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Chapter 18: 18. The Acquaintances

Hello, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. If you notice any errors, please feel free to give me constructive feedback. English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please mention them in the comment section at the end of the chapter. Let's begin the story!

Word Count: 2250 Words

Note: Just a reminder that I've changed the Guild Auxiliary chapter. I've made some changes in it. I've removed a couple of NPCs and added a few.

Due to my college work, I was unable to upload the chapter sooner so I've made this chapter longer. Increased the word count.


Sometime Later

"You should be more careful."

Bruce stood and addressed a group of newbies.

"We were", answered one of the players who looked to an Undead.

"It's fine, right? We didn't ask you to save us."

Answered another player. It was a female player this time with Witch clothes. She appeared to be from the Human race.

"Thank you.", answered another player who appeared to be from Angel Race.

It was a five-player team.

Bruce was on one of his self-finding journeys to explore the World when the reality of leaving this World hit him.

He found this group of players with another bunch of players. He was going to ignore them until he heard a Player ask for money from a player.

From what he overheard, they were asking for fees for the training they provided these new players. Though Yggdrasil was in its last legs, there were still some new players logging in to experience the game.

Players who were born late to enjoy the golden days of Yggdrasil.

The group of players asking for money were comprised of all races. Humans, Demi-Humans and Heteromorphic.

8 players were ganging up on these four players.

The newbie team comprised five players, an Undead who was a male. His name is Hades_001, Aria a female human in witch clothing.

Helios is a female Angel.

VladKing is a Male Vampire and lastly, Domitor is a Heteromorphic race player. By her voice, Bruce was able to identify her as a female player.

They were being extorted. It was an unusual event. Because there were measures taken against such happenings. Players could report to the GM about it.

Those players wouldn't have been able to do anything, after all, what these guys did with their console was beyond the bullies, unlike a certain VR game where the players were caught in the Flying Fortress. This was not a Death Game.

Strict action is taken against such happenings. Especially for extortion, the company even files cases against them in real life.

So, it was an unusual event for Bruce.


So after questioning them about it, Bruce got his answer.

They were new to the game. It had just been a month since they started playing the game. They had graduated from college this year. With the fact that they were hiding about playing the game from their parents.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that they were from some well of families. First, it was their accent and their use of words with the fact that they attended college. Well, A prestigious college only for wealthy and influential families.

It was the Undead, Hades_001 who broke under Bruce's strict questioning.

They were undercover. Their families wouldn't allow them to play a game. Just as Bruce was trying to talk to them, Domitor exited the game. He watched as her Avatar vanished from his sight.

"A Rebellious Child"

Bruce was dumbstruck as he watched the spot where She was standing before she logged out.

"If you wouldn't mind me asking, how old are you?"

As Bruce turned to see, it was Helios asking him a question.

"I'm 25."

"How is she a child? We are just two years apart."

"Well, it doesn't matter. Now, tell me what are you planning on doing now? Also, be sure to never mention this type of information to any stranger. You don't know what you are getting yourself into. Like them, everyone you meet in the game or online isn't friendly."

"Yes", Everyone agreed to it.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it. We don't wish to pursue the matter. We can't let our parents find out about it.", It was the witch who spoke this time.

'So, a group of rich brats.', "So how much money did you lose?"

As Bruce had asked them about the extortion, they had revealed it. They had been getting extorted for two whole weeks now.

"Around 10 thousand dollars." {Inflation went to get milk. So, he's not returning anytime soon. Just assume the range and value of currency to be the same.}

"That's a lot." Bruce sighed, 'For your usual citizens. These people really are rich brats'

"It's not much anyway.", replied the Witch.

"Yes", everyone chipped in with acceptance.

Bruce sighed watching their carefree attitude.

"If you wish I can get their accounts deleted and make them return the money. Don't worry you people won't be linked with the incident."

"Wait how are you going to do it?"

"I know a guy.."

"Who knows a Guy?"

"Nah, I know a Guy. Who works with the Yggdrasil Developer team."

"?", they were blank.

"I have my connections."

"Aren't you getting full of yourself? Are you sure you can even get it done?"

"Don't worry I do know some people in the company."

'This Witch is getting on my nerves. Maybe I should purge the Witch.'


They showed a look of realisation at the revelation.


As they got familiar with Bruce, they relaxed a bit.

The witch asked him,

"So you are a Human right?"


"Then how are you so strong? You were able to beat them all alone."

"Right, I still haven't introduced myself. I'm Vishanti a Human Sorcerer. If I am not wrong, you all are part of a clan right?"

"Yes, we have our clan. Of which I'm the leader."

It was VladKing who spoke this time.

"So where's your base of operation?"

"Asgard", he replied.

"You guys are pretty far from your home. What are you doing in this faraway place?"

"Was it supposed to be sarcasm?"

"No, I'm serious. What are you a bunch of kids doing in Niflheim?"

"We were exploring the place."

They walked while talking. They weren't that far from the centre city of Niflheim. Upon reaching the city, they walked to the Castle of Niflheim. Admiring the game features and the landscape. It hadn't been long since they started playing the game.

Bruce showed them around as he led them to the Castle.

As they took in the sight, the Angel asked him a question that had been bothering her.

