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73.91% percy jackson: the bloodborne hero? / Chapter 16: chapter 16

Chapter 16: chapter 16

The chalice leads through many different dimensions. Always random, always different.

The deeper that Percy went, the more he learned, but also the stronger he got.

His eyes were hallowed, only insanity or hatred appeared in his once childlike eyes. His eyes were devoid of hope.

His mentality changed from ending the hunt, to slaughtering all he could. He was still alive and kicking, and he was about to make it everyone's problem.

The chalice dungeons also flowed at different time. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower.

Physically Percy looked 17, but his mind had matured as did his body.

Percy had been a monster before entering the chalice dungeons, but now? He was so far beyond that.

The doll was still as lovely as ever, but gehrman was another story.

Percy was able to see both physically and spiritually, this man was just too old. His mind couldn't keep up with his age, slowly driving him insane.

Tentacles erupted from percy's left hand as he drove his blade of mercy through the under of the man's chin, instantly killing him.

Percy had a difficult relationship with the augur of ebrietas. The reason? It summoned the great one's tentacle to attack his enemy for him.

And his first experience with them did not go well.

What happened? See for yourself.


Percy had found a tool, and was fighting a human who was from the church. His name was Alfred, and the reason? He killed one of his survivors for being a vile blood.

A tentacle erupted from percy's left hand, and instead of attacking like it was supposed to, it wrapped around his arm.

"" an incoherent voice was heard in Percy's head. 

a small head appeared and looked at Percy's then his opponent, then the tentacles raised and squashed him and he died instantly. 

"SEEK me," the voice was heard in clear English.

Percy clenched his head as just that much was almost enough for his frenzy to kick in.

Percy drank his sedative to calm the madness and gàzed upon alfreds body with a sigh.


Percy knew he was fucked. The reason? He was in the hunters nightmare.

He entered by accident really. He was picked up by the hand again, but this time he didn't go insane, instead he was transported into another version of the cathedral ward.

Percy's first actual fighter here turned out... Anticlimactic. Gehrmans student turned out to be... Slow... Weak...

Percy's pupils turned red, with a hint of black. Mad as he was, he was also very fucking strong.

Gehrmans student was nothing more than just a regular hunter in yharnam. Neither stronger, nor faster.

Compared to the crow, these people hit weaker, moved slower, and couldn't last more than a couple of hits.

Then again, Percy was stronger, more agile, and more brutal than he was pre chalice.



The new weapon that Percy found completely tore through the beast. The whirligig was definitely one of his favorites, but not his preferred style.

However Percy had slaughtered... No massacred his was through this hunters nightmare. He put those who were here to sleep, with the exception of Simon.

Simon was sane... For now, and as a hoonter of hoonters, he could not harm him.

Of course, controlling the gravity on opponents also provided him with an advantage.

Of course, on the rare occasions where the enemy tried to run, Percy used gravity to pull the beast back into the fight.

It wasn't much of a surprise when Percy met a small amount of difficulty when he met his next boss.

Ludwig... Where had he heard this name before... He had recalled gehrman mentioning him when he "forced" gehrman To answer the question he was looking for.

The only truly challenging part was dodging the sword attacks, the reason was simple... He felt death.

He knew one hit of the blade, or the light it emits he would be vaporized. Not even if he were to use gravity against it.

Instead it would use that energy and completely destroy it. It was like the sword itself was able to channel the power of the cosmos.

Percy laid down on the stairs after a hard fought battle. He wiped off his sweat and groaned. This place was exactly what he was looking for though...

A place to gather experience and the ability to fight stronger opponents.

Don't get me wrong, the people in yharnam were... Somewhat strong. But the average hunter here was stronger. With the exception of the crow and his mentor.

They would wipe the floor with most enemies he had met so far. Percy groaned as he got up, he must continue the hunt... He must....


Who is that? Why had this person entered her resting place?

"If you're going to come Alive please don't. I hate creepy dolls," the voice of a man was heard.

What is this man talking about, creepy dolls? But no, Lady Maria stayed silent.

The man... No, that was the sigh of a teenager, maybe about 16... No 17 by the footsteps.

Considering how the teen had made it this far, it was safe to assume he put down the living failures. Good... Those children deserve their rest.

"Okay, I know I saw you twitch there," the teen said.

Maria felt him begin poking her cheek, and much to her frustration her cheeks glowed red.

Never had she seen such a male so brazen.

"Mmm, okay. Maybe not ..." *Sigh*

"Guess you won't be needing this," the man said as he reached towards her blade.

Maria decided at that moment to move, grasping his hand and leaning forward.

"A corpse... Should be left well alone," she said.


Percy knew she would come alive. They always did, just like that doll called Annabelle.

Percy was quick on his feet though, so her endless attacks didn't do much harm to him.

This woman wasn't blood drunk... Weird for sure, but definitely not drunk. So he would restrain her as that would prevent him from spilling innocent blood.

Percy sent a clean punch to her rib cage, but this woman was tough. He rolled under her blade and sweeped her feet but she grabbed his wrist and threw him into a wall.

Percy laughed. a worthy fight.

As she dashed forward, Percy planted his foot on her blade and forced it into the floor as he punched her chin.

Percy was confused now... They had been fighting for about thirty minutes. Sure they were both injured, mainly minor.

Percy on his arms and some on his shoulders, but this woman had bruises already forming on her chin, and had a couple of broken ribs.

But her smile... It was like she was having fun. Like she finally found a fight that kept her blood pumping.

Percy once again countered her dash, and he kept her arm pinned there.

"Are you perhaps a masochist?" Percy asked.

(End of chapter.)

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