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23.52% Let's Go To College / Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Sung-Hee continued her hand motion on Seok-Woo's throbbing penis, each movement causing him to moan softly in pleasure. His recent orgasm had left his member sensitive, amplifying the sensations of Sung-Hee's hand. With every touch, she could feel him trembling with pleasure.

It didn't take long for Seok-Woo to reach climax once again, his body responding eagerly to Sung-Hee's touch. As he released himself for the second time that evening, Sung-Hee deftly caught the warm semen in her other hand, preventing it from spilling onto the floor.

There was an impressive amount of sperm that came from him, and Sung-Hee felt its warmth seeping through her fingers. She couldn't resist bringing her hand closer to her face, curious to examine it up close. The sticky substance clung to her skin and had a faint smell to it, but Sung-Hee found herself strangely drawn to it. It was her first time experiencing seeing real sperm outside of pornography videos, and she couldn't help but be fascinated by it.

After experiencing his second orgasm, Seok-Woo's chest rose and fell with ragged breaths, his body feeling spent and sated despite the lack of physical exertion. He marveled at the sensation, comparing it to the solitary act of masturbation. The intimacy of Sung-Hee's touch had elevated the experience beyond anything he could achieve alone.

Turning his gaze towards Sung-Hee, he noticed her intense scrutiny of his semen, her eyes fixed on the evidence of their shared moment. "Why are you staring at it so intently?" he asked, breaking the silence that enveloped them. Realizing the need to clean up, he instructed her to fetch tissues from his nearby computer table.

As Sung-Hee obediently retrieved the tissues and wiped away the remnants of their passion, Seok-Woo couldn't help but admire her efficiency. It took several tissues to remove the sticky residue completely, each one a testament to the intensity of their encounter. With a flick of her wrist, Sung-Hee disposed of the used tissues in the trash can before turning back to face Seok-Woo.

However, her surprise was palpable as she noticed that Seok-Woo's erection had not subsided, standing proudly as if unaffected by their recent activities. Shock and confusion clouded Sung-Hee's expression as she struggled to comprehend why his arousal persisted despite their moments of intimacy.

Seok-Woo's awareness sharpened as he observed Sung-Hee's surprise, his own lingering arousal evident despite the recent climax. His gaze trailed down her form, noting the subtle shift in her demeanor until it settled on the undeniable evidence of her arousal—a glistening wetness between her parted thighs.

Deciding what to do. With a swift motion, Seok-Woo rose from his seated position, his hand reaching out to grasp Sung-Hee's slender fingers, pulling her gently but decisively towards the bed. Caught off guard by his sudden assertiveness, Sung-Hee's breath caught in her throat as she found herself swiftly guided onto the soft expanse of the mattress, Seok-Woo's commanding presence hovering over her.

The intensity of Seok-Woo's gaze bore down on her, penetrating through the layers of her defenses as she averted her eyes, a silent gesture of vulnerability in the face of his unyielding scrutiny. Yet, despite her attempt to evade his probing stare, she couldn't escape the magnetic pull of his unwavering focus.

Seok-Woo's fingers traced a deliberate path towards the dampened patch between Sung-Hee's trembling thighs, the mere brush of his touch sending a surge of electric sensation coursing through her body. In that fleeting moment of contact, time seemed to stand still as Sung-Hee's senses were overwhelmed by the unexpected jolt of pleasure, her wide eyes betraying the overwhelming intensity of the touch.

Sung-Hee's eyes bore into Seok-woo's, a mixture of indignation and anticipation flickering within their depths. "What are you doing, you dumbass? I didn't agree to this," she snapped, her voice laced with a hint of defiance as she glared at Seok-Woo's bold actions. Despite her protest, she made no move to push him away, her body tensed with conflicting desires.

Seok-Woo met her gaze unwaveringly, his own eyes filled with determination. "Do you want me to help you feel good?" he inquired, his words hanging in the air like a delicate promise. His fingers, damp from brushing against her clothes, betrayed the intensity of his intentions, causing a flush to spread across Sung-Hee's face.

Her breaths came raggedly as she contemplated his offer, her gaze locked onto Seok-Woo's steadfast stare. With a turn of her head, she whispered her consent, her voice barely audible but laden with longing. "Yes, make me feel good," she murmured, her admission hanging between them like a fragile thread.

With her permission granted, Seok-Woo moved with purpose, his hands deftly working to remove the final barriers to her pleasure. "Excuse me," he murmured, his voice a gentle reassurance as he guided her pants down, revealing the dampened fabric of her panties underneath.

