two and watching her listlessly. "Miss Rose, how are you?"

"Just… tired, I guess?" She shrugged, forcing a smile even if it didn't make it to her eyes. "Was up late last night, uh, you know… Studying Grimm."

"You have gained quite a fixation on them, of late." Glynda mused, smiling at her and steepling her fingers in front of her with her elbows on the table. She seemed to realize how she was sitting and grimaced, forcing her arms to rest on the table with her hands holding her elbows. "I hear you have even begun spending time with Doctor Oobleck, studying Grimm behavior and histories relating to them."

"I just… With everything that happened to us, t-to Blake?" She trailed off, eyes drifting to Yang when her shoulders stiffened, and Glynda noted it. They were still quite broken up over everything that had occurred in Mountain Glenn and beyond. "I-I just, you know… Wanna know about them. L-Like, where did Salem come from? What does she actually want? Jaune… wouldn't, you know, tell us. But I still wanna know! Still need to… "Glynda watched the girl's eyes dilate worryingly and her shoulders scrunch, her breathing picking up as she spoke, "Understand. Everything happened so fast, and normally I'm okay with fast because I am fast, but this was the bad kind of fast-"

"Woah, woah, little sis!" Yang said, turning and gently laying her hands on the girl's shoulders before she could go into a full on panic attack. The silver-eyed young woman looked up and Yang pulled her against her chest affectionately, "You're fine, we get it, just relax, okay?"

"Miss Goodwitch, if you won't be needing us further, I would like to as that we be allowed-"

"You may go into the forest to begin thinning the more potent Grimm out in two days. As for what else you do?" She shrugged, "That is for you to decide. Know that if you wish to be re enrolled a students, I welcome it. However, if you would like, my offer was a serious one. I would gladly tenure you as employees here. On my payroll, for whatever I require."

Weiss looked to the two sisters, Yang shrugging and Ruby blinking at her from the crook of Yang's elbow, and the Schnee sighed, "Thank you, Headmistress, we will… We will consider your offers in turn, and thank you for the honor. May we be dismissed to think on them?"

Glynda nodded, and the trio left. In the elevator Weiss sighed and Ruby spoke, "Sorry, Weiss."

"It's fine, Ruby." She said quietly, the taller woman bumping her shoulder against hers. The Schnee rolled her eyes, "Yes, Ruby, we can go to the library and read more of that book you found. After we make sure Yang runs maintenance on her arm."

"Oi!" Yang barked in protest, holding her arms behind her head comfortably. "I run my maintenance whenever the little thing chimes!" She had just finished the sentence when a muted dinging sound echoed out from her shoulder, and Weiss smiled at her smugly, "Bite me, Schnee."

"Only if you ask nicely and make an appointment with my secretary." She tossed back, smiling.

"Since when do you have a secretary?" Yang countered, Ruby smiling between them warmly. "Because damn if I don't make an appointment for a piece of that."

"Ugh, you barbarian." Weiss snarked, sighing and shaking her head good naturedly. "As if I would let you near me. Ruby is more refined than you are."

"Are you insinuating lewd intentions for my precious baby sister?" Yang demanded brightly, smiling and tossing an arm around Ruby who squealed a 'Hey' of protest. It was warm but…

Deep down, Yang couldn't fight that yearning for that bit of warmth that she felt was missing from the room.


"Are you daring to question me, Watts?" Salem demanded lowly, eyes narrowed on the man. He swallowed nervously, sittin directly to her right with Tyrion across the great table on her left. The manic man raised an eyebrow amusedly, and she added, "Because you know that displeases me. And if you are as smart as you claim, you should know far better than that what I do when people displease me."

"N-No, ma'am, I merely… Wished to express my concerns, about the state of our plans." He gestured around them, at Jaune's old room they'd turned into a makeshift meeting room for them to use temporarily. "The tower is destroyed, young Cinder betrayed us, Jaune with her, and Hazel dead… I simply wished to express that I was concerned over our, er, well, your goals being met."

"My goals are all being met, Watts." She said simply, shrugging and smiling. "All that is left for them now is patience and tenacity. He will come back, I am certain of this."

"Ah, yes… That." Watts groused, grimacing at the concept and shaking his head. "I can't say I understand it…"

"You needn't understand anything save my instructions to you, Watts." Salem said coldly, the man nodding politely. "Monitor that ship, keep me apprised of where it is and what he's doing. Do not interfere in any way, however. Not unless he is in danger."

"You know, my goddess mine, I could always simply fetch him for you." Tyrion offered, the woman regarding him coldly enough that he balked in his seat and scrunched down. "O-Only if my goddess wished it, of course! I-I would never go against your orders, please… Please do not scowl at me so."

Salem forced herself to smile, her features relaxing, and the man relaxed slightly, "No, Tyrion, I do not wish for him to be forced here. After so long… I won't risk him refusing my gift." She held up a hand, a small black spider no bigger than her thumb curled there comfortably in her palm, "The symbiote is almost ready. Once he has more fully matured his power, and can dominate it, I can grant him eternity."

"His power is what that needs?" Watts asked curiously, eying the small creature curiously. She hummed, and he smirked, "I do wish you would let my scientists look it over. Their results in Aura experimentation went splendidly, perhaps they could-"

"No." She cut him off, closing her hand around it protectively and leveling a hot glare at him. "These creatures are not something I wish to be known to anyone but those at this table. It's rarity is a trademark of the worth of its gift. And its gift is not something I shall allow humans to spread around. Now leave me, both of you."

The two stood, leaving quickly as she demanded, and once they were gone she rose and made her way to the large couch in front of the television monitor she'd once moved in for Jaune. Sitting there, she sighed and ran her hands along the fabric. Shifting, she laid her head down and closed her eyes, sighing to herself.

