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99.15% I, The Destined Villain, Start With The Saintess! / Chapter 118: Xiao Fan’s Father’s Routine, The Past Of Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers

Chapter 118: Xiao Fan’s Father’s Routine, The Past Of Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers



On the way to see the Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers, Xiao Fan felt a little uneasy after hearing that she was his father's love interest.

This feels a little weird.

Of course, he didn't mean to say that his father was a pervert, after all, he was a pervert himself.

He just felt that when his father wanted to get women, why would he find someone close to his mother instead of someone farther away?

"Young Master Xiao, please go in." When they came to a bush of flowers, the female elder said to Xiao Fan.

"Thank you."

Xiao Fan looked around and saw thousands of exotic flowers blooming here, as if he were in a sea of ​​flowers, with colorful butterflies flying and the fragrance of flowers assailing his nostrils.

'What a unique floral fragrance, fresh and not mixed. It also contains spiritual energy. If you practice here, you can get twice the result with half the effort.'

Xiao Fan thought to himself, he looked to one side and saw a piece of blue jade that was more than ten feet tall, with dragons and phoenixes riding on it, and engraved with several large characters: Wanhua Cong.

This name does have some meaning.

Have you been among thousands of flowers and not a single leaf has touched you?

Before Xiao Fan could walk in, a dignified woman in a green dress and long skirt with flying hair fell in front of Xiao Fan. She had a peerless face, a faint smile on her lips, and looked at Xiao Fan carefully.

The fragrant wind came and stimulated Xiao Fan's nerves. Needless to say, this person was the Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers.

"I have met the senior Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers." He bowed his hands and saluted.

At the same time, Xiao Fan is also observing the Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers carefully. I want to see what kind of woman can make my father fall in love.

Hundred Flowers Holy Lord's Mahayana cultivation means that she is not a powerful monk, but also a genius from the lower world.

But her appearance was anything but ordinary.

She has a pretty pink face, a pair of beautiful and clear eyes, a pair of alluring pink and red cherry lips, a pair of willow eyebrows, and hair swaying in the wind, like a fairy in a painting.

Coupled with her own dignified temperament and her proud figure, in addition to being tall, she also has two fruitful snow-capped mountains.

In comparison, this Holy Lord is not as beautiful as his mother. She is less holy and ethereal than his mother, but more agile and quiet.

No wonder dad got into trouble. I really can't blame him for this.

Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers looked at Xiao Fan, with a hint of reminiscence in his beautiful eyes.

"You and him are very similar." Holy Master of Hundred Flowers showed a loving smile, like an elder looking at a younger one.

Of course, Xiao Fan knew what she was talking about, wasn't she just saying that he looked like his father?

However, he should pretend not to understand now.

Xiao Fan looked confused and said, "Senior Holy Lord, what are you talking about?"

Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just thought of someone after seeing you..."

"Forget it, don't talk about this."

"Don't call me senior either. My name is An Wen. Just call me Aunt An." She said softly.

Xiao Fan:...

I really can't pretend I don't know anything.

"No, senior is the Holy Master of Hundred Flowers, how could I lose my etiquette." Xiao Fan responded.

An Wen was stunned for a moment, then smiled lightly and said, "It's up to you."

"If you don't call me Aunt An, it should be okay if I call you Xiao Fan."

"As long as you like it." Xiao Fan said respectfully.

Xiao Fan doesn't want to comment too much on the grievances and resentments of the previous generation. It's all his father's fault and he can solve it himself.

At first, Xiao Fan was somewhat resistant to An Wen. After all, she was his mother's love rival, and from a standpoint, she was also his enemy.

However, after chatting with An Wen for a while, he found that the woman in front of him was intellectual, gentle, and knew how to take care of other people's feelings.

No wonder dad is getting along with her, he's careless.

"By the way, your is Mr. Xiao doing lately? Is he okay?"

The conversation changed and she mentioned Xiao Fan's father, with a hint of expectation in her tone.

Xiao Fan was caught off guard, this...

As if she felt that what she said was wrong, she immediately explained: "The head of the Xiao family and I have an old relationship. We were friends when we were young."

"Oh, that's it." Xiao Fan suddenly realized. "It turns out that Senior An and my father are old acquaintances."

"My father has been practicing hard recently and rarely shows up. I rarely see him." Xiao Fan didn't plan to say anything more.

Dad messed up other people's hearts, let him take care of it himself.

"That's it." An Wen said softly, the expectation in her tone disappeared, and she was a little disappointed.

It's very light, but you can still feel it.

With Xiao Fan's experience of playing with women's emotions for many years, it can be seen at a glance that An Wen still has deep affection for his father.

