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82.85% Just Another Chat Group / Chapter 58: Mend

Chapter 58: Mend

I have been putting this off for a good long while. I had taken care of my Father, I killed him without a second thought. I postponed talking with my Mother because it felt so much more difficult to accept. There was not going to be an easy solution with her. Hell, the solution that I came up with for my Father was not really perfect either. With my mother it would be worse.

I would be experiencing conflicting emotions over and over again with her. Love, Hate, Sadness, Regret, Hope, Despair, Compassion, Guilt, the list went on and on. I could not face her without preparing myself mentally. I could not afford to lose myself in those conflicting emotions. If I managed to push myself over the edge then I would be losing something precious. Even if I never felt like she was all that precious before.

I needed the time I provided myself to settle before facing her again. I needed those comforting moments spent in the arms of Ashley. I needed to distract myself with the growth that I desperately sought. I needed to make amends to those I had hurt. I needed all of those things before I even felt comfortable taking this task up.

Even with all of that, I was not sure if I was completely ready to face her just yet. I had several calming draughts prepared just in case I felt myself slipping. I felt like I was strong enough to face those currents without the need of those potions but it was better to have them. I would not want to need them and not have them in this case.

I took a deep breath as I faced this familiar shoddy house. The last time I was on this street I made a rather deliberate choice to avoid looking at this house. Now I was preparing to enter my crime scene once more.

I expected everything to be exactly as I left it. That expectation was not proven right, there were many changes that I took notice of. Instead of the windows being in total disrepair they looked like they were fixed up. The peeling paint no longer falling off of my house. Small little changes that told me my Mother took the time to repair this place. I did not know if she used her magic but I could only hope that she did.

For the longest time, Magic was a taboo in this house. It would bring me relief if she was no longer bound by that taboo. That she would no longer hide that part of herself from the rest of the world. That she could experience the magical whimsical world that she was a part of. Beyond all of that, I hoped that she would not fear something that was a part of her.

If she was using magic again she was not using too much of it. She could have put up some wards in the time I have avoided this place. Then again I might be expecting too much from her. I did not know if she was capable of doing that. Not everyone could copy magic with a single glance. She would need to put time and effort into learning a craft like Warding. As far as I was aware she took no interest in that field. With her knowledge of potions, she would not have enough time to dedicate to another craft.

She could have paid someone to put up wards but that was even less likely. Even if she decided to start using magic again we were still poor as far as she was concerned.

Another pang of guilt rang through my chest. I had access to an immense amount of wealth and I left my Mother here to fend for herself. Living in the same shoddy house that I left her in for ages.

I felt more urgency to see her. I walked towards the door that I opened that dreary night. The lock was no longer broken and in disrepair. Which I took as another good sign. She was not broken by his death. That took the sting away from the guilt that was still ringing in my heart.

I could simply open the door with a simple spell. It would only take a moment and I could enter my home and search for my mother. As I raised my hand to do so I hesitated. Was that the right move? To barge into her life without a care for her own feelings. To suddenly surprise her with my presence. To take away the little sense of security she was able to gather.

I was sure she would forgive me for my actions but they would still hurt her. So instead of waltzing into the place like it was my home I knocked on the door.

The small rhythmic pattern I knocked on the door sounded so much louder to me. Or maybe that was my pounding heart? My heart was beating to a song that screamed panic. I tried not to show the nervousness that was filling inside of me as I waited for a response.

As the seconds passed by I felt more and more nervous. Questions plaguing my mind over my actions. Over what I did for so long and what I have allowed to pass. To the sins that dyed me in these dull colors. It was only a moment but I felt more and more unstable.

Then the door opened.

Eileen Snape was never going to win beauty pageants. Not when she was younger and not now. She was far too thin for anyone's comfort. Her skin was the same sickly shade that plagued me for so long. Her face usually set in a sullen expression that dyed her already bleak features into something depressing. She was all of those things but beyond that, she was my mother.

She looked better. She was obviously not in a good condition but she did look better. She was no longer hunched over as if hiding in herself. The sickly color of her skin was not as pale. The sullen tired look on her face no longer swallowed everything else she was displaying. 

