"Think about it Mama, do you really want to leave the little cute Chun alone with an evil man like me? I mean what if I get hungry and crave some rabbit meat?" Rocky asked, as immediately he put his hands up in guard anticipating a slap from Mama Chun, however, this time instead of his cheeks, he got hit in the abdomen as Rocky instantly keeled over from the impact.
Feeling winded Rocky coughed out some phlegm, before regaining his composure as he wiped off the small tears that had formed in his eyes.
"Boohoo, evil human, are you really planning on turning my cute little Chun into rabbit stew? Did you not just promise to take care of him? Was it all a lie?" Mama Chun asked, as she hugged her little cute baby tight against her bosom and shielded him from Rocky's evil gaze.
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