As his fingers brushed against the wet material, Seok-Woo hesitated, seeking her consent once more. "Can I?" he asked, his voice soft with reverence as he sought permission to unveil the intimate secrets hidden beneath. The air between them crackled with anticipation as Sung-Hee met his gaze, her hesitation giving way to a nod of assent.

With a careful motion, Seok-Woo pulled down her panties, revealing the delicate folds of her femininity. In that intimate moment, their eyes met, sharing the vulnerability of revealing their most sacred selves to each other for the very first time.

Seok-Woo's gaze lingered on the intimate sight before him, the delicate folds of Sung-Hee's revealed to him for the first time. A surge of mixed emotions washed over him as he reflected on the whirlwind of events that had unfolded on this momentous day, his recent discharge from military service adding another layer of significance to the day's events.

Sung-Hee's instinctive gesture to shield herself from his intense scrutiny only heightened the palpable tension between them, her hands moving to cover her most intimate parts, a shy yet captivating display that drew Seok-Woo's attention like a magnet.

Drawing closer to her, Seok-Woo's breath mingled with Sung-Hee's as their eyes locked in silent communication, a wordless agreement passing between them as they leaned in for another kiss. The warmth of Sung-Hee's touch enveloped him as her hands encircled his head, pulling him closer in a tender embrace.

With a boldness that belied his inexperience, Seok-Woo's touch ventured beyond the realm of passivity, his fingers finding their way to Sung-Hee's moist center. As he made contact, a soft gasp escaped Sung-Hee's lips, the sensation of his finger slipping inside her eliciting a pleasurable moan that mingled with the fervent exchange of their kisses.

Despite his novice status, Seok-Woo's Fingering Skill[+1] surprised even himself as he navigated the contours of Sung-Hee's body with practiced ease. With each deft movement of his fingers, he elicited a symphony of moans and sighs from Sung-Hee, her arousal mounting with every tantalizing stroke.

Breaking away from their kiss, their eyes met once more, a shared moment of unspoken understanding passing between them. Seok-Woo's ministrations quickened in pace, his fingers becoming a blur of motion as they delved deeper into the depths of Sung-Hee's desire, each brush against her sensitive flesh sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body, her moans growing louder and more urgent with each passing moment.

Thankfully, Chae-Yoon remained engrossed in the drama unfolding on the television downstairs, oblivious to the intense events transpiring between Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee in the privacy of the room above.

As time elapsed, Seok-Woo's diligent efforts began to yield results. Sung-Hee's breath hitched as she uttered those telling words, "I'm cumming, Seok-Woo," signaling to him to quicken his pace. With a surge of urgency, Seok-Woo intensified his movements, prompting Sung-Hee to instinctively stifle her impending moans by covering her mouth with her arms.

In a climactic moment, Sung-Hee's body arched upward as waves of pleasure coursed through her, culminating in a powerful release that resulted in her squirting onto the floor below. Seok-Woo's hands became damp from her essence, a tangible testament to the intensity of their shared experience. With a hint of amusement, he withdrew his fingers from within her and brought them to his lips, savoring the taste of her arousal.

Sung-Hee watched in fascination as Seok-Woo licked her essence from his fingers, unable to resist the urge to inquire, "How does it taste?" His response, delivered with a touch of playful charm, elicited a soft chuckle from her lips. "It's a bit sweet, just like you," he remarked, drawing a breath of amusement from Sung-Hee at his witty reply. 

The anticipation crackled in the air as Seok-Woo's hand found its way to Sung-Hee's breast, a bold move met with eager reciprocation as her hand trailed toward his erecting member. Their touch ignited a fire, each movement a dance of desire, Seok-Woo's firm grip contrasting with Sung-Hee's gentle strokes.

Their faces drew closer, lips almost meeting in another passionate embrace when a sudden interruption shattered the moment. A knock echoed through Seok-Woo's room, breaking the spell they were under. Chae-Yoon's voice pierced through the silence, "Seok-Woo. Your food delivery has come, go get it outside." Called for Seok-Woo to attend to a delivery.

Seok-Woo's eyes widened in realization, torn between the lingering intensity of their shared desire and the need to address the interruption. "Yes, Mother. I'll be right there," he responded hastily, tearing his gaze away from Sung-Hee's.

In an unspoken agreement, they hurriedly composed themselves, hastily dressed up then straightened their clothes and erased any traces of their intimacy from the room. With practiced efficiency, they regained their composure, though the flush of their cheeks betrayed the lingering effects of their encounter.

As Seok-Woo opened the door to attend to the delivery, Chae-Yoon's gaze flickered between him and the room, her curiosity evident. Sung-Hee sat on the bed, her restless movements and flushed complexion a silent testament to the intensity of their shared moment, a secret held between them amidst the mundane routine of everyday life.