Seeing her in a better state did wonders for my own spiraling emotions. I no longer felt like my heart would beat out of my own chest. I also put the questions haunting my mind to rest for now.

"Can I help you?" My mother questioned warily as she took me in. She clutched onto the door frame as if it would provide her some semblance of protection. Her other hand behind her back, I could only hope that it was holding her wand. If only to offer her some level of comfort.

I winced as I did not think how this would look. An imposing male figure appearing on her door step was not something my Mother would like. 

The sullen look on her face faded as she got a good long look at me. Her eyes examined every aspect of me. A hint of confusion dyed her features as she looked at me longer.

"Severus?" She questioned out in confusion. The confusion was still clear on her face but there was a hint of warmth in her eyes. 

I let out a sheepish smile as if confirming her guess. I may have changed a massive amount but I was glad that my mother could recognize me given enough time. If a shopkeeper could recognize me I hoped that my mother could achieve the same feat.

"Yeah, it's me." I let out awkwardly. I may be happy to see her but I never really knew how to talk to her. Always keeping my mouth shut in fear of tripping over a landmine that would hurt her. Or bring about more pain in her life. 

Her eyes widened as if disbelieving what they were telling her. The small warmth in them increased with every second she spent looking at me.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned in further confusion. Which faded as she took in her own question. There were plenty of questions in her question. She expected me to be at Hogwarts and even if I was not I was unlikely to come back here.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you. I just thought you would still be at Hogwarts." She let out quickly as if not wanting to hurt me. Another pang of sorrow rang through my chest as I listened quietly. She meant those words. I have blamed her for my suffering for a good long time but she was still happy to see me.

I have been actively avoiding coming back to this home for the longest time. I would spend my time in Lucius' mansion running from the mess that was my own home life. If I was not by Lucius' side then I was at Lily's house trying to get her to show me some level of affection. Anything and everything to avoid the sorrow that my powerlessness brought me.

"There was an emergency at the Castle so they ended the term a bit early," I spoke out quietly with a small guilty look on my face. My guilt did not come from the lie but from the thoughts running through my head. 

She wore a small confused look on her face but it faded quickly.

"What happened?" She asked in worry. Before I could answer her eyes widened as she opened the door wider.

"Oh, what am I doing? Come in." She spoke out quietly as she guided me into our home. I am sure there was a thousand questions running in her head but she was not going to keep me waiting outside.

We walked past the sitting area where I murdered my Father without any hesitance. She led me straight to the small kitchen we had. There were not a lot of things in this room but there was a cozy seating area with a table for eating. My mother was shuffling me towards one of the chairs.

"Sit, sit. You must be tired from the journey." She spoke out warmly as she all but put me in a chair. Once I was seated she started to walk towards the kitchen and put a kettle on our stove to boil. I could only assume she was going to offer me some tea as she hummed lightly to herself.

There was life about her that I was not used to seeing. Again that sight brought my mood up. It then fell as she was still in a poor condition and I could have taken care of that. My emotions were going to go up and down today.

She could have used magic to boil the water but she was far more used to using that kettle. A small habit that was built on the back of years of abuse. It brought my mood even further down.

Before I could wallow in that feeling the kettle boiled and she brought over two mugs filled with tea. I recognized those cups as they used to be slightly chipped. Now they looked almost brand new.

She placed one of the mugs in front of me and kept the other for herself as she sat down in front of me. Her eyes shone as she got another look at me.

"Hogwarts did a lot of good for you this year." She let out awkwardly but warmly as her eyes took in all the changes. I smiled back at her as if trying to reassure her.

She cared about me but she was not used to talking to me either. This small interaction was probably the best conversation between us for a good long while.

"It's actually not Hogwarts. I developed some potions that did all of this." I let out excitedly with a bright smile on my face. I wanted her to know that I was skilled enough to take us away from a place like this. I was also rather proud of my accomplishments even if Fortuna was a major part of them. I made her all by myself so anything she helped me to was a part of my own accomplishments by proxy.

Her eyes widened as she took in my excited proclamation.

"That's amazing Severus." She let out excitedly even if there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. That small hint brought down my mood again. I was not sure what it was for but I wanted it gone.

