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86.41% Another Twilight fanfic / Chapter 70: Chapter 65

Chapter 70: Chapter 65

AN: I am on a rooooooooll! Well, gotta take advantage of the resources and time available, and write while I still can right?

Tho I do wish for a bigger screen to work with rather than just my phone. Tsk. But it still works somehow.

So without further nonsense, here's the next chap!!!


Rosalie's POV

"So let me repeat what I have just understood about your confession..." Carlisle Started looking exasperated about what he just heard. Her wife and son also mirroring his expression. Face-palming.

"You got pressured by your parents to get married, you suspected that they intercepted one of the letters sent by Robin, so they set you up with your current husband... You were going to meet him to turn down the marriage offer, but when you did meet, he told you he was gay, interested in Isaac, knew your relationship with our Robin, and offered you a deal, which is to marry and then still be together with your significant others behind closed doors, you thought this was a perfect plan, and the best case for both you so you agreed, but you knew that Robin can be a bit unpredictable and emotionally driven, so you were afraid of what she would do, so you chose to break up with her in That way, deciding to reconcile afterward, and then live happily ever after??" He reiterated his understanding, growing tired and disappointed the more he continued.

I already repeated the scenario in my head multiple times and had also realized how stupid I and Robin was... But mostly me... Truly... But hearing the father of my lover say it out loud hits different... I just nod and hang my head low in shame...

3 exasperated audible sighs were heard resounding in the office...

"Cildru þas dagas sindon swiðe unforht and dysige. Wæs ic æfre swilc eac? mīne earmran magas, ic sceal arwurðan mīne earmran modor gif hēo eac þæt þolode.

{Old English: Children these days are so naive and foolish. Was I ever like this too? My poor parents, I have to pay respects to my poor mother if she also had to deal with it.}" Carlisle spoke in a language I do not know of, but he looked sorry somehow.

"Mi aspettavo di meglio dalla mia sorella geniale, ma sembra che l'amore renda le persone stupide... Non ha nemmeno confermato o in da Gato. {Italian: I expected better from my genius of a sister, but it seems that love does make people stupid... She did not even confirm or investigate}" Edward added shaking his head while his palm still covering his face. The language was familiar, maybe Italian?

"Mon pauvre bébé, c'est ma faute de ne pas avoir enseigné plus de bon sens, pardonne-moi mon petit ange, je veillerai à être plus rigoureux la prochaine fois que nous nous Vernon's. {French: my poor baby, it's my fault for not teaching more common sense, forgive me my little angel, I'll make sure to be thorough the next time we meet}" I heard Mrs. Cullen say in sad yet chilling tone, but not directed to me tho, I pity whoever was the target of that.... but now I recognize the language as French.

[AN: I used a translator for this so if there's something wrong here, gomen...]

I always thought that the family had very diverse and immense talent... No wonder Robin grew up as excellent as she was. Being born different, and physically wise didn't even deter her from being admired and desired by everyone, I heard that usually, albinos get ostracized even tho it's not their fault to be born different, but I guess her beauty shut them all up.

At first, I thought, like everyone else, that Robin was like a sheltered princess of the family, that she'd be like a true lady, prim and proper, innocent and pure... Being protected and shielded by her family, I thought they controlled her every action, more than mine did me... But as I got to know her, I discovered how much of a wild and free spirit she was, she wasn't a sheltered princess, nor was her life being dictated by her family... No, she owned that family and had them dancing at her palms, she was protected, but it was vice versa, she protected them as much as they did her, she was strong and opinionated... Not like most women, not like me...

I was brought back from my thoughts and felt myself being engulfed in a cold yet comforting embrace... The cullen mother had hugged me.

"I won't apologize for slapping you, because the pain you put our little angel was unimaginable, but I will apologize for not teaching my child enough common sense to inquire and investigate more" The motherly Matriarch was back. I leaned into the hug for a few more seconds, savoring the feeling.

Then I remembered something, she spoke, Robin could speak... And that thing she did, I'm still not sure, but I'm pretty sure that she did something to me... After she did it, I forgot about us...

"I Wanna ask something about Robin, She-" I was gonna ask them about it but Edward suddenly cut me off.

"Dad, we have to go for the rounds," Edward said while looking at the wall clock. But I noticed the subtle exchanges of gazes between the three of them.

We then said our goodbyes, and see you later, promising to dine and talk more at a later date to catch up, and went about our merry way.

