( Tower Of Ascension, Floor 18 )
Rocky, Erin and Buhara attempted to clear floor 18 of the tower of ascension as a team, as they found themselves currently engaged in a quest to clear the floor raid.
The quest given to them was for them to capture a total of 2,000 fishes from the local lake and to kill the lake urchins that had been infesting and heckling local fishermen.
To clear the quest, Rocky, Erin and Buhara went out into the lake inside a small boat, with Rocky calling the shots on how to clear the quest.
"Buhara, you need to stay inside the boat and provide us with cover in-case either me or Erin are forced to resurface because of the opponents we face.
If not, then you will be responsible to pull the fishnets that we spread out below and capture the fish.
Erin, you need to cast an underwater breathing spell on me and yourself as the two of us will dive in to spread the nets and deal with the lake urchins.
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