( Rocky's POV )
Rocky noticed the loud noise coming from the tower entrance.
With all the bright attacks and strong shockwaves, it was hard to miss. But he couldn't let himself get too distracted as he had to mirror the God Ravan, which was his top priority.
"Quick revision boy, what was the second rule?" Ravan asked Rocky, as without missing a beat Rocky replied "Battlefield Awareness".
Grinning, Ravan threw him a thumbs up sign as he was happy with Rocky's response.
This was the first time that Ravan was interacting with Rocky and although he was only demonstrating and restricting his movements to a fighting style that Rocky could mirror, he also acknowledged the fact that Rocky was doing a good job keeping up with the pace he set for him.
9999999/10000000 warrior's would have failed to keep up with the pace War God Ravan set for them, however, Rocky was special.
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