So I decided to do something to improve her mood. I brought out a nutrition potion that should help her massively. I was not sure how she would take it if I showed her all the potions I could give her. A single amazing potion was amazing, two were great, and three were slightly suspicious given the time frame. I had far more than three potions to offer.

She looked at the potion that was glowing brightly on the table.

"This is an improved version of the Nutrition potion. It will help a lot with your health." I spoke out quietly. Her eyes widened once more as I took the potion and handed it to her.

She held the potion in her hand looking between it and me for a good long while. I thought that something like this would have taken the sad look out of her eyes but it seemed to intensify.

"This is great." She let out quietly as she held the potion. I gave her a flat look as I could not understand her current mood. Seeing my flat look she looked at me with a small amount of confusion before she looked back at the potion in realization.

She then opened it and drank the potion quickly. The urgency in which she did that bothered me. As the potions fully settled in her the pale sickly complexion faded replaced with soft milky skin. All the years of physical neglect faded from her body in an instant. Still, the years of mental abuse still had her looking older than she should.

That was more of a mindset and I was not prepared to help in that particular case. I was a basket case and I was in no way qualified to help others with their mental burdens.

She looked at her own hand examining the changes that my potion brought in fascination. She then took another look at me as if comparing the changes with a small smile on her face. Still, even with all of those changes, there was still that small sad look in her eyes.

It was bugging me. She should have no reason to be sad. If this was about my father then it would have been prevalent from the moment I saw her. Yet, it only showed up when I brought up my potions.

"Why do you look sad?" I asked quietly with hesitation dyeing every last bit of my words. I did not want to beat around the bush, that would only leave my mood simmering. I wanted an answer to all of my doubts but I was not sure if she wanted to tell me.

She seemed to be startled by my question. I suppose she never expected me to be able to read that sadness from her. She should not be that surprised, she was not exactly the best at holding back her emotions.

She bit her lip as she decided how to answer. She clearly knew why she was feeling upset but she was hesitating on how to phrase it.

"It's silly." She let out quietly. Her eyes were unfocused and uncertain. I took in her words and scoffed internally. It did not matter if she thought her reasoning was silly I wanted to know what was going on.

"It doesn't matter if it's silly. What matters is how you are feeling." I spoke out quietly with guilt filling me once more. She should be comfortable sharing whatever weighed on her mind. Yet, she was holding herself back because she was feeling like a fool over her own feelings.

"You did all this and I did not even know you were working on this." She mumbled out quietly. It was so quiet that I could only pick it up because of my enhanced hearing. I flinched away from the statement even if she was not blaming me with her words.

No, she was blaming herself but those words still cut into me. She was blaming her self for not noticing the effort I was putting into changing our lives. I was blaming myself for never bringing up any of my efforts to her. We both fumbled with guilt and shame over things that were not really our faults.

This particular potion may have been completed with the help of Fortuna but that did not take away my guilt. I had been working desperately in trying to make a potion that would change my fate. Yet, I did not try to tell my Mother about my efforts. I kept her in the dark because I felt like her opinion did not matter.

The guilt and shame I felt back then were not something I was willing to accept. I could not bring myself to see her let alone tell her about my life.

I let out a sigh as if trying to dispel those guilty feelings. The both of us were far too similar. We both did not blame each other for what happened but blamed ourselves for the disconnect. It was ridiculous but it was just the way it was.

"I'm sorry for not telling you." She may not blame me but I was not going to let that stand. She was not to blame for this and I would not allow her to feel that way.

"I'm not blaming you." She let out quickly and awkwardly. Her tone dyed in panic as she did not want me to think she was blaming me. Her face shows all of those things.

"I know, I'm blaming myself," I spoke out seriously. I did not want her to misunderstand my motives on this. 

My statement put a heavy awkward weight between the two of us. My mother did not know what to say in response to that. While I did not want to say anything more in regards to that. I will not allow her to blame herself for this, I never gave her the opportunity to know more about me.

"So anything else going on?" I asked calmly as I wanted to shift the conversation. I did not want her to dwell on this topic any longer.

"Nothing much." She mumbled out as she refused to make eye contact with me. I suppose she did not want to tell me my Father was dead. I was not sure why that was but I did not want to pry further.