"What's your level?"


"So, you are strong."

"Can't deny that."

Angel kept asking him questions about the game as they walked through the streets of Niflheim Centre City.

Others were walking together with them, though they didn't participate in the conversation they were still listening closely to everything Vishanti said.

As they neared the castle, Angel or Helios caught sight of the Giant Board near the Castle displaying the names of various players in red.

"So, Vishanti have you ever made it to the Board?"

"What Board?"

"The one there."

As Bruce turned to see the board, he was dumbstruck. He was lost for words. He didn't know what might be an appropriate reply to her question. He did what any man would have done.

"No, I have no interest in such things."

It was the infamous Board of Yggdrasil.

"But you are so strong."

"That's unrelated."

"But don't you want to have your name on that list?"

"Why would I?"

Helios, Bruce and their other three companions were confused now.

"There seems to be a misunderstanding here.", Sensing the confusion Bruce asked her what she knew of the Board.

She answered him. The Board displayed the Player rankings. The Strongest Players in Yggdrasil were ranked and the rankings changed every day.

When they started playing the game, their group was equally clueless about it. VladKing comes to their rescue by finding out about it.

"It's a board where the Players World Rankings in announced for the whole of the Game to see. The Strongest Players' name decorates the Board. I also wish to cremate my name on the Board One Day. One Day for sure."

Back in the present, everyone was confused by Bruce's reaction. They remembered their shared enthusiasm for getting on that list.

Bruce hearing their story broke in a fit of laughter. He was amazed by their ingenuity to come up with such an explanation. After being urged by them, he revealed it at last.

"Fine, the board is not what you people have assumed it to be. Here, among the players, it's quite famous. We call it the Hall of Shame.

Yes, Hall of Shame and not a Hall of Fame. It's where the players who abuse the Virtual Reality aspect of the Game and perform inappropriate actions with other players or NPCs. Yggdrasil is strict towards players who do it despite the warning given at the beginning of the Game. So, those players' accounts are first banned and then their IG Name is displayed on this Board and their Official Site for all to see."

Listening about it. They were driven to shame. They couldn't bring themselves to look Bruce or others in the eye. They were embarrassed to have been oblivious to the fact.

They in their awkward environment entered the Gate Area.

Bruce was silent after it. Having arrived at their destination, Bruce spoke to them.

"For beginners, when you don't have Greater Teleportation or Gate spell, you can only travel through the portal in the Castle to and fro the Worlds."

"We know."

"Great. So see you later."


They were too tired to continue the game. Rather than teleport back to Asgard, they started quitting the Game. It was just Helios, Hades_001 and him left.

"I have been wanting to ask you. Would you join our Clan?"

"No, I'm already in a Guild."

"Is that so."

As Hades_001 was disappointed by the outcome, Helios consoled him as they got ready to quit the game.

"Don't Worry. What if, We can't be in the same clan? We can still go on adventures as a party?"


'Is it just me or did I use Don't Worry many times in my conversation with them.'

After saying what he had to say he moved out from the Castle. He teleported to check the cliché event.

To clear an Old Dungeon he had heard about from his In-Game Friend. The Guild Leader of World Searcher, The SevenSeas.

The World Searchers couldn't mobilise their full power now. So, instead of wasting such an opportunity, he had chosen to share the information with Bruce or LordofTheMysteries.

Bruce had helped him in their time of need. He had held back the 2CH Alliance when they were under attack.

2CH Alliance had set their sights on 1st place. They were doing everything in their power to bring down the top Guilds and Alliances.

World Searcher and The Root despite being a single Guild were fighting against Alliances like 2CH and Trinity.

2CH Alliance were helpless against the points World Searcher gained in Guild Rankings, despite their weak performance in Guild Wars.

They were left with no other choice than to destroy the World Searcher Guild to remove them from the competition.

If not for Bruce helping them with their quest to find a new base for their Guild. They would have been destroyed or not?

In the original, they had supposedly survived the attack. As to how? Even Bruce was oblivious to it.

It may be related to the fact that Bruce captured the Fire Dragon's Dungeon before them and deprived them of the opportunity.

Fire Dragon's Dungeon was a unique event. The Dungeon came with the feature to turn it into a Guild Base upon completion of the Event.

Though it has fewer floors and fewer upgrading options. It still came with the Wyvern nest. A Monster Army Guarding the Entrance to the Dungeon. Which was also upgradable. They could increase the number and their strength. Similar to how Bruce received Armoured Knights with his Guild base.

Since it was Bruce who conquered the Dungeon, only he had the right to turn it into a Guild Base.

Bruce shared or it was better to say, he invited them in his raid against the Flying Castle.

The Castle of The Domnius. Domnius The Indomitable Dragon, The Ruler of The Skies.

On the condition that he gets access to the loot, they get to keep the Dungeon. If not they would have not survived.

It was the place where they got the World Item, Five Elements of Overcoming.

They shared the location of the dungeon they had recently discovered. Though they had lost most of their members to the times. They still had not given up on their adventuring spirit.

In reminiscing about their alliance against 2CH, The World Searcher shared information about a Dungeon with Him.


**The End**

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ChaosVoid_24 ChaosVoid_24

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