To be honest, it was suspicious like he knew exactly what I was gonna ask and intervened before I could utter it. But I let it go, there's plenty of time, my heart now is swelling with hope, and happiness at the thought of being able to see her soon, having her family here means I'll be able to see her soon enough... This time I won't let her go, I won't make the same mistake.. I'll go wherever she goes... Society norms be damned...

My parents have other children, and if they were willing to sell me off to some old pervert couple to get rid of their lesbian daughter, then I'd go somewhere I'd be appreciated, and that's my lover's arms.


A few more weeks have passed and I have gotten closer and closer to the Cullen family, they seem to avoid or deflect me anytime I'm about to ask about Robin's secret, but I can only keep trying... But the good thing is, I feel like I'm being treated as a daughter of the family, or better yet, a daughter-in-law... But alas, that looked differently to other people...

To them, It looked like I was being chummy with the family, especially the younger male Cullen, we had been spotted together multiple times by other people, alone... But that was taken out of context because the moments that they were gossiping about were when Edward saved me from the incessant pestering of a certain Sergeant Staff. Which by the way has been more frequent, and he was visibly more upset each time he gets blocked by the bronze-haired Cullen.

If this is how it feels to have an older brother, it feels nice, I'd be jealous of Robin for having one like him, but I knew it was useless since I'll be joining the family soon enough as soon as she and I meet again.

[AN: Wow... Quite presumptuous of you there love...]

What? It's not presumptuous, but a fact... Even if she has someone already, I won't give her up, I'd either steal her from her, or the woman would have to share... The thought of sharing her doesn't feel too good, but if it means I can be with her, why not? But I have to be her number 1 wife, I'm not conceding being the main wife, the legal wife, I'm not so naive as to not know about rich and capable men having their mistresses, and kings having their harem or concubines... However, I do wish that my Robin wouldn't get that big of several women... But remembering her exploits, I can't say for sure that she won't.

I was contemplating being the head of her Harem, when I felt a tap on my shoulder, followed by my name being called out in a sad tone... I looked back and saw the old head of the nurses, and she was looking at me sympathetically while handing me a letter...

"You can be off for duty for now, indefinitely, go ahead and read it somewhere you can let go... This is the only thing I can do for you at the moment, but if you need someone to talk to, you can also come to me" The old nurse gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze and then left me there. Called out another nurse to finish my rounds for me.

I was confused but followed her advice, to be safe, I didn't go just anywhere, I went to Carlisle's office. A woman in this period can never be too careful, is what Robin always says. The Sergeant has evolved into a full-blown stalker at this point, so I now opt to always stay with at least one Cullen when I'm not in a public setting.

I was already permitted to just come anytime I wanted and even enter even if no one was there since they understood my situation. So I did, and sat on one of the guest chairs, opened the letter and my eyes widened and turned somber.

The letter was from the military, informing me that my husband has been MIA in a very dangerous area for quite a while now, and has been presumed dead. They sent their condolences and were going to give me compensation and so on...

I feel conflicted... we have not known each other for a long time, but he has helped with my situation... Yes, it didn't work out as planned, but he still helped me out, and I even was able to meet with the Cullen's, thanks to him recommending joining the military medical staff... He was still so young... He was a good man...

But I also felt a bit free in a way... I'm legally single now, I won't make Robin a sinner by bedding a married woman. and now I feel awful for even things like this, a good man just died and I'm here thinking about making love with her.

I should think about more important things now, like what will happen to his things, the compensation, will keep it or let his family keep it? Do I have to go back? No, I'm never going back there, I'll continue to be a nurse here, or go wherever the Cullen family goes...


Just a day passed and the news about my husband's death, and me effectively being a widow spread, and the gossip where now running wild, a small number of people genuinely felt sympathetic towards me, but the majority of them sneered and speculated that I must've cursed and prayed for it to happen so I could be with Edward.

And unsurprisingly, the vultures of men who now smelled free meat came to me, in the guise of trying to comfort a recent widow... Which further escalated the gossip train... Saying things like I'm on the prowl for a new husband as soon as I lost one, seducing all the men with my body and fake tears.

I just ignored all of them and just continued working. Yes, I'm working again... This made the people around me perplexed and it may have fueled their assumptions that I didn't care for my husband at all, since I did not seem to grieve... But some of them did ask me directly why, and I told them that I couldn't stand being idle, my sadness would catch up to me. A stupid yet convincing excuse that most of them accepted.