Xiao Fan was a little curious as to what his father had done back then.

"Senior Holy Lord, are you familiar with my father?"

"I'm relatively familiar with him, I know his strengths and weaknesses, and he knows my depth." An Wen chuckled.

Xiao Fan:???

Damn it, the driving skills of the previous generation are not inferior to mine!

Unexpectedly, Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers, who seemed so gentle and gentle, could actually drive so fast.

She blushed slightly as if she felt she had said the wrong thing.

"Are you curious about your father's past?" Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers said.

"A little bit." Xiao Fan nodded.

Like father, like son. It seems that my being so carefree is all because of my father. I really can't be blamed for this!!

The two of them walked while talking and sat down in a small pavilion.

Holy Master made tea as usual and poured it for Xiao Fan. Xiao Fan knew that things were not simple at first glance.


This technique is so similar to his father's!!

It is simply carved out of the same mold!

The Holy Master of Hundred Flowers brewed the tea and waved her jade hand. A breeze blew away the heat of the tea, leaving only a third of the warmth.

Even the temperature is controlled exactly like his father!

"Drink tea." Holy Lord said.

"Thank you, senior." Xiao Fan didn't hesitate, but felt a little emotional. He was still not as good as his father, who could make a woman miss him for thousands of years.

Even habits are like this.

"Actually, your father and I have known each other for a long time." Holy Master of Hundred Flowers picked up a cup of hot tea and took a sip.

Xiao Fan remained silent and listened more.

It's not that he finds it interesting, but after listening to it, he can better control his father in front of his mother.

An Wen had a look of reminiscence on her face, while Xiao Fan was a quiet listener.

An Wen worshiped in the Holy Land of Hundred Flowers when she was a child, but her talent was not very high. Apart from having an outstanding appearance and suppressing the disciples of her generation, she had no merit.

Xiao Fan:...

Isn't this child of destiny's start? Appearance is justice!

An Wen is not happy. Others always say that her unrivaled beauty can make people fall in love without looking at her talent.

There are also many people from aristocratic families who are willing to spend a lot of money to marry An Wen.

But An Wen felt unhappy. She hoped that others would notice her because of her outstanding strength, not her beautiful skin.

These things were like a vase, making her feel like she was of no use except for her appearance.

Therefore, An Wen practiced hard, but her talent was really limited. Maybe God focused all her talent on her appearance.

She became famous all over the world at the age of eighteen and was called the most beautiful woman in the world at that time, but her cultivation was only at the early stage of foundation building.

An Wen, who refused to accept her fate, worked hard to cultivate. Once when she was on a mission, she lost track of time because she was too focused and was trapped in the mist of monsters.

'Sure enough, I'm still too weak.' She laughed at herself.

The ferocious and violent monster roared, making people tremble. Its sharp fangs, sharp claws, and hideous and terrifying face, every inch of its body told of danger.

An Wen was determined to die, but she had no regrets. She could only blame herself for being inferior to others.

But when she was in a desperate situation, a young man in white fell from the sky and swung his sword. The crescent-red sword light was unstoppable!

With one sword, the world is silent.

Kill all the monsters in front of you to pieces.

The young man in white clothes with a sword, his back turned to her, left a deep mark on her heart.

She wanted to say thank you, but the boy in white didn't stop and just asked her, "You're not hurt, are you?"

An Wen was a little at a loss. Her cheeks were slightly red and her heart was trembling. She said timidly,

"I, I'm not hurt."

"Well, it's okay. It's not safe here. You should leave quickly." After saying that, he left without looking back.

This is the first time the two meet.

Xiao Fan heard this and called him an expert, holy shit!

It turns out that this routine was left over from his father's tricks, and he also used a hero to save the beauty. The boy in white, no matter how old he was, still used this trick to fool the little girl.

Xiao Fan secretly scolded his father for not being a human being, who played the hearts of other innocent girls.

No wonder I'm such a scumbag, I definitely inherited it from my dad!

When An Wen said this, the smile at the corner of her mouth couldn't help but rise. It can be seen that this encounter left an indelible impression in her heart.

Xiao Fan shook his head in his heart. He didn't expect that his father was the one with the Thousand Layers of Tricks. It was pitiful to the Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers for not being able to see through his father's lustful intentions.

She has fallen!

Later, at the Sword Sect's sword discussion conference.

An Wen met the young man in white that day again, and after asking, she found out that he was the young master of the Xiao family.

An Wen mustered up the courage to go up and say thank you.

The boy in white was stunned and asked who she was?

She excitedly said that she was saved by him that day.

The young man in white suddenly realized it, and said with a smile, "It takes a little effort."

