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27.45% Let's Go To College / Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Now, as the long-awaited moment approached, the air crackled with anticipation, the tension between Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee palpable. With Seok-Woo's tip hovering tantalizingly close to Sung-Hee's delicate entrance, she couldn't help but feel a surge of nervousness washing over her. "Seok-Woo, please be gentle," she implored, her voice barely above a whisper, her gaze drifting away from his intense stare. "It's my first time, after all," she confessed, her admission laced with vulnerability and anticipation.

Sensing her apprehension, Seok-Woo's own excitement surged, his pulse quickening with each passing moment. His body thrummed with desire, his arousal evident as his member twitched in eager anticipation. Drawing a deep breath to steady himself, he fixed his gaze on Sung-Hee's face, his eyes filled with a mixture of determination and tenderness. "Look at me, Sung-Hee," he urged softly, his voice a soothing reassurance in the dimly lit room.

With a solemn expression, Seok-Woo made a heartfelt promise. "If it hurts, tell me," he pledged, his tone infused with sincerity and trust. Sung-Hee met his gaze, her eyes locking with his, a silent understanding passing between them. Bracing herself for what was to come, she nodded in silent acknowledgment, her resolve firm despite her nerves.

As Seok-Woo began to move, easing himself into her with slow, deliberate thrusts, Sung-Hee's grip on the bedsheets tightened instinctively, her body tensing against the intrusion. The sensation was overwhelming, a mix of pleasure and discomfort coursing through her veins. "Sung-Hee, how is it?" Seok-Woo's gentle voice broke through the haze of sensation, his care evident as he paused his movements to assess her well-being.

But Sung-Hee, determined to push through the initial discomfort, urged him to continue, her voice tinged with a hint of seduction. With each encouraging word she spoke, Seok-Woo's arousal grew, his member swelling slightly in response to her desire. Emboldened by her encouragement, he pressed on, moving further inside her with slow, steady motions, his gaze locked on her face, searching for any sign of distress.

Despite her efforts to conceal her pain, Sung-Hee's face contorted in discomfort, her grip on the bedsheets becoming white-knuckled with the intensity of her emotions. Seok-Woo's heart clenched with concern, tempted to halt their progress to spare her any further discomfort. Yet, with each shake of her head, she silently urged him to continue, her determination unwavering despite the pain. And so, with a mixture of desire and concern, Seok-Woo pressed on, his movements guided by their shared connection and unwavering trust.

As Seok-Woo's member made contact with Sung-Hee's cervix, a surge of conflicting sensations swept through her body. Caught between the sharp twinge of discomfort and the tingling of budding pleasure, Sung-Hee found herself in a paradoxical state of arousal and unease. Sensing her internal struggle, Seok-Woo halted his movements, allowing Sung-Hee a moment to acclimate to the sensation.

With each passing second, Sung-Hee's apprehension began to wane, gradually giving way to a growing sense of tolerance for the discomfort. Meeting Seok-Woo's gaze with a determined resolve, she uttered softly, "You can move now," her voice a mixture of anticipation and desire. She longed to derive pleasure from their intimacy, eager to explore the depths of sensation with him.

As Seok-Woo started his rhythmic thrusts, Sung-Hee let herself to the waves of pleasure coursing through her body. With each movement of his hips, she felt herself being drawn deeper into the throes of ecstasy, her moans mingling with his in a symphony of passion.

Despite Seok-Woo's relative inexperience, his primal instincts guided him as he focused on the simple yet potent act of penetration. His hips moved with increasing urgency, driven by the intoxicating pleasure building within him. Grunts escaped his lips as he continued to the primal rhythm of their lovemaking, his desire mounting with each passing moment.

In a haze of lust and longing, Sung-Hee found herself locking lips with Seok-Woo, their kiss a fervent expression of their carnal desires. As their tongues danced in a passionate embrace, Sung-Hee felt the telltale signs of impending release coursing through her body, her walls tightening in anticipation.

Breaking free from their kiss, Sung-Hee gasped breathlessly, her voice a husky whisper as she confessed, "I'm gonna cum again, Seok-Woo." Her declaration only fueled Seok-Woo's own arousal, prompting him to intensify his movements in response.

With synchronized abandon, they surrendered to the culmination of their desire, their bodies moving in perfect harmony as they chased the elusive peak of ecstasy. With a final burst of energy, they climaxed together, their cries of release echoing in the dimly lit room as they rode the waves of pleasure to completion. As Sung-Hee's vision blurred with ecstasy, she felt Seok-Woo's hand gripping her thigh possessively, anchoring her to the present moment amidst the tumult of sensation.