So I'm here in Carlisle's office again, the Doctor was on his rounds with his wife, and Edward stayed to do some paperwork, while I ate my lunch here.

"You do know that they'll talk more about you being here along with me. Why don't you make friends with the other staff so less of them will gossip about you, you're too closed off, so people can only make assumptions about you," he said, not looking up from his work, writing.

"You do know that's not true right? I'm too pretty for them, they will continue to envy me and smear my reputation even if I try to make friends, they will just do it behind my back, I prefer it like right now, where I can clearly see them from the outside. Who needs fake friends, I know real people, real friends, I had them, you know them... And the people here? None of the people here compare to them" I replied after swallowing the food in my mouth, I had to have Edward get the food for me because I was afraid that the food would be messed with. Some of the kitchen staff was hostile towards me.

I hear him sigh... And then I heard the rustling of papers... Then I remembered something, and before my mind could fully articulate what it was, I just blurted it word per word as it formed in my mind...

"Why did you all lie about Robin being mute? And how did Robin make me forget about US being together?" I finally was able to ask. I did it spontaneously without thinking too...

I saw him suddenly stop working, and heard him let out another sigh before looking up to meet my gaze.

"Hopefully someday you'll know, she'll tell you herself... The only thing I can say is that she's special... The most special being that most people would ever encounter in their entire lives..." This is the only reply I got from him regarding this topic. No matter what I asked, He didn't budge.

He just laughed at me, and then made this thoughtful expression for a second and asked...

"Since we've entered a somewhat weird topic, let's enter rather weirder topics and questions. Yeah?" He asked in a playful tone.

"I'd rather you answer my actual questions, but sure. Whatever" I rolled my eyes at him playfully and urged him to continue.

"Great!... Let's see... What if you were offered to be a somewhat immortal being, you wouldn't age, you would be far more stronger, and beautiful than a normal human being... But you will have to give up being able to eat human food, you can't go out under the sun, or have children?... But you can be with your lover forever?" He started shaking it in a nonchalant tone but got a bit more serious at the end. Which was a bit weird.

"You're talking about being a vampire? Not being able to eat human food because I would only be able to drink blood and not being able to live under the sun because I'd turn to ashes?... Hmmm" I ponder about it a bit more while he just stared at me for a few more seconds, before he went back to work.

"To be honest, not aging and being immortal does sound good... I can even accept not being able to eat anymore... But the part where I can no longer have children... I've always wanted children... I know that Robin also wants children in the future, we actually talked about this, when she said things about being able to get sperm donors, and I suggested a lot of options, one of them actually was having you donate your seed to impregnate me-" I was cut off by Edward coughing, like he couldn't believe what he just her, and was now looking at me like I was an alien.

"What? It was a good suggestion, and at least the child would still have the Cullens blood right? Everybody is so beautiful, imagine how cute the child would be... But anyway, I was shot down, and she told me it was impossible... Because..." I gave him a pitying look."She shared with me about you being sterile, Please don't be mad at her, I was really being persistent with her, and she didn't have a choice but to do so."

I heard him say a lot of Spanish words and curses while he massaged between his closed eyes...

"So to answer your question. I guess, No? If I had a choice I'd choose no... I may not be able to have a child anymore... But we can still adopt... And grow old with our children..." I said dreamily, picturing my life with Robin. Smiling.

I didn't notice the sheepish smile he had, he had his head down looking at the papers...

[AN: well, you can't blame her, she doesn't know anything. The brother also doesn't know about his sister being able to preggo other women... Soooooo 🤷😅]

After that the conversation ended on a weird note, I said goodbye and went out to go back to my shared room.

Unbeknownst to me, somebody started following me after I left the office... Wearing a furious expression, and signs of alcohol intoxication...


AN: Three days in a row!!! Yuh yuh!! Anyway, this is a bit of a longer chap, with a lot of nonsense in it, but it's whatever.

I was window shopping online for tablets and noticed a lot of suspicious-looking posts... Like identical reviews and pics and stuff... Scary... I don't wanna be scammed... But I also can't buy the expensive tablet... Ugh...

Anyway... Thanks for the comments, power stones, and positive review, it makes my heart go doki doki whenever I see notifications from you guys and gals. 😘

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