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75% Marvel: Silver Superman in Mutant Academy / Chapter 57: Chapter 57 : Sentinel!

Chapter 57: Chapter 57 : Sentinel!

"Indeed, the Professor had long been aware of Sentinel's existence."

As the three first-generation Sentinels materialized in the air, Carl grasped the purpose behind this training session.

Evidently, Professor X was privy to the clandestine Sentinel initiative of the United States.

Being the most formidable telepath, he held the ability to uncover the deepest secrets of ordinary individuals.

Yet, at this juncture, Sentinel technology remained flawed and relatively feeble. Professor X, mindful of maintaining a delicate balance with humanity, refrained from outright intervention.

Perhaps he recognized the futility of such attempts.

Even if he were to halt the Sentinel project, other schemes would inevitably surface.

These initiatives stemmed from the pervasive fear among those in power toward mutants endowed with extraordinary abilities.

Nonetheless, inaction was not an option.

Thus, based on available Sentinel data, the Professor conceived targeted training exercises for confrontational scenarios.

In readiness for the unforeseen emergence of Sentinel, the X-Men would not be caught off guard.

Little could anyone envision, whether it be Professor X or humanity at large, that these Sentinels would evolve into near-invincible entities in the days to come.

They would not only decimate mutants within a decade but also exterminate the majority of humans harboring the latent X-gene, plunging the world into a silent apocalypse.

This invincibility pertained specifically to ordinary mutants.

Individually, even in the future, a select few mutants could vanquish Sentinels through coordinated efforts.

However, the crux of the matter lay in their sheer numbers.

Mutants might collaborate, but Sentinels equipped with shared abilities and information networks presented a formidable challenge. For every one destroyed, a dozen more would rise to take its place.

In such a scenario, there existed no solution unless one possessed the absolute power to obliterate all Sentinels.

In the midst of Carl's contemplation, the trio of Sentinels in the sky dispersed, each targeting a distinct objective.

Two descended upon Wolverine and his companions, while the remaining one homed in on him.

Perched upon the Sentinel's shoulder was a modern weapon: a mechanical arm housing a machine gun with a 20mm caliber barrel, trained directly at Carl.

A barrage of gunfire erupted instantaneously, the deafening roar echoing through the air as countless bullets tore through the surroundings at breakneck speed.

Yet, in the very moment the machine gun discharged, Carl's form vanished from its original position.

Immediately, a bullet capable of piercing a 40mm steel plate landed on the rooftop, blasting the hard cement into deep craters the size of a water basin, showcasing its formidable power.

Such force, if unleashed upon ordinary individuals, would undoubtedly tear them to shreds.

Even Carl, in his current state, dared not confront it head-on. Instead, he utilized the rooftops, leaping from one building to another with astonishing agility.

Similarly, the two Sentinels below opened fire, their cannons unleashing a barrage aimed at Wolverine and the others, who were forced into constant evasion, with no opportunity for a direct counterattack.

One of the Sentinels even deployed a howitzer from its body, intensifying the suppression.

As the bombardment continued to rain down upon the surrounding buildings and streets, Iceman and his comrades found themselves in a precarious situation.

However, this onslaught couldn't last forever. After a minute, the 2,000 rounds of ammunition carried by the Sentinels were depleted, and the barrage abruptly ceased.

The moment the barrage ended, the Sentinels that had landed on the ground proceeded to breach the walls of the buildings.

Transformed into his steel form, Colossus erupted from the wreckage with ferocity.


A punch, brimming with kinetic force, struck Sentinel's chest, shattering the armor plating under the tremendous impact.

Simultaneously, as Sentinel's attention was drawn towards Colossus, Storm emerged in the distance, enveloped by swirling winds as she ascended.

With both hands raised, Storm directed a barrage of lightning bolts at Sentinel.

Crack! Crack!

The bolts descended from the sky, slashing across Sentinel's metallic frame, showering sparks across its surface.

Observing this, Colossus dropped to the ground, a smile forming on Storm's distant visage.

After all, metal conducts electricity, and by disrupting the internal circuits of the robots, they would naturally cease to pose a threat.

Yet, just as Sentinel was being bombarded by electric sparks, its surface suddenly shifted in color, morphing into a silver-black hue akin to Colossus, the transformation occurring at a visible rate.

Remarkably, upon contact, Sentinel simulated Colossus's abilities.

Despite Colossus being referred to as such, the substance he transforms into is actually carbon steel, akin to osmium, boasting strength second only to Adamantium and Vibranium, and possessing high-strength insulating properties.

The lightning surrounding Sentinel's body dissipated instantly.

The abrupt change startled both Storm and Colossus. Colossus was struck by a massive robotic force, sending him hurtling into a building dozens of meters away.

The robot then fixed its gaze upon Storm in the distance. Its silver-black metallic eyes transitioned to a white hue at a speed discernible to the naked eye, emitting an aura faintly reminiscent of Storm's energy.


Suddenly, sparks erupted from the robot's head, followed by a loss of response. With a loud thud, it collapsed to the ground.

In light of this unexpected turn of events, Storm and Colossus exchanged puzzled glances.

"I never imagined that this robot would fail to replicate Storm's abilities and self-destruct," remarked Storm.

Meanwhile, Sentinel, who had been in pursuit of Wolverine and the others, touched down on the ground. Kitty, who had appeared suddenly, seized his left leg.

In an instant, his entire body blurred and sank, with his lower half becoming ensnared in the ground in the blink of an eye.

Seizing the opportunity, Iceman dashed out onto the street, unleashing a torrent of cold air from his hands akin to a high-pressure water gun, engulfing Sentinel and freezing him into a solid mass in the blink of an eye.

Kitty, appearing from a distance, breathed a sigh of relief.

Observing the extensive freeze, Iceman, with a relaxed smile, quipped, "It seems this robot isn't all that powerful."

However, upstairs, Wolverine furrowed her brow. Her instincts warned her that danger still lingered.

Wolverine's eyes narrowed as he noticed the robot's body beneath the ice turning red. He couldn't help but shout, "Be cautious, it's still alive!"


The frozen Sentinel erupted into flames, transforming into a towering inferno that melted away the ice and obliterated it.

Yet, after expending energy to melt the ice, the robot's flames dwindled, revealing a dark red surface akin to cooled magma.

And then...


The robot's head fell.

When it seemed futile to confront him head-on, Wolverine swiftly moved into action. With a burst of energy, he leaped from an elevated position, landing stealthily behind the towering robot.

Seizing the opportunity as it struggled to break free from the icy grip, Wolverine's adamantium claws sliced through the air, severing the robot's head and ending its menace for good.


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