She could have any amount of reasons for holding back that little piece of information. I was just happy that I was able to provide her with some support. Even if the conversation we had was already weighing down my mood.

There was an awkward heavy pause between us now. The previous topic may not have been particularly heavy but it touched a rather sore subject between us. The guilt and shame I felt were still boiling in my gut at my own decisions. I can imagine that she was feeling similar even if I did not want that to be true.

I tried to change the subject but my attempt was always going to be a failure. My Mother usually did not have anything going on in her own life because of my Father. Now that he was out of the picture that should change but it was too early. She was also not willing to bring up that particular elephant for some reason. So it was doomed from the start.

I could only quietly sip my tea as the mood sat between us. This situation may be heavy and awkward but it was certainly not the worst case. I was not spiraling into myself which was already a major victory as far as I was concerned.

My mother was sipping her own tea with the same sort of contemplative look that was adorned on my own face. We both had a lot on our minds. Or maybe were far too introspective for our own good.

The mood was not going to last forever, something was bound to crack eventually. Instead of my own awkward mood changing the air my Mother took the first step.

"This potion really is something, Severus." She let out quietly as she looked over at me with her eyes glinting. She may have certain feelings about the subject but she was proud of what I did regardless.

It caused a small amount of warmth to spread inside of me. I was not one to search for validation from a parental figure, it was just not in my nature. Still, while I did not search for this validation it was nice to have it. Nicer than I thought it could be.

"I'm a genius after all," I announced with a smug joking smile on my face. I wanted to lighten the mood with these small actions.

"I guess you are." Again she let out quietly. The warmth still shone in her eyes even as another flash of guilt spread within them. I let out a sigh internally. She was not capable of not blaming herself. Another trait I shared with my Mother.

A different emotion flashed in her eyes as she watched me. It was rather odd as she was displaying worry for me. Before I could understand that worry as I was in a dark space. Now it was unneeded even if I was still not mentally sound. 

"My family has not reached out to you, right? " She questioned out with the same worry dyeing her tone. I raised an eyebrow quizzically at her. Usually, my mother tried her very best to not bring up her family. She blamed them for a large part of her suffering even if the major target of her blame was herself.

"I don't think they would bother getting off of their high horses for something like this Mother," I spoke out reassuringly. I don't know why she was bringing this up but I can tell her the truth in this situation. The Prince's family had a lot more to worry about than my potions. I was also not selling any of my potions right now anyway.

She let out a quiet chuckle at my words. She knew how her family usually treated me and my words were rather fitting. Those smug cunts will regret not showering me with praise. I was the best thing since sliced bread and they would eventually find that out.

"Good, good." She let out quietly as she looked at the sitting room. She then averted her gaze rather quickly. I examined her actions and thought about them for a moment.

Did she think her family finally had enough and murdered her husband? It would fit in her worry and she did not have a large list of suspects. Is that why she was hiding it from me? She was worried that her family would take action if I found out. That they were only tolerating my existence because I was talented?

It made sense. Her family was rather clear that they hated my Father. So finding his cooling corpse with his neck snapped it would be reasonable to blame her family. It was not like I was on the list of suspects even if I did hate him. I was supposed to be in Hogwarts when it happened after all. In addition, I never took action before why would now be different? 

Again that last thought had shame building up in my chest. Those feelings are something I would have to get used to if I wanted to mend bridges with her.

"They are probably far too worried to care about my potions right now." I let out calmly with a soft chuckle accompanying it. With a large amount of their assets suddenly missing I expect they are freaking out. 

"What do you mean?" My mother questioned with confusion clear on her face. I gave her an equally confused look for a moment. She should know about the Prince's vault being robbed right? I had barely kept track of the gossip going around in Diagon but it was fairly clear that the topic was pretty fucking prevalent.

Actually, now that I was thinking about it my Mother was not in touch with the rest of the magical world. She tried her very best to not bring up magic in front of my father. That meant that she had to cut out friends and other things from her life. She could not even get news from the daily prophet. It would make sense if she had no idea about what was going on with her family.

So I let the confused look fade from my face as I look back at her.

