After discussing future plans about saving Riva and establishing a roadmap, Rocky took his leave from within the True Elites Guild and made his way back towards the tower as he hoped to return to university for nourishment of young talents.
Refusing all offers for interviews and public appearances, Rocky requested Association Leader Cody for a quick departure from Earth, as although Cody was not keen on letting Rocky go without him getting the proper appreciation that he deserved, when Rocky insisted that he absolutely had to return back to the university as soon as possible, Cody helped arrange a covert convoy for Rocky to return.
" Vorithra Sylithen"
" Vorithra Sylithen"
" Vorithra Sylithen"
Once more, as Rocky prepared to enter the tower and approached its vicinity, he heard the same chant as he did the first time he entered the tower as for a moment Rocky paused, looking around as he wondered where the sound was coming from?
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