"Soon… Alone no longer, very soon." Those fools could believe as they wished. Once she had Jaune, she would need them no longer. Their power combined? They could do anything they wished. Jaune would be hers… And she'd burn the world to prevent herself being lonely for so long again.

Starting from Vale.


"No, sir. I had no idea that the White Fang had such a… large amount of ships at their disposal. My reports indicated they might possess a light frigate, but no more. And certainly no air support beyond that." James said, standing at attention in front of the screen to address the rest of the Atlesian Council. Technically, he didn't need to call them 'sirs' but it was ingrained at this point. "Had I known, my plan would have been either altered or delayed to await a reinforcing unit."

"Then it wasn't a lapse in judgment, just a failure of command." An old, wiry woman chided, clicking her tongue condescendingly in what appeared to be her home, a kitchen visible in the background. "Truly, an equal disappointment to a simple lapse in judgment."

"Indeed." Her counterpart and the other member of the Atlesian Council in the meeting, a squat round man in an office of some kind, added with a tired sigh that fit his droopy face and sad, watery little eyes. "Honestly, I would have preferred a simple little lapse. That happens to the best of us, even military folk like you and I."

"Yes, sir. I am surprised not to have succeeded as I hoped as well." Friggin' armchair officers. He truly hated them the most. "But about my reinforcements?"

"On the way." The woman sighed, "Try not to waste your effort this time? Or our money?"

"Understood." James smiled. While Ozpin's away... Perhaps, the general should play? At the very least, he could get something done until the man came back.


Adam sat in his spartan room, kneeling on the carpeted floor, and stared. Long and hard. Straight down, at the twisted, broken metal before him on the floor. Wrapped in a tattered White Fang flag, and bent into an unrecognizable shape, even Adam had only distinguished it by the emblem on the side, twisted and burned as it was.

Running his finger along the pink image, he growled, "Blake…"

"Sir." A White Fang soldier said, pushing his door open enough to step in. Adam barely turned his head to regard him, the soldier taking that as his cue to speak, "Sir, we've rounded up the people who were in charge of the train, as you ordered."

"And they've been disarmed, I hope?" He asked, folding the cloth over the metal and rising with it in his hands. The soldier nodded and Adam moved to his dresser, the only piece of furniture on the room aside from a mirror hanging on the wall by the door and his bed. "Good. Insure that they are gathered, and then order our loyal, good soldiers away."

"Yes, sir." The soldier answered, turning and letting the door shut behind him.

Letting his hand linger on the metal wrapped in the linen, he moved it to the grip of his sword resting atop the dresser and moved it to his hip, "You will be avenged Blake. First on these traitors for abandoning you, failing you... And then on the Humans."

All of them would die in Vale. They wouldn't even have the honor of serving the Faunus.


"Are you sure I shouldn't, you know," Jaune watched Neo frantically gesture at her hair, the brown and pink swirl clearly what she meant. "It's… kind of out there, isn't it?"

"It's fine." He chuckled, leaning against one of the control panels of the bridge while Roman piloted it and he watched her flit about in a panic. Around them, the dark green forests and mountains flowed under them.

"Yeah. Doubt the kid's parents are gonna be fixated on your hair. You know, when we park an Atlesian warship next door?" Roman chuckled, rolling his eyes and looking at Jaune. "They better not." "Or I'll un-retire and steal their friggin' house."

"Relax, Roman." Jaune dismissed, watching the girl practically crawl into a large chest of clothes, wriggling around trying to find something. "And Neo, be careful! Your back is still not quite up to how it should be, so stop wiggling around on it before you hurt yourself."

She turned around just long enough to flip him off, "Just enjoy the view or help me pick out an outfit!"

"Just wear what you always do, Neo."

"Kid, you don't understand women at all, do you?" "And they call you a friggin' psychic…" Roman chided him, shaking his head, "Neo, darling, wear the one on the left at the bottom! Got a little embroidery on the chest, like white outlining."

"Perfect!" She giggled mutely, standing and sliding out of her pants to change out the leotard without a care for either of the men. Turning around when she had slid the leotard on, she gave Jaune a twirled around, "White, since you're an Arc and you wear white, see? Roman is brilliant when it comes to fashion."

"It looks like the one you always wear, though." Which was mostly true. It looked thinner, true, probably not made for combat like her old one. Which meant it hugged her curves a bit more snugly, which Jaune quite enjoyed. White bordered the textured material, thin likes surrounding her bust and accenting it, lining along the top where her breasts showed a bit. The line outlined her hips and edged around her behind as well, and it was a force of will not to let his eyes linger there. She pouted at him, and he sighed, "But you look beautiful, Neo. My parents will love you."

That soured her mood slightly, the woman resting on the edge of the chest and pulling her pants up, "I hope so…"

"They will." He said, pushing off the console and moving across the bridge to her. Pulling her head against his stomach he held her there affectionately, twirling a strand of her hair in between a couple finger tips. "Trust me, okay? Once they know what you two have done for me, they won't want anything bad happening to you. My mother in particular is kind of…" Insane, "Interesting."

"Interesting how, kid?" Roman asked boredly, aggravation from not being able to get a smoke in on the bridge echoing out from him and into Jaune.

"She's… Kind of manic, sometimes, honestly. Protective as hell too." He felt Neo relax into his chest and smiled to himself. Talking about his family was relaxing her, for some reason. The unknown tended to be frightening to people, that was something he'd learned in the near-year since his Semblance had awoken. "Once she finds out everything you guys have done for me and… About, you know, us, she'll be protective of you and grateful to Roman."

"Keep talking about your family…" Neo asked quietly, even for a mental voice. Smiling, he started talking about whatever he could think of. From his sisters, to his father, and then even about the village itself when Roman told him they were closing in.


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