"The Prince's vault was robbed. Everyone and anyone is talking about it right now." I let out calmly with a small smile on my face. I did not want her to think I was involved in it even if I was. The topic was actually loud enough to take some of the heat off of the coming war. Not for very long but it was still the it topic for a while.

"Is that so?" She questioned with a light smile on her face. She was not all that happy with her family. When it became clear that I had magic she all but begged her family to provide funds so I could attend Hogwarts without working my ass off. They refused saying that I was a dirty thing that did not deserve a single knut from them.

Another memory that caused bitter feelings to turn in my stomach. I blamed my Mother for so much in my life but she tried. She let go of her nonexistent pride to beg her family for support not for her but for me. Yet, I allowed that memory to fade to the back of my mind as I ran from those feelings.

The quiet mood between us no longer felt as awkward. I was happy with the change. I was originally planning on bringing up my Father's death later but it looks like it was unneeded. She was not broken up about it and she felt no need to tell me about it. I was not going to break the subtle protection she was trying to provide.

I was fine with this quiet mood but my Mother was apparently not. As she brought up another subject as I quietly sipped my tea. 

"So when are you heading off to Lily's?" She questioned with a small indulgent smile on her face. The question caused me to choke on my tea for a moment. I was not expecting this particular topic but I really should have. I all but glued myself to Lily's side for so long. The fact that I was at home at all was the strange part.

I looked awkwardly at my cup as I tried to parse the words I should say to that question.

"I wanted to share my good news with you. With my research done on the potion, I should be able to provide for us. We can move into a much better home." I spoke out quietly looking at my Mother. I let out the unsaid part that my Father would have no part in this. She knew how I felt about him and how he felt about me. She also thought I knew nothing about his death.

For the longest time, I wanted to change my life only for me. Now that I had the ability I wanted to provide her a world that was kinder to the lovestruck women before me. A world kind enough that she could heal from the wounds plaguing her mind.

Again she refused to meet my gaze as she stared at her cup. She was holding things back from me and she felt like she did not deserve the life I was promising. I hated that she felt that way but it was the way it was. If she felt like she deserved all this pain I would prove to her that she did not. It was as simple as that.

She finally managed to gather the courage to look at my serious gaze. As she looked into my eyes her already crumbling resolve faded as she saw how I felt about this.

"Okay, Severus." She let out quietly. She was not prepared for the sudden change but she was willing to move away from this house that bound her for so long. 

"Money, good looks, and your puppy like attitude must have Lily finally accepting your pursuit." She let out with another light smile on her face. She did not want to dwell on the heavier topics and she felt like this one would be safer. Instead, it led to another awkward silence between us.

I was able to divert this conversation before but that was no longer possible. I was sure she would be able to tell I was avoiding it if I did it again. I might as well pull the bandage back now. It was not like these memories were all that bad in comparison to how I felt about my Mother.

"Lily and I are not exactly talking right now." I let out with an awkward smile on my face. Those words and my expression suddenly had my mother shooting me a worried look. She knew how I felt about Lily so us having a bad relationship should be hurting me.

"I'm rather cross with her right now, She has a lot to make up to me before I even consider talking to her." I let out quickly to ensure she did not think about my pain for too long. If I was the one upset that meant that I would be better off in comparison to Lily being mad at me. At least that was what I thought my Mother would think.

I let go of Lily and I was not willing to let those bitter memories dominate me. Perhaps one day I would be willing to talk to her again. All I knew was I was not the one that was going to mend that bridge between us.

My Mother gave me a sad smile as she took in my words. No matter what I said she would think I was hurt. She would be right if this conversation happened earlier but I was better now. No longer as haunted as I once was. I was just not sure how I could prove that. Actually, I think I had another card up my sleeve.

"I do have something to report about my romantic prospects. I have a girlfriend now, her name is Ashley." I let out as a small smile bloomed on my face again. The sad look in my Mother's eyes faded as she took in my statement. It was replaced with a confused look but she did seem happy for me.

I was just going to have to field questions about my girlfriend for a small bit. It was a small price to pay to have my mother no longer worried about me.

The conversation went better than I expected. I was so concerned with things going poorly that when everything turned out well I was surprised. I was able to provide my Mother the support she needed and I was able to get her out of that godforsaken house. It was honestly a major victory on all fronts and I felt like our relationship was in a good space.