An Wen recalled, "At that time, everyone looked at me with that kind of desire in their eyes. Only he, with a clear face, regarded me as an ordinary person."

An Wen finally found a sense of identity. The man in front of her didn't even look at her face. He was not the kind of person who judged people by their appearance!

This time, her favorability immediately soared. An Wen mustered up the courage to ask him to teach her swordsmanship, and it would be no problem for her to be a slave.

Humble, so humble!

Despicable, so despicable!

This guy pretended to be young and deceived little girls, which made Xiao Fan feel ashamed.

"What I have achieved today is entirely due to your father's teachings." Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers said with a smile, no longer hiding it.

"He didn't think I was stupid, affirmed my hard work, and encouraged me that my efforts would eventually be rewarded. He also taught me how to practice swordsmanship, found the holy medicine for me, washed my muscles and marrow, and allowed me to complete my transformation."

"Not only that, he also supported me and helped me win the title of Saint. Otherwise, I wouldn't be standing here talking to you."

Xiao Fan just gave a thumbs up in his heart, and his father taught the game step by step.

Note down this routine carefully and review it carefully.

For this kind of good-looking, but not very talented woman.

You can't fancy her appearance, you must treat her as an ordinary person.

At the same time, encourage her to work hard and let her grow step by step. In the process, teach her step by step, and she will have a deep impression on you.

However, you need to pay attention here. You should not be too good to her, but give her a sense of detachment, and pay attention to shaping your high-ranking image so that she has a mentality of looking up to you.

Admiration, gratitude, and the initial love at first sight, the combination of the three is a sure win, and no woman can withstand this set of operations.

Develop a little girlfriend!

Xiao Fan is amazing. When it comes to picking up girls, it is his father's unique skill.

However, in his impression, his father didn't go out much recently and seemed a bit honest.

Perhaps, except his mother, no one can restrain this man.

"I knew there was a big difference in our status. In the end, he also went back to the Xiao family. Although I was prepared for it, the moment I heard him say he was going home to get engaged, I admit that I burst into tears."

"That night, we stayed up all night, talking to each other, and I gave myself to him. We were frank with each other, and we became Void Integration monks. However, it is inevitable to follow the family order, and I didn't want to embarrass him, so I let him leave. "

"This farewell lasts for a thousand years." Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers said with emotion.

It's really amazing!

Fuck drive in front of me, right?

He played with other people's feelings, took away her Pure Yin, and made her miss him for thousands of years. He didn't come to make trouble and she still missed his kindness. With this skill, Xiao Fan felt inferior.

Your dad is your dad after all!

"Ah chi, who secretly complimented me on my handsomeness behind my back?" Father Xiao touched his nose and frowned.

He wanted to deduce who it was, but since he was praising him for being handsome, forget it, don't scold him, so there was no need to pay attention.

Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers said with a smile, "You have 70% of his shadow. I talk too much. I will tell you these past events and you can just listen to them as a story."

Xiao Fan smiled and said, "It turns out that the Holy Master and my father have a relationship, so this is an advantage for him."

"You are quite interesting." Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers said with a bright and moving smile.

"I heard that your fiancée is Lanzhi?"


"It seems that our of Hundred Flowers Holy Land and your Xiao family are really destined. Your father supports me as the Holy Master, and now you support Lanzhi."

"Okay, that's it."

"By the way, if you go back, can you give this letter to him?" of Hundred Flowers Holy Land took out a letter filled with the fragrance of flowers.

"No problem!" Xiao Fan did it without even thinking about it.

This is evidence!

With this evidence in hand, daddy can't you just listen to me? I like his purple orchid immortal sword very much!

Jie Jie Jie Jie!

Holy Master of Hundred Flowers didn't expect that he would accept it so quickly and thought he would be hostile to her.

"I won't let you go in vain. Here is a bottle of orchid elixir. After taking it, a woman can look like a flower and have a temperament like an orchid."

"Lanzhi should like it."

"Oh?" So good!

Send me evidence and gifts, Holy Lord of Hundred Flowers, you are such a good person!

Xiao Fan bid farewell to the Holy Lord and was in a good mood.

Last time I begged, even if I wanted to touch dad's purple orchid fairy sword I had to run to my mother, this time, I want you to send it to me yourself!

[Ding, you instructed Xia Huaxuan to use the Sword of Luck to kill the protagonist Fei Yangyang. ]

[Villain points obtained: 88888 points. ]

Um? Fei Yangyang is gone?

Sure enough, the licking dog didn't even deserve a chance to appear.

Good thing!


(~˘▾˘)~Don't forget to send your power-stones!~(˘▾˘~)

TheBoredWriter69 TheBoredWriter69

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