After their intercourse, Seok-Woo gently withdrew from Sung-Hee's body, the condom encasing his member now filled with evidence of their shared pleasure. With ease, he carefully removed the condom, tying it securely before disposing of it.

Exhausted yet sated, Sung-Hee reclined against the bed, her gaze drifting lazily to the ceiling as she basked in the afterglow of their intimacy. "That was incredible," she murmured softly, her voice a whisper in the hushed atmosphere. Seok-Woo nodded in agreement, a satisfied grin tugging at his lips. "Yeah, it really was," he affirmed, his tone tinged with lingering satisfaction.

As Sung-Hee shifted her gaze to Seok-Woo, a mischievous twinkle sparkled in her eyes. "But it seems your little friend isn't ready to call it a night just yet," she teased playfully, noting the persistence of Seok-Woo's arousal despite their recent activities. Seok-Woo chuckled in response, acknowledging the undeniable truth of her observation. "Seems like he has a mind of his own," he quipped, a hint of amusement coloring his words.

Sung-Hee couldn't help but roll her eyes at his jest, a fond smile playing at the corners of her lips. "As much as I'd love to indulge him further, I think it's time for some much-needed rest," she declared, her eyelids heavy with fatigue. With a graceful stretch, she reached for the covers, her movements languid as she prepared to settle in for the night.

"Get changed before you sleep," Seok-Woo advised gently as he rose from the bed, collecting his scattered clothes from the floor. With a swift motion, he dressed himself while Sung-Hee watched, a lingering uncertainty evident in her gaze.

As Seok-Woo finished dressing, he noticed Sung-Hee's hesitation, prompting him to inquire, "What's on your mind, Sung-Hee?" Her request was timid but clear: "Can you please bring me my clothes? I can't move much after what you did to me." Seok-Woo nodded understandingly and proceeded to gather Sung-Hee's garments from the floor, carefully retrieving each item.

Approaching the bed where Sung-Hee rested, Seok-Woo set her clothes beside her with a wordless acknowledgment. "Thank you," Sung-Hee murmured gratefully as she glanced at her neatly arranged attire. However, Seok-Woo's actions took an unexpected turn as his hand ventured toward her breast, eliciting a startled reaction from Sung-Hee.

Sung-Hee was taken aback by his actions, her surprise evident in the widening of her eyes. "What, is this not enough?" she queried as Seok-Woo's hand caressed her breast. Her inquiry was met with a mischievous grin from Seok-Woo, who continued to caress her breast with a playful gesture. "Well, I won't be able to enjoy this feeling for a while, so I'll savor the moment before I leave," he teased, his touch eliciting a soft moan from Sung-Hee as he gently teased her nipples.

After indulging in this brief moment of intimacy, Seok-Woo rose from the bed, his demeanor shifting to one of farewell. "I'll be heading home now," he announced, pausing by the door to express his gratitude. "Thank you for making my day of discharge from the military so memorable," he added with a genuine smile before bidding Sung-Hee goodbye and departing, leaving her alone with the echoes of their shared encounter.

Sung-Hee's gaze lingered on the closed door, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Likewise, thank you for making tonight one of the most memorable moments of my life," she expressed with sincerity, her words carrying a warmth that echoed the intimacy they had shared. With a gentle sigh, she began to dress, her movements slow and deliberate, mindful of her lingering sensations.

Meanwhile, outside Sung-Hee's home, Seok-Woo found himself surrounded by deserted streets, devoid of any signs of life. Determined to hail a taxi, he ventured forth, scanning the dimly lit surroundings for any indication of passing vehicles.

As he traversed the quiet streets, Seok-Woo couldn't help but reflect on the whirlwind of events that had transpired earlier. "Who would have imagined that we'd reach such depths in just one night," he mused to himself, a fond smile playing at his lips as he reminisced about the passionate moments he had shared with Sung-Hee. The memory of their encounter filled him with a sense of satisfaction and contentment, reaffirming the profound connection they had forged in the heat of the moment.

It took Seok-Woo a considerable amount of time to finally flag down a taxi. When one finally appeared, he eagerly signaled for it to stop, yearning to escape the quiet streets and return to the comfort of his home. The taxi halted obediently, its door swinging open to welcome Seok-Woo inside before merging back into the flow of traffic.

As the vehicle whisked him homeward, Seok-Woo's thoughts wandered, and he instinctively accessed the system within his mind. Navigating through, he stopped to check his current available Rolls. He couldn't help but be taken aback by what he found.