I bought a house in the muggle world for my Mother to live in. There were certain aspects of muggle society that my Mother adapted to and she would be upset at losing them. Buying a house in the Wizarding world would have raised some questions. 

I could have moved her to the mansion that Ashley and Andrew were inhabiting but that would raise even more questions. The modest home that I purchased was good enough for my Mother to live comfortably. That was all that mattered in the long haul.

While she was setting things up in the home I was outside casting Wards. I was not going to leave my Mother's safety in the hands of others. I was probably the foremost expert in Wards after all. I had the opportunity to examine the Wards surrounding Hogwarts. There was a reason it was considered the safest place in the magical world. I was probably the only living being who could comprehend the complexities behind the Ward design of Hogwarts. 

Hogwarts lay on a leyline so I could not have those defenses up at the same level. That would be the case if I was not a filthy cheater. I saw how Fawkes was able to tie itself into concepts to offer power. I was able to use that in combination with the Ward scheme to create something amazing. I was not relying on just Mana to protect her I was tapping into the concepts that built the world around us.

I tied those protections into my Mother so that even if she left she would have those same protections. She was effectively a walking talking fortress and she was not even aware that was the case. It would also give me updates about her current status. I had painted a rather large target on my own back after all. Honestly, this whole endeavor opened up a new field for me.

I was not willing to tie myself into those concepts as they would bring about other weaknesses. The thing is I did not need to tie those concepts to me I could tie them into objects. I was making budget Noble Phantasms and I was fucking excited about the prospects. Sure, those powers being tied into items meant they could be stolen but that was a price I was willing to pay.

The sky was no longer the limit and it brought even more joy to me. Just because those items would be powerful did not mean they could not be loyal. There was a precedent here after all. Fortuna was a complete accident but that did not mean I could not do it again. It would take time and some well thought up design but it was plausible. Beyond any of the effort I would need to put in to achieve that feat, I would need a little luck and that was something I had in spades.

It was a shame that I did not have the Alpha Stigma when I first formed Fortuna. That would have made my plans so much easier in the long haul. Well, there was no use crying over spilled milk.

I finished casting those Wards and tying them into my Mother. The Mana in the air screamed in joy as it experienced a baptism of intent and purpose. The Mana was no longer aimless, it had a purpose that it would pursue to the ends of the world. The sight was almost enough to accomplish my goals but the spell was not quite sentient. It was more like a program that had checks and balances that defined its every action.

I was more than satisfied with the protections that were currently being offered to my Mother. It was not perfect but it was probably the best that I could come up with. No one else in this world would be able to rival those protections. That thought did bring up some more thoughts.

I did not need to limit my protections to this world. I had access to the Chat Group so I should not narrow my choices. I crossed out Pyrrha as anything she could do I could do better, the only thing she could offer my Mother was Aura but I could do the same. The protections Aura offered were rather rudimentary in comparison to the spell I just cast. The only positive thing it would bring to my Mother would be power but not a great amount of it. So I was going to table that for now.

Ashley was swell but she was not exactly my go to for protection. The only thing she could offer was her blood as an ingredient to further the protections I casted. That was an interesting prospect and one I would pursue after talking to her later. Beyond her Demi-God nature, Ashley had nothing else to pitch in other than stabbing my Mother's enemies.

Izumi was never going to be an option for being helpful. I suppose that was not really all that fair as he did get a newbie gift even if I had no idea what it was. The ability he got just seemed so lackluster from his opinion on it. Argo was in the same boat as Izumi as she lived in a rather regular world. She did have a Devil Fruit I just did not know which one she got. It might be useful as some Devil Fruit abilities could really be rather abstract in nature. I doubted it but you never knew.

That left the only real option. Rias lived in a world with a much higher power ceiling. My protections were rather impressive but she had equally impressive things in her world even if she did not have access to them. Her own skills in protection did not need to be brought up but she had connections. Connections that I could use to purchase items to further my own goals. Even if the really precious things would be barred from me as no one wanted to lose powerful items.