As Chae-Yoon stepped into the room, her senses were immediately met with an unexpected aroma, a lingering muskiness that seemed to dance in the air. With each inhale, the scent grew more familiar, triggering a cascade of thoughts in her mind. Despite the pristine appearance of the room, the distinct fragrance hinted at a different story—one of the intimate moments shared between two individuals.

Her gaze fell upon Sung-Hee, who appeared restless, her eyes darting aimlessly around the room, avoiding any direct contact. Chae-Yoon couldn't help but smile knowingly at the sight, recognizing the subtle signs of post-encounter nerves etched on Sung-Hee's flushed face.

Chae-Yoon's inner monologue buzzed with amused recognition as she observed Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee's subtle interactions. "They must have had quite the time in here," she mused silently, her knowing smile concealed from view as she turned on her heel and descended the stairs.

Upon reaching the lower floor, Chae-Yoon's attention was immediately drawn to Seok-Woo, who appeared laden with their long-awaited food delivery. Seok-Woo's brisk stride caught her eye, prompting her playful inquiry about the rush.

"What's the rush?" she quipped, her tone light and teasing.

Seok-Woo paused in his tracks, meeting Chae-Yoon's gaze with a twinkle in his eye. "Just hungry. We've been waiting forever," he replied with a nonchalant shrug before continuing on his way to his room.

Watching him disappear from sight, Chae-Yoon couldn't resist a mischievous parting shot. "I hope you remembered to wear some condoms," she murmured under her breath, a playful grin tugging at the corners of her lips as she resumed her descent.

Seok-Woo stepped into his room, his gaze meeting Sung-Hee's lingering eyes. Despite the lingering desire for more intimate moments, he found himself unable to vocalize his yearning, instead opting for a simple directive. "Let's eat," he uttered softly, placing the food parcels on the floor before beginning to unpack them.

Sung-Hee descended from the bed, her hunger subdued by the weight of unspoken desires. Silently, they partook of the meal, their shared silence a palpable presence in the room. Seok-Woo stole occasional glances at Sung-Hee, noting her quiet demeanor as she ate, her gaze averted.

With the meal concluded, they tidied up in strained silence, each movement laden with unspoken tension. Any accidental touch elicited a subtle flinch from Sung-Hee, further emphasizing the chasm between them. As they stood, the weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air.

"I'll be going home," Sung-Hee announced quietly, her eyes meeting Seok-Woo's as she spoke.

"Sure, I'll accompany you," Seok-Woo responded, his voice equally subdued as he nodded in agreement. Together, they made their way downstairs, their departure noted by Chae-Yoon, who paused her drama to address Sung-Hee.

"Going home, Sung-Hee?" Chae-Yoon inquired, to which Sung-Hee affirmed her departure with a nod. "Yes, I'll be heading home. Goodnight, Mrs. Chae-Yoon," she bid farewell with a gentle wave.

As Sung-Hee made her way towards the exit, Seok-Woo turned to Chae-Yoon, his request tinged with a hint of urgency. "Could you lend me the keys to the house? I'll be accompanying her, and I might be late returning," he explained, acknowledging the distance between Sung-Hee's home and his own.

"Sure, it's there. Take your time," Chae-Yoon replied casually, her attention swiftly returning to the drama unfolding on the screen.

Seok-Woo followed her gesture, locating the keys with ease. Retrieving them, he made his way to the door, securing it with a click before stepping outside. Sung-Hee awaited him, her figure illuminated by the soft glow of the porch light.

Observing Seok-Woo tucking the keys into his pocket, Sung-Hee held her stance, her eyes tracing his movements until he stood beside her. Wordlessly, they set off together, the night enveloping them in a cloak of silence.

As they hailed a taxi, their actions synchronized yet devoid of conversation. The journey passed in hushed tranquility, the ambient sounds of the city melding with the rhythm of their breaths.

Finally, the taxi arrived at Sung-Hee's house, the familiar sight signaling the end of their shared journey. Alighting from the vehicle, they approached the gate in tandem.

"I think this is as far as I'll go. I'll head back to the taxi," Seok-Woo remarked, his tone gentle yet resolute as he prepared to bid Sung-Hee farewell.

Sung-Hee nodded in understanding, her hand moving to open the gate. However, before Seok-Woo could take more than a few steps, her voice halted him in his tracks.

"Seok-Woo, would you like to continue inside my room? My parents won't be back until tomorrow morning," she offered softly, her words imbued with a subtle invitation as she held the gate ajar, a gesture of openness amidst the quiet of the night.

Seok-Woo's response was immediate, his eagerness palpable as he seized the opportunity. "Yes, I would like that," he replied without hesitation, his resolve firm as he crossed the threshold into the unknown depths of the night.

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