( Perseus's POV )
Perseus fought against Neatwit with the passion of a dead-man, who had already given up on life.
As their blades collided, Perseus did not seem to be fighting particularly hard, however had not completely given up either, as he seemed to be waiting for Neatwit to launch a big attack to die in one clean slash.
Blade clashed against blade, metal clashed against metal and Neatwit seemed to be gaining an upper hand with every subsequent exchange, making it harder and harder for Perseus to counter, as he seemed to be getting progressively closer and closer to a win.
However, at that moment, something unexpected happened inside the third floor of the prison, as using the exit stairs that connected the third floor of the prison directly to the basement of the Floor Master's Palace, two hooded men suddenly entered the area.
[ Wind Palm ]
[ Dark Mist ]
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