I needed to talk to her about all of this. I had a lot to offer in exchange for her connections and her world. The potions I could make would massively help her people after all. Healing was fairly standard and I was already planning to make a potion that mimicked Phoneix Tears. I figure she would get a kick out of that one being sold to her people. I was really fucking with Riser lately and I was not even trying to do so. 

I could also roll the Gacha to get something for my Mother. I just needed some luck to get her something useful to her. 

I almost forgot about a certain someone.

"Mimpsy?" I questioned the air as I waited for the little elf to pop up. I felt the connection between us light up as I said their name. I felt my own Mana forming a gate in front of me as the little bugger showed up.

The elf blinked its large eyes up at me as it looked over at me.

"Mr. Snapey finally called Mimpsy." The little elf spoke out excitedly but there was a hint of bitterness there. I winced as I did leave the little guy to fend for himself in the Kitchen even if I did provide a lot of Mana to him.

"Sorry Mimpsy I was preparing a nice home for you to keep clean," I spoke out to the small elf as I rubbed their head. I was doing so to offer the small creature some affection but their bald head was not really all that comfortable to pat.

Mimpsy's large eyes widened as it spun around to look at the brand new house I purchased for my mother.

"All the chores be for Mimpsy right!?" The little elf turned around with bright sparkles tumbling from its eyes. I knew what House Elves were about but it was still strange hearing that level of excitement over something like that.

"They are Mimpsy." I spoke out quietly as the small Elf jumped around in joy. I could not really relate but whatever made them happy.

"My Mother lives here Mimpsy so I need you to take extra special care of her okay?" I questioned the small elf lightly. I figured the little guy would get a kick out of those words. Those words were something I meant as well.

"Mimpsy promises to treat Mr. Snapey's family like my own family!" The little elf shouted out with a rather serious look on their face. I let out a small chuckle at the sight. They really did not pull off that serious look all that well.

I gave the little Elf a contemplative look before I decided something else.

"I do have one more thing that you can help me with Mimpsy." I spoke out lightly as I looked over at the small Elf. Their already wide eyes seemed to widen further at my statement. They then nodded their head as fast as they possibly could.

"Alright, alright. I get it follow me." I let out with a small laugh to stop the little guy before he knocked his head off from nodding so much.

I then popped over to Ashley's mansion. I did promise to get her help with servants after all. It did not even take a second before Mimpsy appeared beside me again. I figured that the little Elf was capable of following me but it was nice to have that proven true.

The elf looked over at me with a confused look as it took a look over at the large mansion.

"Do you think you can do the chores here as well Mimpsy? Or do you need some help from more Elves?" I questioned the little Elf. They gave me a wide look as they looked over at the mansion again. They started to vibrate in place and I gave them a nervous look.

"Mimpsy can do it!" The Elf shouted out with determination on their face. I took that look in for a moment before I decided to question the little guy a bit more.

"Are you sure Mimpsy? I don't want you to overwork yourself to impress me. I would rather you do a good job taking care of my mother than rush both of these jobs." My statement seemed to take the steam out of the little Elf's bravado. They seemed to contemplate the matter further which brought a smile to my face.

I was glad that Mimpsy was taking this matter seriously instead of charging head first into the chores. I decided to prod them on the matter further.

"I'm sure you know of some Elf out there that is looking for a Family to work for Mimpsy." I let out lightly to the contemplative Elf. My words seemed to awaken the Elf out of its stupor. The realization flashed across their face in a moment. 

I was fine with Mimpsy but I would be happier if I had more than one Elf for further study.

"Mimpsy knows some one!" The elf announced before they disappeared with a pop. I guess they went to go get this other Elf. At least that plan was going in the right direction.

Now I decided to roll the Gacha for my Mother. I hope I could get something really good to protect her.

[User: Overdramatic Fool has rolled the Gacha and has received the {High-Tier Longinus} Regulus Nemea (S-tier)]

Before I could take that information in a small child appeared before me. They had spikey orange hair and gold eyes that were looking at me rather lazily. I matched their gaze for a moment with an eye brow raised. The two of us just stared at each other before I figured out who the fuck this was.

Regulus was reincarnated and possessed a humanoid figure. Did I just fucking kidnap a lion because of the Gacha!?

IHaveHidden IHaveHidden

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