"Available Rolls: 55."

The number on the screen surprised him. In just a single day, he had amassed an unexpected windfall of 55 Rolls. Reflecting on the events that led to this accumulation — from the attention drawn by his sculpted physique to the unexpected encounter with Sunhwi — Seok-Woo couldn't deny the impact his actions had on his newfound wealth.

As he mulled over his options, a temptation tugged at him, urging him to indulge in the excitement of the Gachapon machine and its tantalizing prizes. Yet, he resisted, exercising restraint as he reasoned with himself.

"I'll save it for tomorrow, back at home," he decided, determined to savor the anticipation of his next roll in the comfort of his own space rather than succumbing to impulsive desires in the confined confines of the taxi.

The taxi navigated its way to Seok-Woo's residence, the journey prolonged by the considerable distance separating his home from Sung-Hee's. Upon reaching his destination, Seok-Woo settled the taxi fare before stepping out.

Stepping out of the vehicle, Seok-Woo watched as it disappeared into the night, leaving him standing in front of his home. With purposeful strides, he made his way to the entrance, retrieving the keys from his back pocket as he walked.

Pausing at the door, he inserted the key into the lock, the familiar click signaling his arrival. Pushing the door open, he entered the cozy interior, the comforting warmth enveloping him like a familiar embrace. With a practiced motion, he closed the door behind him, the latch engaging with a soft click.

Surveying the room, his eyes fell upon the television, its glow casting a gentle illumination over the space. Moving closer, he noticed Chae-Yoon sprawled on the couch, her form relaxed in sleep, one arm draped lazily above her head.

However, as his gaze lingered, he couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in her nightgown, revealing more of her than intended. His breath caught in his throat as he beheld the unexpected sight of her exposed breast, the gentle curve of her nipple catching the dim light.

A surge of desire pulsed through him, his body reacting instinctively to the provocative image before him. Closing his eyes momentarily, he willed himself to regain control, his mind racing to quell the rising tide of arousal.

After a couple of deep breaths, Seok-Woo felt his member gradually subside. With a composed demeanor, he walked over to Chae-Yoon, reaching for the remote control to silence the television's chatter.

His fingers, moving with gentle precision, sought to shield Chae-Yoon's exposed breast. Yet, the sheer fabric of her nightgown offered little concealment, allowing a glimpse of the delicate pinkness of her nipple to tease his gaze.

Seok-Woo, with a tenderness born of care, lifted Chae-Yoon into his arms, cradling her with the strength of his two muscular limbs as he made his way toward her room.

As they ascended the stairs together, Chae-Yoon's eyelids fluttered open, her vision initially blurred but swiftly cleared. She regarded Seok-Woo quietly, her body felt his sculpted arms supporting her delicate body.

"What a good son.". Chae-Yoon mused as Seok-Woo carried her to her room, a pang of warmth stirring within her at his caring gesture. But as they neared her door, a wayward thought slipped into her mind like a thief in the night. "If only he were my husband, not my son..." Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as quickly as the thought surfaced, and she chastised herself for entertaining such a thought.

As Chae-Yoon succumbed to the pull of her desires, she yearned to experience the pleasure and intimacy of being with a man once again. She longed for the touch of warm skin against hers and the thickness of a real member to satisfy her sexual frustrations. However, there was one major hurdle: Seok-Woo was her own son.

Her heart raced with conflicted emotions as she struggled to reconcile her desires with the taboo nature of their relationship. Despite the moral dilemma, her body ached with a primal need that could not be ignored.

For Seok-Woo, he didn't know that Chae-Yoon was thinking about him. Arrived at her room. He walked to her bed and then gently laid her down. Covering her sultry body with bedsheets. 

Seok-Woo quietly slipped out of the room, leaving Chae-Yoon alone to rest. But her mind was in turmoil with conflicting thoughts as she lay there in bed.

Seok-Woo retreated to his room, the weight of the day heavy on his shoulders as he closed the door behind him, shutting out the world. Striding to his bed, he shed his garments one by one, leaving nothing but bare skin in the quiet solitude of his room.

With a sigh, he sank into the soft embrace of his mattress, pulling the covers around him as he settled in. Yet, as he lay there in the stillness of the night, a damp sensation against his skin drew his attention. He reached down, fingertips brushing against the moisture, a wistful smile tugging at his lips. "Sung-Hee must have really enjoyed herself," he mused softly, reminiscing about their passionate encounter.

Content with the memories of the day, Seok-Woo allowed himself to drift into slumber, the echoes of his eventful day fading into the gentle embrace of sleep.

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